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Real estate agents group raises alarm over unlicensed reps

Publish date: Wed, 31 Jul 2019, 11:15 AM

KUALA LUMPUR, July 31 — Over 100,000 real estate agents are operating without a licence in the country, Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA) president Lim Boon Ping said.

According to the New Straits Times, unlicensed agents outnumbered their authorised counterparts by more than three to one.

“While we have seen some reduction over the years, the number (of illegal agents) is still high. 

“We are keeping tabs and actively collecting evidence of activities involving illegal real estate brokers throughout the country and are working with the police to curb such activities in a more proactive manner,” he was quoted as saying.

He advised the public not to engage unlicensed agents as doing so meant putting their life savings at risk.

Lim also urged such agents to get certified, adding that his group was working with state governments in Sabah and Sarawak to make certification more accessible.

Citing Section 30 of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers Act 1981, Lim said acting as a real estate agent without a licence was an offence punishable by a fine of up to RM300,000 fine and/or three years of jail. 

Local Government and Housing Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin recently warned the public against engaging dubious real estate agents or negotiators when selling or buying property.

She said it was important that people to choose certified agents endorsed by the Board of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers (BOVAEP), which is under the purview of the Finance Ministry.

Zuraida also urged the MIEA to play a more active role in engaging its members to come out with more strategic ideas to help developers market unsold properties.

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Time is bad.
Many do part time real estate agent sell 2nd hand house
But, this is illegal without license
Pakatun only want to be police- KEI POR catch small fry
But, NEVER they realise the bad economy under their governance make all desperate to make a living...No wonder PEN bridge break record with suicide case…

2019-07-31 11:52


Foreign workers take all local jobs. With many jobless, sure social ills, crime rates will increase. If gomen intend to blame criminals, they should look at mirror- do self-reflection why crime increase?? sure, if all are well off, why should do defy law????

2019-07-31 12:08


foreigers working in factories are make more than local grab drivers and they are sending money back to their countires.PH should introduce remittance tax to counter the outflow

2019-07-31 12:35


Gomen's selfish intension to earn lucrative LEVY from foreign workers increase long term local jobless rate. This speaks ill what happen to our long term economy with NO consumption benefit to local at all. with cash outflow to hometown. we're going towards a failed state nation going at this pace. forget about bull shit vision 2030... Local dont enjoy the economic growth at all. wakaka

2019-07-31 12:40


Job-seeker: Too many foreigners employed at the expense of local workers! Low salary, long hours and extreme term and conditions.

Politicians: Local workers must come first, lets do job fair and help them get employed. Flush out illegals!

Government: Government will stop or limit foreign workers employment by companies. Crackdown on companies hiring foreign workers and illegals.

Next day!

Employers, Malaysian Employer Federation Manufactirer asscociation, SME and other sharks : "Malaysians are lazy, unqualified, demand high salary, take many holidays and blah-blah go crying to government.

Next Day
Government: Government will allow foreign workers in limited sectors where Malaysians are unwilling to work.

One month....6 month...1 year...silence to initial complaint. The cycle repeats. Malaysians forever jobless because employers say they are lazy and many excuses.

The actual fact is:
1) Foreign workers are helpless once they land in this country. They may have invested too much to arrive here thus going back is a BIG LOSS for them
2) Employers and sharks realising the point 1 treat them as slaves with mind boggling harsh terms and conditions hence tying them down.
3) Stuff 20-30 foreign workers in a house. Deduct from their pay for amenities and medical. No pay leave. No holidays.
3) With no families around they can be forced to work for 16 hours a day.
4) Employers want cheap labour and slaves.

Malaysians are citizens and they have a life in their home country.
They have families and obligated for their well being. Malaysian deserve decent pay considering house rental and other cost to commitments. As citizens they should have the right to enjoy holidays, good life and respected work environment. Employers cannot treat them as dirtbags.

The real scum of the foreign worker conundrum are the EMPLOYERS. They say limited sectors but you can find foreign workers even in offices to retail shops in shopping complexes.

2019-07-31 13:28


We many end up same poor fate like HKG one day. at long term due to outflow to Indonesia, Nepal, Bangla (= Shenzhen),...all these nations prosper. MY going backward since locals are lazy, unproductive, always look for easy $$$$....

2019-07-31 13:39


When foreigners numbers start bypass locals...what happen? are we going to give them I/C, or an independence state to Indon???? Dr M gave such a simplistic comment on Rohingya Myanmar when own nation will face same fate one day.... i guess this is KARMA to our nation. wakaka

2019-07-31 13:42


Dr M is a stupid man with simplistic view to complex problem. No wonder all his projects are white elephants and his hand picked successors are problematic. Majority of Malaysia's problem are his creation since he became PM in 1980. It has become cancerous and his solutions are fire fighting method not total eradication.

2019-07-31 13:46


Dr M first come up with Multimedia Super Corridor-MSC to spearhead nation into Silicon Valley alike state one day in 1996. But, never will us ever imagine china copycat our concept., with so many technology giants like Alibaba, Tencent, etc. born. Where is our nation now in IOT proweress? We always first with new interesting concept. But, implementation, execuation a big flop. Now, copycat china instead with A/I, Industrial 4.0. wakaka

2019-07-31 13:51


tak apa PH make msia bankrupt then blame najib….hahaha

2019-07-31 15:26


Those with logical mind will not vote for PH during GE14. Now you see all kena kencing. Kikikiki.

2019-07-31 15:58


employers are playing big roles for long time. even foreigners had their own business and shop lot, just take a look an example place in petaling street and pasar seni area. Bunch of foreigners, like a place reborn 2 countries for these people.

2019-07-31 16:18

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