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End the unscrupulous politics before pro-Malaysian policies are harmed — Nurul Izzah Anwar

Publish date: Tue, 03 Mar 2020, 10:39 AM

KUALA LUMPUR, March 3 — Much political turmoil shook us all this past week. It is now quickly descending into an unscrupulous blame game. This has to stop. Granted, the shock and outrage has not fully subsided. But it is exactly in this hour of need that we must reflect on what’s most important.

I was fortunate enough to have received the mandate from the people of Permatang Pauh as a legislator, on that fateful day on 9th May 2018.

Clearly, the people’s mandate must always reign supreme.

And ultimately, this should be our guiding principle regardless of whether we are in government or in Opposition.

Late December 2018, I made the decision to exit the mainstream political scene and focus on my reform-based initiatives on the ground in Permatang Pauh.

We were making headway with our methadone in mosques — psycho-socio-spiritual Jakim-approved programs for heroin addicts.  We were about to embark on our multidimensional poverty index ground survey with Malaysia’s foremost poverty expert & economist Prof Fatimah Kari, and continue our collaborations with the Prison Department’s reform agenda — targeting 75 per cent of eligible, non violent criminals to be absorbed in corrective community programs — ensuring rehab efforts bear fruit. We fervently wanted to introduce pesticide-free precision farming — an endeavour that requires huge financial investment in existing green houses — with a ready target in international markets — to safeguard Malaysian food security and protect our farmers. We also of course want to see an eventual end to cervical cancer, especially amongst women in the lower income household, by collaborating with ROSE Foundation of University Malaya!

My fear is that in the ongoing political turmoil, these on the ground, these socially impactful projects, might be derailed.

These are evidence based initiatives and must be fully politics-proof.

Regardless of who is in office, we as collective Malaysian stakeholders must join in a call to action that ensures governments, including the likes of powerful Secretary-Generals that wield much authority across ministries, maintain the policies and programmes which have the most benefit and impact for communities on the ground.

Of the many interactions I have had, the ones that have made the most lasting impact are those involving the best of Malaysian minds, coupled with their fortitude to realise workable and concrete solutions to assist the most vulnerable in our communities. Protection of those without access to basic public services, infrastructure, and opportunities is paramount.

Addicts require treatment. The Cure and Care Clinics throughout Malaysia must continue their operations. Those who are deprived must receive targeted assistance through better measurement of poverty; eventually engaged and empowered. Prison reforms must also continue to be supported.

If there is a key lesson to be learned in all of this, it is not to forget those who are so easily forgotten.

Please join me in remembering and helping those that need it most: to push for policies that are evidence-based and politics-proof to help those unable to help themselves achieve mobility while simultaneously empowering talents everywhere.

All Malaysians need better access to quality healthcare, education, economic empowerment that enable them to improve their own lives and those of their families & communities.

Don’t sow hatred and enmity; let us instead expand and grow our tolerance of one another especially in times of division. If the government of the day is reflective of its people, then let us ensure that it is our values they truly reflect.

I shall continue supporting my Keadilan leadership and colleagues — specifically to do our best in preserving our ideals and credibility by purging treacherous elements from our midst. Now more than ever must we rebuild the party from within, to uphold the principles we claim to embody.

Kedailan is the vehicle that allowed us to realise our reform ideals based on the principles of fairness, justice and equal opportunity — forming the basis of my work in the constituencies I have had the honour to represent.

We must continue to preserve our credibility through our work, our programmes, initiatives and policies.

* Nurul Izzah Anwar is the elected representative for Permatang Pauh.

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2020-03-03 11:32


Hoo Rey! Her voice returns: - Time to reflect on what is important by Nurul Izzah Anwar

Rey is a scavenger who was left behind on the planet Jakku when she was a child, and later becomes involved with the Resistance's conflict with the First Order. Powerful with the Force, Rey trains to be a Jedi under Luke Skywalker and General Leia, and faces adversaries such as Supreme Leader Snoke, Kylo Ren, and Emperor Palpatine; the latter is revealed to be her grandfather in The Rise of Skywalker.

*Right after GE14 I wanted Rey to be our prime minister.

2020-03-03 11:38


PETALING JAYA: Rakyat mengharapkan pemerintahan baru yang diketuai Muhyiddin Yassin sebagai perdana menteri ke-8 akan menjadi kerajaan yang mewakili semua pihak, kata Timbalan Presiden Umno Mohamad Hasan.

Mohamad berkata, adalah menjadi tanggungjawab Muhyiddin dan rakan sekutu daripada 3 parti Melayu utama negara mengembalikan kepercayaan rakyat setelah mereka menyaksikan peralihan kuasa kerajaan yang berlaku dalam tempoh 7 hari lepas.

“Malaysia mesti diuruskan dengan pendekatan terangkum dan berkeadilan. Semua punya hak, keutamaan dan kepentingan di bawah lembayung langit Malaysia.

“Keutamaan memulihkan kedudukan ekonomi negara wajar menjadi keutamaan tertinggi. Kesuraman ekonomi Malaysia mesti dicergaskan kembali dan usaha ini mesti dilipat gandakan,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan, hari ini.

Menurutnya, apa yang berlaku dalam tempoh seminggu dua ini adalah lumrah dalam amalan demokrasi yang semakin dewasa, tetapi kadang-kadang tidak menentu, tetapi rakyat mesti kembali bertaut sebagai sebuah bangsa dan negara.

“Kepada semua rakyat Malaysia, keutamaan kita adalah tanah air dan masa depannya. Setiap kita menyimpan cita-cita untuk Malaysia yang terbaik. Inilah persamaan yang selalu kita lupai,” katanya.

Mohamad berkata, dalam menjadikan masa depan Malaysia lebih baik, tidak memerlukan pidato yang inspiratif atau retorik yang menusuk kalbu, sebaliknya memerlukan kerja keras, idea tulen dan keeratan kerjasama merentasi kaum dan agama.

Beliau turut memuji sikap dan pendekatan yang diambil rakyat Malaysia dalam menghadapi krisis yang berlaku yang memperlihatkan kematangan mereka dalam mengekalkan keamanan dan keharmonian dalam negara.

“Tiada yang ke jalanraya dan menunjuk rasa. Yang di-Pertuan Agong sudah melaksanakan tanggungjawab seperti ditetapkan dalam Perlembagaan negara. Rakyat tidak panik dan bertindak terburu-buru.

“Terima kasih rakyat Malaysia kerana sikap sangat sabar dan bertanggungjawab ini. Anda semua adalah petunjuk sebenar bangsa yang berkemajuan,” katanya.

A great speech by our Tok Mat.

I pray the new gov will practice what our Tok Mat said. Terima kasih.

Hidup Tok Mat !

2020-03-03 11:56


“Malaysia must be managed with an inclusive and fair approach. All have rights, priorities and interests under the Malaysian skyline.

“Prioritizing restoring the country's economic position should be the highest priority. The economic gloom of the Malaysian economy must be revitalized and this effort must be doubled, ”he said in a statement today.

According to him, what has happened in the past two weeks is common in the practice of democracy, but sometimes uncertain, but the people must re-unite as a nation and nation.

“To all Malaysians, our priority is our homeland and its future. Each of us holds the aspirations for the best of Malaysia. This is the equation we always forget, ”he said.

Mohamad said that in order to make Malaysia's future better, it did not require inspirational or rhetorical speeches, but it required hard work, genuine ideas and solidarity across race and religion.

He also praised the attitude and approach taken by Malaysians in dealing with the crisis that showed their maturity in maintaining peace and harmony in the country.

“No one goes to the streets and demonstrates. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong has fulfilled the duties set out in the Constitution. The people did not panic and acted in haste.

“Thank you Malaysians for this very patient and responsible attitude. You are all a true indicator of a progressive nation, ”he said.

A great speech by our Tok Mat.

I pray the new gov will practice what our Tok Mat said. Terima kasih.

Hidup Tok Mat !

2020-03-03 12:03

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