
Changing opinion like changing clothes

Publish date: Sun, 18 Feb 2018, 11:28 AM
Personal Opinion

Hi everyone,

From the recent two weeks, I am finally able to observe how does the market react to a correction. There is one thing that I truly resent in this forum:


1. People changing their opinion according to the movement of the INDEX.

- Once the DOW JONES went down 1000 points, I see many forummers saying that a bear market is coming and you are better off holding cash now.  A week later (Index rebounding), the same forummers will come out to recommend to buy more of their STOCK recommendations.


***Personal opinion:

a) If you have read multiple books, you will know that even the experts of the field cannot time the market, what more you?  I do not understand forummers that are posting their take on where the market is going, stop shitposting if your opinion changes like from day to day.

b) When the correction occurs, it is really easy to spot out the real contrarian from the fake. For example, I saw a self proclaimed contrarian commented this: Follow global trend, sell a batch first.   You are obviously contradicting yourself and following wherever the wind blows.

c) People truly never learn.... how many times do you want to be wrong before you admit to your mistakes and reflect on your investment philosophy? This 2 weeks was the quickest gauging period ever to spot out investors with the right mentality and preparation in the market.



Extra: Please do not see POINTS DROP as something big, please look at the % changes.

3 people like this. Showing 3 of 3 comments


thumb up!

2018-02-18 12:31

HIBISCUS SaiLang with TP RM4

Alot of 马后炮 in our marke ma

2018-02-18 12:36


It normal human emotions..

2018-02-18 12:41

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