Calvin's Sunday Sharing: Bible Investment Ideas about Vege Oil from Prophet Elijah & Elisha

Publish date: Sun, 01 Aug 2021, 04:07 PM
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Hi Guys,

I have An Investment Approach I which I would like to all.

Dear Friends,

Every morning our 1st act is to read the Bible. The Bible is a Book that tells of Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ

But the Bible also has many many investment ideas

And one of them is illustrated by the Example of Elisha's miracle of multiplying Oil for a poor Widow Woman when Creditors are after her two sons to be taken as slaves. An earlier example is Prophet Elijah telling another poor Widow woman & her child that her meager meal (flour) and little oil will multiply day by day till rain arrives. 


Elijah & the Poor Widow Woman


Elijah and a Widow of Zarephath | Biblia imagen, Elías, Ilustraciones  biblicas

Read this

Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying, “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and stay there; behold, I have commanded a widow there to provide food for you.” 10 So he arose and went to Zarephath, and when he came to the entrance of the city, behold, a widow was there gathering sticks; and he called to her and said, “Please get me a little water in a d]cup, so that I may drink.” 11 As she was going to get it, he called to her and said, “Please bring me a piece of bread in your hand.” 12 But she said, “As the Lord your God lives, I have no food, only a handful of flour in the e]bowl and a little oil in the jar; and behold, I am gathering f]a few sticks so that I may go in and prepare it for me and my son, so that we may g]eat it and die.” 13 However, Elijah said to her, “Do not fear; go, do as you have said. Just make me a little bread loaf from h]it first and bring it out to me, and afterward you may make one for yourself and for your son. 14 For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel says: ‘The i]bowl of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil become empty, until the day that the Lord provides rain on the

face of the earth.’” 15 So she went and did everything in accordance with the word of Elijah, and she and he and her household ate

for many days. 16 The [j]bowl of flour was not used up, nor did the jar of oil become empty, in accordance with the word of

the Lord which He spoke through Elijah.

This shows subsistence providence. Everyday our Daily Bread is supplied miraculously


ELISHA & THE WIDOW with Her Two Sons

Widow's Oil Multiplied

See how they borrowed as many empty vessels as possible to store the miraculous multiplying oil (the oil did not stop flowing until they stopped finding the last available Empty Oil Jar)

Now a woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, saying, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the Lord; and the creditor has come to take my two children to be his slaves.” So Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?” And she said, “Your servant has nothing in the house

except a jar of oil.”  Then he said, “Go, [a]borrow containers [b]elsewhere for yourself, empty containers from all your neighbors—

do not get too few. Then you shall come in and shut the door behind you and your sons, and pour into all these containers; and

you shall set aside what is full.”

 So she left him and shut the door behind her and her sons; they began bringing the containers to her, and she poured the oil. When the containers were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another container.” But he said to her, “There [c]are no more containers.” Then the oil stopped. So she came and told the man of God. And he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debt, and you and your sons can live on the rest.”


The First is the provision of daily need. The 2nd is more than provision. It is abundantly enough to live on for their time (both the widow and her two sons)

Read again

“Go, sell the oil and pay your debt, and you and your sons can live on the rest.”


By reading these an idea came to us

What idea?

The idea of Palm oil Cpo prices now up more than 100% from Rm2,200 Meric Ton to over Rm4,400 Metric Ton. Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) also doubled from Rm350 per ton to over Rm700 per ton now

If Cpo & FFB (Fresh Fruit Bunches) are up so high then those Palm Oil Companies which own the Largest UPSTREAM Palm Oil Estates should benefit the mostest

Just as the Widow who find the Most Empty Vessels to Store the Flowing Oil

And these are the figures for Palm Oil Companies with various amounts of Palm Oil Trees



1) SIME DARBY PLANT = Owns 1.85 MILLION ACRES OF PALM OIL ESTATES (Singapore land mass is 180,000 Acres. So SimeDarby Plant Estates are 10X (times) the Size of Singapore

2) FGV = Owns 988,000 Acres of Palm Oil Estates


3) TSH RESOURCES = Owns 207,650 Acres of Palm oil Estates Plus over 200,000 Acres of Timber Concession lands

4) JAYA TIASA = Owns 206,000 Acres of Palm Oil Estates Plus 1.9 Million Acres of Forest Concession lands

5) THPLANT = Owns 204,585 acres of Palm oil, 3,000 Acres of Teak wood & 36,000 acres of Forest lands with 100 years lease

6) IJMPLANT = Owns 184,420 Acres of Palm Oil Estates

7) BPLANT = Owns 181,603 Acres of Palm Oil Estates. Many of Bplant lands are located in prime area with development potential on Malaysia Peninsular

8) TAANN = Owns together with SWKplant 164,620 Acres of Palm Oil Plus Lots of Timber Concessions. Like IJMPLANT & TSH Resources TAANN is another well managed Plantation/Timber Company

9) UNITED PLANT: Owns 155,855 Acres of Oil Palm Estates

9) HAP SENG PLANT = Owns 87,918 Acres of Palm Oil Estates 

10) MHC Plant = Owns 74,957 Acres of Palm oil Estates

11) HARN LERN = Owns 60,775 Acres Palm oil estates

12) KIM LOONG = Owns 39,308 Acres of Palm Oil Estates * Palm Oil Mills


Some facts about Palm Oil

KMLoong said that used to make more from Palm Oil Milling than from Selling Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) last time. Now that FFB prices are so high they project FFB will now make more money than Palm Oil Milling

This foretells the Importance of Palm Oil Estates with the Most Planted Upstream Acreage

The Bigger the Acreage the Better. Just as the More Vessels the Better as the Upturn of Palm Oil Prices are now very high


Best Regards

Calvin Tan Research


Please buy or sell after doing your own due diligence or consult your Remisier/Fund Manager



Note: Most Palm Oil cost of Cpo production ranges from Rm1,465 (Thplant) to Rm1,800 so now that CPO prices are over Rm4,300 per ton they are making more than 150% to 200% gross profits




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note: the miracle performed by Elijah was during a period of 3 1/2 years of acute famine when there was no rainfall in those years

2021-08-01 16:22


Washington state banned new fossil fuel plant


2021-08-01 21:03

Bgt 9963

Post removed.Why?

2021-08-01 21:12


EU banned palm oil in biofuel

2021-08-02 08:10


EU not yet ban palm oil as biofuel until year 2030

In any case they want to protect their rapeseed oil
Now Malaysia will also ban buying fighter jet planes from them unless they allow 50% of palm oil as barter trade

So see how it will unfold

2021-08-02 08:17


The biggest buyer of palm oil is still India and follower by China. To them practicality of value is more important than ESG hype

2021-08-02 08:19


According to Peter Lynch the two most important factors for a share to go up are increasing profits or reducing cost of operation

Now that Cpo prices have more than doubled in price from last year the profit is up by more than 100% even though it is producing the same amount of palm oil

No extra effort needed

The price goes up due to palm oil being so profitable now

2021-08-02 08:59


Today Chinteck share price up more than 5% in one day after good results out

Putting money in Bank FD for one year only get 1.75%

Imagine Chinteck with so small 28,000 acres of palm oil could make 100% extra profit by producing the same amount of FfB without more effort just by Cpo price increase of more than 100% how much more will Tsh, Thplant and Jtiasa make with palm oil land size over 200,000 acres strong each?

2021-08-02 10:19


Be very careful when anyone quote from his religion. Either he is a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or Hindu.
I have seen many such men in my life time.
BTW, i am a Christian.

2021-08-02 10:33


Why are you so bias

You much check carefully what is written

True or not time will tell eventually

And it is up to us to find the truth

Nothing but the truth will stand the test of time eventually

2021-08-02 10:40


For palm oil the truth will be out very soon

Just watch very very carefully

By this month of August 21 all the palm oil companies will give report of their April to June 21 performance

By Nov 21 they will report July, August and September months performance

So remember to keep your EYES OPEN WIDE

2021-08-02 10:42


i agree with you plantation companies in general will report improve profits. Even the badly managed one. Only a blind man won't see that.
Is it cheap? So what's cheap? For me, i would first look at historical PE plantation stocks have been trading at? By comparing plantation stocks PE and technology stocks PE, it's like comparing apple and orange.
The fact is, can palm oil price sustain? I believe so, at least till 2022 if the reports i read are correct. Then again, same for gloves counters earnings growth in 2020?
But i detest people quoting their god in their sharings on profit to convince people.
Elijah was a holy man and his life was about serving and not profiting. You would be another one who gonna claim "i don't need the money, i am just helping you" right?

2021-08-02 10:51


I already hesitated from quoting from Bible until now as I know beforehand they will be people and even Christians who will have misunderstanding and past remarks

Nevertheless what was used are facts

The very fact that Elijah's widow only got one vessel and Elisha's got unlimited potential (only limitation was the lack of more empty jars )

this is to illustrate companies with the largest upstream palm oil acreage will benefit the mostest in palm oil price rise

And why People allow high P/E for tech stock now is the current trend only

As for palm oil 10 to 15 years ago people also assign high P/E in those days

2021-08-02 10:59









2021-08-02 11:03


Calvin. Then you are using your logic and not hearing God's voice in your quiet time. Bible told me to be careful of those who claiming to be his disciples (from their life, not their words. Since i don't know you, i can only judge by your words. Though i find no flaws in your claim that palm oil price is high, i once highlighted few months back when you were promoting Jaya Tiasa that i disagreed with buying Jaya Tiasa while i agreed plantation could be good buy? I stated my general observations too.
Btw, Jaya Tiasa bosses are mainly Methodist from Sibu.

2021-08-02 11:07


Here it is. In April


Apr 26, 2021 11:22 AM | Report Abuse

While i don't know how much longer commodities gonna run, probably a lot longer. I won't buy below 3 companies because of these reasons. I understand Calvin logic behind buying these companies, which should have lower PE i presume? Sorry, i didn't study in details and just a quick guide.
1. I presume THplant and FGV both GLC? 1 rule i have is not to touch GLC if i am looking at long term investments. I believe you have seen enough scandals with GLC to know why? Even i got the privilege to run GLC, i don't mind doing it for free cos i will become very rich anyway wink wink
2. Jtiasa. Cautious with 2nd generation successors. Few succeed (eg YTL) but majority are embroiled in power struggle. When everyone is busy with politic, you think they got time to care for the long term well being of businesses? That's why i miss Dr. M. From my memory, his dictatorship period was the best economically for Malaysia. Changing PM every year won't bring Malaysia anyway, no matter who the PM is.

calvintaneng Paktua73

Now CPO price has gone into World record high

Remember you did very well buying Hlt during Glove Bull?

Now Paktua73 must not miss Palm oil bull run

Go buy Thplant, Jtiasa or FGV now

2021-08-02 11:10


We cannot just a book by its cover

Suppose we judge by face value

What does Windy1974 tells us?

Windy is a name denoting wind

Wind is the most unstable element

1. Solid rock
2. Then woody trees
3. After that is murky water
4. Finally windy air

so this entity is the least stable

1974 in Chinese

1 as in yat or Chinese mean "day"
9 as in Kow or "play"
7 as in chut or "go out"
4 as in "die"

So sum of 1974 means

Daily go out play "stock" can die?

And esp wind of change here and change there

2021-08-02 11:12


Below link to Jtiasa quarterly. Why March quarter lost money when CPO so high?
JTiasa was an excellent company under Tan Sri Tiong

2021-08-02 11:13


Out of all the plantation companies, you chose 2 GLC. Thplant and FGV. And Jtiasa which lost money when others double their profit.
Stop quoting bible in your research

2021-08-02 11:14


Precisely about jtiasa

Due to apparent losses last qtr the sell down already reflected in the share price

Market always overreact

They over react in the upside on good news and also over sold on bad news

Human emotion is unstable like the wind

2021-08-02 11:22


Who said only 2 glcs?

These are the whole lists

1. Fgv
2. Tsh
3. Simedarby plant
4. Tdm
5. Azrb
6. Thplant
7. Jtiasa
8. Bplant
9. Rsawit
10. Mhc plant
11. Taann
12. Chinteck
13. Ijmplant
14. Others

Have you called Jtiasa office?
If not you better call them and say sorry
Don't simply post and if you did not call then first

I was wrong about Kpower until I spoke to their management
So you better go find the truth and nothing but the whole truth ok

2021-08-02 11:27


Listen Windy1974

Better change your ID to Winner1974

Last time I warned Ccmeow to change his ID

Ccmeow means

C as in die(hokkien)
C as in die
Meow as cat call

So Ccmeow or "die die cat"

He failed and then left i3 forum in year 2019


So better change your ways now!!!

2021-08-02 12:04


Where are you Windy1974?

Better listen to good advise for your own good now

2021-08-02 13:45


Pls don't bring in religion to this is setting a bad example...same way as the Majority is doing to education!

If you love yr religion so much, treat it with respect so that it wont be disrespectfully looked at

2021-08-04 21:21



to the person who knows the truth

everything is sacred

every ground is sacred ground h

there is no secular or sacred because of pure intention

and every bush a burning bush

I have read the Bible since 1972 and by next year will be 50 years

much of my life revolves round the teachings of the Bibie which is verity and finality

2021-08-05 21:39

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