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A point-by-point rebuttal of Liew Chin Tong’s ‘hallucinating’ views on the state elections By Kassim Abdul Samad

Publish date: Mon, 14 Aug 2023, 09:05 AM

I refer to DAP deputy secretary-general Liew Chin Tong’s social media post which has been going around and picked up by the media.

I wish to provide a point-by-point rebuttal on his views about how the elections in six states have shown the limitations of Perikatan Nasional (PN).

Anwar’ stunts

First, he talked about the end of changes in government at mid-term. With the polls in six states done and dusted, the Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister does not expect a Sheraton 2.0 to take place.

But the way he’s going about it, it’s as though a political coup with federal lawmakers switching sides is a domain exclusive to PN. Lest he forgot, it was Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim who shouted “I have the numbers” in the run-up to Sept 16, 2008. Surely, Liew knows as he had just been elected Bukit Bendera MP then.

In Sept 2020, Anwar pulled the same stunt with his “strong, formidable, convincing majority” following the resignation of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as prime minister (PM). At that time, Anwar and Pakatan Harapan (PH) leaders were willing to work with UMNO’s court cluster.

And let’s not forget about how Anwar triggered the defections of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) state lawmakers to topple the legitimately elected Ran Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan in 1994.

So, Liew should stop pretending that beneath the veneer of “democrat” Anwar, lies a sinister, power-hungry opportunist who’d stop at nothing to win (and retain) power even to the point of subjugating democratic processes. Liew should stop smearing PN about political “frogs” when Anwar has always been at the top of this game for decades.

No major progress

Secondly, Liew talked about PN’s limitations of mobilising Malay-only anger, whatever that means. The surge in support for PN is attributed to the electorate’s distrust of PH in dealing with public welfare. This is especially so after the 15th General Election (GE15) when both PH and Barisan Nasional (BN) went against their words and joined forces to satiate their respective lust for power.

Politics aside, the current unity government has failed to address many key bread-and-butter issues confronting the public such as the rising costs of living. These are issues that affect all Malaysians, not just the Malays. The low voter turnout on Saturday (Aug 12) - including those of the Chinese - is indicative of the electorate’s frustration with the unity government.

And since Liew brought up the issue of communal support, he should remember that PH which is being anchored by Chinese-dominated DAP in terms of MPs and ADUNs (state assemblymen) has barely made any significant inroads since the 2018 general election.

The only exception perhaps is Kota Lama in Kelantan which was won by an Amanah representative on Saturday (Aug 12).

In other words, the DAP-dominated PH is only holding on to a diminishing fixed deposit amid a rapidly changing national demography that words against the coalition’s interests. Good luck in two or three general elections from now!

DAP needs to do self-reflection

Liew’s third assertion must have been made when he was hallucinating. He said that Saturday’s (Aug 12) elections show that the era of Muhyiddin, PAS president Tan Sri Hadi Awang and PN information chief Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali is coming to an end.

Last I checked, Bersatu and PAS - especially the latter - made significant gains on Saturday (Aug 12). Azmin, too, defied the odds to become a “YB”(Yang Berhormat)  in an urban area which is supposed to be the ‘playground’ for PH.

How is it that these people have outlived their usefulness? Perhaps Liew is conflating PH dynamics with that of PN’s. As we know, the knives were out on Penang DAP chairman Chow Kon Yeow despite DAP’s electoral success in the state on Saturday (Aug 12).

How else would you explain the speed in which Chow was sworn in as Chief Minister, barely hours after winning? And why was DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng noticeably absent from a gathering on Saturday night (Aug 12) where Chow announced PH’s victory in the state?

Clearly, Chow was trying to stave off a coup from his predecessor. That’s the DAP for you - trying to kick out a winner - which is a concept alien in organisations where its leaders are not power-crazy.

Don’t syiok sendiri

Lastly, Liew said that the era of three-corner fights is over … unless PN implodes. First of all, there is nothing wrong with multi-corner fights. It makes democracy all the more vibrant.

Unless Liew is afraid that parties like MUDA split PH’s vote such as what happened in Sungai Kandis, Selangor. In democracy, the more the merrier. What is Liew afraid of? Or is Liew - like Anwar - also a faux democrat?

If there’s going to be an implosion, it would be from PH-BN - not from PN. As we know, the alliance in the latter is already very strong. PH-BN, on the other hand, is held together by UMNO president and BN chairman Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s refusal to go to jail and nothing more.

As it is, UMNO has fared disastrously on Saturday (Aug 12) and people like former UMNO minister Tan Sri Idris Jusoh have already called for Zahid’s resignation.

There’s limit to the patience from UMNO grassroots as they see their party being rejected due to the folly of one man. So, if I were Liew, I would rather brace for an internal revolt within UMNO which would definitely have repercussions on the longevity of this unity government.

So, in conclusion, Liew should stop drinking his own Kool-Aid if he’s really concerned about the country.

It only provides a temporary syiok sendiri high. People like Liew should look into ways to address the plight of the people such as inflation and boosting investments - not just announcing FDI (foreign direct investment) pledges which does not translate into concrete benefits to the people. - Aug 14, 2023

Kassim Abdul Samad

The views expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Focus Malaysia.

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Is it really true that boosting investment & reducing inflation would work against popularism? I doubt so.

"It only provides a temporary syiok sendiri high. People like Liew should look into ways to address the plight of the people such as inflation and boosting investments - not just announcing FDI (foreign direct investment) pledges which does not translate into concrete benefits to the people."

2023-08-14 10:40


DAP should talk less and work hard to win the Malay votes to unity government.

2023-08-14 10:48


You just need to walk into any sekolah kebangsaan with agama/Jawi writting on the wall to know PAS already take over the school.

The untiy government is trying to change this with a small step to place important on Rukun Negara


2023-08-14 10:59


business as usual vs reform and opening up.

pros and cons

and viability and ability.

2023-08-14 11:45


and GE 16

2023-08-14 11:46


wow.......looks like GE16, East Malaysia is unity government best hopes.

East Malaysia used to enemy of Chinese/ East Malaysia is best hope for Chinese in Malaysia. East Malaysia especially Sarawak has values aligned with DAP.

2023-08-14 11:52


Malaysia's problems can be solved by using younger generation ideas and more power to the next generation like Rafizi, Syed, KJ , others and less powers to the older generation.

2023-08-14 12:04


This is what Tun wrote on Malay backwardness due to PAS islam then.

Tun’s book; “A Doctor in the House”
Chapter 36: Islam and Islamisation.

Tun had explained in length the golden era of Islamic Civilisation, where Islam emphasized on the need to read (Iqraq). Thus early Muslims apparently read the works of the Greeks, the Indian, the Chinese and the Persians. More than that, they carried out their own researches to add up to their body of knowledge in many fields. It was well documented that Muslim scholars are the one who pioneered astronomy, algebra, the study of disease and medicine, celestial navigation, and more.

For centuries, Muslims were well ahead of other civilisation in the mastery of the sciences, medicine and mathematics. But around the Fifteenth century, new interpretations began to spread, saying that (Iqraq) referred to the reading and acquisition of religious knowledge only. And unfortunately, Muslims and their religious teachers stress more on “fardhu ‘ain” (the performance of prayers, fasting, alms-giving and the Haj) which earns merit only for oneself is more important in the afterlife than the “fardhu kifayah”, the injunction which required that Muslim communities must have among them individually whose ability and actions will serve in the defend and promotion of the welfare of their communities and of Islam itself.

Almost immediately after such teaching, the Muslim civilisation regressed whereas the European Christians, who were then living in the Dark Ages, noticed the superiority of Muslim civilisation and decided to acquire the knowledge of the Muslim. They learnt Arabic and studied scientific and other books in the great libraries of the Muslim world and make translation first into Latin and then into other European language. Thus the European Christians rapid advancement in science and technology and with their much-improved weaponry, they were able to project their power in many Muslim lands and to the Far East.

On Chapter 58: Education
Although I was Minister of Education, the details of the Islamic syllabus were determined by Pusat Islam.

Unfortunately, the syllabus that was adopted neglected instruction in the Islamic way of life and its character-building values (ad-din). Emphasis was instead placed largely on the proper performance of the rituals. Islam was taught as a religion of ritual, of dos and don’ts of formalistic requirements and prohibitions, not as a religion of far-reaching human and moral responsibility, not as a way of life. Worse, many of the Islamic religious teachers were supporters of PAS, who took opportunity — and abused their position and public trust — to implant political creed and outlook into the minds of their young students.

Although religious teachers were of junior status in most school, they were powerful. Even the head teachers dared not discipline them for fear of being accused of failing to respect religion.

2023-08-14 12:34


Popularism that seeks to impose their way of living suggested the voting wave from the East Coast and the Northern part of the peninsular ................ would be misread and mistaken by those thinking that PAS religious morality has nothing to do with it.
In fact, it is the perceived notion that their way of life and their religion is under threat under the Anwar (or DAP) government as always played out by PN. When you kept on repeating a lie people will think it is real eventually.
Quotes from article below,
"Oh juga tidak yakin pemulihan ekonomi akan meningkatkan sokongan Melayu, dengan berkata idea Madani tidak menarik majoriti orang Melayu.
"Sekurang-kurangnya seperti ketika saya ke Kelantan dan Terengganu baru-baru ini,ramai orang Melayu yang mungkin bagi mereka isu sosioekonomi bukan perkara utama.

"Bagi mereka itu adalah cara hidup. Biasanya cara hidup itu berdasarkan pandangan yang konservatif dan agama dan mereka ingin mengekalkannya," katanya lagi."

2023-08-14 12:38


Now Tun M embraced PAS and play his Ketuanan Malay card just to save his and his famaly unexplained extraordinary wealth.

2023-08-14 12:39


I once working as shift manager in Kemaman with an international company Tioxide producing TIO2. The company have a policy to recuit local poor from surrounding area to help them to earn a consistant salarly as labor workers doing packing job so no qualification required.

But unfortunately many resign after a few weeks as they cannot adept to working shift especailly night shift lifestyle.

So no point bringing petro chemical industries to Terengganu, it is better to teach/help local how to be productive farmer or fisherman.

2023-08-14 12:40


SSlee, precisely, culture, religion and the conservative work attitude of a region are difficult to change. That's why the "green party" can even champion less development without voters' backlash.

2023-08-14 12:53


No wonder I saw some young children running about in Kemamam who looked like Chow Yuen Fatt.
Was very puzzled for a long time, until now.

2023-08-14 12:56


I was just married when I work as shift manager and have my first son.

My wife cannot cope up with baby and life in Kemaman (far away from her family) so I resign after serving my 5 year contract and move back to Selangor (near my father in-law house)

2023-08-14 13:09


Liew is wrong, the root of the green wave is not due to social and welfare dissatisfaction alone; the minority also dissatisfy with financial constraints as the majority. The key is still religion. Children are taught to link religion with politics.

2023-08-14 13:24

Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥

Good to see Liew Chin Tong's piece and the rebuttal by Kassim Abdul Samad. There are 2 sides (maybe more) to any issues. We can examine these and make up our mind independently.

Yes, BN faces challenges ahead. Its leadership maybe challenged. Will it continue to support PH as a coalition partner? Why did they lose so badly? Was it due to its association with DAP? [In the 1998 election, TDM was saved by the Chinese votes, when the Chinese voters deserted DAP. Why? Its association with PAS was a dominant reason then.]

Let us wait for issues to erupt and how these will direct the future of these political parties.

2023-08-14 13:33

Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥

Syahir from PAS had a debate with Rafizi recently. Now, Syahir has proposed a debate on education.

Can you see how difficult it is to have a non-emotional discussion on this topic? Can sensitive issues related to education be avoided in an open debate? Thus, I hope this debate does not take place. Perhaps, can discuss in a closed forum, and I am also very sure, certain basic fundamental difficult issues cannot be changed.

2023-08-14 13:37


LKY the late PM of Singapore had warned decades ago that religious influences are likely to push a weak country to adopt values at the expense of other groups within a society.

2023-08-14 16:43


Malaysia politics - WRITEOFF!!
Bagai mencurah air ke daun keladi

Racism plus religious sentiment ruined the nation.

2023-08-14 20:46


And they just helplessly couldn't ban any of these

2023-08-14 20:52


Wah, good one, so many points that I can't keep up ! Syabas.
Election over, now everyone , peace and harmony as Malaysians ! 🤗

2023-08-15 17:10


Rubbish analysis loh!
Actually both PH & BN did not manage to arrest the green wave conservative narrative loh!

The election shows 50% support the unity Govt & 50% support PN loh!

This is a nice position to work on Anwar still have more than 4 yrs to tackle the issue loh!

Just simply throwing money to jakim, tahfiz and mosques will not help loh....bcos PAS is entrenched in their islamic narratives mah!

Thus should start with the islamic madani concept instead.....make it a concept for all islamic education from schools, university, madrasah and all muslim teachers must know it, bcos this is a very progressive islamic concept that islamic world had achieve incredible success over 400 yrs in fact has become super power during this era loh!

"History of Madani & its Success " should be proud of by all muslim in the world loh!

During this period the muslim had gain so much success where it became a world super power and its religion spread all over the world and in fact many people wanted to be muslim, bcos they like & trust this madani progressive islamic government loh!

And Anwar rightfully adopted this " Madani concept" but the govt must educate its Ummah! l

Coming back to Anwar.....he is actually not popular with the conservative malays....he manage only to pull about 20% to 30% malay support loh!

He should start working on his unpopularity among the malays loh....start with the low hanging fruits " Permatang Puah" back his fortress loh!

2023-08-16 10:36


what is our problem ?
our problem is that we know who is our enemy better than the institutional reforms.
1. who is the enemy of PN ?
Evidence :UMNO suffered significant seat losses to PN primarily due to its alliance with DAP.

2. who is PH enemy ?
evidence : Change of government year2018

2023-08-16 18:58


No. It's up to PM to define problems faced by the country.
(Leadership-dependent perspective and calling)

For examples,

A weak and short sighted leader will say that having strong opposition in parliament is bad

A capable leader who will lift up his comrades if he could counter extreme talibanisation and arabisation (eg mada ni) with revival of the many wonderful local values and terminology

Etc etc etc

2023-08-16 19:26


And defining poverty, kakistocracy and corruption as public enemies - replacing counterproductive dummy sandbags like dapig, dunno, bawang

2023-08-16 19:28


And defining ineffective education and delusional brainwashing as enemies - instead of sjkc, sjkt or smjk

2023-08-16 19:38

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