
FortuneBull777 | Joined since 2022-12-06

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2023-05-26 15:43 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2023-05-26 01:31 | Report Abuse

PM Anwar is underperforming! Najib was better! If PN lead the government, we go bankrupt for sure! So there's no choice really!

News & Blogs

2023-05-26 00:52 | Report Abuse

The writer echoe the general sentiment on the ground! But what choice do we have! Perhaps Pas lead government is what we deserve in the end!


2023-05-26 00:50 | Report Abuse

Now, let's see Pas able to gain more voters than before! And what if 100% majority malays throw their support towards Pas! Can Pas form government then!
Here's another scenario! What if once again PH, BN and Sabah Sarawak form another unity government without Pas who may possess all malay seats! Then we will see the first non malay administration in Malaysia!
Then again, this is just a scenario play!
What i am trying to say is, if Agong call upon Pas leader to form government with PH and Pas refuse, then Agong may then call upon PH to form the government!
And knowing Pas has no allies, this come be the alternative outcome!


2023-05-26 00:46 | Report Abuse

As for PKR, i am not sure! problem with PKR is PM Anwar himself! His favoritism is killing PKR itself! With his fanboys in cabinet and they have shown to be imcompetent and downright useless, even hardcore PKR supporters nowadays felt cheated and betrayed! If not for Rafizi, i think PKR would just fold like Umno!


2023-05-26 00:45 | Report Abuse

Well, we should be ready for the worst post GE16! Due to green wave among majority malays!
Bare in mind, it's green wave not PN wave! Bersatu is weak! And may die off before GE16! Especially if Mohiden goes to jail! And without big financing from tycoons, Bersatu simply cannot win votes!
The outcome of coming state elections may be too predictable! Umno will die standing for sure! Bersatu will not win much! Only Pas shine like redbutt! Or greenbutt for that matter!


2023-05-24 23:28 | Report Abuse

Putin constantly changing his tune! Instead of making Russia as mighty as China, he spent russia wealth fattening his obligachs! Now his obligachs can't even spend their vacation outside of Russia!

News & Blogs

2023-05-24 01:13 | Report Abuse

US is in brink of bankruptcy! If you look at it's debt ceiling which has been raised countless times, it's a huge red flag already!
Gold is the only way to store value!
Don't know when US will fold! But it will! Perhaps future generation will use US dollar as toilet paper!


2023-05-23 17:33 | Report Abuse

Maxim is even worse than Grab! Their fare is much lower! Of course customers are happy but for edrivers, they are driving at loss!


2023-05-23 15:26 | Report Abuse

After talking to many edrivers, indeed they are now very choosy! Many have left Grab for other ehailers! Those who offer super cheap fare to customers at edriver expense days are over!
I mean, why drive 12 hours a day only to get minimum salary of 2K! Better work at fast food outlet!
I foresee less and less entering this business especially from edrivers! It's just not profitable! Ehailing is a self employed business and if it does not make good return then it's not a good business for edrivers!


2023-05-23 04:20 | Report Abuse

If you thinking of becoming edriver, forget it! After hailing dozens of Grab and asking them of current situation, 90% of them said the same thing, they would stop if they find other alternative!
It just not profitable at all! In fact after deducting all the expenses, you basically not earning anything!
Gone are the days where edrivers are making ridiculous money! Just go to many forums, overwelming of senior drivers are or already quit doing Grab! Even the alternative are far worst as other ehailers are throwing prices so shocking, it's basically losing money for drivers!
My 1 cent, ehailing days are over! For customer, it's pure heaven! You are getting cheap fare at driver expense!


2023-05-22 15:01 | Report Abuse

All municipals should buy those multitool bushcutters! It makes cutting small trees and bushes a breeze! What manual labor can do an hour can be done in just few minutes with proper tools!
Please! Fire destroy expensive public infrastructures! This tools are peanut compare to what they save!


2023-05-22 14:59 | Report Abuse

We yet to see confirmation that El Nino will happen! But if it does, then all municipals must act fast to clear bushes every month or so!
During long drought, dry leaves can create spark of fire! And we have seen this happen gazillion times!
And of course we need to get our face mask on when haze from Indonesia happens! No need to blame Indonesia! Probably like us, those fires are create from bushes!
The only thing we can do in Malaysia is to make sure public areas are clear of bushes! And trim those trees as well! Especially the ones new electric poles or telecommunications! Public must alert their municipals so action can be taken if they see overgrow bushes!


2023-05-22 13:52 | Report Abuse

This Kalimah thingy is non issue! You cannot spread Indonesia Bible in peninsula! That's a clear no no! This is non written rule!
Like i said, only the evangalists are doing this dumbass thingy! And then they play victim everytime they are caught! That's why few years back, few of this dumbass evangalists gone missing! they should known better! Just leave malays alone!


2023-05-22 13:49 | Report Abuse

I find it so sad that politicians especially malay politicians keep harping on kalimah or 'Alah' issue, and the dumbass shouting and screaming without doing their homework first!
Okay, the ruling on this is very clear! Kalimah can only be used in Sabah Sarawak to charter for christians over there! This is because, the so called 'malay' Bible is actually Indonesia Bible which contains the said kalimah! You see, in Indonesia they do use Bible in Indonesia, which is strikingly similar to malay language!
But in peninsula, the usage of said Indonesia Bible is prohibited except for Sabah Sarawak christians!
This issue is straight forward! Beside, 95% indonesians are muslims! So this Indonesia Bible hardly affect them! So why should it affect the malay muslims! Even the colonial masters tried to convert malays but they failed!
It is written in our constitution that malays cannot convert to other religion! Period!
So please malay politicians! Do you homework before opening your dumbass mouth! Beside christianity is such super minority religion in Malaysia! Dont' victimize the already dwindling christians in Malaysia!
It's the evangalists who are spoiling Christianity in Malaysia with their fake Jesus!


2023-05-21 16:11 | Report Abuse

Income! I had zero expectation from Mohiden and Sabri! But they totally dissapointed anyway!


2023-05-20 01:15 | Report Abuse

Well, for senior citizen like myself, i do enjoy those short clip Tik Tok! But youtube is far more entertaining! And we can learn so much from youtube!


2023-05-19 15:36 | Report Abuse

Nicholas! Sate elections have no impact on Qqq! But the outcome will soon impact Qqq for sure!


2023-05-19 15:34 | Report Abuse

After 20 years bragging and telling us how he is the best finance minister, god send to Malaysia if he became PM!
Today, ringgit almost hit 4.60, the same level when PM Anwar was MOF back in the days!
It seems PM Anwar vindicated himself! He is indeed as bad as we knew before!
Talk is one thing, doing is another!


2023-05-19 04:31 | Report Abuse

Qqq! Yeah, many don't realise that Gen Y and Gen Z are major voters! The previous generation are obsolete!
The only thing is, our politicians remain dinos!


2023-05-18 18:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by OnTime > May 18, 2023 12:02 PM | Report Abuse

release the kraken (najib) to save the unity government and state elections

Answer : So now you get it!


2023-05-18 01:11 | Report Abuse

Have you heard! Our ahtletes did very poorly from recent Games! Why i am not surprise! With Hannah Yeoh more interested in the same 'i want to be popular' mantra from the fail 22 months, i hope she realise that she is no different from PM Anwar!
The only bright light is we have 2 very hard working ministers, Anthony Loke and Rafizi Ramli! If not, the whole unity government would be no different from the fail 22 months PH administration!


2023-05-18 01:09 | Report Abuse

I am sorry to say this but we must be prepared to hear a bad news for coming state elections! I just don't know how bad! But it's going to be bad!


2023-05-18 01:08 | Report Abuse

So yeah! Great! PM Anwar is having a ball with many world leaders! His diplomatic skill is fantastic!
PM Anwar also able to pull hundred of billions from foreign investors! Great right! Malaysia set to boom right!
But on closer look, closer home really, PM Anwar is just a sad reflection of what he claim to be!
PM Anwar bragged that he is god send finance minister! But judging from many of his latest policies, i say he is getting C minus!
And let's not talk about his reform agenda which is pure lip service at this point!
Already many GLCs position are been filled by politicians! Both from his camp and Zahid!
Haix! I hate to say this but such open contradiction is so visible to rakyat and yet PM Anwar is so blind to know the obvious!


2023-05-18 01:02 | Report Abuse

The truth is, US already blown it's commitments! US will not be able to pay it's debts eventually! And it's just matter of time before we grow wiser!
That is why i have bought plenty of gold! Not because gold will go up overnight but rather peace of mind that value will be persevere in years to come!
Now, i could have profit from gold in recent days but i am not short term holder! My gold reserve will be 2 or 3 years horizon! Perhaps even more!
The thing is, i have peace of mind that when i need some molla, i just sell some!
But at the moment, i am still buying more gold!
Stock market has turn glooming in recent years! It's no more fun place to be to make money!


2023-05-18 00:58 | Report Abuse

But we all know there will be next year and then the next and the next!


2023-05-18 00:58 | Report Abuse

So the latest saga is that Biden will get Republican lawmakers agreement by sunday to resolve debt ceiling issue!


2023-05-16 00:40 | Report Abuse

Only Najib can influence majority malays to vote for PH BN! This is the painful truth!
Let me share you what's behind the curtain at the moment!
PN Anwar is assisting for Najib pardon which is planned next year! And to do that, PM Anwar is bringing Jho Low back from China!
And all the 1MDB fiasco will be push to Jho Low! Which is the real mastermind! Najib was indeed the dumbass who fall for Jho Low big whale scam! So yeah, Najib was guilty of been a dumbass! And he deserve to be in jail!
Once Jho Low is brought back, then we should see court trial that will help clear Najib and put Jho Low behind bars!
Jho Low is also in big trouble! CCP high officials that used to protect him are been prosecuted by Chairman Xi! Chairman Xi is not intersted in keeping Jho Low around! But details are been arranged to ensure CCP secrets remain secret! As long as Jho Low rot in jail, consider it done deal!


2023-05-16 00:35 | Report Abuse

Like it or not, Najib is the right poster boy for PH BN! Or else we wont' see PH after GE16!
But you say, Najib is enemy of Dap! Really!
Do remember, it was Dap or the Lims that made Pas into national party that we see today! Please, lest you forget, the Lims were willing to stand under Pas banner during GE13! And it was the Lims who stood by Mahathir during PH short 22 months!


2023-05-16 00:32 | Report Abuse

The point i like to make is, Najib pro rakyat initiatives adn prudent fiscal policies have made huge impact on Malaysia economy and foreign investors!
Don't get me wrong! He deserve what he is getting! Najib is now in prison! But how about Mahathir! The father of all kleptocracy! Oh yeah, the LIms love him very much! So much that PM Anwar sideline the Lims due to this unconditonal love of the LIms to Mahathir!


2023-05-16 00:30 | Report Abuse

World Bank and IMF used to sing praises for Malaysia during Najib administration! All due to good fiscal policies! Yeah i know, haters will think otherwise! Just like how Trump would create chaos and spark WW3! But then we witnessed 4 years of world peace under his administration!


2023-05-16 00:28 | Report Abuse

It seems Assmin tried to take credit for influx of US giants opening based in Malysia! Tesla, Apple and so forth confirm setting base in Malaysia! Of course PM Anwar is taking credit since he is now the PM!
But the thing is, without TRX and early mega projects, i doubt US companies would come! If HSR has proceed as scheduled, we would have so much foreign investors heading our shore given current geopolitics!


2023-05-15 21:06 | Report Abuse

Qqq! Yeah! Disaster! Another military coup soon!


2023-05-15 20:23 | Report Abuse

Nicholas! Honestly i don't know what is BH! But i do know BN!


2023-05-15 20:22 | Report Abuse

QQQ! Grab doesn't loss money! They use whatever profit their make to expand, expand, expand and expand!
So you see losses on their accounts! What we don't see is that, if they remain the same, the profit would be huge! By expanding, they hide whatever profit they make!
That's how most of today billonaire make their money!


2023-05-15 13:18 | Report Abuse

I mean, 20% is huge! Given the super low fare that ehailers are changing nowadays! It does not make sense for edrivers at all!
Operating a car or motorcycle is not cheap! 25 cents per km is really outrageous!
The fare should be around 50 cents per km at least to justify 20% commission rate!
I hope Anthony Loke steps in for sake of edrivers and set the commission to 10% due to low fare!


2023-05-15 13:16 | Report Abuse

I took Grab recently and found that the fare is quite reasonable nowadays! However, many Grab drivers have genuine concern, due to high commission for ehailing companies vs earning for drivers!


2023-05-15 12:28 | Report Abuse

Sad to say, we will see unfavorable outcome of state elections!


2023-05-15 12:27 | Report Abuse

PM Anwar can impress the world by attracting billions in foreign investment but if the impact is not felt by rakyat, then what's the point!


2023-05-15 12:26 | Report Abuse

So yesterday we saw PH BN Convention for the first time! It's could have been great but unfortunately, the corrupted warlords in Umno remain!
And judging from latest appointments in government, safe to say PM Anwar has turn his back on from reform agenda!
The only bright light out of this unity goverment has been Anthony Loke and Rafizi Ramli! The rest are either incompetence or purely selected based on favoritism and politics!
I don't have the latest survey on states that will hold state elections soon, but safe to say, PH will not gain at all! In fact i fear PH will be at the losing end due to inability to fulfill election promises especially on reform agenda! So there's no real reason to vote for PH!
