
FortuneBull777 | Joined since 2022-12-06

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2023-06-09 16:11 | Report Abuse

In short, Jocelyn Chia is a dumbass and plain ignorant! Making fun of tragedies desperately seeking attention! Well, she got it! I hope she is happy! But i doubt even Singapore will allow her to visit her hometown ever again!


2023-06-09 16:10 | Report Abuse

Fortunately for him, he has few property in Johor, all landed! And all rented out by singaporeans! For me, i have only 2 more beside the one that i am staying! In a way, i do regret selling off my other properties in Johor as the price has drastically increased after Covid!


2023-06-09 16:08 | Report Abuse

Singapore or singaporeans to be precise are not having the best at the moment! Cost of living is ridiculous! Even my son who is working in singapore complain that he find it no longer attractive to work there! He only rent a room but the rental is equivalent to landed property here in Johor, fully furnished at that!


2023-06-09 16:05 | Report Abuse

Jocelyn Chia is no longer a singaporean! She is american citizen now! And looking at her video clip, i am very sure she is wide a WOKE!
She is in a generation that uses shocking method to bring attention to her self! Remember Alvin Tan! Or Amos Yee! Okay, Alvin Tan is or was malaysian but his ex gf was singaporean!
Anyway, this controversial will die down super fast! And in a way a silver lining for singaporeans as well!
I meet many singaporeans nowadays due to my property agency business! Boy, rental demand from singaporeans are sky high! I barely keeping up! And i am only dealing with senior citizenships of singaporeans who opt to stay in Johor!
Many singaporeans especially those who already retired opt to rent out their property and stay in Johor! Cost of living is just plain nutty in Singapore at the moment!
Actually, you will be very surprise that many singaporeans speak bahasa very well! They say it makes their lives so much easier staying in Johor! It's the best of two world for them! They can rent out their unit and the rental is more than enough for their rental and living cost in Johor!
For them, they don't dare to make insults about Malaysia! Just like we don't like insulting Indonesia!
But perhaps a tiny group of cauvinists dumbass singaporeans do! But we sholdn't lump them as singaporeans, they just plain ignorant to be honest!


2023-06-09 15:57 | Report Abuse

When PM Anwar was in oppossition, he was barking night and day preaching how to improve ringgit and bursa! Seems PM Anwar always giving impression that he can do so overnight!
Well, now 8 months later as PM, he failed! Miserably!

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2023-06-08 18:23 | Report Abuse

Don't worry! Umno will die standing come state elections! Many willlose their deposit!


2023-06-08 18:15 | Report Abuse

Same with our currency! Once cam spin whatever they want! But ringgit at current level is reflection of how sad Malaysia is today!


2023-06-08 18:15 | Report Abuse

No need to explain! Bursa is your barometer! What bursa shows, bursa shows the truth!


2023-06-08 18:14 | Report Abuse

PM Anwar totally rely on his fake promises and lame charm! His fiscal policies a mess!
And bursa unfortunately totally reflect investors confidence on him!


2023-06-08 18:11 | Report Abuse

If you insist on buying property in Sabah, make sure it's because you want to stay there for good! Don't be like my relative! He cant' sell his high end condo after been promised of great returns! Everytime i see him, it's always the same whinning about his bad investment in Sabah! Dude, i told you so long time ago!


2023-06-08 18:09 | Report Abuse

My only advise, migrant out from Sabah! Local chinese population only around 200k, too tiny to do anything! Many have sold their property in Sabah and move to Johor and other part of peninsula!
I mean, why make your life so difficult when you can make money so easily here in Johor! That's what i was told my those who migrant from Sabah to Johor!


2023-06-08 18:07 | Report Abuse

I asked my undercover neighbour who is in Sabah at the moment, why this thing happening!
He said the root cause is too many illegal migrants! Seems enforcement is super weak! No only that, illegal migrants also keep building new colony on lands belonging to the state! He said, this illegal migrants enjoy protection from high above!
And they are stealing water and electricity and no action taken against them!
So tell me, how will Sabah resolve this problems! They can't!


2023-06-08 18:04 | Report Abuse

Adding already slum condition of Sabah, we are hearing that Sabah has insufficient water, electricity and also bad roads! Anyway, the bad roads been around for very long time even during Umno administration!


2023-06-08 18:03 | Report Abuse

My relative who insisted to buy the high end condo end up unable to sell it for a profit! Until today, even after 9 years, he is desperately trying to sell but no buyer at sight! And mind you, this is located in the heart of Kota Kinabalu!


2023-06-08 18:01 | Report Abuse

I am very glad i didn't bought property in Sabah! My last visit was long time ago, almost 9 years ago!
Even then, i already had deep doubt given my bad experience of the road condition, i simply cannot forget it! It's just awful!
And the high end condo that i visited overlook a huge colony of illegal migrants! And this is in the heart of so called Kota Kinabalu city! Even then i already formed impression that Kota Kinabalu is a slum city!

News & Blogs

2023-06-08 17:50 | Report Abuse

Umno going to be wipeout during state elections! Many of it's candidates predicted to lose deposit!

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2023-06-08 17:49 | Report Abuse

Zahid Hamidi really living in fantasy world! Malays reject Umno because of him! Zahid is doing the same thing over and over again expecting better result! Umno no longer seen as sacred party! It's so corrupted even corrupted malays no longer going to vote for it!

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2023-06-08 17:25 | Report Abuse

Umno is dead and yet Umno leaders still very much arrogant! Wait after state elections! By then i doubt even Zahid Hamidi can barely speak!

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2023-06-08 00:45 | Report Abuse

China at the moment in difficult domestic economy situation! Many manufacturing districts have gone tot he dump! Millons are jobless! Fresh graduates have zero prospect! Many end up working in low paying jobs with no prospect of getting cosy job like before!


2023-06-08 00:22 | Report Abuse

Will Malaysia be affected by China new found demising status! No, of course not! Since US and EU can relocate their factories here!
So why is currently bursa and ringgit so weak! Ask PM Anwar! He bragged he is world best finance minister!
Which i have always said that Anwar is just phony! No vision! No direction! Once on top, Anwar lost his moral compass! And now playing new tune forcing PH supporters to drink turd new PH BN narrative!
And while bashing T20, PM Anwar has no idea how to revive our economy! He is clueless just like what he did during BN time!


2023-06-08 00:18 | Report Abuse

For China, this is beginning of new realisation! Because at the moment, millions of factories have close shop for good!
Property prices in China are diving! The good times is over! It's going to be a very painful period!
Some say stagnation! But i believe it's deflation in nature! Where you just have too much factories ready to do business but there's just no demand for it! No new investors from US and EU! No buyers willing to do bulk purchases from neighboring countries like what US can do!
For the first time in China fast pace industrialization, China finding itself to be alone!
Sure! At the moment Chairman Xi is high on pedestal, want to be the new Emperor of New World Order! But on the other hand, he is facing domestic economy problem or more precise disaster unfolding!


2023-06-08 00:12 | Report Abuse

Actually, China demise as factory of the world is sign of relief for the rest of producing nations!
Because for decades, China has walloped almost all form of goods been produced! You name it, China produces!
But with rising and unavoidable decoupling between US and China, We are witnessing a new paradigm shift!
More and more US companies are relocating elsehwere! Anywhere but China!
We already see the early sign of arrogant India! Since more and more are relocating there! Well, i won't place my bet on India! India is not China! India can't even build anything proper! Just recently a bridge collapsed even before completed! India can't even build proper roads for goodness sake!


2023-06-08 00:05 | Report Abuse

Qqq! It's pointless to use alternative fuel subsidy that is way too complicated! I mean, even fuel stations will have big headache dealing with it!
The best way is just to increase road tax for cars above 2.0cc! This way, T20 can help reduce fuel subsidy! Regulating RON95 is just impossible!
Since smaller cars requires less fuel, then let those who owned between 1.00cc to 1.5cc enjoy current road tax rate!
Same with commercial vehicles, it's time to increase road tax a bit too!


2023-06-08 00:01 | Report Abuse

Qqq! Actually all EVs at the moment enjoy tax free importation! No problem as we need to increase number of EVs in Malaysia! Which also helps to expedite installation of new charging stations! It's not biggy! T20 are among the first to experiment with it!
As EVs become mainstream, then government of the day an apply excirse duty!


2023-06-07 23:28 | Report Abuse

The best way is to increase road tax for those who use 2.00cc at much higher rate! This is discourage T20 wanabees from using high powered cars!
At the same time, T20 will have no choice but to fork out high road tax rate to enjoy their luxury cars! Yeah, i know some luxury cars have 1.5cc engine! But let it be as they dont consume much fuel anyway!


2023-06-07 23:26 | Report Abuse

Wise man said, it's better to use simpler method that is more reliable than to try complicated ways!
I don't know why for decades government of the day simply can't drawback fuel subsidy by using no brainer method!
You can't stop T20 from fuelling up their luxury cars using RON95! There's no different between RON95 and RON97! The only difference is with subsidy and without!

News & Blogs

2023-06-07 17:56 | Report Abuse

Look, one can work 7 days a week and yet have plenty of time with friends and family! It's all about time management! We don't have to be in office 9 to 5! In fact, white collar can spend few hours in office and the rest outside of office! As marketing and sales manager for decades, i rately spend time in office! Most of of the time in the field! And i worked like all the time and yet had so much time with my wifey and son back then!

News & Blogs

2023-06-07 17:52 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately Malaysia keen on adopting western working culture! We are not competitive when it comes to productivity! While i am for high skill high salary, all i see from Malaysia working culture is more 'work life balance' mantra!


2023-06-07 17:50 | Report Abuse

Khairy career as politician is already over! He took way too long to decide his future direction! And in Malaysia, if you don't know sentiment on the ground, you are tossed!
Indeed Umno is already dead! Coming state elections will see total wipeout of Umno! There won't be GE16 for Umno!
Only now Khairy express his desire to set up his own party! But stand alone party won't go anyway!
When Mohiden was sacked from Umno, he set up Bersatu almost immediately! And PH was there to back up Bersatu! So instantly Bersatu got vote bank from PH voters! Even then, Bersatu only won less than a dozen seats!
As for Khairy, his new party doesn't have any backing from BN, PN or PH! So Khairy has zero vote bank to start with! And Khairy has plenty of skeleton to exploit! In fact two of Khairy portfolio as minister were messed with missing hundred of millons! And despite good performance as minister especially in sports and Covid management, his reputation only within small group of ladies fans! It's just not enough!


2023-06-06 23:35 | Report Abuse

So you see, playing with Islam card is so easy if you are in opposition! But if those PAS fake holymen actually becomes the government of the day, they can't manage Malaysia at all! Even our big mouth PM Anwar can't!


2023-06-06 23:34 | Report Abuse

And mind you, with that remaining 200 billions, hardly anything for new infrastructure development!
I guess those PAS fake holymen can pray to their Alah and money drop from the sky!


2023-06-06 23:33 | Report Abuse

Oh, did i mention yearly budget of over 300 billions! And 100 billions just for civil servants, gaji buta lawmakers and pensioners!


2023-06-06 23:12 | Report Abuse

All i can say is, let's see if PAS fake holymen know how to handle Malaysia 700 billions debt, and the yearly interest of 27 billions admist dwindle Petronas oil reserve!


2023-06-06 18:17 | Report Abuse

Property prices are dropping like turd in China! Mega projects halt! That Belt and Road project will be goner soon!


2023-06-06 17:45 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri Lim certainly knows PAS will be the next government!


2023-06-06 17:26 | Report Abuse

I know! I know! We are all so very proud to be malaysians right now! Even in US, if you mention you are malaysian, they will bow down in respect! Even in China, the world 'Malaysia' send fear and admiration beyond the universe!
PM Anwar must be smilling ear to ear! I mean for over 20 years he bragged that he can turn Malaysia around overnight! He is vindicated for sure!


2023-06-06 17:25 | Report Abuse

What can we say! Bursa is now at historic high! Ringgit is the strongest currency in the world!
We are super proud! Retail investors are laughing all the way to the bank! Singaporeans envy us now because ringgit is at par with Sing Dollar!
Malaysia Boleh! Thanks to the best finance minister in the world! Love our PM!

News & Blogs

2023-06-06 15:42 | Report Abuse

As more and more EV extend their range from 400km to 1000km, charging will be non issue!

News & Blogs

2023-06-06 15:41 | Report Abuse

It's not only because of current global economy, it's because more and more are moving towards EV! China adoption of EV is the fastest in the world!
The lower cost of maintenance and ease of mobility makes EV more appealing! Look, majorty of EV buyers don't even care about the envinronment concerns, they buy EV because it makes better sense!