Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Number of Covid 19 cases solely depends on Government's efficiency - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Thu, 13 May 2021, 02:26 PM
Koon Yew Yin
0 1,428
An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

Managing a country is like managing thousands of various kinds of businesses. Good mangers produce good results and bad managers produce bad results.

Since the beginning of 2020, human societies worldwide have been facing a crisis; a communicable disease and its consequences. The novel coronavirus has been spreading in different countries and put the governments in the hard place of battling this virus alongside saving the economy.

When it comes to battling this disease, the involved governments have shown different levels of capability.

Former US President Donald Trump is a classic example of bad management. He did not even believe in wearing a face mask. He called it Konglu, a Chinese made virus. As a result, US has the most Covid 19 cases in the world.    

At the very first stage of facing the pandemic, countries like Canada, France, and Germany have indicated a lower-than-average inefficiency in preventing the spread of COVID-19, but after a while they faced an increase in their efficiency.

While some other countries like Australia and South Korea have managed to improve their performance in preventing the spread of COVID-19. To prevent the spread of coronavirus, various restrictions are applied to daily activities in different countries e.g., school closure, workings from home, and gatherings ban. However, some of these restrictions cause major economic costs. Labour markets in many countries have been influenced, as an overall increase in the unemployment rate is being observed.

The lockdown and other restrictions have also led to a GDP decline which affects all countries, but the developing countries suffer more than the others. So, in addition to the massive biological threat that COVID-19 has caused, it has short term economic consequences and long-term socio-economic impacts. The pandemic particularly makes the countries with lower level of economic development struggle more. These countries are not as prepared as developed countries to face such an economic shock; hence they are less likely to afford restrictions such as social distancing. Nevertheless, all involved countries are dealing with heavy pressure on their economy, the high unemployment rate, GDP reduction, an increase in poverty, and a decrease in manufacturing exports that translate into a recession for many countries.

What the world is dealing with is originally a health crisis, where the influences of it are very much related to the characteristics of each society. The virus is a communicable disease, so population characteristics are shown to play a role in the disease’s mortality rate. The age structure is one of these characteristics since the elderly are at higher risk.

Also, where the population is dense, the risk of spreading the virus is higher. Looking at the virus’s biological and socio-economic consequences indicates the importance of government capability in eliminating the multidimensional damage caused by COVID-19, i.e., government performance. The governments of affected countries and particularly the developing countries need to find out the trade off between saving lives and saving the economy.

Based on these reasons, the question that arises is how efficient the intervention policies of governments in different countries have been to deal with this pandemic?

I cannot comment on the Malaysian Government’s efficiency in managing the Covid 19 pandemic because about 2.5 years ago I wrote that we had the most Civil Servant per capita in the world, our Home Minister Tan Seri Muhyiddin, ordered to arrest me. The police grilled me for 2.5 hours at the Jelapang Police Station.

Currently US has the most Covid 19 cases in the world. It has 33.6 million Covid 19 cases and 597,785 deaths. Fortunately, these 2 figures are reducing due to massive vaccination.

India has 23.3 million Covid 19 cases and 254,000 deaths. Unfortunately, these 2 figures are surging. The number of daily new cases is about 400,000 as show on the chart above. At this rate, very soon India will have the most Covid 19 cases in the world.

Chinese method

All countries must follow the Chinese method of preventing the spread of the virus. China nips the problem at the bud. In January 2020, a few Covid 19 cases were discovered in Wuhan market. The Chinese Government immediately ordered lockdown and examined all the people who were in contact with the victims 2 weeks before and quarantine all of them. As soon as there were more Covid 19 cases, the Chinese Government ordered lockdown the whole region. All the people must stay at home. If anyone has to go out on emergency, he must wear a face mask and practise social distancing. He must wash his hands when he returned home. All the people must drink more water than they really need.

As a result, China has a total of 90,868 Covid 19 cases and 4,636 deaths. The daily new cases can be countered by your figures. It looks like China is the safest place to live in the world.



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yes, but also - vaccine efficacy

2021-05-14 00:34


most importantly go for the 1st vaccine when immediately available, do not wait for brand........this should be the best practise..this is due big vaccine shortage in the world right now mah!

Posted by stockraider > May 14, 2021 11:13 AM | Report Abuse X

Btw the New York times reported Sinovac is the number 1 world safest covid19 vaccine mah!

2021-05-14 11:20


getting vaccinated with whatever vaccine available is fine, but people must not be complacent thinking the war is over

you need to use the best available vaccine, this is mandatory

both govn & public should realize this and place all out effort to source this better efficacy vaccines ( isee only pfizer at the moment)

lets not be fooled

2021-05-14 11:22


Correctloh even if u r one of the stupi.d person vaccinated using pfizer u still not really protected mah!

U still need to becareful perhaps still continue wear mask & practise social distancing until we can gert herd immunity loh!

So whether if u use pfizer, sinopharm, sinovac, astra the best practise still need to be supplemented by good safety practise mah!

Posted by probability > May 14, 2021 11:33 AM | Report Abuse

no one is waiting la...but many stup*d people will think economy will recover in years time with this stup*d vaccine la...

that we dont want

they need to be prepared for second vaccination with pfizer lo


and govn must buy now...

Pfizer producing 2.5 Billion doses...its a shame if Malaysia cannot get this by 2021 and innoculate all!!!!

2021-05-14 11:41


Israel has proven it works without any restriction now with Pfizer...dont take chances and waste time any longer lor!!

we need to buy pfizer now lorr!!

its very very urgent lor...

2021-05-14 11:45


Lets be fair there are also down side in pfizer as in all other vaccine mah!

Do u want the truth or not ah ?

Posted by probability > May 14, 2021 12:04 PM | Report Abuse

people like you discouraging people with unfounded fear lor...the odds are very small... you can see israel a nation with 10million, deaths counts is very small lor....

Posted by GrowingRich > May 14, 2021 12:02 PM | Report Abuse

Israel probing link between Pfizer jab & heart problem in men under 30


2021-05-14 12:09


i see you have issues western vaccine superior than china lor...that looks like the main issue here....LOL!

2021-05-14 12:10


Post removed.Why?

2021-05-14 12:16


Post removed.Why?

2021-05-14 12:19


dont say something i never say lor..i repeatedly said..take whatever you have...but game is not over till you get pfizer equivalent ma...

Posted by stockraider > May 14, 2021 12:18 PM | Report Abuse

For 1% advantage u wait 2 to 3 years like a so0hai...is it not silly leh ?

Posted by probability > May 14, 2021 12:16 PM | Report Abuse

2021-05-14 12:24


Post removed.Why?

2021-05-14 12:30


good..my whole advocation is about govn needing to procure pfizer now for the whole nation, knowing that full economic & social recovery is not possible with astrazeneca & chinese vaccines..

nothing more - if you are not against above then no need to promote anything here lor....

there is no argument then

2021-05-14 12:35


Good Let me summarise the whole thing understanding here loh...!!

Quickly procure all vaccine required but giving preference to pfizer as the 1st choice loh! .

Posted by probability > May 14, 2021 12:33 PM | Report Abuse

good..my whole advocation is about govn needing to procure pfizer now fir the whole nation, knowing that full economic & social recovery is not possible with astrazeneca & chinese vaccines..

nothing more - if you are not against above then no need to promote anything here lor..

2021-05-14 12:38



2021-05-14 12:39









2021-05-15 20:18

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