
FortuneBull777 | Joined since 2022-12-06

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2023-06-05 17:58 | Report Abuse

Good luck doing that in Malaysia! The wealthiest here are so stingy, what you find in their trash is nothing much trash!


2023-06-05 17:56 | Report Abuse

I am not worry about China debt as they can always closed up and they are not transparent at all!
But today, it's different! China no longer world's factory as most already shifted elsewhere! This create a deflationary situation for China!
Deflation is far worse than recession! Things will unravel in years to come as China infra start to crumble due to lack of maintance, obviously because there's not much investment from foreign countries and demand for China cheap goods anymore!


2023-06-05 16:56 | Report Abuse

Alot of mega projects in China have been halted! No money! Because, there's no new investment from US and EU!


2023-06-05 16:55 | Report Abuse

Qqq! Things are not well in China! I doubt things will turn around! The only robust industry is EV which China will dominant the world! But for cheap goods, all will be manufactured outside of China!
Textile, bangladesh is now world leader! Shoes, Vietnam produce better quality! Indonesia, heck any dumbass can work in factories and Indonesia has abundant of them!


2023-06-05 16:43 | Report Abuse

But let's wait for state elections which will be held in July or August! But most likely it will be in August!
The assessments that Umno candidates will lose their deposit is very high! There's a super strong rejection against Umno by it's grassroot!


2023-06-05 16:42 | Report Abuse

It seems Umno sakau gang are now regroup again! And they are very vocal against Rafizi and Tok Mat! In fact it's even open secret that Umno sakau gang want to get rid of both!
But all i can say is, wait after state elections! Because Umno sakau gang may experience political earthquake that will shock them beyond denial!
This coming state elections is very much mandate for Zahid Hamidi leadership in Umno! And Umno fate in general!
Post state elections, Zahid Hamidi would accept Umno members quiet majority to step down or face the prospect of Umno not even face GE16!
And it's true that Senior Lim had sent his representatives to talk to PAS! The deal is for PAS to join unity government before GE16 and to kick Umno out from unity government!


2023-06-05 03:05 | Report Abuse

In few years time, US no longer need China to produce their cheap fix! Because, there's several countries that able to produce the same only less problematic!


2023-06-05 03:03 | Report Abuse

In essence, China is going into deflation! A downsizing China! A mighty China turning into midget China!


2023-06-05 03:02 | Report Abuse

China is now in totally different economic situation! I say, very difficult situation! Honestly, if i was the leader of China right now, i would just step down and handover to the next fall guy!
In short, Chairman Xi is now leading a new China, China minus US! Minus EU!
Unfortunately BRIC are group of manufacturers! Now group of buyers!
Question is, can China tap into Asia markets which has 60% of global population! Even if China can, then China will have to accept much lower revenue compare to what China is getting from US!


2023-06-05 02:58 | Report Abuse

No, it's not because of global recession or whatever, it's because US based companies are now producing their products anywhere but China!
I mean, with so much constant worry of Taiwan invasion, US sanction, new BRIC currency and so forth, surely EU and US don't want to lose their currency as major trading reserve!
There's always repercussion! And China is only beginning to feel such repercussion!
However, with China superior EV industry, something that the rest of the world are unable to replicate, I am very sure EV industry will be China main driver going forward!
But having said that, China has to somewhat handle the difficult task ahead as hundred of millions of chinese China may be out of job for a long time!


2023-06-05 02:53 | Report Abuse

Latest China data painted a shocking revelation! I think CCP never anticipate that one fine day, they are no longer the most competitive manufacturing of things!
For years now we heard about US moving their supply chain out of China! But it hardly dent China PMI! But now, it's totally different! It really hit china hard!
Reportedly, more than a million factories have close shop for good during and post China dumbass lockdown!
And the umemployment among China's youth is shockingly high! So high that even super low barring fruit jobs are quickly taken by graduates!
Even in Shanghai itself, the unemployment is very worrying!
So much so that even Chairman Xi nowadays somewhat scale and tone down his global ambition!
Even more worrying, many mega projects especially HSR new additional lines are immediately stop!
It's all tell tale signs that things are not good in China at the moment!
You can't chunk out goods if there's no buyers and if there's no buyers, you can't operate factories!
So you have million of factories dying to operate but no potential buyers to place orders!

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2023-06-04 01:32 | Report Abuse

Well Qqq! Hate to disappoint you but China is suffering from deflation at the moment! I am not sure if you know but the unemployment crisis in China at the moment is very very very severe!
Factories are closing down left and right! This year alone, almost one million factories have close shop for good!
The situation is China is bad to put it mildly! But the EV industry is quite good due to overwhelming demand to switch to much cheaper maintenance cost of EV!
Supply chain is moving out of China and it's not coming back! So we are witnessing the end of China as factory of the world!


2023-06-04 01:26 | Report Abuse

Anyway, PM Anwar is losing his reform narrative! It's totally in rubbish bin now!
And so M Anwar is changing tune probably persuade dwindle PH supporters to support and make Umno great again! Ha!
I mean, would you! It's like asking PH voters to lick Umno backside!


2023-06-04 01:24 | Report Abuse

Zahid Hamidi is all smiles lately! Even Puad is insulting Rafizi to make way for Umno warlord to head Ministry of Economy!
I am sure Umno warlords will be making loud demands in coming days! Umno warlords are shameless creature! They don't even care if Umno dies in coming state elections! All they care is wealth and power! And PM Anwar has to entertain their demands!
Even Isa Samad is coming out of hiding and rejoin Umno! The more the merrier!
But at what cost! Of course at PH! Even Zahid Hamidi is demanding PH voters to vote for Umno this coming state elections! I mean, we all know Umno lost it's malay base already! So DAP are demanded to vote for Umno now! Such shameless Zahid Hamidi!

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2023-06-03 22:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq47660 > Jun 3, 2023 10:42 PM | Report Abuse

In America, all the wealth of the country goes to the 1%. The other 99% become tent city

Answer : So true! And poor americans buy their tent from China!


2023-06-03 16:05 | Report Abuse

It's now quite obvious how damaging US dollar has been! Or to be exact, how damaging Biden administration has been to the entire world!


2023-06-03 15:43 | Report Abuse

In fact we have free stock of pork meat! Yeah, peninsula has abundant source of wild boar!
You can even feed kampong chicken with food leftovers and sell at fat profit!
We also have plenty of grassing for cows! I mean, with so much overgrown grass, you just release cows and goats to take care of them!


2023-06-03 15:40 | Report Abuse

I mean, just like food in Malaysia! If we can source local alternative for feedstock, price of pork, beef and chicken will be the cheapest in the world! Do you know that!


2023-06-03 15:39 | Report Abuse

US dollar is nothing more than a scam money nowadays! As fake as bitcoin! If we can trade without US dollar, inflation actually none existent!


2023-06-03 15:38 | Report Abuse

So Fed solution to massive inflation in US is to hike interest rate! Initially one can blame Ukraine war for disrupting global supply chain! Or the high oil price contributing to higher cost!
But Ukraine war has been going on for almost 2 years now! The world had already adjusted to absent of Ukraine wheat supply! Beside, there are actually plenty of alternative for feed stock!
And then the oil price! Oil price actually hover at reasonable level now! Even Airasia is making money despite fuel usage is half of the operation cost! Heck, even Mas is making money!
It only occurs to me recently that the real reason for global inflation is US dollar! Do you know Biden administraton printed 60% of dollar supply compare to previous US presidents! Yeah, that's right, the senile Biden actually the real person who spike global inflation worldwide and nobody is pointing their fingers at him!


2023-06-03 15:13 | Report Abuse

Posted by i3lurker > Jun 3, 2023 1:47 PM | Report Abuse

no worries
Malaysian Chinese women can go to India or Afghanistan or Somalia to become maids

Answer : Post oil export, the local chinese will really feel the pitch! Malaysia will be totally different from what we know now! Can Malaysia move forward, i am very doubtful! Even during abundant oil revenue, previous PMs totally wasted it! We could have turn Malaysia into UAE! Instead, we are turning into Iran!


2023-06-03 15:08 | Report Abuse

One of PH greatest mistake is campaigning for removal of GST! Now they realise, money don't grow on trees! Malaysians are not prepared for the futures! Do you know developed countries not only have super high income tax but also high GST! This taxes in return used to build public infra!
Malaysia for far too long depended on oil export revenue! Now that it's drying up, politicians dare not mention this due to fear of losing votes!
In the end, Malaysia lose out big time! So please, don't blame PAS fake holymen for gaining so much traction!


2023-06-03 15:05 | Report Abuse

PAS can only hookwink poor malays! Fortunately for them, with ever inward and conservative malays, Malaysia is their oyster now!


2023-06-03 03:51 | Report Abuse

I am very pessimistic for the future of Malaysia! Najib would be the right leader but given his gullible nature, i am sure there's too many Jho Low that will que to milk him dry over and over again!
You see, no lawmakers what to do the rigth thing! I don't see any of our 222 lawmakers dare to say the obvious! Or highlight solutions! All are too buys playing politics just to ensure they get to be lawmakers and grap the chance to be millionaire or bilionaire for that matter!
AS for PAS leaders, they are driven by lust for power! But they have zero idea what to do with it once they get it!
Malaysia urgently need visionary lawmakers but we have none!


2023-06-03 03:47 | Report Abuse

The reason i mention PAS is because, we need to be prepared for the worst! PAS is riding on green wave! Majority malays no longer able to think rationally!
Instead i see that they are so engross with their own version of Islam, that i am worry they will fall of the cliff!
I do see races that turn inward and rely on their religion becoming obsolete in current world!
But you may say, look at Saudi and UAE! Despite been islamic nation, they are wealthy!
Dude, UEA is expat paradise! 90% of EUA population are expats! They are drawn by high perks offered by UAE!
As for Saudi, the Sauds are business savvy! They even transform Mecca into money making paradise! Saudi also building new mega projects that will create new source of revenue!
AS for Malaysia, the train has passed us! PM Anwar has no idea what he is doing! The LIms have no idea what to do! Hadi is as clueless as toilet janitors!
Malaysia is for certain heading into fail state status! We simple don't have the right leaders post oil export! Which is barely decade from now! or less!


2023-06-03 03:40 | Report Abuse

As for me, i am well prepared for gloom Malaysia ahead! I intend to store my currency in gold! Gold is the only currency that will be of value in future Malaysia!
If Malaysia fail to expendite shift from ICE to EV, then majority will find themselves paying premium for fuel!
That is why i will replace my Honda Civic soon for EV! And most probably BYD will be my choice! But i will wait until better BYD model is available!
I mean, BYD will offer many new EVs to Malaysia by next year so the wait is worthwhile!


2023-06-03 03:36 | Report Abuse

I bet PAS will win 100% majority malay areas! In fact PAS will win 80 seats!
Unfortunately for PAS, post GE16, Malaysia will be totally different nation! We are running out of oil!
Perhaps even before GE16, Malaysia will have very little oil export and reality will come crashing! Malaysia can no longer afford subsidies! Zero!
Civil servants will face prospect of drastic trimming! Pensioners will see their pension drastically reduced!
If unity government fail to find new source of revenue which they will fail, then 'Demi agama, bangsa dan negara' will be history!

News & Blogs

2023-06-03 02:56 | Report Abuse

I mean, Biden administration printed trillion of US dollar which inflated global inflation! Initially i thought it was because of oil price but no, it's the US dollar!
US dollar is getting to be nuisance nowadays! Sure, dollar is dominant currency in global trade but eventually many nations will get so fed up been controlled by this tiny group of white people!
US dollar is nothing more than a scam! The sooner we get rid of it the better!


2023-06-02 22:43 | Report Abuse

Speakup! So very true! Sad! Nowadays blue chips are junk!

News & Blogs

2023-06-02 15:18 | Report Abuse

Zahid Hamidi and Umno is a huge liability! PH should just keep neutral stake on Umno! You don't want to be drag into endless pit with Umno! State elections is mandate for Zahidi Hamidi and Umno, the outcome is predictable! It's going to be total whipout for Umno! PH will be badly affected if it keep itself to close to Umno especially Zahid Hamidi!

News & Blogs

2023-06-02 15:15 | Report Abuse

The wise thing to do for PM Anwar is to issue statement that admitting Pas into unity government is possible! Don't reject Pas outright! Just go along with the Lims! At this point, PH cannot afford to go against green wave!

News & Blogs

2023-06-02 15:13 | Report Abuse

It's better for PH to quietly acknowledge Pas admission into unity government! Breaking up Bersatu and Pas is a good strategy before state elections! No need to scream and shout at Pas leaders! Just pretend that Pas will be admitted into unity government! Focus on economy and rakyat!


2023-06-02 15:03 | Report Abuse

Had to average down! Bought too early! Now that debt ceilling is history! No brainer!


2023-06-02 15:02 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2023-05-31 16:01 | Report Abuse

Penang is small! LRT is perfect mode of public transportation!

News & Blogs

2023-05-31 15:30 | Report Abuse

PM Anwar has a habit of making promises and never deliver! So this rhetoric is just that! Malays say, 'Dengar boleh, jangan percaya'!


2023-05-31 15:29 | Report Abuse

But don't expect China to be the same China that we used to know! There will be plenty of disappointing news coming from China!
Without US, China will not see it's glorious days! Unless of course if China tap into Asia population which is 60% of global population!
The good news is, we should see flood of cheap China goods! Basically, one can fill your house with almost everything china at fraction of the cost!


2023-05-31 15:26 | Report Abuse

China will growth weak in many areas going forward! The days of producing cheap fix for US is over! But China may have to work harder to maintain and surpass the west in high tech industries!
Eventually China will succeed in mastering chip manufacturing, that i am sure of! Once that is accomplished, Taiwan has nothing to offer!


2023-05-31 15:24 | Report Abuse

But overall, China may lose it's world factory status to other nations! Vietnam is now Asian New Tiger! Indonesia may overtake China as new cheap fix for US consumers! Even Mexico is fast growing into industrial nation! But the shift in supply chain may not be smooth sailing! Vietnam is very good due to it's more competent human resources! But Indonesia may not be up to expectation!


2023-05-31 15:21 | Report Abuse

However, i won't cast doom in China! That's because, China is now world leader in EV! China superior battery easily technology eclipse that of EU and US!
Even Japan can only offer mediocre EV to market despite been the first to mass produced EV, the Nissan Leaf! And also Japan was first to introduce hybrid technology, Toyota Prius!


2023-05-31 15:18 | Report Abuse

Yeah, the exit of CCP old guards who were very good in handling international and domestic economy, replaced by Xi's boys already showing impact!
The prolong China lockdown of course dented China economy by huge margin! When the rest of the world opened, Chairman Xi extend Covid lockdown for another year!
It was a total disaster! The sudden reopening of course saw millions Covid related death! If China has reopened like the rest of the world, China could have seen a very resilient economy!
Is China economy really that bad! Depends!
If you look at China unemployment rate which is at 20%, it's a disaster! Never before China seen such huge unemployment among their young generation! China is in fact experiencing a lost generation at the moment just like what Japan had experience! However, in case of Japan, the lost generation was due to overinvesting in analog technology when the world was moving towards digital era! Many credited Japan lost generation to US vs Japan technological war but no, it was due to Japan's inability to switch to newer digital technology! Sony was so into their DVDcentric when digital format of audio and video were gaining traction! Today, DVD is such rarity! But you can still order new old DVD related stocks from Japan! Japan has warehouses full of this relics!


2023-05-31 15:09 | Report Abuse

Haix! Despite good quarter from Genting, still, massive selling by foreign funds!

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2023-05-31 15:08 | Report Abuse

Remember how Anwar and Zahid denied any secret deal before GE15! Yeah, same with the Lims! They can deny left and right but intel cannot be denied!
I believe the Lims want to be the deal maker post GE16! The Lims want to be major role in new unity government with Pas if PH fail to gain majority!

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2023-05-31 15:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by Income > May 31, 2023 11:19 AM | Report Abuse

Why Bersatu didn’t want to accept M&M son applications for Bersatu membership??? 🤩

Answer : Mahathir and Mukriz were Bersatu high council leaders! But they got too greedy! The rest is history! Even Pujawang already history!