Rising U.S. shale-oil output threatens OPEC’s production pact (Calvin has warned about Shale cowboys

Publish date: Wed, 18 Jan 2017, 09:22 PM
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Hi Guys,

I have An Investment Approach I which I would like to all.

Published: Jan 17, 2017 5:06 p.m. ET



Output in Permian Basin poised to lead jump









The oil market got a stark reminder Tuesday that rising oil production in the U.S. could upend efforts by major producers to bring global supply and demand for crude back in to balance.

Just ahead of the settlement for oil futures prices CLG7, -1.62%  on the New York Mercantile Exchange on Tuesday, the Energy Information Administration released a report on drilling productivity—forecasting a monthly rise of 41,000 barrels a day in February oil production to 4.748 million barrels a day.

“That is bearish for oil and a concern for [the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries,” said James Williams, energy economist at WTRG Economics, pointing out that the volume of new oil per rig has climbed because of gains in efficiency.

“If maintained, the expected February production gain means production from the shale plays will be up at least a half million barrels per day by the end of the year,” said Williams.

Prices for February West Texas Intermediate crude lost the bulk of the day’s gain on Tuesday to settle with a modest 11-cent climb at $52.48 a barrel.

“Since rigs are higher now than in December and should continue to increase, that means a half million [barrel-per-day] gain in production by year-end is a conservative estimate,” Williams said.

“Most OPEC members expected this, but U.S. shale production will be the closest monitored data after OPEC’s own compliance with quotas,” he said.

OPEC reached an agreement back in late November to cut output by 1.2 million barrels a day to no more than 32.5 million barrels a day and other non-OPEC countries pledged cut production by nearly 600,000 barrels more.

Meanwhile, recent data from Baker Hughes BHI, +1.61%  revealed that the number of active U.S. rigs drilling for oil, a proxy for oil activity, rose for 10 weeks in a row before edging down for the week ended Jan. 13.

Shale’s road to recovery

There have been concerns that the resulting rise in oil prices would provide incentive for U.S. producers to boost oil output.

Read: Why U.S. shale producers are the biggest winner from OPEC’s oil deal

But on Tuesday, speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Saudi Oil Minister Khalid al-Falih played down those worries.

He said it would take time for U.S. producers to regain lost ground and that U.S. oil shale players “will find they need higher prices,” in part, because of higher production costs.

“Many of the folks at Davos think shale will kill the rally, but that really cannot replace all of the oil production that was wiped out” by cuts in capital expenditures in the oil market, said Phil Flynn, senior market analyst at Price Futures Group.

Al-Falih has also said he believes that the oil market will rebalance by the middle of the year, suggesting that the glut of oil will be gone in six months—so the market may need the shale oil, said Flynn.

All told, “shale is on the road [to recovery], but it will be a long road,” he said.

Permian Basin output growth

Still, the EIA report Tuesday showed that oil output from the Permian Basin, which covers parts of western Texas and southeastern New Mexico, is expected to see the largest climb among the big shale plays—53,000 barrels per day in February.

Read: The U.S. is increasingly looking at this Texas region for oil

The Permian is the only shale play expected to see a year-on-year oil-output rise in February, according to the EIA report.

Given that, it’s no wonder that Exxon Mobil Corp. XOM, -0.30% also on Tuesday, announced plans to more than double its Permian Basin resources to six billion barrels of oil equivalent through the acquisition of companies owned by the Bass family. As part of the deal, Exxon Mobil will make an upfront payment of $5.6 billion worth of shares, and a series of contingent cash payments of up to $1 billion, starting in 2020.

Read: Exxon Mobil expands Permian Basin footprint in deal worth more than $5.6 billion

U.S. shale production is “a real threat” to OPEC, said Williams.

“At the current level, it is manageable for OPEC, but if price rises another $5-$10, the corresponding increase in U.S. drilling and production would counter most of their cut,” he said. “OPEC is walking a tightrope.”



Love it! I work for a company that supplies the Fracking industry with tooling and supplies! And orders are way up! Keep on Fracking!


@Higgs Boson You like high gasoline prices, I like low gasoline prices.  High is good for oil oil company CEOs and wealthy stockholders.  Low is good for the rest of us because we spend the extra cash in LOCAL businesses.  Get real.


If I was OPEC I'd be far more concerned with the Texas Permian Basin with an estimate of 20 billion barrels.


 @jfbTRUTHfrom Twitter

@hollowman777 @joepalojoe @TrumpReady Yes OPEC is a Corrupt organization...time we said goodbye to them for good! USA energy Globe largest!

 @virdel21from Twitter

@DRUDGE_REPORT Teach the Saudis's a little bit of a lesson they love having us over a barrel no pun intended




@virdel21 @DRUDGE_REPORT


The STACK/SCOOP have the lowest break-evens among shale plays DVN, NFX, GST, CLR and  XEC all have the STACK as top plays in its portfolio.

Some STACK plays have break-even as low as $18/bbl (range of $18-60 not sure of the date on this data) which is much better than the Bakken and most of the Permian.

Don't forget the TRUMP 2020 BUMPER STICKERS on ebay, google and yahoo. 



and that U.S. oil shale players “will find they need higher prices,” in part, because of higher production costs."

Oh really? That's funny, I've been hearing this since the beginning of shale. The Saudi's actually laughed at it. Sounds like our Fake News media again.

The truth is breakeven for shale is 29 dollars! Not the 75 they would have you believe. And, out of the shale fields we have? We have less then 10% of them active. The other 90% hasn't even been drilled yet.

We don't need foreign oil, AND WE NEVER HAVE! Just another way for the globalists to keep you broke. Believe that! 



@Daniel Staggers


So true, MAGA!

The STACK/SCOOP have the lowest break-evens among shale plays DVN, NFX, GST, CLR and  XEC all have the STACK as top plays in its portfolio.

Some STACK plays have break-even as low as $18/bbl (range of $18-60 not sure of the date on this data) which is much better than the Bakken and most of the Permian.



Yeah, it's funny; while Obama was doing EVERYTHING he could think of to stop it. We found out something else that even took the fracker's by surprise. The wells don't dry up, ever. The oil just seeps and fills them back up. No tail wells! Primo oil all the time, from all of them. That's the reason we're only using 10%. Those wells never have to be replaced. ALL wells are new wells.


Remember when "Big Oil" and OUR Government was telling us shale oil was worse then tar sands oil? We would have to spend billions on refinery's to be able to crack it and make gas out of it?

It turns out, THEY WERE LYING! (surprise?) Shale is the sweetest crude IN THE WORLD! Screw the Communists who thought they had our country!


The wells never dry out? I could have told them that. I live on a shale bed. I've had to deal with seeping water in my basement for over 30 years!





Demand is expected to overtake the supply glut of the past several years likely by the end of 2017, even if OPEC fails to live up to their supply cuts.  

It is never a surprise if OPEC doesn't live up to their cuts,  more likely a surprise if the cuts are real. 


@Darrell Washington @EliField2 @DRUDGE_REPORT The glut gone in one year? Not on your life! There is more oil sitting in tankers anchored then the world could possibly need. In the US, our storage is almost full, after adding additional storage. That's why all the tankers anchored; there's no place to put it.


I am happy that these oil kings can not control the price anymore. They need to buy less golden toilet !



Told ya. And OPEC can kiss that market share they released goodbye forever. The new normal for oil is what we have seen for the last 24 months. Additionally, if China implodes (and they just might), oil may drop below $20 a barrel.


This is an easy play to forecast, and many Middle East players hoped that US shale output would drop so much that they could make a few dollars (and a few tenths of a point of gain) by making cuts.  I would like to see how well OPEC is able to hold the line on production -- my guess is that they won't be able to do so, and crude prices will fall again.



...mmm...more shale production means Saudis will just start pumping more oil again and drive the prices down...all over again...



In July 2013 Saudi Prince Talal wrote to Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Ali Al-Naimi “We disagree with your excellency on what you said and we see that raising North American shale gas production is an inevitable threat. The world’s and the West’s dependence on oil is in continuous decline and this reality is known by everyone,” As much as a threat as North America is viewed - Russia's vast untapped oil and gas reserved combined with the USA's new administrations plans to open wide America's vast energy tap are known to be viewed by Gulf Arab members, especially, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar as a far greater threat to OPEC's stranglehold on the global energy monopoly and even OPEC's and Saudi royal's eventual demise. 



North America will soon become a net exporter of petroleum products. Another nail in the coffin of the Progressives policy of Nation Building on the Mid East.



@Joe Blowski

Put down that crack pipe.   



@Steve Chao @Joe Blowski Crack pipe? Really? We're only using 1 /10th the shale fields now. Why don't you do some REAL research before you start calling people names. You know, those checks from the DNC are going to start bouncing soon.



Asia production are slow down dramatically, especially China may on the hand help OPEC and Trump's Russia boyfriend.


To believe in the story of the OPEC pact is shallow. It is a non-event and is unimpactful but, nevertheless, offered an opportunity for fund houses and speculators to manipulate the market.

 @PropersiDominicfrom Twitter

@DRUDGE_REPORT @MarketWatch America MUST become independent of Middle East oil in order to enable it to exert unbiased pressure for ME peace



The US is cutting into OPECs pie.  It's about time!
















Be the first to like this. Showing 31 of 31 comments

John Lu

Calvin now you bottom 10 stock pick 2017...u shame or not shame?

2017-01-18 22:00

John Lu

LOL...bottom 10 flying chicken head Calvin low life

2017-01-18 22:03



Heard of the story of the rabbit & the tortoise?

Go read

2017-01-18 22:04

John Lu

Calvin now you bottom 10 stock pick 2017...u shame or not shame?

2017-01-18 22:12



Wait till December 2017 then only SEE FINAL RESULTS!!

2017-01-18 22:31

John Lu

Now bottom 10 said see 31/12/2017...when 31/12/2017 still lose to me, I am very sure Calvin will say all his stock pick is hold for 10 years...low life will forever low life...shame of u

2017-01-18 22:38


Don't speculate what Calvin say. Just keep to the rule. As for shale oil - some are even profitable if oil is Usd$30 a barrel as cost of production is only Usd$18 a barrel.

And with big boys like EXXON joining in. Shale oil extraction cost might be brought down lower as they have the economy of scale.

So the recent oil counters price surge might be overdone.

To chase and expect higher prices because other fools might participate?

Better don't count on it as you might the the last fool.

2017-01-18 23:03


Oil down good for bursa mae? Why you so black heart one? But lucky you bet down lor.

2017-01-18 23:33


Media prima already very cham, yesterday you go promote. Share holders say sei fo lor..

2017-01-18 23:37


Calvin really has no idea how market react.
He juz love to simply say something to gain some newbies attractions.
Apparently , a typically low life person.

2017-01-18 23:39

John Lu

calvin holland call after 3 years!
Posted by anbz2 at Jan 18, 2017 11:26 PM | Report Abuse
Posted by calvintaneng > Oct 21, 2013 05:50 PM | Report Abuse
Never mind anbz - PM Corp will move up all the WAY!

First Target to cross 30 cents, next target 50 cents, next 80 cents, after that RM1.00.

And then RM1.50 Is The Target Price!

Over A Long Term - The Target Price will be RM10.00

Posted by calvintaneng > Oct 21, 2013 07:24 PM | Report Abuse
anbz that RM10.00 will be yet future. Set your sight on these possible targets first:

30 cents (anytime now)

next 50 cents

then 80 cents

after that RM1.00

And the Summit of Expectation is RM1.50 For PM Corp which is Very Possible.

2017-01-18 23:40


Last Oct I hv 2 counters don't know which better. Binapui n Sendai, both also slightly below 0.50. I asked Calvin, Calvin said Binapui is top class, Sendai is holland counter. Best indicator...I choose Sendai. Tq Calvin.

2017-01-18 23:44

John Lu

Haha...low life Calvin...u no die also useless

2017-01-18 23:45


See Posted by calvintaneng > Sep 20, 2013 08:57 PM | Report Abuse X

DEAR friends at PM CORP. You are looking at the Best Of The Very Best Counter in BURSA! Why? What Are The Reasons? Let me give you the following reasons? Reason No.1. PM CORP(4081) has net Cash of 18.5 cts per share. When you buy PM Corp you are buying now (20th September, 2013) for Only 15 cts a Share. A discount of 3.5 cts per share. A Great Buy.


Calvin called for a buy on Pm Corp at 15 cts on September 2013 with a promise of Cash pay out.

As promised Pm Corp Gave 8 cts Cash Payout

So today's closing price of 16.5 cts + 8 cts cash pay out = 24.5 cts

minus original cost of 15 and divided by 3 year Pm Corp still give a decent yield of 63% or 21% per year for the last 3 years!

This even beats Warren Buffet at 20% now.

2017-01-19 00:24


Where got buy Perisai at Rm1.00? Koonbee is lying. Calvin bought Perisai at 46 cts and cut loss around 40 cts.

Koonbee bought Melewar all the way down from 60 cts to cut loss at 35 cts.

See how many Calvin's call are chun chun with 100% to 200% Profits:

Calvin stock picks are not for goreng but for investing longer term.

Calvin invests like this

If Calvin sees a share is undervalue Calvin will start buying. And if prices dip after buying Calvin will average down & buy more.

But to do this Calvin has to study very carefully the TRUE VALUE of a Stock. If the Stock is good, even though it might not perform for months, eventually the price will rise up because of its fundamental intrinsic value later.

See how Calvin made these chun chun calls over 3 years in i3 forum:


1) Super Enterprize made 200%
2) Pohuat made 200% (All furniture stocks bull run Calvin called to buy)
3) Silk made 200%
4) JAKS (Jaks jump, jump, JUMPED from 40 cts to Rm1.20 (UP A NICE 200%)
5) MyEG made 100%
6) AJIYA made 100%
7) Supermax made 100%
8) JERASIA made 100%
9) IPMUDA made more than 100% & LIMIT UP!
10) Pm CORP made 100% (3 Times in 3 years)
11) PRESTAR (Pre Star buy it before it turns into a Star) Made 70%
12) ASB (Up 50%)
13) KHEESAN Made 80%
14) PADINI made 90%
15) TAWIN (Big win) Up 80%
16) Kimlun - The Golden Dragon made 60%
17) THE STORE (Up 25%)
18) NTPM - (King of Tissue) Up 40%
19) WANGZNG - King of Fortress (Up 40%)
20) MAHSING - The Singing Horse (Up 25%)
21) MAYBULK - The rebound of Baltic Dry Index (Up 90%)
22) CEPATWAWASAN - Cepat cepat beli (Up 40%)
23) NYLEX - Up 20%
24) Southern Steel (Up 30%)
25) KULIM (Taken private) Up 60%
26) TMakmur (Land of Prosperity. Taken private) Up 37%
27) KPSCB (Kaboom Power Surging) Up 45%
28) MASTEEL (Master of Long Steel) Made 60%
29) THPLANT (Up 15%)
30) BPLANT (Up 12%)
31) JTIASA (Giant Treasure) (Up 40%)
32) MHC PLANT (Up 15%)
33) CPO FUTURE (Up 15%)
34) INSAS (Up 11%)
35) WASEONG (Up 20%)
36) MFCB (My Father Comes Back) Made 40%
37) Cyclical 11MP Election stocks KKB (Kaboom Kaboom Booming) Up 35%
38) Cyclical 11MP Election stocks CMSB (Up15%)
39) RceCapital (The Best of Banking: Legalised Ah Long) Made 60%




SO 4 STOCKS MADE 200% (Super Enterprize, Jaks, Silk & Pohuat)

6 STOCKS MADE 100% (Ipmuda, Supermax, Ajiya, Jerasia, Pm Corp & My EG)


2017-01-19 00:25

John Lu

Where got so much money to buy all the stock? Calvin only invest 3% of his Capital...hahahahahahaahah

2017-01-19 00:26


Posted by John Lu > Jan 19, 2017 12:26 AM | Report Abuse

Where got so much money to buy all the stock? Calvin only invest 3% of his Capital...hahahahahahaahah

So stupid

Calvin's net worth how much?

2017-01-19 00:28

John Lu

Calvin net worth is billion of his kock king but no money

2017-01-19 00:30


Post removed.Why?

2017-01-19 00:30

John Lu

Dont know who ask sell hibiscus at 30.5c to buy DRB 1.24?

Now hibi 50c
Drb 1.18

Who is the loser?? Hahahahahahaah

2017-01-19 00:31


Last time ifca was Rm1.87 & Bj Corp 49 cts



So all who ride this hibiscuits balloon might end up surviving on plain biscuit only!

2017-01-19 00:34

John Lu


2017-01-19 00:34


Post removed.Why?

2017-01-19 00:43


Post removed.Why?

2017-01-19 00:44


the way to describe Hibiscus is a top heavy hot stock.

You need nerves of steel to play such stuffs.

Not for widow fund.

2017-01-19 00:58


hibiscus is a trap for all sorchai
so don't go play there and get trapped

2017-01-19 20:00


Posted by kakashi > Jan 19, 2017 08:48 PM | Report Abuse

sure game over

Looks like it. Last 5 candle sticks showed 3 major red & 2 minor green


Maybe John Lu @ Koonbee (con bilis) dumped all? Where he disappeared?
Better go squeeze her neck?

2017-01-19 21:08


calvintaneng hibiscus is a trap for all sorchai
so don't go play there and get trapped


same as drb, bjcorp, media prima for sorchai like calvin

2017-01-19 21:40


tks for sharing

2017-01-30 10:33

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