It's Confirmed: Malls in Singapore & everywhere are dying due to the Rise of ECommerce (Calvin Tan)

Publish date: Thu, 03 Nov 2016, 11:17 PM
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Hi Guys,

I have An Investment Approach I which I would like to all.

Hi guys/gals,

Another day another fresh insight!

In year 2014 I attended a Value Investor's Conference in Singapore. The speaker was Ken Chee. He mentioned that he just shifted house & looking for some new furniture. So he visited Courts Mammoth in Singapore. Noted the type of furniture he wanted to buy and its price tags.


Then he ordered the same or similar furniture through Tabao Online ECommerce Website for a nice 40% discount.

That was an eye opener to buy Singpost at Rm1.34!  Which is moving into the ECommerce arena.

Ha! I was quite amused as I sat there listening to him. I had already bought Singpost at only 95 cts  much earlier when Dr. Marc Faber (known as Dr. Doom first mentioned it)

Today, after 2 years we SEE the devastating effect of ECommerce on traditional shopping malls in Singapore. My wife and sons also order goods by ECommerce through Tabao, Alibaba & also Amazon of USA very frequently like a habit now.

That's why when DRB took up 53.5% interest in DRBHICOM and injected its fleet of transport planes, thousands of trucks & warehouses into POS Malaysa Calvin has riveted his focus on DRB/POS.

DRB/POS is now on the right direction in the exciting new world of ECommerce

Below is the Meeting of Ken Chee which I attended in year 2014, Singapore Stadium in Kalang

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Can You Still Invest in Singpost?

Investors who invested in SingPost after Value Investing Summit 2014 made 40.29% in capital appreciation and dividends… have you?

One of the highlights of the Value Investing Summit is the discussion of case studies. In Jan 2014, 8 Investment Co-Founder, Ken Chee shared a stock that 8 Investment has invested in the Singapore Stock Exchange. This stock has not been in the limelight of investors for many years. In fact, that business was thought to be a sunset business. However, this business came to Ken’s radar when he noticed a change in his wife’s shopping habits.

In recent years, Ken’s wife has been doing online shopping due to convenience and the variety offered in websites such as Alibaba and Taobao. The frequency of online purchases increased after the birth of their twins… parcels after parcels…. And all these parcels were delivered to their home by one company — SingPost.

In late 2013, Ken, together with 8 Investment analysts decided to study the business model of SingPost. So, what did Ken shared about SingPost in the VIS 2014? We have a snippet of it here.




At that point of sharing in Jan 2014, SingPost was only trading at $1.34.

Key Growth Driver:
Strategic partnership with Alibaba

On May 27 2014, Alibaba completed  the investment of S$312.5m in SingPost for  the purchase of 30 million existing treasury shares and 190 million new ordinary shares at S$1.42/share. This gives Alibaba a 10.35%  stake in SingPost, making it the second largest shareholder behind SingTel. Alibaba’s decision to  partner SingPost rather than other regional logistics providers reaffirms the company’s leading position in e-commerce logistics.

The two parties also signed an MOU  to negotiate a  potential JV that will create a  platform or international e-commerce logistics. While details of the JV with Alibaba are yet to be set in stone, SingPost believes that its partnership with Alibaba has the potential to increase shipment volumes by 3-4x. We think these volumes will come gradually rather than overnight as
1) both parties will need to integrate their back-end systems,  and
2) SingPost will over time build significant scale across the region.

As at 14 Oct, SingPost share price has risen to $1.83. Our VIS 2014 participants who have taken action to invest in SingPost made at least 36.5% in capital appreciation and 3.7% in dividend yield. No monitoring, No charting, No options.

Have you missed this opportunity? Are you going to miss more of such good opportunities to learn what the successful investors are investing in?

The Value Investing Summit 2015 is going to be held on 24 – 25 Jan 2015 at the Singapore Expo, Max Atria. We have invited 8 outstanding Value Investor Practitioners to share with you more ideas on value investing. Our keynote speaker will be Thailand’s “Warren Buffett”, Dr Niwes Hemvachiravarakorn. Dr. Niwes was ranked as one of the “World’s 99 Greatest Investors” by Magnus Angenfelt’s, The World’s 99 Greatest Investors (2013) [See Below Picture]. For the past 17 years, Dr Niwes grown his savings from USD300,000 to USD100,000,000, a compounding return of 40.7% per year!

s official: Singapore malls are dead, as occupancy reaches its lowest level in 10 years


Empty shopfronts at Level 1 of Far East Plaza.
The Straits Times
 30.7K  17  30 5 0

Can't say that nobody saw this coming.

As developers build more shopping malls all over Singapore, from the heartlands to the central business district, there's bound to come a time when the bubble will burst, and there is an oversupply of shop spaces.

It seems like that that time is now.


Mall Vacancies Highest In A Decade

Walk into any shopping mall in Singapore today, and chances are, you will be greeted by empty or boarded up shop spaces, and this is no isolated occurrence either, as there are now the statistics to back it up.

Bloomberg ran a report recently where they obtained some facts and figures from the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) about the overall retail outlook in Singapore.

They highlighted that vacancies found in shopping malls today are at their lowest since 2006, even though rental rates have declined 1.5 per cent in the past three months, as the demand for shopping spaces decreased significantly. Digging Deeper

To get a better understanding of these findings, I went straight to the source.

Photo: URA

In this simple table by URA, we can see that rentals and prices have gone down as compared to the last quarter, while vacancy rate has increased.

Photo: URA

Here's a clearer image of how rentals have gone down; all the way from late 2011, and comparing current figures to every quarter until then, we see the graph on a downward trend to its lowest point today.

Photo: URA

While prices have technically gone down in the same timeframe as rental amounts, they have more or less stabilised in the past five years.

But wait, there's more.

Photo: URA

This is where it gets worrying.

These charts show the amount of retail space supplied by projects that are in the pipeline, and as you can see, next year, and the year after that, the amount of retail space is set to triple and quadruple respectively.

Why Is This Happening?

Two reasons, the current economy and Singaporeans' preference for online shopping.

As shoppers cut down on spending amidst the slowing economic outlook, there isn't a need for them to even visit brick and mortar stores, but that also doesn't mean that the shopping stops.

Did you know that Singaporeans are probably one of the more online savvy shoppers in Asia? According to MasterCard, a large percentage of us actually shop more online as compared to our peers in the region.

Photo: The Straits Times

On top of that, our retail stores are also feeling the brunt from the lack of tourist dollars coming in, as tourism spending declined for the first time in six years in 2015, even when visitor figures grew.

This is especially the case with mainland Chinese visitors, as they, too, don't spend as much anymore due to China's slowing economy.

And It'll Just Get Worse

Look around anywhere in Singapore, and you will find some new development project being built.

In the same URA findings, even office spaces and residential figures are suffering a decline. However, construction is still happening throughout the year for new office buildings, condominiums, and shopping malls.

At the rate things are going, we will not just see pop-up stores slotting into empty retail lots, we can literally hold sporting events and concerts at these soon-to-be empty shopping malls.

Perhaps Running Man should finally come to Singapore - our barren malls would make for a great place for their popular name tag elimination chase.

No tenants, and no shoppers
Click on thumbnail to view. Story continues after photos. The Straits Times

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At that point of sharing in Jan 2014, SingPost was only trading at $1.34.

2 people like this. Showing 31 of 31 comments


ecommerce is mainly for to buy things that we other words not basic necessities and now living is getting harder because of the rising cost and people now are just struggling to buy their basic needs so less monies to buy other stuff.that is what i thought at the moment.maybe if the consumer getting better,then maybe we can see some improvement in e commerce

2016-11-04 00:11


Thank you for sharing, Mr Calvin

2016-11-04 00:23


Good morning,


You got very good spirit. A man without guile. And thou shalt prosper.


All basic necessitites like food and groceries will also be sold and delivered through ECommerce Because in bad times people want to save even more money and look for convenience to earn money.

In Singapore Lazard just bought over Redmart the online Supermarket. Redmart sells grocery like food and drink.

Even Nestle in Malaysia is going into ECommerce. So don't be surprised that in the near future you might maggie mee and milo and milk power delivered to your very door steps.

We are living in the future of ECommerce where there is no need for physical wholesale or retail stores anymore.

Sales will go directly from source to sales. Or from manufacturers to end users. No more wholesalers, no more retailers. No need to pay for high high rental of shopping mall or departmental store. No need to hire many sales staff. No overhead like lighting, expensive store display or even advertising.

All the extra expenses are cut down to the bone. And savings from 30% to 60% are passed down to consumers.
This new world of shopping got 2 great advantage

1. It will be fast and convenient. Distribution will be up todate and efficient.

2. It will be very cheap!! Huge savings! No extra cost goes into the pockets of middlemen.

This is the future. And the future is here!

Those who embrace it will survive and prosper! Those who refuse will become fosillized in history!!

2016-11-04 08:30


Another blow to human interaction. Now we're interfacing with computers. Soon we will be dealing with robots. We'll be dehumanised.

2016-11-04 09:47


only a matter of time malls in Malaysia too same problem

2016-11-04 10:08


I still like to go jalan jalan at Midvalley.
I still like to eat at Pavillion.
I still like to see colourful decor during Deepavali, Hari Raya & Chinese New Year.
Don't tell me you order mandarin oranges, cookies, clothes, shoes all from virtual ecommerce, especially shoes: wrong size, not comfortable but hurt the legs..walking like limping..

2016-11-04 10:30


Hello ignorant and arrogant Singaporean : Calvin,

Come and see the crowds in Midvalley, you will love it!

Do you like to befriend HANTU...HANTU RUMAH MEH..?

2016-11-04 10:34


When you are sick, you need to go to clinics or hospitals, then you stop somewhere to rest, eat or with people.

of course, you can call an ambulance...when you smell death..too latelah

2016-11-04 10:36


you also socialise, you hang out with friends, meet you friends girl friends, boy friends at shopping malls,
Don't tell me you whasapp, msm, facebook messsnges wechat only and you end up marry a HANTU!

2016-11-04 10:41


At this point in time, only certain business can go e and digi in countries like Malaysia , Singapore is far advance, the general setting and people culture are different, please don't force a square peg into a round hole just to suit your taste and imagination...

2016-11-04 10:48


Of course please don't tangent off into the extremes.

The malls that survive will have to adapt to conditions that ECommerce cannot take over.

Like a barber saloon which cut and dye your hair. And food court that provide good delicious food. Places of relaxation like Starbuck where we meet and socialise. Cineplex that is spacious with big screen- good for the eyes. 7 eleven convenient store where we need to buy stuff urgently.

So not all malls will close. It will be the survival of the fittest. Ha!

Jurong Point did very well as it is a TOD Transport Oriented Development.



2016-11-04 11:32


Calvin,all you want to say is

"Ask people to buy what you want them to buy : MRCB."

2016-11-04 12:05



You are fortunate to know first,

Buy Drb and Mrcb as they will be the Star stocks of GE14.

Many outside i3 forum know nothing as yet.

So great time to buy on the cheap.

Don't miss these two like missing Super Enterprize, Jaks, Pohuat, MyEg, Ajiya, rcecap, masteel, jerasia, ipmuda (all up kaw kaw later)

2016-11-04 12:24


Personally, I think with respect price hike of pos, customer has become less. Many are still unaware. Most of the Chinese who use pos laju who doing e business has swift to gdex or even skynet. I dun think pos will perform super good.

2016-11-04 12:29




2016-11-04 15:01


berry Calvin,

04/11/2016 15:01

It's ok Berry,

Just buy what you are comfortable with & Calvin wish you good success

2016-11-04 15:12


always live in fantasy.....
the more you promote the more it went south.....

2016-11-04 15:15


Posted by smartly > Nov 4, 2016 03:15 PM | Report Abuse

always live in fantasy.....
the more you promote the more it went south.....

It's ok smartly,

You should go and see Super Enterprize Forum thread

I promoted Super Enterprize first at Rm1.50

The more I promoted Super Enterprize the more it dropped?

It dropped below Rm1.50
It then dropped below Rm1.40
And it dropped below Rm1.30 to Rm1.25

Nobody believed in Calvin except one

His name is Lim Pei Tiam

Lim Pei Tiam bought and bought and bought Super Enterprize from Rm1.25 to over Rm3.00 until Super taken private at Rm3.75 (Up 200%)

So Calvin thinks Lim Pei Tiam indeed the smartest of all

Just wallop DRB shares quietly while all fear ones are dumping


2016-11-04 15:24


Calvin, you are not God, are you?

2016-11-04 17:41


Are you a prophet?

2016-11-04 17:41


If if are so accurate, you should have been the richest man in the world.

2016-11-04 17:42


Are you the hidden richest man in the world?

2016-11-04 17:43


Certain races have certain talents and jobs that they prefer to do. Pos Malaysia must employ more other races as staff for effectiveness and efficiency. SingPost can do well ...

2016-11-04 17:45


OMG, Calvin-headless chicken here.
Don't know who will be its next victims.

2016-11-04 17:54


venfx: between cpteh and calvin.. who is more geng?

2016-11-04 18:36


Calvin old man has the brain of a bird..underperforming yet without any sense of shame.

2016-11-04 18:44


Singaporeans prefer to shop in Malaysian Malls due to cheaper currency. Normally malls with cinemas will attract more people especially youngsters to come. Don't ask all youngsters to watch on line and at home. We are Malaysians. Are you a Singaporean. You don't seen to understand us.

2016-11-04 19:21


If everything can do on line, then you should live "on line". What's the point use transport, buy properties etc..?

2016-11-04 19:22


How come you don't show us all photos of all malls in Singapore? Only simply pick a few to cheap us?

2016-11-04 19:23


Apologize to us for the statement It's Confirmed: Malls in Singapore & everywhere are dying due to the Rise of ECommerce (Calvin Tan)" is wrong. Repent and you will be saved!!!!!!!! Do not repeat this in future.

2016-11-04 19:27


Shopping malls in this region should progress, not decline as mentioned by Calvin. The rise of e-commerce sales is fantastic but not all e-commerce sites are doing well consistently. Rising population, weather, consumer habits etc still play a part in drawing crowd to malls. Not everyone likes to shop from internet.

2016-11-04 19:33

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