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Education Ministry releases FAQ on khat lessons, addresses main concerns

Publish date: Tue, 06 Aug 2019, 06:08 PM

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 6 — The Education Ministry (MOE) today issued a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) and answers on the introduction of khat in primary schools next year to alleviate some of the fears surrounding it, as debate rages on following a mass outcry and lack of information on the subject.

The ministry said khat will be an additional segment of the Revised Primary School Standards-Based Curriculum (KSSR) for the Standard Four Bahasa Malaysia syllabus and there will be no assessments and tests for it.

The main issue that many non-Bumiputeras and non-Muslims have is why the subject has been made compulsory, to which the MOE responded by saying that khat will take up only six out of 164 pages of the new Bahasa Malaysia (BM) Standard Four textbook, as part of language art activities.

The MOE added that the six pages will not be sufficient to master jawi, but is more to enhance one’s knowledge of history, art and heritage of BM.

Khat will be taught at all primary schools including Chinese and Tamil schools and the decision to do so was decided during the revision of the curriculum (KSSR) in 2014.

Khat will be compulsory learning for Level Two students which involves Year Four in 2020, Year Five in 2021 and Year Six in 2022, while students from Years One to Three need not take the subject.

Based on the FAQ, the MOE said it is not attempting to force the segment on others and that is the reason why there will be no formal examinations or tests administered.

Addressing Kepong MP Lim Lip Eng’s comment that the MOE should introduce computer language programming or coding, instead of khat, the ministry said it had introduced coding to primary and secondary school students through the revised KSSR and Secondary School Standards-Based Curriculum (KSSM) in 2017.

This involves Level Two students (Years Four and Five) in primary schools and Form One to Three students in secondary schools, with the module being part of the Technology Design and Computer Science subject.

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Change all the road sign to khat writting only. Then it will become important

2019-08-07 11:17


mind if i screenshot to stand out there no need for khat Malay of 6 pages. obviously can related to so many many many concussion later

2019-08-07 11:32


Aiyah help lah....PH govt to win some malay support & votes need to everytime condemn mah....!!

Even Dong zong also recognise this mah...why u need to kepoh leh ??

Just move on loh.....!!

2019-08-07 11:35


PH no intention to be 1 term government.

2019-08-07 11:37


Remember Mahathir is a Dr and not Hadi an imam mah....!! It is ok cannot recite mah....!!

But his malay base....although don know much of verse.....but they suka mahathir....give them something they are happy loh...!!

Posted by Apple Juice > Aug 7, 2019 11:41 AM | Report Abuse

Rubbish! Ask Mahathir to recite from Koran! I tell you, he can't! He can't even read jawi! This is tactic to divide local chinese support towards DAP!

2019-08-07 11:45


back then he used to wrote letter in jawi even put signature on book. Culture i guess?

2019-08-07 11:49


let me put it this way...
if its good people will pay to learn it...
if its for brainwashing we need to force the poor n the infidel to learn it...
I told my Jawi teacher 40 yrs ago it is useless for me and its been proven right 100%. I still remember alif bah tah hahahaha..

2019-08-07 17:01


Post removed.Why?

2019-08-07 17:22


khat is not jawi... google it

2019-08-07 17:42


now learn khat

2019-08-07 17:43


later read quran

2019-08-07 17:43


i leave my comment here for the record

2019-08-07 17:43


bunch of non muslim politician and non muslim educationist act clever...

2019-08-07 17:44


mandarin you take

2019-08-07 17:44



2019-08-07 17:44


told you guys dont push old horse too much....everytime he feel pressure... these thing sure come out....

2019-08-07 17:45


last 23 years like this.... now also like that...

2019-08-07 17:46


by the way... for those you think DAP will protect msian chinese benefit like MCA... you also a joker.... go read DAP mission statement....and compare to MCA...

2019-08-07 17:47


do you guys really know the person you voted for last year?

2019-08-07 17:48


now cry father cry mother why ler?

2019-08-07 17:48


Correctloh....if u ask people learn as an art....eventually people make...take as a toy....and post something....u don like....then u all get fuck up loh.....!!

Yes...if u really think...khat is an art....nothing to do with religion...then u better keep it that way loh....!!

Bcos in art....there is many creative way of expression mah....!!

2019-08-07 17:49


you voted DAP... because you agree their mission... now they do what they preach... what the matter is wrong with you?

2019-08-07 17:50


Some ignorant, innocent and insensitive ppl have started google khatooning controversial words into khatoon...and circulating around....

....such as Carlsberg......Guiness Stout.......Magnum.....Da Ma Cai.....

2019-08-07 17:53


Dap says they are no capable leader to counter Pas-Umno assault...thus they tolerated with Mahathir strategy to appease the Malay & Muslim loh.......!!

2019-08-07 17:54


do take note.... Jawi or khat can hardly be google translate accurately...

so dont make fun of ourselves.... again... twice...ahahahahahahahaha

2019-08-07 17:55


Something sacred are best kept.....exclusive.....and private ....

....and not to be degraded to some secular daily down-to-earth use....stuff

2019-08-07 17:57


NEVER UNDERMINE AI in accomplishing what self-inflated egoistic sapiens' claim that they can't

100 times better and more accurate.....any time

Katak di bawah tempurung....selalu fikir....bla bla bla

kenyataannya pula.....sebaliknya

2019-08-07 18:03


More humorous come

.......owing to mustlazily's limited gray.matter's activity

myopic view.......narrow minded....short sighted...

failed to learn from primary to phD......teach kids common sense.......not they will think must not lazily

2019-08-07 18:07



Kerbau dipegang pada tali
Manusia terikat pada janji

Before GE
PH berjanji
agar Lynas dan tol diakhiri
diiktiraf UEC

status Sabah & Sarawak MA63 akan kembali
di depan pengundi- pengundi

Selepas memenangi GE
akhirnya gagal menepati janji

Sebaliknya....what we get....redundant 3rd national car.....national.flying car project..... khatoon for all sjk.....unilateral conversion.....dan jawi

2019-08-07 18:14


like you said.... looks like all agree to have 10000 jobs created.... hahahahahahahaha

2019-08-07 18:16


*The Malaysia Education system is thrash.
*When nons slowly trickle out to vernacular schools and private school, they felt fear that nons will move ahead of them.
* They plant spies in vernacular school administration, often the headmaster's assistant in clerical roles.
* They introduced time wasting subjects like Pendidikkan Moral, KOMSAS, TITAS, CIVIC, KO-Kurrikulum just to name a few. These subjects do not have any value except to instill good values in a person. But, how many of them are really following it, god knows. The reason to introduce this subjects is to control students.
* Homework are in the form of scanning pages from textbooks and pasting into exercise books. Rewriting what's in the textbook in the exercise book is called taking notes. Those day's teachers used to provide notes but today it's outsourced to students. The blackboard remains clean. Students are taught to plagiarise.
* Malaysia sejarah is a fiction and it is mandatory to PASS. This must pass was introduced by the MOO while he was UMNO. Until today it maintains status quo.
* White shoe to black shoe, wonder how it helps students to excel.
* School leaves are changed like moving goal posts. the reason being they want maximum leave during their festive holidays. Maximum holiday, minimum work for a full pay!
* Long hours in schools, from morning to The reason is not to spread knowledge but for the parents to feel that their child is secure in school. School became care centres. This is "deep".

2019-08-07 18:17


exam also a joke la.... it test not how smart we are....but how good is our memory.....hahahahahahahahahahaha

2019-08-07 18:26


Sinfully immoral dishonesty and zero integrity from primary.....
plagued every innocent kids whose mind only got simplicity

Cheaters by favourism....far because of merits......get hm and senior post beyond posts......gaji buta daily

Bias....self-deceiving corrupt....and cheating....every competition...contest....and exam.....from tokoh murid to tokoh nilam title

2019-08-07 18:37


Posted by DickyMe

Malaysia sejarah is a fiction and it is mandatory to PASS. This must pass was introduced by the MOO while he was UMNO. Until today it maintains status quo.


Jauhari jua yang memgenal manikan
mustlazily sangka fiksyen itu tonik
para pelajar terus sakit mental tertekan
Dari usia muda sampai kronik

2019-08-07 18:43

Michael Kwok

I was shock.Ask chinese to learn khat.Wht DAP doing?What Lim Kit Siang doing?Agree to learn khat by majority Chinese.Rubbish.Give them option yes and no.Wasting the Chinese time.More Malaysian by learning khat.The Chinese are dying because of that.Malaysia Baru also not yet 100 percent done now want khat.Please are DAP protect the Chinese or destroy them by lying?Twisting the facts when there cannot do the things.

2019-08-07 18:54


shock is a mild word.....

.....the rightful word should be.....UNSPEAKABLY AUDACIOUS

for such a collateral damage decision

1. to downgrade the scred thingy to something that is gonna invite more innocent productive young ppl to get strangled in the cells for 30 months to 10 years u had pointed ouy

2019-08-07 19:07


Post removed.Why?

2019-08-07 19:36


Now macc must move probe and see if potentially uncover some unscrupulous person or companies behind the khatoon supplies.......likely something fishy there behind such an unintelligent-cum-untimely forced consumerism ...........and compulsory burdensome artistic B40 families....and the like....(and dislike ones)

2019-08-07 20:07


All kids must learn in public school should be STEM, self science, social skills and how to use brain....

.....for critical and creative thinking

not to be idle.....and khatwheeling

2019-08-07 20:11


Tanda-tanda Hari Khatmat sudah hampir.....when the believers fail themselves

paksaan conceals element of zalim and penindasan

Hence.....unacceptable by any mainstream religion

2019-08-07 20:17


Stupid fellow loh....!!

Mahathir study University Spore after world war 2 mah....he study in english and not japanese mah...!!

Btw Spore at that time where got backward ? is one of the most advance university in ASIA mah....!!

Btw know basic maths if 1942....that is 77 yrs ago mah....!! Mahathir is 94 yrs old lah...!! That means he is just 17 mah where got 24 loh...!!

The correct thing is Mahathir enter Spore University Medical in 1950 loh...!!

Posted by LynasToxin > Aug 7, 2019 8:02 PM | Report Abuse

stockraider, you are totally idiot, so stupid, before world war II, Japanese time, Singapore and Malaya are the same very backward.

After the War in around 1942, Mahathir is already 24 years old and there is no educational institution also. How he go and study? you don't open your idiot mouth nobody knows you are so stupid. so pls shut up.

2019-08-07 20:19


Even extra class to learn how to use brain would be better than khatwheeling....bcos.....

Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you've fed him for a lifetime

And......artistic inclination is dependant on individual preference

2019-08-07 20:22


Btw mahathir study medical in singapore 1946 to 1952 loh...not 1942 loh...!!

2019-08-07 20:22


Sensible gomen should cut the crap before moree innocent playful kids got jailed for writing f word in khat

Others.....either ignorant, innocent or insensitive ppl have started google khatooning controversial words into khatoon...and circulating around....

....such as Carlsberg......Guiness Stout.......Magnum.....Da Ma Cai...

2019-08-07 20:24


Mahathir is not a medical doctor ??
Thks for confirming to I3, what everyone already knew,
U ARE A IGNORAMOUS DUMBO, who dont know facts from fiction,
Check wikipedia before U blah blah blah nonsense

2019-08-07 20:24


Soon macc will get burdened with extra work to probe and see any potentially unscrupulous person or companies behind the khatoon supplies.......likely something fishy there behind such an unintelligent-cum-untimely forced consumerism ...........and compulsory burdensome artistic B40 families....and the like....(and dislike ones)

2019-08-07 20:26


Anything Bornean should be more msian than khatoon.....

......too preoocupied with arbisation

Mendengar guruh di langit, air di tempayan dicurahkan....

WILL REGRET ONE DAY .....Sesal dahulu berpendapatan, sesal kemudian tiada gunanya

Once........Biar mati anak....jangan mati adat

Now .......Korban anak2 msia...budaya asing dinobat

2019-08-07 20:38

Michael Kwok

As I'm say let the children and parent decide yes and no.Please....When I'm in the states I have the freedom to decide.Children must learn to decide.Its a skill need to be polish.The government should decide as majority .rubbish!!!!! but the rakyat should decide.

2019-08-07 21:13


Post removed.Why?

2019-08-07 21:18

Michael Kwok

Is that Malaysia Baharu decision based on no voting.Voting is the best through parent association.Give the children choice.Yes or no on Khat.

2019-08-07 21:43

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