Koon Yew Yin's Blog

How to end the Israel-Palestine war - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Fri, 27 Oct 2023, 03:15 PM
Koon Yew Yin
0 1,428
An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

Since Hamas attacked Israel on 7th Oct 2023, about 1,500 Israelis were killed, about 4,000 were injured and about 200 Israeli hostages.

The attack was the bloodiest in Israel’s history and involved Hamas-led gunmen infiltrating towns, rampaging through military positions, shooting travelers and residents, and firing thousands of rockets at a wide swath of the country. The attack triggered a massive Israeli retaliation with thousands of airstrikes on Gaza, killing thousands of people, including hundreds of children.

According to the Palestinian health ministry, more than 6,000 Palestinians have been killed and more than 18,000 have been injured in Gaza  in Israeli strikes since 7th October.

Danger of going into Gaza to fight with Hamas: 

Thousands of Israeli soldiers and hundreds of tanks are hesitating to enter Gaza to fight Hamas who are hiding in underground tunnels. If they enter Gaza to fight Hamas, it is most likely they will suffer more losses than Hamas. If they do not enter to fight Hamas, how can they stop Hamas from launching another attack?

Israel is in a dilemma.

The above map shows Israel is a small tinny country in the Arab world. The Arab world is a region in the Middle East and North Africa thatincludes countries where Arabic is the official language or where Arabic is widely spoken.

According to the World Atlas, there are 19 Arab countries in the world.

How to end the war???

The Israel-Palestine war is a complex and long-standing conflict that has no easy or definitive solution. However, some possible ways to end the war are:

  • The two-state solution: This is the most widely supported and internationally recognized proposal for resolving the conflict. It would create an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel, with mutually agreed borders and a shared capital in Jerusalem. Both sides would have to recognize each other’s right to exist and renounce violence. However, this solution faces many challenges, such as the expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories, the status of Palestinian refugees, the division of Jerusalem, and the security concerns of both parties.
  • The one-state solution: This is an alternative proposal that would create a single democratic state for both Israelis and Palestinians, with equal rights and representation for all citizens. This solution would eliminate the need for borders, checkpoints, and walls, and would allow for cultural and religious diversity. However, this solution also faces many obstacles, such as the lack of political will from both sides, the fear of losing national identity and sovereignty, and the difficulty of reconciling conflicting historical narratives and claims to the land.
  • The regional solution: This is a more recent proposal that would involve the participation of other Arab countries in the peace process, such as Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. This solution would aim to establish diplomatic and economic relations between Israel and its neighbors, and to address the broader issues of regional stability and security. This solution would also require the recognition of Palestinian statehood and the resolution of the core issues of the conflict. However, this solution also depends on the willingness of all parties to cooperate and compromise, and on the resolution of other regional conflicts, such as the civil war in Syria and the nuclear deal with Iran.

These are some of the possible solutions that have been proposed or discussed by various actors and stakeholders in the Israel-Palestine war. However, none of them are guaranteed to succeed or to satisfy everyone involved. Ultimately, the end of the war will depend on the political will, mutual trust, and sincere dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians, as well as the support and mediation of the international community.

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When typical chinese has nothing to back-up their view, this is what normally they would do to manupulate us thru their own understanding of moral or racial card hijacking our emotion feeling of guilty.

Most of the CCP supporters trying to play race cards it manupulates all Chinese MUST support CCP. CCP does not represent 100% China. Communism and Socialism are not original from ancient China. Those are rubbish from Westerns.

2023-11-15 16:14


When a Chineses look at qqq who could not master his own mother language and lost his identity. They look down at qqq.

2023-11-15 16:15


Amid flood silly Xi still on holidays any i.diot will think he will visit homeless.

2023-11-15 16:16


1. Kong Dongmei, granddaughter of Mao Zedong
2. Deng Zhifanf, son of Deng Xiaoping
3. Deng Zhuodi, grandson of Deng Xiaoping
4. Zhuo Yue, granddaughter of Deng Xiaoping
5. Jiang Mianheng, eldest son of Jiang Zemin
6. Jiang Zhicheng, grandson of Jiang Zemin
7. Hu Haiqing, daugter of Hu Jintao
8. Xi Mingze, daugter of Xi Jinping
9. Yang Jiechi, senior member of CCP entire family
10. too many just ignore the rest

Xi could hold a reunion gathering with all the above CCP members and his daughter in America.

Don't forget the newly born baby of Qin Gang. Ask Xi not too worry about the American citizen baby, he is too young to be spy.

2023-11-15 16:20


In 1980, China still at starvation level. Of course many Chinese would seek better opportunities else where

2023-11-15 17:00


Posted by IDQWE001 > 42 minutes ago | Report Abuse

1. Kong Dongmei, granddaughter of Mao Zedong
2. Deng Zhifanf, son of Deng Xiaoping
3. Deng Zhuodi, grandson of Deng Xiaoping
4. Zhuo Yue, granddaughter of Deng Xiaoping
5. Jiang Mianheng, eldest son of Jiang Zemin
6. Jiang Zhicheng, grandson of Jiang Zemin
7. Hu Haiqing, daugter of Hu Jintao
8. Xi Mingze, daugter of Xi Jinping
9. Yang Jiechi, senior member of CCP entire family
10. too many just ignore the rest

Xi could hold a reunion gathering with all the above CCP members and his daughter in America.

Don't forget the newly born baby of Qin Gang. Ask Xi not too worry about the American citizen baby, he is too young to be spy.

Silly Xi sister and brother in Law are Canada residents, will he fly to Canada visit them ?

All CCP top guns love to live in democratic countries after his father or grandfather step down. As such, they will never migrate to Russia, North Korea, Cuba etc.

2023-11-15 17:06


Ei, you guys want to fight or want to war please leave Japan alone.
I still want to watch Japanese action romance movie. Thanks for cooperation.

2023-11-15 22:32


Ada orang yg suka gaduh gaduh

2023-11-15 22:47


Post removed.Why?

2023-11-16 06:29


Once Al-Shifa Hospital is bombed to the ground, the Hamas resistance would be down to only a small fractions. Matter of weeks and Gaza would be leveled. OIC and Arab League meeting was for fine coffee, cakes and a few laughs, meeting up with old chums etc, etc....nothing to do about Israel.

2023-11-16 08:46


One Hama die ten Hama born

2023-11-16 08:47


...and that's the reason Israel wants total annihilation, exterminate and completely eradicated....

2023-11-16 08:49


Xi jinping is never afraid to defend the weak, fight corruption, defend the environment, defend the global south against imperialists imperialism, defend common prosperity, promote peace and multi polarity against America hegemony, Xi Jin ping vision includes shared values for humanity. Xi jinping has no tolerance for hypocrites. Xi jinping morals philosophy and governing principles are deeply rooted in China's own history culture and philosophy

Approval rating for Xi jinping in China is above 90%

2023-11-16 08:51


Making false testimony of anybody is bad. Making false testimony of own race is doubly bad.
Furthermore China morals governing philosophy culture is most attractive in the world for thousands of years

2023-11-16 08:55


Instead of making false testimony against China, the world has much to learn from the real China

2023-11-16 08:56


Post removed.Why?

2023-11-16 08:58


Post removed.Why?

2023-11-16 09:00


Posted by foongsh > 16 hours ago | Report Abuse

Posted by IDQWE001 > 42 minutes ago | Report Abuse

1. Kong Dongmei, granddaughter of Mao Zedong
2. Deng Zhifanf, son of Deng Xiaoping
3. Deng Zhuodi, grandson of Deng Xiaoping
4. Zhuo Yue, granddaughter of Deng Xiaoping
5. Jiang Mianheng, eldest son of Jiang Zemin
6. Jiang Zhicheng, grandson of Jiang Zemin
7. Hu Haiqing, daugter of Hu Jintao
8. Xi Mingze, daugter of Xi Jinping
9. Yang Jiechi, senior member of CCP entire family
10. too many just ignore the rest

Xi could hold a reunion gathering with all the above CCP members and his daughter in America.

Don't forget the newly born baby of Qin Gang. Ask Xi not too worry about the American citizen baby, he is too young to be spy.

Silly Xi sister and brother in Law are Canada residents, will he fly to Canada visit them ?

All CCP top guns love to live in democratic countries after his father or grandfather step down. As such, they will never migrate to Russia, North Korea, Cuba etc.

Silly Xi may consider to stay with his daughter in America after he retire because "Being Anti-America Is Work , Living In America Is Life". CCP love living in democratic and freedom country.

2023-11-16 09:15


APEC protesters turn out early on Xi Jinping-Joe Biden meeting day

SAN FRANCISCO: Protesters took to the streets of San Francisco on Wednesday (Nov 15) as a meeting between US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping took place, obstructing some entrances to the APEC conference and blocking downtown streets.

So many protesters welcome the silly Xi.

2023-11-16 09:24


Uncle got donate money boh?

2023-11-16 09:25


China shoul hold multi parties, free and fair election. Not just among the Communist Party.

Then we can see whether he still command the so called approval rating of 90%.

2023-11-16 09:27


You should go back to school and learn more about Politico Manifesto and the differences between Republics and Democracies.........

2023-11-16 09:31


You should go learning your mother language and not forget your own identity.

2023-11-16 09:42


1. Kong Dongmei, granddaughter of Mao Zedong
2. Deng Zhifanf, son of Deng Xiaoping
3. Deng Zhuodi, grandson of Deng Xiaoping
4. Zhuo Yue, granddaughter of Deng Xiaoping
5. Jiang Mianheng, eldest son of Jiang Zemin
6. Jiang Zhicheng, grandson of Jiang Zemin
7. Hu Haiqing, daugter of Hu Jintao
8. Xi Mingze, daugter of Xi Jinping
9. Yang Jiechi, senior member of CCP entire family
10. too many just ignore the rest

All these CCP donate their beloved US dollar.

2023-11-16 09:44


Just ask your self IDQ & Foongsh,
can QQQ change you?
if the answer is no, never
likewise, you can't change QQQ

Contrary, you are creating an avenue for QQQ to preach his CCP doctrine his very proud of.

2023-11-16 09:47


changing qqq just like changing silly Xi. Silly red guard army. ha .....

2023-11-16 11:46


what u call silly is a world leader of first order.

2023-11-16 12:23


No point to argue with a masochist blaming his lack of achievements on President Xi. This "Red Army" is standing proudly against the West and safeguarding the welfare and economic advancement of all Asians.

Why do we not see Chinese citizens fleeing their beloved country like in the 70s??? Why are Westerners and Asians alike wanting to get into China on long term stay????

We are proud to stand behind a level headed President Xi for the contributions and military might China has become to be.....Salute!!!

2023-11-16 12:42


Xi Jinping has check mate Biden. There is no good move left for Biden.

2023-11-16 12:51


Bravo silly CCP Xi:

Changes not seen for hundred years - entire real estate market bubble burst.

Changes not seen for hundred years - more and more developer founders go to jail.

Changes not seen for hundred years - homebuyers no home to stay with bad debts.

Changes not seen for hundred years - banking system loan to developers became non performance loan

Changes not seen for hundred years - ministers gone missing kena ISA worse than 3rd world coutries

2023-11-16 12:52


Probably IDQ aka Foong should beg in a corner for a plane ticket to visit China and open his eyes.......Nobody can open his heart as it is vile and stained with incurable poison.....

Some bad apples in a 1.4 billion populations and he sees the glass half filled.

2023-11-16 13:00


Probably qqq aka Bob should buy more CCP property to enjoy the status of negative assets.

2023-11-16 13:05


Ooohhh...you might be surprised! Wish I could own more........

2023-11-16 13:22


Red guard army only lip service. Talk only without action.

2023-11-16 13:28


Posted by IDQWE001 > 47 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Bravo silly CCP Xi:

Changes not seen for hundred years - entire real estate market bubble burst.

Changes not seen for hundred years - more and more developer founders go to jail.

Changes not seen for hundred years - homebuyers no home to stay with bad debts.

Changes not seen for hundred years - banking system loan to developers became non performance loan

Changes not seen for hundred years - ministers gone missing kena ISA worse than 3rd world coutries

Really many actions. Sekolah red guard army. Lol.

2023-11-16 13:41


Peace, tranquility, economic advancement, stronger currency, currently biggest debt collector of USD, higher standard of living for citizens, stronger armies and never before achievements in space explorations.................you called these WITHOUT ACTIONS???.......mana sekolah lu???

2023-11-16 13:50


China has the latest Space Station, landed a Rover on Mars and soon to colonise the Moon.......lu tau boh???

2023-11-16 13:50


Gov. Gavin Newsom is on the receiving end of a mountain of criticism after admitting that San Francisco’s speedy clean-up of dirty streets and homeless encampments was timed for the visit of Xi Jinping and other foreign dignitaries for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit this week.

The big picture: Many people on social media expressed outrage, criticizing Newsom and the Democratic Party for prioritizing the cleanup for foreign leaders instead of addressing the ongoing homelessness crisis in California.

Critics accused Newsom and other politicians of neglecting the needs of their own citizens and only taking action when foreign dignitaries are in town.
Some pointed out the hypocrisy of spending billions of dollars over the years to address the homelessness crisis, while San Francisco was able to clean up in just 48 hours.
Former Mayor of San Francisco and now Governor of California, Newsom, was specifically targeted for his admission and his policies.
Newsom defended the cleanup efforts, stating that it was part of the ongoing Clean California beautification project and aimed to showcase San Francisco as an extraordinary place for the visiting leaders.
The governor’s office responded to the criticism by stating that the reporting on the event had been misleading and pointed to the success of the Clean California initiative in cleaning up encampments statewide.
What they’re saying: “I know folks are saying, ‘Oh they’re just cleaning up this place because all those fancy leaders are coming to town.’ That’s true, because it’s true,” Newsom said at a Thursday press conference.

“The saddest part of this is that California’s leaders are showing they could clean up their streets – they just choose not to,” Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R-Ark.) wrote. “Here in Arkansas, we’re cracking down on crime, lowering taxes, and investing in communities. And we’re doing it for Arkansans, not the CCP.”
“How about instead of spending billions and billions over years and years to fight the homeless crisis, we just do what San Francisco did in 48 hours?” consultant and California native Andrew Clark wrote.

2023-11-16 14:02


BobAxelrod6868 > Nov 16, 2023 1:00 PM | Report Abuse
Probably IDQ aka Foong should beg in a corner for a plane ticket to visit China and open his eyes.......Nobody can open his heart as it is vile and stained with incurable poison.....

No need to visit China. How about visit US and see whether you can survive in the city subway or city park at night without getting yourself killed or robbed.

2023-11-16 14:09


1. Kong Dongmei, granddaughter of Mao Zedong
2. Deng Zhifanf, son of Deng Xiaoping
3. Deng Zhuodi, grandson of Deng Xiaoping
4. Zhuo Yue, granddaughter of Deng Xiaoping
5. Jiang Mianheng, eldest son of Jiang Zemin
6. Jiang Zhicheng, grandson of Jiang Zemin
7. Hu Haiqing, daugter of Hu Jintao
8. Xi Mingze, daugter of Xi Jinping
9. Yang Jiechi, senior member of CCP entire family
10. too many just ignore the rest

CCP loves America very much their action already told everybody.

2023-11-16 14:24


Whiteman got reasons to smear Xi Jinping smear China.
Malaysian also got reasons meh?

or is white men fart smells good to you?

2023-11-16 14:33


on tik tok, tremendous welcome of Xi Jinping from Chinese Americans in San Francisco.

that is what I call good Chinese.

2023-11-16 14:40


Posted by IDQWE001 > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

1. Kong Dongmei, granddaughter of Mao Zedong
2. Deng Zhifanf, son of Deng Xiaoping
3. Deng Zhuodi, grandson of Deng Xiaoping
4. Zhuo Yue, granddaughter of Deng Xiaoping
5. Jiang Mianheng, eldest son of Jiang Zemin
6. Jiang Zhicheng, grandson of Jiang Zemin
7. Hu Haiqing, daugter of Hu Jintao
8. Xi Mingze, daugter of Xi Jinping
9. Yang Jiechi, senior member of CCP entire family
10. too many just ignore the rest

CCP loves America very much their action already told everybody.

Action speaks louder. After silly Xi retire may join the group and stay together with his daugter.

2023-11-16 16:50


It bothers u meh? So I.diotic

2023-11-16 17:10


Feel very happy for him. Wish him have a good stay with his beloved daughter and reunion with the team.

2023-11-16 18:24


I.diot don't be jeoluos and happy for him.

2023-11-16 18:26


Every thing about China u hate so much for what?

So I.diotic

2023-11-16 18:56



Why is it main stream media will choose to ignore?

2023-11-16 19:24


MSM will reports lots of irrelevant stuffs ., stuffs idi.ots idqfoong find important.....

2023-11-16 19:26


Alibaba scraps plan to spin off cloud intelligence unit

Published Nov 16, 2023 01:11AM ET Updated Nov 16, 2023 07:04AM ET

Investing.com -- Alibaba (NYSE:BABA) has decided not to go ahead with a full spin-off of its key cloud unit, citing the impact of enhanced U.S. controls on exports of advanced computing chips and semiconductor manufacturing equipment to China.

“We believe that these new restrictions may materially and adversely affect Cloud Intelligence Group’s ability to offer products and services and to perform under existing contracts, thereby negatively affecting our results of operations and financial condition,” the Chinese e-commerce giant said in a statement.

U.S.-listed shares in Alibaba tumbled in premarket trading.

Understand the real world, be smart follow the smart money. Don't be fool.

2023-11-16 20:30

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