RHB Research

Technology - Sticking To Our Bullish Stance

Publish date: Fri, 13 Mar 2015, 01:48 PM

We  remain  OVERWEIGHT  on  the  technology  sector  as  we  expect  the continued  weakness  in  the  MYR/USD  rate  to  support  sentiment  in  the near  term.  Over  the  medium  term,  we  remain  positive  on  the  global sales of smart devices on cheaper price points  and the introduction of new flagship models. Our Top Buys are Prestariang and Inari.

MYR  weakness.  The  majority  of  the  technology  companies  listed  in Malaysia  are  export-oriented,  with  over  90%  of  their  products  typically shipped to foreign countries in USD terms. Hence, the recent weakness of  the  MYR  against  the  USD  could  help  to  drive  earnings  growth  for these  players  come  their  1Q15  results  release  by  April/May.  To  recap, USD/MYR averaged at MYR3.60 YTD vis-à-vis 4Q14’s MYR3.37 (+6.8% QoQ) and 1Q14’s MYR3.30 (+9.1% YoY). Our in-house 2015 USD/MYR forecast  currently  stands  at  an  average  of  MYR3.60.  That  said,  we  do not  discount  the  possibility  of  short-term  volatility  on  the  upside  and estimate that every 1% depreciation of the  MYR against the USD could translate  into  a  potential  earnings  upgrade  of  3-5%  for  the  technology manufacturers under our coverage ceteris paribus.  

Brisk  sales  of  new  flagship  models.  Gartner  Research  reported  that global  smartphones  sales  closed  at  a  record  high  of  1.24bn  (+28.4% YoY)  units  in  2014.  We  expect  the  positive  momentum  to  sustain  for 2015,  albeit  at  a  relatively more moderate  10-15%  growth. This  will  be driven  by  the  launch  of  new  flagship  models  with  improved  hardware specifications in tandem with upgrades of operating systems. Notably in 4Q14,  Apple  (APPL  US,  NR)  overtook  Samsung  (5930  KS,  NR)  to
become the largest smartphone maker, having sold over 74.8m devices compared  with  Samsung’s 73.0m. The consensus is now forecasting  the  group  to  sell  55m-65m  iPhones  in  1Q15  (vis-à-vis  44m  units  in 1Q14). Samsung, meanwhile, unveiled its latest flagship devices, ie the Galaxy S6 and curved  Galaxy S6 Edge in early March. Since then, the Korean handset maker has broken its own pre-order record, clocking in 20m  pre-orders  so  far,  according  to  local  media  Korea  Times.  Xiaomi reiterates  its  target  to  sell  100m  devices  in  2015  (from  61.1m  units  in 2014). This, in our view, will be supported by its maiden high-end phablet offering,  ie  Mi  Note  and  Mi  Note  Pro  series,  which  were  sold  out  in  a record 3-minute session during its sales launch in January.  

Watch  out  for  other  smart  devices.  We  continue  to  believe  the potential  adoption  of  wearable  electronic  devices  could  help  spur consumer  spending  on  technology  gadgets  over  the  next  2-3  years. Ovum predicts that 400m wearable devices will be sold in 2020, up from 24m units in 2014. We see potential in the smartwatch space, although volume would likely be relatively insignificant to the smartphone industry for now, driven by cheaper price points as well as improvements in the smartwatch-focus  application  ecosystem.  We  believe  the  product  will appeal to health-conscious consumers as it allows users to track fitness levels  and  to  integrate  data  collected  into  a  single  account  to  provide useful insights.

1Q15 earnings could surprise on the upside
The majority of the technology companies listed in Malaysia are export-oriented, with over  90%  of  their  products  typically  shipped  to  foreign  countries  quoted  in  USD terms. As such, the MYR’s recent weakness against the USD will likely help to propel earnings growth for these players come their 1Q15 results release by April/May. The USD/MYR has averaged at MYR3.60 YTD vis-à-vis 4Q14’s MYR3.37 (+6.8% QoQ) and 1Q14’s MYR3.30 (+9.1% YoY).  

We  expect  the  current  downtrend  to  persist  over  the  immediate  term  as  the  US Federal  Reserve  is  widely  anticipated  to raise the country’s interest rate in due course  and  as  investors,  in  our  view,  are  pricing  in  the  potential  downgrade  of Malaysia's  sovereign  ratings  by  Fitch  Ratings  come  2Q15.  Our  in-house  2015 USD/MYR forecast  is  at an average of MYR3.60. That said, we do not discount the possibility  of  short-term  volatility  on  the  upside  and  estimate  that  every  1% depreciation in MYR against USD could mean a potential earnings upgrade of 3-5% for the technology manufacturers under our coverage, ceteris paribus.

Brisk sales of new flagship models
According to statistics from Gartner Research, global smartphones sales closed at a record  high  of  1.24bn  (+28.4%  YoY)  units  in  2014.  We  expect  this  positive momentum to sustain for 2015, though at a relatively more moderate 10-15% growth. This  will  be  driven  by  the  launch  of  new  flagship  models  with  improved  hardware specifications, in tandem with upgrades of operating systems. 

Notably  in  4Q14,  Apple  overtook  Samsung  to  become  the  top  smartphone  maker, selling  over  74.8m  devices  compared  with  Samsung’s  73.0m.  The  consensus currently  forecasts  that  the  group  would  sell  55m-65m  iPhones  in  1Q15  (vis-à-vis 44m units in 1Q14).  

To counter its market share decline, Samsung unveiled its latest flagship devices, ie the Galaxy S6 and curved  Galaxy S6 Edge in early March. Since then, the Korean handset maker  has broken  its  own  pre-order record,  clocking  in  20m  pre-orders  so far, according to Korea Times. HTC (2498 TT, NR), too, announced its 2015 flagship model, ie the HTC One M9, which is reportedly set to be launched by end-March. Within the mass market segment, meanwhile, Xiaomi has reiterated its target to sell 100m devices in 2015 (from 61.1m units in 2014). This, in our view, will be supported by  its  maiden  high-end  phablet  offering,  ie  Mi  Note  and  Mi  Note  Pro  series,  which were sold out in a record 3-minute session during the sales launch in January.

Tablets to see revamped product line-up
On  the  flip  side,  however,  global  tablet  sales  showed  some  signs  of  weakness  as 4Q14 shipments registered  their first YoY decline of 3.2% to close at 76.1m, based on International Data Corporation’s (IDC) compilation. We attribute the weakness to
the cannibalisation impact from the introduction of bigger-screen phablets and a lack of innovation in products launched over the past six months.

That  said,  we  believe  some  of  these  weaknesses  will  likely  be  addressed  in  the upcoming  launches  come  2H15.  Of  note,  Apple  is  reportedly  looking  to  launch  a larger 12.9 inch-screen iPad in September after witnessing an 18.0% YoY drop in its 4Q14  iPad  sales.  Local  media  reports  suggest  that  the  company  is  looking  to incorporate USB ports into its next-generation iPads to help facilitate transfers of data as the group attempts to penetrate into business users under the enterprise market. Within  the  Android  camp,  we  expect  demand  for  tablets  to  be  driven  by  the introduction of  productivity-focused  applications and technology innovations such as smart gesture interface.

Watch out for smart wearables
We  continue  to  believe  the  potential  adoption  of  wearable  electronic  devices  could help spur consumer spending on technology gadgets over the next 2-3 years. Ovum predicts that 400m wearable devices will be sold in 2020, up from 24m units in 2014. We see potential in the smartwatch space, although volume would likely be relatively insignificant  to  the  smartphone  industry  for  now,  driven  by  cheaper  price  points  as well as improvements in the smartwatch-focus application ecosystem. We believe the product will appeal to health-conscious consumers as it enables users to keep track of their fitness levels and integrate data collected into a single account, which would provide them with useful insights.

On the premium segment, Apple has finally confirmed that its own smartwatch series, known as Apple Watch, will be available for sale come 24 April. Prices range from an affordable level of USD349 to as high as USD17,000 per unit. Although reviews have thus  far  been  mixed  due  to  lack  of  new  applications,  we  expect  interest  to  pick  up over  time  upon  the  introduction  of  third-party  applications  to  help  improve  the functionality of the watch.

With  Apple  coming  into  the  picture,  we  expect  existing  non-Apple  smartwatch manufacturers  to  improve  on  their  offerings  by  revamping  their  respective  user interfaces, designs and user-friendliness and potentially revisit their price points. The recently-concluded  Mobile  World  Congress  2015  in  Barcelona,  Spain  witnessed major smartphone brands such as Huawei, ZTE (763 HK, NR),  and LG (66570 KS, NR) all unveiling their respective smartwatch product line-ups. Pebble, a smartwatch brand that was born from crowd-funding also announced its follow-up act in the form of Pebble Time in late February. 

Watch out for potential contract flows for non-manufacturing players On the non-manufacturing technology stocks under our coverage, we like Prestariang (PRES MK, BUY, TP: MYR3.03) as we are adamant that the group will register its all-time high earnings in FY15, leveraging on its recently-secured Microsoft contract as the sole supplier of Microsoft solutions to the public sector. Besides that, we expect its share price to further re-rate over the near term due to a stream of positive news flow  on  potential  orderbook  replenishment  over  the  next  1-6  months.  The  group  is looking  to  secure  renewals  for  its  previously  expired  contracts  like  IC  Citizen  and Program  Pentauliahan  Profesional  in  2Q15.  This  will  help  to  address  its underperformance  in  2014  and  ease  concerns  on  a  further  earnings  drag.  The proposed  partnership  with  Majlis  Amanah  Rakyat,  which  the  group  is  expecting  to finalise  by  end-March,  will  help  its  university  to  finally  break  even  this  year  –  with positive  earnings  accretion  come  FY16.  In  addition,  Prestariang  is  looking  to conclude  its  proposed  training  course  for  the  Program  for  International  Student Assessment (PISA) by 2H this year. We believe the contract will likely have a tenure of 6-8 years and could potentially end up as its single-largest contract at total value of >MYR500m. If it materialises, we see room for an earnings re-rating, as we have yet to factor in any contribution from PISA.  

We also like Datasonic (DSON MK, BUY, TP: MYR1.66) as its outstanding orderbook of 7.5m MyKad copies plus 5.5m national passports’ polycarbonate data pages as of Dec 2014 would continue to drive its earnings momentum for 2015. In addition,  our channel checks indicate that the group could be eyeing the contract to provide smart chips for Malaysian passports by 3Q15. Under the current arrangement, smart chips are embedded in the back cover of Malaysian passports. Our sources gathered that it is  currently  proposing  to  integrate  the  contactless  chip  into  the  polycarbonate  data page, in order to enhance security. Given Datasonic’s existing position as the sole supplier of the polycarbonate data page, we like its chances of securing this job as we anticipate potential cost synergies.

Reiterate OVERWEIGHT stance  
We reiterate our OVERWEIGHT stance on the technology sector as we expect near-term sentiment to be supported by continued weakness in MYR against USD. Over the medium term, we remain positive on the global sales of smart devices on cheaper price  points  as  well  as  the  introduction  of  new  flagship  models.  Our  Top  Buys  are Prestariang  and  Inari  Amertron  (INRI  MK,  BUY,  TP:  MYR3.74).  We  continue  to advise investors to seize the opportunity to increase their exposure to the technology sector given that:

i)  Lower  oil  prices  would help to increase consumers’ spending power in  oil-importing  economies  such  as  China,  Japan,  India,  Europe  and  the  US. Ultimately, this would help to boost domestic consumption and potentially lift demand for technology products in the immediate term.  

ii)  Recent  weakness  of  the  MYR  against  the  USD  will  likely  help  to  propel earnings  growth  for  these  players  come  their  1Q15  results  release.  To recap, USD/MYR averaged at MYR3.60 YTD vis-à-vis 4Q14’s MYR3.37 and 1Q14’s MYR3.30. Our in-house 2015 USD/MYR forecast currently stands at an average of MYR3.60.

iii)  Continued strength in  the  demand for semiconductor components, which is underpinned  by  resilient  demand  growth  of  smartphones  amid  the proliferation  of  competitively-priced  models.  On  top  of  that,  the  potential mass-market  adoption  of  smart  wearable  devices  could  come  in  as  a  wild card to further re-rate the demand for technology devices. 

Within the smart device-centric semiconductor assembly and test services sector, we prefer  Inari  Amertron  over  Globetronics  Technology  (GTB  MK,  NEUTRAL,  TP: MYR4.95),  as:  i)  the  former  offers  relatively  more  exciting  growth  prospects  at  a
CAGR  of  28%  for  FY15F-17F,  underpinned  by  growth  in  demand  for  its  major customer  Avago  Technologies’ (AVGO US, NR) radio  frequency-related  products, and  ii)  diversification  into  new  businesses  such  as  fibre  optics  and  electronics  test
and measurement segment to boost its recurring earnings base over the long term.  Amongst  the  semiconductor  players  in  general,  we  prefer  Malaysian  Pacific Industries  (MPI  MK,  BUY,  TP:  MYR7.69)  over  Unisem  (UNI  MK,  NEUTRAL,  TP: MYR2.30)  given  the  former’s  relatively  more  attractive  current  valuations  and potential dilution impact on the latter upon the conversion of its outstanding warrants. On  a  side  note,  we  ceased  coverage  on  Notion  VTec  (NVB  MK,  NR)  during  the quarter  due  to  its  subpar  earnings  visibility,  as  we  foresee  further  weakness  in  its camera  segment  on  the  proliferation  of  smartphones  with  improved  cameras,  and believe earnings accretion from its smartphone venture is unlikely to be significant for now.

Source: RHB

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