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Of Zuraida and orangutans: Why all the fuss over nothing? By Andrew Seah

Publish date: Fri, 21 Jan 2022, 03:05 PM

AS a senior citizen and someone who keeps a close tab on developments in our beloved nation, it really surprises and shocks me how a simple slip of the tongue by a particular minister could become news material.

I mean, seriously, from looking at the clip it can easily be concluded that it was a non-malicious statement and something just said out of jest.

Are we trying to imply that the numerous corruptions, sexual abuse, abuse of power and other scandals are all less sensational than this orangutan statement?

Why aren’t cases of alleged corrupt practices involving high-ranking officials, sexual misconduct involving minister and the likes given such prominence in the media?

For a senior voter like me, it makes me think…just where are our priorities?

Something like this should not even be played up in the media…it is not even newsworthy. This is worthless gossip which should not even be worth the time nor space.

Also, I wonder why the politicians who first tweeted about the incident did so?

Were they hoping to gain some political mileage by picking on another politician?

Or were they just upset that the minister concerned left their party and made it as a minister?

Whatever the reason, it is not worth the time and should just be swept under the carpet. There are much bigger and greater issue affecting our nation now which needs urgent attention.

Hats off to the minister concerned for now overreacting and jumping to defend herself. To many of us, it was merely a statement in jest and should be left at that.

The orangutan is our pride and I am sure someone like the minister concerned certainly knows this and would do nothing to harm this beautiful animal. – Jan 21, 2022


Andrew Seah is contributor to FocusM.

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Because our Minister standard is so poor compare to Indonesia and Singapore Minister.

And by the way the numerous corruptions, sexual abuse, abuse of power and other scandals are all so common that even our PM just said accept the SC finding so nothing more to sensational than this orangutan statement?

2022-01-21 17:46


When Zuraidah was with Harapan, she was a darling! Now she is orang utan! Anyway, how come nobody mention that Azam Baki was the one that confirm 2.8b came from arab donor! I mean, it was in mainstream media for all to see!
I mean, how come bunch of liars still walk in corridor of power! And worst still, how come Mohiden made such huge blunder in appointing Azam Baki knowing fully well he is under Zahid Najib thumbs!

2022-01-21 17:51


agree sslee & tobby...LOL!

2022-01-21 17:52


actually orang utan statement is so apt..cause it kinda make us reflect we malaysia are being governed by apes...

malaysia has become 'country' of the apes..

2022-01-21 17:54


Orang utan definitely appears more peace loving creature than all she can think about is killing and being killed..

2022-01-21 17:56


Zuraidah is queen of orang utan! Swing from Harapan to Bersatu! Good riddance she will be history after GE15!

2022-01-21 22:47

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