Koon Yew Yin's Blog

US has atrocious human rights record - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Sat, 27 Mar 2021, 07:31 PM
Koon Yew Yin
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An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

At the US-China meeting in Alaska, the first high-level meeting between U.S.-Chinese officials under the new Biden administration got off to a chilly start with senior American diplomats accusing China of the ill treatment of the people in Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan and the Chinese officials alleging America is a human rights hypocrite due to its mistreatment of Black citizens.

US Secretary of State must remember when he points 1 finger at China, his 3 other fingers are pointing at himself. US has the most atrocious human right track record. How can the US criticise China? 

US track record on human rights

Ethnic minority groups in the United States faced systematic and continuous racial discrimination in 2020, according to the latest report on human rights violations in the U.S.

Higher death rates of African Americans

African Americans were three times as likely as whites to be infected by COVID-19, twice as likely to die from the coronavirus, and three times as likely to be killed by the police, the report said.

George Floyd, a 46-year-old unarmed African American, died in May 2020 after a white police officer in Minneapolis knelt on his neck for several minutes, sparking a global outcry. Before that, Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old Black woman, was shot eight times and killed by police in her Louisville, Kentucky home on March 13, 2020.

Later in August, 29-year-old Jacob Blake was severely injured after police officers shot him seven times in the back as he was getting into his car in Wisconsin. The incident happened in front of the man's three kids who were in the vehicle.

According to data from Mapping Police Violence, a research group, U.S. police shot and killed a total of 1,127 people last year, and African Americans accounted for 28 percent of them.

Covid 19 pandemic

In addition, the pandemic in the U.S. has disproportionately impacted people of color. The infection rate, hospitalization rate and death rate of African Americans were respectively three times, five times and twice that of their white counterparts, according to a report by the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent to the UN Human Rights Council in August 2020.

Violence against Asian Americans on the rise

Since the onset of the pandemic, the incidents of Asian Americans being humiliated and assaulted in public have accelerated and some American politicians have misled the public on purpose, the report said. 

Eight people, six of whom were Asian women, were killed in shootings at three different spas in Atlanta, Georgia, last week. A 21-year-old white man has been charged with these murders.

Gun Violence among Americans

Every day, more than 100 Americans are killed with guns and more than 230 are shot and wounded. The effects of gun violence in America extend far beyond these casualties—gun violence shapes the lives of millions of Americans who witness it, know someone who was shot, or live-in fear of the next shooting.

In order to illustrate the magnitude of everyday gun violence Everytown has gathered the most comprehensive, publicly available data. Still, significant data gaps remain—a result of underfunded, incomplete data collection at the state and federal levels. Filling these gaps is necessary to truly understand the full impact of gun violence in America.




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1 person likes this. Showing 14 of 14 comments


USA govt. is right on human rights to kill other fellow beings. wakaka

2021-03-27 20:00


Due to our identification with certain groups like ethinicity, religion, economic status etc., discrimination between people can be seen almost everywhere. What should be our concern should be state administered descrimination which targets certain ethnic and religious groups due to their inability to conform to the state's acceptable believe system, a notable feature of authoritarian societies. The normal descrimination between individuals of different groups of people could only be managed through education and better social upbringing. Noted that you always seem to be targeting the US. Would like to see what you think about countries like China - which is so much in the news these days, for instance, in relation to Tibet, Xingiang, Inner Mongolia etc. I really like your analytical approach to discussing social issues.

2021-03-27 22:35


its SOP for CIA/ NED...........with the help of western media. Another weapon of mass destruction.

2021-03-27 22:39


western media, western politicians...if they are not hypocrites they cannot survive.

2021-03-27 22:41


no one can stop the gualos. That is the sad part.

2021-03-27 22:42


china has no atrocious human rights record, why, because the victims were all died, or shot

2021-03-28 18:54


poor dudes

2021-03-28 19:07



2021-03-28 19:48


The plagiarism is strong in this one

2021-03-28 19:53


for those who have commented on China pls do a trip to China and see for yourself instead of relying on media. What you see is what you get and not what you hear is the truth. I have been there many times no problem.

2021-03-29 12:48


I believe every countries has human right issues . The problem with US and its allies are the holier than thou attitudes or the pot is calling the kettle black or as in Malay proverb " Kokok berderai derai tapi ekor bergelumbang tahi" meaning The Corkeral try to show off its beautiful feathers but do not realise its tail is full of shits. While the Uighurs minority population has doubled in last 40 years, the Red Indians populations has almost extinct from 30 millions when.Christopher Columbus founded America. You can hardly find any aborigines in Australia today . Where are they ? They had been Exterminated by the bandits from Britain . It is outrageous for them to point their dirty fingers on others not to mention how the blacks and asians are being treated at theur own countries.

2021-03-29 13:08


ya meh?

2021-03-29 13:12


China protect the life & property of common citizen very well but USA the govt did a bad job, due to the issue of freedom overrides human safety loh!

2021-03-29 13:15


uncle why don't u share your opinion about airsia instead posting usa and china stuffs that is not related to bursa investors

2021-03-29 22:03

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