Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Export Manufacturers will benefit when Ringgit is 17 year low - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Thu, 24 Sep 2015, 10:38 AM
Koon Yew Yin
0 1,429
An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

The chart below shows that our ringgit has fallen from Rm 3.20 to Rm 4.35 ( 35%) in one year. 

All manufacturers which sell their products in US$ will benefit. The additional 35% profit requires no additional effort. They do not need additional raw materials, labour, capital, expenditure etc to make additional profit, literally profit for doing nothing.

The normal profit for a fairly good company is between 5-10% per year.  

VS Industry, Latitude Tree and Lii Hen export about 90% of their products in US$. VS is the Malaysia largest computer Chip manufacturer. Latitude Tree and Lii Hen are the 2 largest Malaysia furniture manufacturers.

I have been recommending these 3 shares for a long time. Many smart readers have benefitted but there are only a few critics who obviously did not buy these shares.  VS is my largest investment.  

I am obliged to tell you that I am a substantial shareholder of the above mentioned 3 companies.  

Lii Hen: Price shot up from Rm 2.50 to Rm 7.00 with in 12 months

Latitude Tree: Price shot up from Rm 1.00 to Rm 7.30 within 24 months.  

VS Industry: Price shot up from Rm 1.50 to Rm 7.05 within 15 months (One share split to 5 shares)


Is VS still a good buy after it has gone above Rm 7.00 or Rm 1.40 after the share split?

The above chart is encouraging you to buy. My reasons are:

Its 3rd quarter eps was 39.80 sen while MPI’s was 39 sen. MPI’s 4th quarter eps was 18 sen as announced at end of Aug. making its annual eps of 57 sen.

VS will announce its 4th before end of Sept. as its financial year end in July. VS’s quarterly revenue is always about 30% more than MPI. VS exports about 90% of its products in US$ and in view of our Ringgit being 17 year low, we can expect VS to announce a higher profit than MPI.

The CEO of VS gave an interview which was reported by the Star newspaper recently and KLSC queried him. Here is his explanation as announced on Bursa:    

We refer to the article “Exciting time for VS” published in The Star newspaper dated 5 September 2015. We wish to clarify as follows:-

We confirm that almost 90% of sales are transacted in US Dollar

We confirm that VS hopes to achieve 10% to 15% growth in terms of sales and net profit for the financial year ending 31 July 2016.

After reading this CEO’s statement, I strongly believe VS has very good profit growth prospect for this year and next year.

As you know KLCI has been dropping for more than 2 years and foreign institutional investors have been selling and running away. In spite of this fact, VS is still going up with huge daily transaction. I can imagine when the foreign fund managers return, they will rush to buy VS.

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6 people like this. Showing 50 of 82 comments


Posted by Koon Yew Yin > Jul 7, 2014 10:06 AM | Report Abuse
Lohman, I appreciate and understand your comment. My main object in saying that I bought large amount of Jaya Tiasa and Mudajaya is to show my confidence in them, although it may sound like bragging. Can you imagine what the readers will say when the price of these 2 counters come down after I boasted? I will have to find place to hide

Price Jul 7, 2014
Mudajaya: 2.65
JTiasa : 2.66

Price yesterday
Mudajaya : 1.03
Jtiasa :1.23

2015-09-24 17:58


所以建议大家要拿捻小心,如果中可以逢低买进,老koon为了维持margin limit 会进来推高后,再反手卖给他。

2015-09-24 18:03


Return so far

Mudajaya : -61.13%
Jtiasa : -56.76%

Posted by timetokoon > Sep 24, 2015 05:58 PM | Report Abuse X

Posted by Koon Yew Yin > Jul 7, 2014 10:06 AM | Report Abuse
Lohman, I appreciate and understand your comment. My main object in saying that I bought large amount of Jaya Tiasa and Mudajaya is to show my confidence in them, although it may sound like bragging. Can you imagine what the readers will say when the price of these 2 counters come down after I boasted? I will have to find place to hide

Price Jul 7, 2014
Mudajaya: 2.65
JTiasa : 2.66

Price yesterday
Mudajaya : 1.03
Jtiasa :1.23

2015-09-24 18:05


KYY encourage newbies to use margin account. Old newbies all kena.

2015-09-24 18:09



2015-09-24 18:13


You can find Lohman at Chow Kit, free KYY cream for customers

Return so far

Mudajaya : -61.13%
Jtiasa : -56.76%

Posted by timetokoon > Sep 24, 2015 05:58 PM | Report Abuse X

Posted by Koon Yew Yin > Jul 7, 2014 10:06 AM | Report Abuse
Lohman, I appreciate and understand your comment. My main object in saying that I bought large amount of Jaya Tiasa and Mudajaya is to show my confidence in them, although it may sound like bragging. Can you imagine what the readers will say when the price of these 2 counters come down after I boasted? I will have to find place to hide

2015-09-24 18:13


For those who are willing to pay tuition fees to learn a lesson from Koon, please buy the furniture counters recommended by him. It OK to buy at any price. Never regret to learn a life experience from VIP Koon Koon. Learn the experience from a superinvestor ma. kikiki

2015-09-24 20:30


Don't shy away from these furniture counters. You should look for high grow stock. High share price doesn't matter cause I am the biggest supporter. You know my solid background, right? That's why you don't need a risk management. Just buy as what I said cause I am a super investor. Don't miss a life time opportunity. Don't listen to those losers or naysayers. You will be striking a lottery soon when you follow me. Santa Clause is coming to town.

2015-09-24 20:42


Both Liihen and Latitud already peaked. Don't you see their prices can't climb anymore?

2015-09-24 23:58


homeritz looks the most attractive now Koon

2015-09-24 23:59


Yaya, sinkar fish said buy Btm, Just follow, dun ask

2015-09-25 00:55

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear murali,

Please leave me out, I am not recommending buy or sell in VS. I cannot predict market direction.
Basing on the chart, the momentum is very strong.
Thank you.

2015-09-25 08:58

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2015-09-25 09:04


what is mean is got ppl goring up to sell........

2015-09-25 09:09


Is VS the largest computer chip.manufacturer in M'sia? I don't think so.

2015-09-25 09:12


This "masterpiece of writing" is clearly solely produced by Koon Koon alone. U can make some good laugh...

2015-09-25 09:14


Hi Murali,

I think it is fair to leave out OTB in this. The focus is uncle Koon and potentially those newbies reading this thread. Actually I did respect uncle Koon before, but his actions disappointed me. The way he promoted his shares + not telling his supporters when to cut loss (even when he did mass selling himself) is really a dcik move.

P/S: I personally never bought shares he recommended before as I don't like those companies (Mudajaya&Jtiasa) after I did my due diligence. However, these stocks in this thread are good but one should ponder about the timing and the past movement. Newbies like myself, do our homework first. Logic is a must in investment.

2015-09-25 09:30

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear murali,
Thank you.
I cannot take too much fun because I have a lot of fund to take care.

2015-09-25 09:36


OTB does prove that he is a good investor and is always humble. I respected him and Kcchongnz for their views and knowledge. They also admitted if they have done any mistake. We all make mistakes, they make less mistakes and even admitted them. Having these people in i3 is a privilege for continuous learning n thought provoking. All to make us a better investor

2015-09-25 09:55


Mr Murali, a good intention of yours, when over done, will bias into meaningless action. Hope you get the positive message. Life move on. Cheers!

2015-09-25 10:06


Dear YiStock, so do you want me to just let Koon Koon posting threads by threads, promoting his VS,LAtitude,Liihen again n again and do nothing?

2015-09-25 10:19

Tey Tian Foo

Mr Koon, Thank you for good write up. Just one small correction, VS's main business is Injection Moulding, not computer chips.

2015-09-25 10:26


Dear Murali, a suggestion of better approach, is for you to do some research on each and every company that recommended by other people, supported with facts and figures on your agreement and disagreement. This will prompt the formation of better investing community. The info will then be interpreted by individual readers and decide whether to buy or not to buy, to follow or not to follow.

I suggest you to do it NOW if you are on any disagreement to any new recommendation.

If you have done similar effort back in 2013 for mudajaya when cost "NEAR" over run was first detected, to now of over run by more than 30% of original cost, i believe that serve more positive purposes.

Hope you get the positive message. Good Luck.

2015-09-25 10:34


I am old enough and my money is enough for me to spend in my next life. You remember my classic statement? My intention is NOBLE. But I can't resist the taste of ikan bilis after eating for many years. I don't really care about money but but chasing anchovy is my hobby. You know it's like kind of....Yummy!

2015-09-25 11:00


My followers? I don't know who is them. I only just they follow me because they want to take advantage of my VIP position. They intend to take money out of my pocket. Is their intention devil? You think I am so gullible meh? You must know share market (casino) is almost like zero sum game. You can't blame me when they are being too greedy (or naive) and neglect to cut loss. Congrad to those who successfully get some money out from pocket but remember nothing is forever. Don't be complacent. I would take back all from you in a fine one day . kikki

2015-09-25 11:44


Finally OTB made peace.....his offensive play is top notch but defensive play is only for the rich.

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > Sep 25, 2015 09:04 AM | Report Abuse

I just do not believe the momentum is so strong.
It does not recommend buy or sell. It can be buying momentum since the price moved up north further.

Please leave me out.
Thank you.

2015-09-25 13:28


Anti-Koon's statement towards vs,liihen, latitude :

Koon promote at 4.00 - Price already peak, old man want to dumped !
Koon promote at 4.50 - Price already peak, old man want to dumped !!
Koon promote at 5.00 - Price already peak, old man want to dumped !!!
Koon promote at 5.50 - Price already peak, old man want to dumped la sial
Koon promote at 6.00 - Price already peak, old man want to dumped
Koon promote at 6.50 - Price already peak, old man want to dumped fxck
Koon promote at 7.00 - Price already peak, old man want to dump!!!!!

damn funny
really funny yo

2015-09-25 14:18


today i find OTB is very funny too. Not his norm, but it sound like he made money type of happy. Don't quote me...i maybe wrong...it just sounds like he is happy and smiling today for some reason

2015-09-25 14:21


Koon Koon has this kind of habit, he likes to sell when asking everybody to buy...

Posted by Koon Yew Yin > August 30, 2015
Unfortunately, CPO price started to fall in June or July 2014 when JT price went up above Rm 2.70. As I said before you must not hesitate to sell when the reason to buy is no longer valid. Of course I sold as quickly as I could.

Posted by Koon Yew Yin > Jul 7, 2014 10:06 AM | Report Abuse

Lohman, I appreciate and understand your comment. My main object in saying that I bought large amount of Jaya Tiasa and Mudajaya is to show my confidence in them, although it may sound like bragging. Can you imagine what the readers will say when the price of these 2 counters come down after I boasted? I will have to find a place to hide.

2015-09-25 14:52


That why koon ask you guy buy more export company where he can reimburse his mistake in rsawit, jtiasa and mudajaya, but you guy choice not to believe him anymore ,on the other hand choice to hating and attacking, blame who??

2015-09-25 14:56


Who said we are haters or anti koon. Ah Koon is like family. We only want to warn newbies. Wrong meh?

2015-09-25 14:57


When Ah Koon sell, he ask you to buy

2015-09-25 15:04


Ah Koon brag he got millions to donate but when you come to listen to his seminar, you get tea and biscuit, cost you RM 175.00

2015-09-25 15:07


Besides Murali, there are other clueless nuts like Timetokoon, CM, Tom, Up_down who are still holding Jaya Tiasa and Mudajaya. They continue to grumble, groan and mourning as if they have lost their beloved mothers.

Posted by murali > Sep 25, 2015 03:08 PM | Report Abuse

After Koon Koon dumped all, he will then add salt to your wounds...

2015-09-25 15:10


I am a trader, a super trader. I buy big and sell big. I would treat a counter as investment when I don't have chance to escape ie Xingquan. It makes sense for a trader to swing up and down or left and right. You know how fishing work or not? My purpose is to make pocket profit in short period of time. That's why I love theme stocks. At my age, nothing is more interesting than playing poker game in the stock market to fill up my time. Don't come to blame me if you make any losses. It's your business. You must ask yourself why why why being so naive, stupid, gullible... Anyway, I offer you a tough experience reminding you in your life so that you would be smarter in future.

2015-09-25 15:13


As I said when you buy I might be selling, so be careful. You buy at your own risk.
Posted by Koon Yew Yin > Feb 7, 2014 08:57 AM | Report Abuse

kk122 and musang_foxking accuse me of promoting Jaya Tiasa aggressively so that I can sell at a higher price and take undue advantage of you small investors. As the bible says "The truth will set me free". If you cannot see the difference of a confidence trickster and one who is genuinely interested to teach you how to fish instead of giving you fish, I am sorry for you.

I know I have a special talent and experience to share with readers who are interested and help them make more money. In all the lessons, I often used JT as an example to illustrate why I dare to buy more than 40 million shares. I even told you that I bought 4.5 million JT on 31st Dec last year at Rm 2.04 from some desperate foreign funds who wanted to close their books.

As I said before statistics shows that fund managers cannot beat the market index and they cannot buy JT because it has very poor current earnings. But I look at JT as a businessman,

JT’s main business is timber. It has 2,400 sq kilo meter of forest which can supply all the required raw material for its manufactured products while competitors have to import logs. With this competitive advantage, JT’s profit is sustainable for a long time. The company has used all its cash flow to plant oil palms aggressively and also trees for reforestation. As a result, it did not show much profit but its 62,800 ha of oil palms has a market value more than twice of its market capitalization. It also planted more than 30,000 ha of fast growing trees. As a businessman I see this tree planting is like stocking raw material for its future use. Most people cannot see this point. In fact, tree planting can be a separate long term profitable business.

As according to its last annual report, the average age of its palms is only 5.6 years old. That is why it is not showing mush profit. But basing on its FFB production growth any investor with some imagination can foresee that its production will continue to increase, bearing in mind that palm will only peak at the age of 11 or 12 years.

I along cannot push up the price as you can see the daily volume. All my remiesers can vouch that I did buy to push up 11 sens, yesterday. A RHB chartist told me that the moving average has passed ?? line and it is the best time to buy.

A famous plantation analyst told me that he has been promoting JT to some local and foreign funds and they are beginning to buy. As I said when you buy I might be selling, so be careful. You buy at your own risk.

If JT cannot perform I will have no place to hide my face. As the bible say "The truth will set me free"

2015-09-25 15:20


一将功成万骨枯 。。。。

2015-09-25 20:32


talk trash again....when did i become his supporter? are you blind jor?

Posted by murali > Sep 25, 2015 03:24 PM | Report Abuse

Koon Koon,

1.When did u realise that u were being played out by the Indian Partner in Mudajaya's case?

2.When did u start disposing yr shares?

3.Why u never bother to alert your loyal supporters such as Johnny Cash etc? The price was around RM1.80 in Dec 2014. If u could highlight these to your loyal supporters in Dec 2014 (after u disposed all yr shares n u are oredi safe for sure), u still can save their ass...

4.Do u enjoy seeing your supporters (those clueless nuts like Timetokoon, CM, Tom, Up_down) holding Jaya Tiasa and Mudajaya and continue to grumble, groan and mourning as if they have lost their beloved mothers???

2015-09-25 20:53


Post removed.Why?

2015-09-26 02:41

Pakcik Saham

Good person & full respect Mr Koon...https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/313582

2015-09-26 19:05

Jal 贾彬得

mr.pakcik saham all these donation got purpose, just like how oprah winfree build school in africa hahahahaha

2015-09-26 19:14


Post removed.Why?

2015-09-26 19:17

Jal 贾彬得

get flagged for sharing the truth , its alright i play role to inform , wana believe or not its up to individuals

2015-09-26 19:44

Jal 贾彬得

get flagged for sharing the truth , its alright , i play the role to inform , want to believe or not its up to individuals.

2015-09-26 19:51


Tq mr.koon for the great contributions!!!hope it will come thru asap.

2015-09-26 20:04


Post removed.Why?

2015-09-26 20:28


support u VS!!!

2015-09-28 20:46


Mr. Koon, I just joined your blog after reading the article in Malaysian Insider. I wish to commend you hugely on your wonderful philantrophy and a life well lived. I was reading your comments on VS, its last done on 2nd Oct was rm1.38. Can one still buy at this price especially after the split, and what upside do you anticipate in the next 6-9 months? Thanks!

2015-10-03 11:56


Mr Koon, all 3 stocks has been around for some time now and they have not seem much action either until Jan'14. Forgive me but your timing seems impeccable.

2015-10-03 22:02

Peter Lee

you r a great man ,if our leader like you,malaysia will be in first world,tq

2015-10-07 11:15

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