Ong Mali - Come, Let's Talk $Money$

Assessing July welcoming August

Publish date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015, 12:34 AM
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Its' already the end of July but unfortunately I can see that things seems to be going downhill for us.

There seems to be growing problems in the country as well as in all parts of the world.

In our case, it has been 1MDB over and over again. And then IGP said writing and sharing about it could became seditious. I got so fed-up with this that I deleted all the 3 articles on the blog which I posted earlier. 

There was the Low Yat incident which I happen to be around there around 8.30pm on that Saturday. 

Then there was the Greece debt bailout called Grexit which ended amicably but many analysts are saying will come back in 6 - 12 months time.

There is the China stock correction which has not ended yet. I told myself that the correction has still got legs to go on for some time. 

Then there were the sudden drop in the prices of all types of either hard or soft commodities - gold, oil, copper, silver, corn, wheat, etc. 

Some crash experts correctly pointed out that in the past few rounds, the drop in commodities preceded a stock market correction.

The super strong USD is another phenomenon in July especially when it broke the 3.80 level. 

This level is important because this is the number where the ringgit was pegged in 1998 during the Asian Financial Crisis. 

Does it mean we are in crisis? I hope not.

As for Frontkn, I am still holding on to the stock. But it is no longer a flying saucer stock.

Feeling bored but I do see a glimmer of hope for the stock in the upcoming August qtr results! 

See the big volumes? At least a couple of times a week, Frontkn will be in the top 10 - 20 most active volume counters. 

This is a sign that the big fish is still swimming around showing his hand.

Good riddance July, welcoming August! 


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An analyst was asked whether the impending crash can be avoided. He said `no'. His advice, `try to preserve your capital'. In the Malaysian context, how do we do it?

2015-07-31 02:05

johnny cash

companies related to china are affected,,,ifca is one of it

2015-07-31 08:46

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