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M’sia can contain COVID-19 spread if Gov’t fast tracked Ivermectin use

Publish date: Tue, 22 Jun 2021, 10:00 AM

THE Malaysia Alliance for Effective Covid Control (MAECC) is urging the Government to adopt a different strategy in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

In a press conference held earlier today, the MAECC expressed its hopes for the Government to fast track the use of Ivermectin and the appropriate supplements for immune enhancement for all individuals that are currently in quarantine stations as well as for those exercising home quarantine.

“Ivermectin is a very safe drug which has recently been noted to have very useful and powerful benefits in the treatment of COVID-19. We urge the Government to position this drug and repurposed as first line therapy in outpatients,” MAECC said at the press conference.

The alliance of six medical and other health associations also pointed out that globally, Ivermectin has been used for the last four decades and more than 3.7 billion doses have been prescribed.

As highlighted in a press release that was distributed shortly after the press conference, it MAECC showed that the scientific data for Ivermectin is ‘extremely compelling’:

  • 14 prophylaxis trials showing 85% improvement.
  • 23 early treatment trials showing 78% improvement.
  • 19 late treatment trials showing 46% improvement.
  • 20 mortality results showing 74% reduction.
  • 28 randomised, controlled trials (RCTs) showing 66% improvement.

In addition, the latest systematic review and meta-analysis study by Bryant and colleagues on Ivermectin published in the American Journals of Therapeutics on June 17, 2021, found the followings:

  • Used prophylactically, Ivermectin could reduce COVID-19 infection by 86%.
  • Large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible.
  • Using Ivermectin early could reduce numbers progressing to severe disease.

That being said, MAECC believes that the pandemic can be terminated sooner with the wide use of Ivermectin, allowing the country’s economy to be able to reopen and get the people’s lives back on track.

“It will be unethical if Covid-19 patients are not allowed the right to be treated with Ivermectin, particularly so if they meet an untimely end,” MAECC warned.

“As medical and healthcare professionals and researchers, we are sworn to the Hippocratic Oath, compliant to the Nuremberg Code and Helsinki Declaration in clinical and research governance.

“Remaining silent is no longer an option and we are joined by civil society groups that share our concerns. It is unethical to insist on more clinical trials in the light of available data on the efficacy of Ivermectin at all stages of COVID-19,” it concluded. – June 21. 2021


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delaying tactic kill off many patients when answer is obvious. why delay purposely?

2021-06-22 10:38

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