Another MAS mishap

MAS plane crashes in Ukraine near Russian border

Publish date: Fri, 18 Jul 2014, 12:00 AM

A Malaysian passenger airliner with 295 people on board crashed in Ukraine near the Russian border on Thursday, the Interfax news agency cited an aviation industry source as saying.

The Boeing plane was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, it said.

Malaysia Airlines has sent out the following tweet: "Malaysia Airlines has lost contact of MH17 from Amsterdam. Last known position was over Ukrainian airspace. More details to follow."

The plane was due to arrive in Kuala Lumpur at 6.10am tomorrow.

The Interfax report said the plane came down 50km short of entering Russian airspace.

It "began to drop, afterwards it was found burning on the ground on Ukrainian territory," the unnamed source said.

The plane appeared to have come down in a region of military action where Ukrainian government forces are battling pro-Russian separatists.

A separate unnamed source in the Ukrainian security apparatus, quoted by Interfax, said the plane disappeared from radar at a height of 10,000 metres after which it came down near the town of Shakhtyorsk.

- Reuters









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mas 玩完了

2014-07-18 00:21


heard shoot by missile..........

2014-07-18 00:38


tomolo market sell down

2014-07-18 00:51



2014-07-18 01:21


how many more incidents like this before our govt realises the only way out is to close down MAS? Enough is enough!

2014-07-18 07:46


speakup - very STUPID comment you made

2014-07-18 07:50


Hopefully the Russian govt will compensate MAS by the billions and can turn around the company.

2014-07-18 07:54


Speakup, there has never been any incidents like this. It is not MAS's fault. It was a safe route flagged by ICAO. Even Russia's PM, Vladimir Putin was scheduled to be on the same route 30mins later. not to mention how many flights flew before it. Think before you say something bro. Dont put your god given intelligent wonderful brain to waste.

2014-07-18 07:57


Zylkron, we have been warned since April not to use the route. What you mean not Mas fault?

2014-07-18 08:05


My stupid thinking this time mas will rise cos the govt will definetly take action with mas and no one will say anything this time.

2014-07-18 08:10


MH370 and MH17 again? Coincident?

Just wonder.

2014-07-18 09:59

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