Choivo Capital

Rotijon | Joined since 2013-03-05

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2018-08-28 17:01 | Report Abuse

How many companies do you think is that amazing in the US stock market? Less than 50 out of 25,000.

And how many selling at attractive valuations? Very very little, maybe 2 or 3.

And how big is US market? Well, Berkshire Hathaway is worth more than the entire KLSE market.

Our name is not warren buffet. Even Koon Yew Yin is a germ when it comes to worldwide capital markets.

If he try to get a meeting with warren buffet, by saying how much money he has, he won't even get past the secretary. A secretary who join WB company in 1970 probably richer than him!

And compared to koon yew yin, we are insects.

You only need one or two company. If you get in aeoncr, myeg etc early, by now you will be talking like 3iii, ahahahaha.

Of course, everyone thinks the grass is greener on the other side, but by virtue of being malaysians, we have information edge about malaysia compared to foreigners.

And if we are not able to find even one or two in malaysia, what makes you think we have a better chance of finding it in the US stock market, where its so efficient, and sharks got from gigantic to tiny.

And we are complete aliens there.

You want to buy the names you know? Everyone there also know. Nvidia 60PE. Google, almost 40PE, Amazon, 250PE.

General mills and kelloggs can actually show you less profit and revenue for 2 years for you to see. 15PE, but you also don't dare buy because you wont know the consumer market there that well. Here, nestle, you know every year sure up, but there, you wont even know which consumer brand to buy.

Having said that, US now also alot of opportunities in the energy sector, quite a few energy companies at 3-6 PE. Synchrony financial is only 9PE.

I considered going to US markets in 2016, and if i did, i think i will feel like genius, because a rising tide lifts all boats. But that does not change the fact that i would probably just lucky.

Malaysian markets is actually more efficient than US market due to certain factors. But it is more inaccurate.

And there's only 9XX companies. Newbie just need to read for a few months, and they'll know the market quite closely. Of course almost none will do that.

US market, need at least 3 years to finish reading.


Icon8888 I am not against Buffettology. Who am I to question a great investor like that with solid proven track record ?


Apart from Top Gloves, PBB and few others, how many Malaysian companies can consistently deliver growth like Coca Cola , Gillette, etc ?
25/08/2018 21:03


2018-08-28 16:44 | Report Abuse

Ahhhhh, the bear is peeking out of the bushes.Hahahaha

Wahhhhhh getting more and more excited. Having said that, i'm 99% invested lol. But bonus coming!

Dear god, please grant me a bear market. However long is ok. 10 year bear market with blood on the streets, people jumping off klcc, and everyone saying stock market is only cheat people and for gamblers only.

That would be the best.

News & Blogs

2018-08-28 15:20 | Report Abuse

At this price, malaysia can not sell a single property next year, and im still ok with holding it.

4444 Every town full of unsold houses? Jon Choivo pls sell your Plenitude asap.

News & Blogs

2018-08-27 22:27 | Report Abuse

Alex, our name not Warren buffet. Just need to find one or two.

In Bursa got a few potential 10 baggers. 100baggers, that one abit hard, but we had one or two lah.

Just need to study very hard.

Every time I want to feel humble, I go read research by us research house on their market. Feel very humble d then haha.

News & Blogs

2018-08-27 21:43 | Report Abuse

Haha good luck.

Take a look in china markets, its really cheap, and i can see alot of consumer brands and growth companies selling for really cheap.


2018-08-27 20:18 | Report Abuse

Hahaha. Oh well.

I wonder if i can hold the shares even if they are private ah? Don't think so right. I wouldnt mind holding it as a private company.


2018-08-27 19:07 | Report Abuse

Its a NTA play, not a earning play. Should not have big effect.

Posted by 4444 > Aug 27, 2018 07:04 PM | Report Abuse

Profit drop 23%. Run for your life.

News & Blogs

2018-08-27 19:02 | Report Abuse

Layhong, its bet on the future consumer brand, very cloudy, not sure. Its a small punt for me.

Flbhd, i bought at RM1, sold at RM1.5. Its not cheap enough for me anymore. I might be wrong, might have fantastic macro factor push etc, but im not smart enough.

Bimb, wont really go wrong. Pretty decent. Only thing is got cheaper and better. The warrant is interesting in the long tenure.

Assuming they maintain the 35% payout, and reinvest 65%. And continue earning 13.3% on equity. And P/E don't change.

The number gets interesting. Have a bit of fun and count it out yourself using the assumptions above. Do note they are very very big assumptions, a lot can happen.

I'm studying the loan book, and the customers. if i stop talking about it, you know i might be buying hahahaha.

In any event, ICBC bank is cheaper.

TakeProfits Off the cuff, JON, what is your rough intrinsic value of Layhong, FLHB, Bimb.
25/08/2018 21:10


2018-08-27 18:48 | Report Abuse

He did, long time ago haha.


2018-08-27 18:38 | Report Abuse

Congratulations everyone!

News & Blogs

2018-08-27 00:50 | Report Abuse

Unlike otb or kc,

I will only give you for one company. That's it, not going to recommend you new one every week or every month hahaha.

News & Blogs

2018-08-27 00:47 | Report Abuse


I'm not so cheap one. It's Rm5,000 for the research report of only One company. Hahahaha

Tell you what, if the stock becomes expensive and need to goreng, I will write it out and share to you OK?

Koon Bee,

I don't choose which stock to like. I just see what is a good opportunity and value buy, and go there.

And when I rwally like the company, I very diam one. My preference is to collect forever.


Investing is both arrogance and humility. When I buy, I am telling the other person he is wrong to sell and I am right. When I sell, I cam telling him he is stupid to buy and I am smart to sell.

And yet, I also have to be humble enough to constantly question if I am wrong. To constantly search for what I missed out or whatever error I might have made.

Every post I do, I always look for people to criticise me. To show me where I miss out. I don't see what other humility you want me to have.

Having said that, I have this special ability to be humble in an arrogant way. So I do get what you mean. Hahahahaha.

When it comes to Investing, I think it's key for one to be able to defend their viewpoints like a fanatic, and yet, when new information that proves one to be wrong, you must be both intellectually honest and open minded enough, to admit it instantly and take corrective action.

If you think I've failed in any of the above in my writing here, please quote it out, so I can learn.

News & Blogs

2018-08-27 00:36 | Report Abuse

Calvin, given the drop in property company valaution so far.

Dont you think it is cheap enough to warrant a buy now? Almost all of them selling near or way below liquidation value.

News & Blogs

2018-08-26 18:02 | Report Abuse

Noted. Thanks for the constructive advice.

I'll take it to heart and think properly.


2018-08-26 16:56 | Report Abuse

Yes, the crook big shark, buy 400 shares. So rich and crooked man.

Parkson18 Crooks push up? Can we actually sell at 1.65?
25/08/2018 11:40


2018-08-26 16:53 | Report Abuse

It it goes to RM0.7, can consider buying hahaha.

News & Blogs

2018-08-26 14:35 | Report Abuse

You too free ah?

No big no small. Wah piang eh. You people my best friend is it? You people my family ah.

Here, you are judged only by the quality of your ideas. You are a stranger online. I don't know you at all, for all i know, you can be a 12 year old loser typing on keyboard.

I respect them. But if i sense bullshit, or i think it does not make sense. I will call it out instantly. If you're right, what do you have to worry about? Its good, you get to see other perspective.

If you're wrong, and you're open enough to admit it to yourself, you better send tilapia to my house loh, saved you money leh!

And most important, why i call it out, because i want to know if im wrong loh!

You want unearned respect, go look for your son ask him worship you lah. Come here for what.

Koon Bee This Jon baby no big no small, 读死书, must learn how to respect others especially all big name sifu here i.e OTB, Icon, KC etc before learn how to invest. 做人的道理 also dunno, how are u going to success??
26/08/2018 11:17

News & Blogs

2018-08-26 14:30 | Report Abuse

I've learnt so much reading all of kcc blog post.

The book coming out is one of the best news i've heard all year.

Do an author interview in kinokuniya!

VenFx kcchongnz sir,

Should compile them into a book...
26/08/2018 12:19

Posted by VenFx > Aug 26, 2018 12:19 PM | Report Abuse
kcchongnz sir,
Should compile them into a book...

Thanks VenFx,it is in the process. It ill be out before this year. Hope you can support.
26/08/2018 12:21

News & Blogs

2018-08-26 14:17 | Report Abuse

I've met calvintan.

He isnt so crude as to tell me how much he is worth. But i used to do sales a long time ago, and i have a good feel for rich people.

I am fairly certain calvin is doing quite well for himself.


Koon Bee And trust me, TanEnd is those poor retirement singaporean which stay alone, his wife and children has dump him. He nothing to do everyday get a free wifi spend time in i3 talk cok sing song play ping pong for past time. You believe he buy any stock? He cant even stay in a HDB in spore and need to claim support fund from government. Eat also got problem whete got spare cash like us to invest? Haha
26/08/2018 13:02

News & Blogs

2018-08-26 10:44 | Report Abuse

Just wrote an ode about a great klse trader. Clearly not the case.

You can keep following whatever narrative you have about me in your head, its not going to make me more or less money anyway.

When i met kcchongnz, i asked about people i should try to meet, and who he considered to be worth listening to. You name was one of the few he recommended.

When you did you 2018 stock picks, i was quite happy to see your write up for each. It was interesting. And i made sure to study all of them properly, personally i , liked SOP, Favco, we bought for the same reasons

Its a pity you feel this way. Too bad i guess.

soojinhou Wanted to reply, changed my mind. Not worth my time. No point writing to someone who can only accept their own investment methods and criticizes everyone else'.
26/08/2018 10:20

News & Blogs

2018-08-26 10:38 | Report Abuse

Lets be clear here icon8888 is not a pump and dumper.

His research is very detailed, and very useful, especially if you can see the other perspective and understand his motivations. I personally learned alot from his perspective when i started, and determine what is important to study in markets and reports from his reports.

Pump and dumper, cannot make much money, because the stock is worthless, but there is real value in icon8888 recommendations. Just rmbr, he's in already, his cost likely lower than yours, and you are the product not the customer.

Icon8888 I tried to explain before why I blog. Please read my article , especially the part I explained why I wrote about Thong Guan

Unlike what you speculated, I don't pump and dump. Big money not made like that. Best way is still buy and hold
26/08/2018 10:24

News & Blogs

2018-08-26 10:28 | Report Abuse

Yeah the main thing i learned this year, is that to follow klarman buffet etc

Does not mean to buy high NTA companies. That is walter schloss kind of purchase, you better be very very diversified, or be a liquidator. Its not that fun

The goal is to buy earnings, and growth. But the concepts is still the same. Margin of safety, and that of Mr Market.

My biggest positions, are way above NTA, im definitely paying for their earnings.

Having said that, i buy very small 1% positions in some nta companies. Hahahah, just too cheap!!

Unlevered Hi Jon, I started invested investing 3 years back, so I guess we both started more or less around the same time. I can totally relate to it when u mentioned how u spent so much time researching stocks and learning investment yet failed to produce decent result. When was I in college, I spent most of my time reading the books about those big time investors like Warren, Klarman, Howard marks etc too, but still I failed to beat the market despite all all the hours I invested.Which is why I came to i3 more frequently now to learn the "street ways" of investing and see if I could apply them well. I admire your courage to share your thoughts even though u dont have much of a track record and given how toxic this forum is. Continue doing what u do best! Remember Kyy, Otb, icon, have their fair share of haters too.
26/08/2018 09:28

News & Blogs

2018-08-26 10:24 | Report Abuse

I don't purposely provoke.

Look at my Jaks post, did i call anyone stupid or sohai?

No what. I just wrote out my position clearly.

And yet everyone, because their ego get hurt, start to lash out. Icon8888, go and say i no independent thinking or adventurousness. No idea wtf the second one means. The fact that i take the contrary view compared to him, a popular writer here. Is apparently, not independent thinking. Hahahahahaha

And to top it off, he wants to slap me over my emphasis on margin of safety. AHAHAHAHAHAHA Really nothing to say. Emphasis of what? Margin of danger?

I don't set out to insult someone. I just put my point out. If you feel insulted, well handle it yourself. I can't control your emotion.

DK66 Jon, there are many ways to learn. Why choose to provoke others ? You will only make more enemies. Unless learning from enemies is your ideology too. I believe it is better to learn from friends than enemies.
26/08/2018 09:45

News & Blogs

2018-08-26 10:19 | Report Abuse

I studied it previously. It was one of the companies where i read every single FS of the company.

Its very very interesting, the bosses are good and competent people. Business is decent. I used to own a small position. Sold it off d.

Main thing is, its not cheap for me. And im not sure about the economic edge of the business. These gambling machine concessions, it seems too easily changeable. And the manufacturing part, is not that profitable tbf.

If they own their own casino or slot machine outlet in cambodia that is popular, can sailang. But they don't

Its not a bad buy, i just have better opportunities. Good luck.


newbie911 Hi Jon....why not look at RGB?
26/08/2018 08:05

News & Blogs

2018-08-26 10:14 | Report Abuse

Did i say we should blame them as cheats?

No what. There is no thing wrong with wanting to take care of your own benefit.

"Now, before we continue, let’s be clear. It is perfectly fine them. Ethics at the end of the day, comes down to how your look at the world. Some people don’t buy gambling, drinking ot smoking stocks, I don’t have such qualms. In fact, warren buffet famously does not own smoking or gambling companies, but he is fine with buying their stock. Ethics is largely a grey area."

Said here quite clearly what.

The companies i buy, take advnatage of the financial stupidity of B40 income individuals loh. And im very happy when the company make money.

In short term trading, there is no such thing as win win, someone must lose.

You want recommendation. Easy loh, OSK. Your 3 to 5 year possibility of positive return is quite good.

I buy my position d. ;) Buy and push it up, so i can sell to you.


probability may be Jon can answer a simple philosophical question:

every single action by anyone in this world is selfish...and act for his own benefit...even mourning or donation is about self interest for afterlife or future benefit of the world...

can we say that the writers, and IB has some selfish motive too when they publish in newspaper and give Target Price for their stock recommendation...

should we blame them as cheats and run far away?

there is this thing call mutual benefit, win/win interaction or symbiotic relationship...

i see Jon has none of these characteristic so far for a mutually beneficial interaction with i3 investors...

unless he can come out with a recommendation like OTB or Icon8888

News & Blogs

2018-08-26 10:09 | Report Abuse

If you're not paying for it, you're not the customer. You're the product!

Facebook and i3 no need to pay. You think you're their customer? No mah, you are the product that they are packaging to sell to advertisers mah.

otb and kc sifu, get fees.

Icon8888, he buy already mah. After article, up few %, can trade that pop, easily few k d. If he can whip up the sentiment, easily few hundred k.

Again nothing wrong.

But people like to think they are angels. They don't like it when the reality of the situation is stated out clearly.

5k kah?

then i definitely appreciate fees from OTB sifu, KC and best of all Icon8888..FOC!

Posted by CharlesT > Aug 26, 2018 09:37 AM | Report Abuse

U try to get free tips fm jon ah? No way rm5k free lunch
26/08/2018 09:40

News & Blogs

2018-08-26 10:06 | Report Abuse

Dear Mr Ooi,

Who bought Masteel from you at RM1.6? Got a magic fairy that buys it? No mah

Don't tell me when you cut win in HY at RM15, buddha come down from nirvana to buy from you? No mah. Its the retailer or institutions who is less smart than you mah.

Don't tell me you in stock market for charity? No what.

Your goal is first your own economic benefit. And second is your subscribers mah.

Nothing wrong, but it sure does not sound nice saying it out loud.

Ooi Teik Bee Icon8888 and OTB wants you to buy their shares from them when it’s expensive.”

Ans :
I will not share my recommendation in I3.
I will share with my followers only.
Many people steal my article to post the stock I recommended in other forums including I3.
A good example.
I recommend Hengyuan strongly when the share price was 5.95, I still recommend it strongly when the share price was around 8.00 level.
I did not recommend it when the share price crossed 10.00.
I recommend a sell when the share price is 17.50. I told everyone I sold all at 17.50.
People in I3 still blame me that I cheat people in I3.
There are many liars in I3, Karma will hit hard on them.

Another example.
I recommend Lionind at 0.75 in my Ipoh market talk on 2/6/2018.
I recommend Lionind to my followers at 0.96.
I did not recommend Lionind in I3 at all.

So !!
Did I want anyone to buy my shares from me when it is expensive ?
The writer is bullshit here.

Thank you.
26/08/2018 09:17

News & Blogs

2018-08-26 09:59 | Report Abuse

Dear Sslee,

I never said they wrote for that.

That is everyone's inherent purpose in being in the stock market.

Sslee Dear Jon,
I quote your writing;
“I and kcchongnz want you to sell your cheap shares to me, Icon8888 and OTB wants you to buy their shares from them when it’s expensive.”
I do not think kcchongnz write for the purpose of wanting you to sell your cheap share to him. Please share such kcchongnz writing to back up your assumption.
Similarly do you have evidence that Icon8888 and OTB wants you to buy their share from them when it’s is expensive.
So please speak for your self only and do not put word to other people mouth.

I write because I want to improve my English writing and I first wrote in i3 to seek helps and when you wrote in open forum be prepared to receive the pleasant, unpleasant, the helpful, the hurtful, the insult and etc. Nevertheless I thank all of them for their advices and helps.

Later on I start to write blog in i3 mostly on life and politic because I feel I have something to contribute and share especially I want to put forward my argument why we need to kick out the corrupt BN Government and embrace the institutional reform promised by PH.
Thank you
26/08/2018 07:07

News & Blogs

2018-08-26 02:29 | Report Abuse

Bro, you are right, value investing dont work at all man.

Apabagus Jon baby.Let's answer this question first.If W Buffett was a Msian instead of a USA citizen and he can only invest in bursa, what cos would enable him to get the results he achieved now as a usd multibillionaire?
Final reminder to you baby.One yr experience dun talk so much.
25/08/2018 21:18

News & Blogs

2018-08-26 02:28 | Report Abuse

I'm leaving jb to go back to KL soon, lets meet again! My turn to belanja this time!

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2018-08-26 01:44 | Report Abuse

Is Neoh Soon Kean and Yeon Seng Choon a bankrupt? If not, yes it works.

Look, its just logic. Value investing is like inoculation. You either get it or you don't.

Apabagus Jon baby.Let's answer this question first.If W Buffett was a Msian instead of a USA citizen and he can only invest in bursa, what cos would enable him to get the results he achieved now as a usd multibillionaire?
Final reminder to you baby.One yr experience dun talk so much.
25/08/2018 21:18

News & Blogs

2018-08-25 20:57 | Report Abuse

No lol. Because parkson is damn liquid despite all the loss for the lat couple years.

News & Blogs

2018-08-25 20:56 | Report Abuse

Is a war going on? Really?

Sorry, not a trader, i don't play the zero sum game.

Lets assume alex, famousamos and apabagus is actually in the green and very much so now.

For every one of your guys, i am willing to bet that there is at least 5 poor sods in the red.

And this is over a 15 year database.

If you know anyone in a brokerage with the data, i am willing to take on the bet. With any of you. Name an amount, i'm not rich though, so its mostly for fun hahaha.

Posted by Apabagus > Aug 25, 2018 08:37 PM | Report Abuse

Baby after reading a few books think he can fight a war.Even veteran like 3iii also no one give a damn.Oops,it's time to change diapers for baby jon!

News & Blogs

2018-08-25 20:32 | Report Abuse

If i tmr sailang into in Sapura Warrant.

And suddenly saudi arabia say will give loan to SAPURA ENERGY, no need right issue. And i didnt know it, but i just got damn lucky.

Warrant up 1000%.

Am i genius now or win lottery?

Posted by Alex™ > Aug 25, 2018 08:30 PM | Report Abuse

Baby jon still don't get it. Talk talk talk~

Produce result then we talk

News & Blogs

2018-08-25 20:31 | Report Abuse

And one Jon Choivo.

When Warren was only managing a USD15mil co, he was pretty much the same as managing a USD500bil company. Except, he had much more options before then.

I am like a mouse now, i can look into very small caps that people cannot buy.

You don't change your thinking and philosophy just because you are small. But by being small, you have alot more options. that is it.

Posted by Apabagus > Aug 25, 2018 08:25 PM | Report Abuse

Jon baby.There is only one WB,same as one Bill Gates,same as one Jack Ma.
You would do well to start as a mouse.One year plus experience talk so much.

News & Blogs

2018-08-25 20:27 | Report Abuse

I've read every single letter from buffet from 1955 to 2018. And every step of the way, from USD 19 per share to USD300,000. Even when his capital is small, he never took undue risk.

What is being conservative?

For me, it means to only invest if you're sure of what you're buying. If you actually understand the economics and the valuation. If you know for a fact that you are buying RM1 for RM0.5 or less.

I take risk and am adventurous only when i know i am paid well for it.

You know funnily, i actually invested RM15,000 for a 5% stake in a small singaporean company when it was starting out. That was most of my capital then. In terms of valuation, it was useless then.

But i knew the boss, i knew the market, and i knew the economics of the business, and i figured, this guy can make it work.

For the last two years, it has paid me RM15,000 each year in dividend.

I think if i were to sell that stake, should be a significant sum. By far my best investment tbh ahaha.

I am willing to take almost any risk, as long as i'm understand what im getting into, am paid well for it, and i can stomach the size.

Warren buffet, his company now, insures the kind of risk no one else dare to insure. Multibilion dollar hurricanes, earth quakes, terrorism, micheal jordan legs.

Is he conservative or adventurous?

You need to revisit and study again your definitions and thinking.


Icon8888 > Aug 25, 2018 01:39 PM | Report Abuse

The biggest weakness of Baby Jon is his conservativeness. Always pick stocks like retirees. (Read too many warren Buffett books).

if you are 26 yo be more adventurous lah. It is time to take risk and grow. Acting like warren buffett makes you feel good but doesn't put money in your pocket

News & Blogs

2018-08-25 20:17 | Report Abuse

Did i ever say i was big ?

Haha in markets, even fong siling etc is an ant.

yeah, ive read that book. along with the 2 new ones. It was interesting. But ultimately not for me.

Why would i want to engage in zero sum games with people much better, smarter and with more resources than me?

When i can just buy good companies, sit down, and let the natural wind behind my back push me forward.

You know, funnily, every single person profiled in that book, and the subsequent two books after.

If you add up all their net worth. They still do not exceed warren buffet. Interesting isnt it :). And warren buffet stopped raising money since 1965. Instead, he just turned USD19 per share to USD300,000 per share.

These people, their networth is derived from managing larger sums, and taking 2% per annum from those people, and 20% of the profits, if any.

While warren only had a salary of 100k per annum. Everything else is through the organic growth of his company.

I think you are missing out the real elephant. But instead keep focus on finding all the mouse's.

Posted by Apabagus > Aug 25, 2018 08:09 PM | Report Abuse

This Amos biscuit is ok.Jon baby,dun say i dun put money in ur pocket.There is a book "Market Wizards".Go read it.Then you will know how small you are.One year plus experience dun talk so much.hahaha.

News & Blogs

2018-08-25 20:09 | Report Abuse

Good for you.

Remember croesus, nobody's track record is over until they are dead.

Would like to read your story and your philosophy some time. Did you turn a 8 figure portfolio to a 7 figure one or what?


Posted by FamousAmos > Aug 25, 2018 06:54 PM | Report Abuse

Lol baby jon when I first started to trade as an institution trader you were like 15? i have been through enough bear and bull markets than you do and now I am still trading full time and managing my 7 digits funds. No I am not going to collect any subscription fees or whatever shit coz I don’t need that for living so don’t ask for my results or contacts.

Go out and work hard young man. With ur kind of mentality and whatever warren Buffett shit u ain’t gonna make any money from stock market (unless you are trying to be investment guru and start selling ur whatever shit). TanEnd, KC, and now this young Choivo

News & Blogs

2018-08-25 20:06 | Report Abuse


You can apply it to whatever scenario you want.

Just make sure you are accurate about the risk you are taking on, and the possible profit and losses.

That's it.

Simple but hard.

News & Blogs

2018-08-25 19:53 | Report Abuse

Because the expected value of

1) High Risk, High Reward,
2) Medium Risk, Medium Reward, and
3) Low risk low reward.

Is exactly the same.

You fuck up, when you take high risk for medium reward, and you are doing well when you take medium risk for high reward etc.

In those cases, the expected value is higher.


Posted by probability > Aug 25, 2018 07:28 PM | Report Abuse

how is that Ricky?

i am looking at in the same analogy of roulette...

example betting on Even or Odds is considered less riskier with lesser return than betting on 1-12 with same capital size but the latter having less probability of striking (about ~1/3 odds) compared to former (about ~1/2 odds).

News & Blogs

2018-08-25 18:24 | Report Abuse

No one is bashing you.

I even wrote an Ode, which is this post praising the skill of a ta based trader.

You think people are bashing you, because you can't justify your skill or decision making process. Ie, you cant shake off the feeling that you are just lucky.

Stop bashing yourself, Sit down and think more.

FamousAmos Most of the FA gurus are nerds. Nonstop bashing TA and Traders. KC, TanEnd, now this Choivo shit. Quote this quote that but the result is still shit. Lmao.
25/08/2018 18:19

News & Blogs

2018-08-25 18:21 | Report Abuse

Yeah, Howard Marks is amazing.

He's required reading really. Cant wait for his latest book coming out in October.

News & Blogs

2018-08-25 14:37 | Report Abuse

Than what margin of danger ah hahahahaha.

Margin of safety is damn key for long term investor.

If you pay Rm1. 2 for Rm1. Mai lose money d. Unless use your modus operandi, where you find greater fool to pay rm1. 3 loh!

I don't want to make money this way. Because I don't think it's fun, ethical. And I also think I'm likely to be not as good at that.


Posted by Icon8888 > Aug 25, 2018 01:53 PM | Report Abuse

True.... Baby Jon quite kiasi... always said margin of safety margin of safety , sometime I feel like slapping him

News & Blogs

2018-08-25 14:34 | Report Abuse

Haha its my birthday, I'm out celebrating.

Its TTT500%, for me Im not aiming for 500% year. But if my thinking improve to 15-20% per annum for 30 year, I am damn happy d.

Posted by CharlesT > Aug 25, 2018 01:46 PM | Report Abuse

Wah first ever thread of jon500% breaking 100 comments soon...but sadly he participated not much

News & Blogs

2018-08-25 14:29 | Report Abuse

Money, when you have enough, is just a number on the screen.

I remember asking him, why are you still so aggressive in trading, you got so much d.

He said, well, I want to make more. I want to be rich and have the freedom and live abit better.

I asked, how much have you taken out from your account? And do you live 7 times better than when you have 100k.

He said, actually not really. Hahaha I only took out 3k. The rest all keep in.

I then ask, why do you want to invest, other than because trading is a wasts of time and brain. Hahaha

He said, well you are right in that sense. Sitting down and looking at chart all day is a waste of time. Trying to keep track of commodities prices, and currency prices are useless. I thought I could predict muda and hengyuan and masteel so well. But in the end all useless and pointless. Just ride the momentum.

I said, and investors much more interesting to talk to right. Hahahaha (do note I am very arrogant sometimes)

I'll be real with you, this guy has a very good mind for the economics of business as well.


Posted by lizi > Aug 25, 2018 01:51 PM | Report Abuse

hahahaha......i am wondering, inside TTT's heart, he must be thinking...why this guy is so "lor soh" low sell high, make money, done lah...haha..

News & Blogs

2018-08-25 14:21 | Report Abuse

Icon8888, this is just a punt.

But 3iii bought pbbank, lpi, aeoncr early.

If I had to bet whose returns over 15 years is better. I would say him. And yours is damn good to begin with.

My auntie, not that smart at all, but she smart enough to buy pbbank in 1970, and reinvest most of the div. Now rich until fd slips need a abc folder to hold.

I think it's more important to know the limits of ones intelligence than to be damn smart.

I remember in an interview, the Interviewer told Warren buffet and Charlie munger, speaking to you guys, you guys don't look like youre smart enough to be as rich as you are.

They replied, well, our edge is that we know the limits of our knowledge and capabiluty more than others.

If you are stupid, but you know you are stupid. You can just buy s&p index and beat 50% d.

Posted by Icon8888 > Aug 25, 2018 02:03 PM | Report Abuse

the biggest disaster that can happen to Baby Jon is if he becomes like 3iii

then habis liao

News & Blogs

2018-08-25 13:48 | Report Abuse

It does for me wor. Haha

I'm not even close to Warren buffet, but thanks for the compliment. I don't think I can invest exactly like him, since I am Jon choivo, also our capital size is different.

For now, since I'm not as brilliant as him, I'll just try to mimic his thinking and keep learning.

Posted by Koon Bee > Aug 25, 2018 01:44 PM | Report Abuse

I likes this

Acting like warren buffett makes you feel good but doesn't put money in your

News & Blogs

2018-08-25 13:33 | Report Abuse

You know, as one would expect, no one would take me up on that offer haha. Especially if put so arrogantly by myself.

Most people usually get me to explain it out in full, by being friends with me, and we go out yumcha. If I think the person is sharp, I will share with him right away, because I want him to attack it, to find weak points in my reasoning.

I want to know if I'm wrong, and this is very important for me, since its a very very large position.

Raider, I don't cari makan from this. Haha. Some of my investors have no fees, they just need to keep the money in the fund for 3 years minimum.

Others, I gurantee capital, plus fd 4.5%, and 40% of profit above 4.5%. Happily, I've more than covered the guaranteed rate by now.

I'll only cari makan from this, by running a proper fund, when I am able to show myself that I have alpha and ability. Right now, the time frame is too short. I don't know.

You know what's the funny thing, I've never said I was a sifu, or have millions in capital. Nor did I ever say I was running class or giving lessons.

But for some reason, people keep thinking I am sifu, or teaching people investing. You guys must have a very weird way of complimenting the other person. Like raider, when he say pondan, I know the other person must be right hahahaha.

Thanks for the compliment on my English raider, however, I think it's still very bad grammatically, Ricky yeo one is just incredible, his English structuring and thinking. One of the reason I wrote is to practice.


Posted by CharlesT > Aug 25, 2018 12:02 PM | Report Abuse

He spent only ard 2 to 3 years taking abt share investment n is now one of the famous sifu conducting many courses a year

5258 posts
Posted by CharlesT > Aug 25, 2018 12:04 PM | Report Abuse

Jon is only one year plus in i3 n so far we only see his 2017 result n he is now charging rm5k...geng
25/08/2018 12:15