Mr Lee Mun Tat (Eddie) is primarily responsible for controlling and overseeing across multiple divisions covering Commercial, Finance, Legal, Corporate Communications and Engineering of Westports Malaysia Sdn Bhd (WMSB). He has been appointed as a Director of WMSB on 9 June 2023. Prior to his current role and responsibility with WMSB, Mr Eddie has demonstrated his competency by holding different management roles including the Senior General Manager (in 2017), Head of Commercial (from 2006 to 2016) and Finance Manager (from 2003 to 2005). Before joining WMSB, Mr Eddie started his career with Matsushita Electronics Components (M) Sdn Bhd, after which he joined Jutajaya Holdings Berhad and All Best Furniture (M) Sdn Bhd with his last position as Group Finance Manager. All these previous roles have equipped him with extensive working experience in the areas ranging from commercial affairs, business development, terminal service contracts, pricing, and statistics as well as credit control. Mr Eddie received a Bachelor Degree in Business at Edith Cowan University in Australia. He has been active in undertaking the professional programme, including participated the Senior Management Development Programme organised by the Harvard Business School Alumni Club of Malaysia in collaboration with senior faculty members of the Harvard Business School, Boston, USA, in 2004, and also attended the General Management Programme in Boston US in 2016. In addition, he is an Alumnus of the Harvard Business School. He attended M&A and Next Generation Digitalisation courses in 2024. Mr Eddie is also recognized as a qualified Chartered Accountant from Malaysia Institute of Accountants and a member of the Certified Practising Accountants in Australia (CPA Australia).
Westports Holdings Berhad Direct Interest - 5,000 Ordinary Shares