W&W Wealth Management

Invest alongside with the richest family in the world.

Publish date: Sat, 07 Jan 2012, 10:47 AM

A simple way to invest alongside the richest family in the world'


The Rothschild's are the most well-known wealth-building family in history.
They have been making HUGE sums of money for more than 200 years.

No one knows just how rich they are today.

Estimates range from $150 billion to $100 trillion.

Do you know who are the Rothschild Family ? The Rothschild’s famous for their banking activities, the Rothschild family is also known for their achievements as winemakers, collectors and as significant charitable benefactors. The Rothschild has spanned across two centuries and thru generations. Click here.


This is how the Rothschild became rich — printing money !

The Gold of The Rothschild :

Rothschild was originally Bauer…a goldsmith in Germany who was not rich. Then, he was granted the power to, instead of loaning gold to others, to loan more convenient “paper” (i.e. fake) money.

The key is the Rothschild is allowed by the Government then to print more money than they actually had ! It is like having a printing press in your backyard and you print whenever you need money. The problem is the Rothschild never had the money in the first place nor guaranteed by gold. In addition the Rothschild cud also make money off the interest !


Historically the Rothschild family wealth is hidden in underground vaults , The Rothschild secret wealth records were never audited and never accounted for …researchers estimate their wealth to close to 500 trillion dollars more than half the wealth of the entire world palaces wineries horse race resorts mansions the Rothschild bought Reuters in the 18th , Reuters then bought the associated Press AP which selects and delivers the same news stories to the entire world day after day they have controlling interests in 3 major television networks until recently the owned and operated the England’s Royal Mint and continue to be the Gold agent for the bank of England which they also direct they control the LBMA London Bullion Market association where 30 t0 42 million ounces of gold worth over 11 trillion dollars are traded daily .

The Rothschild earn millions weekly just on transaction fees alone , they also fix the world price of gold on a daily basis and profit from its ups and down , over the centuries the Rothschild have amassed trillions of dollars worth of gold bullion in their subterranean vault.



To Protect and Prosper, you should have at least 20-25% in gold and not in cash.


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