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MCA to continue helping straight-A students enter matriculation, says Dr Wee

Publish date: Sun, 07 Jul 2024, 04:51 PM

PETALING JAYA: MCA will continue to assist straight-A students to enter the matriculation programme, regardless of race, says Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong.

The MCA president said the party would continue to do so to ensure justice for all in this matter.

"Recently the Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim) announced that students who scored 10As will be given automatic offers to join the matriculation programme, regardless of race and background.

"He also gave an assurance that the bumiputra quota will remain at 90%, meaning there is no change according to the Prime Minister.

"We can conclude that there is no change in the intake quota composition for bumiputra and non-bumiputra," the Ayer Hitam MP said in a video posted on Facebook on Sunday (July 7).

However, there are a few questions raised on the issue, including whether the announcement will take effect this year or the next as there have been conflicting media reports, he said.

"What about those who scored 9As, which is common in schools? It is not possible for them to get 10As as they only took nine subjects.

"The Education Ministry announced on July 1 that the intake requirement into the matriculation programme is subject to availability. If many get 10As or straight As, will the government accept all of them and increase spots in the programme?" he questioned.

Dr Wee said the ministry also mentioned that matriculation intake was subject to applications for 10As or straight-As.

"So will they be offered automatically or do they have to apply for it?

"The Prime Minister announced the new policy but the due date for matriculation intake and appeal has ended. We hope for an explanation by the ministry," he said.

Dr Wee said the matriculation programme was established by then-education minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in 1998.

"His purpose of doing so is not only to cater to high achievers but to help those who are less fortunate socio-economically.

"However, currently, the government is directly offering straight-A students into the programme, he said.

"Is it not against the basic reason to help those from underprivileged families?

"For high achievers, without taking into account background and socioeconomic status, they have more resources and choices compared to the less fortunate.

"In fact, there are those among the high achievers, who came from well-to-do families, who can afford to send them overseas or to private colleges for further studies," he said.

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For a student to obtain straight-A in SPM, they are of the smartest group of students and know the options available to them to further study. For non-bumi especially of Chinese background, matriculation is the last option with many don't even care to apply.
Locally, they can get entry into private colleges with zero tuition fees and only have to take care of living expenses with possible assistance from their community. Also working part time over weekends as option.
Abroad, many universities do provide scholarship if they did apply.
I'm really curious what Dr. Wee is trying to solve as this issue has been there for more than 50 years!!! Does Malaysian non-bumi, especially chinese students really so persistence to get into matriculation which I don't think so!
山不转路转,路不转人转. With straight-A result in SPM, not being offered a place in government's matriculation can be a blessing as there are so many others options available. It is a waste of time and effort to continue delving into that!

I think the real issues are those with median level result from lower ranks of socioeconomic status. This is the group that have to pay the full fees in Private colleges if they can't get a place in public universities.

3 weeks ago


lately notice MCA has become DAP 2.0, while DAP has become MCA 2.0

3 weeks ago


Dr Wee created 50 years issue then he want to help the student to solve his 50 years shit!

3 weeks ago


bro no point harping on the past. what is done is done. u me we cannot change the past.
But what we can change Now is we can stop DAP from becoming MCA2.0 !

3 weeks ago


“speakup > lately notice MCA has become DAP 2.0, while DAP has become MCA 2.0”

I seldom discuss politics in i3 as it is more as an investment forum… Logically, is MCA 2.0 inclined to DAP 1.0? If “DAP has become MCA 2.0”, will it be the same as DAP 1.0; no change..actually be MCA 1.0?

Logic aside, I have had very good experience with MCA Education arm, TAR college (UTAR and the spinoff now) many years back. One of my relatives obtained 11As in her SPM; searching for a good college to further her study. I helped her to do research after she consulted me. We went to PJ, Nilai, Setapak and Sungai Long to view some of the college's facilities and the Education cost. At PJ, 2 colleges are willing to give full waiver of Education fees for the first year depending on semester result. The one at Sunway willing to give only 75% as the result not All A1. The one at Setapak/Sungai Long (TAR/UTAR) willing to give 100% and explained can assist in applying PTPTN loan; will get full waiver if she can get First Class Honour in her further tertiary study. To cut the narrative short, she took up the offer, finished her studies without paying a single sen..

3 weeks ago


Everyone know matriculation is a backdoor/easy path to university or a form of cheating.

Are our top 10A SPM students also do not mind the backdoor or cheating?

3 weeks ago


Backdoor policies and unis by wolves' in sheep's clothing are the surest ways to produce ignoble, self-deceiving and unscrupulous people to manage public fund irresponsibly and run the gomen and nation to lowliness

3 weeks ago


All 10A students already get full scholarship for pre u they don't need MCA.

3 weeks ago


My second son get into NUS after a private Taylor's preU study.
The Singapore government gave automatic half scholarship to all foreign NUS students with condition to serves in any Singapore companies for a period of time after graduation.

My second son is a pharmacist in Singapore private hospital and he just get married with a Singaporean lady.

3 weeks ago


Everyone should know Malaysia matriculation is not recognised by all the foreign countries to enter their University.

3 weeks ago


I was doing my HBP in USM and only get an offer MU engineering many months late as I was told many UM first intake leave for NUS and thus need replacement intake to fill up the vacancy.

3 weeks ago


As fate would have it, instead of building house I end up building olechemical plant in Indonesia.

3 weeks ago


RICHER is just a preception as I wouldn't change anything for what I have gone through and have now.

I might have some regret that given a chance to restart again, I might have done much better than now but then again no one can go back in time hence just learnt from the past mistakes, look forward and move on.

3 weeks ago


Yes. That was the happy time and then we have our big dream.

3 weeks ago


Can't recall, it was such a long time ago.

3 weeks ago


I stay at section 17 PKNS flat and later rent a room at section 17. Never stay in college.

Professor Dr mondolong was the chemical engineering head at that time. He interview me during my second year as I applied to change from chemical to civil but was unsuccessful.

3 weeks ago

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