
FortuneBull777 | Joined since 2022-12-06

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2023-05-03 21:55 | Report Abuse

Tell me, why would Daim Mahathir willing to spend one billion for political coup and then not having control of lawmakers as they are not in corridor of power anymore!
If Mahathir still represent Langkawi, perhaps he has a tiny advantage! But you know i know Pujawang already buried 3 feet under! Langkawi voters gave Mahathir their middle finger!
It's laughable indeed! Even more laughable the said dozen or so lawmakers planned resignation to spark by election came from Bersatu! I mean, it's that so Biden move!
So this Biden Move is height of dumbness without comparison! I still laughing when i read about this plan coup! What! You think Bersatu lawmakers resignation will destabilize unity government!
Anymay, Mahathir met with Pas leaders to convince them that Hadi will be the new PM in waiting! Haix! This Biden Move is getting sillier by the minute!


2023-05-03 21:50 | Report Abuse

Here's the thing! Mahathir has zero political position! Daim too has zero political influence! Rafizah Aziz no longer able to cheer for Mahathir as she too totally cutoff from corridor of power!


2023-05-03 21:48 | Report Abuse

But the planned takeover will be after Penang state election in August!


2023-05-03 21:47 | Report Abuse

By now you should know the Lims are highly self entitled dynasty! Dap belongs to them! Penang belongs to them even though they came from Melaka!
Anyway, rest assured, the rumour that LGE will replace current CM is very much true!
If PM Anwar had given some position to LGE, he would have not plan this CM takeover! But LGE currently without any position! And so the CMship is the 2nd best option for him!
I am sure penagites would love his comeback very much! Then we would see the comeback of dramas in Penang!


2023-05-03 15:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq47660 > May 3, 2023 3:20 PM | Report Abuse

what is the use of democracy when people forget what is virtue, morals, collective, social responsibilities?

Answer : Exactly!


2023-05-03 03:03 | Report Abuse

US is no longer view as dominant superpower! US dollar no longer preferred as world reserve currency! US bonds are total joke!
The only factor that attract the most is the export to US because, you know, US pay highly for imports from other countries! But actually in term of US dollar, it's pretty damn cheap for them! Why, because of trading is US dollar benefit the most! But for how long!


2023-05-03 03:00 | Report Abuse

So we are in month of May! Fed not learning anything from very recent collapse of banks insist on hiking one more time! And of course will lead to recession or depression!
Fortunately, the rest of the world are decoupling from US economy! Many countries are stocking gold as their reserve currency slowly disposing their dollar!


2023-05-03 02:58 | Report Abuse

US used to effectively promote it's weird culture easily! When XXX movie came out, everybody especially the Gen Y wanted tattoos all over their body!
But lately, this WOKE culture fail to spread through Hollywood movies! The rest of the world started to backoff from adopting US culture which going weirdo to perversion of late!
I mean, same gender marriage is still very much taboo in Asia! Genderism is big no! Despite having the highest number of transgender in the world, we tend to see trangenderism more of oddity that something we normally accept! I mean, it's very common to see transgender here in Malaysia especially in Thailand but we then to just take it as it is and not promote it!
But in US, schools as early as kindergarten actually indoctrinate kids that parents do not decide if they are male or female! Gender is between the head! If you think you are male, even if you are born female, you are male!


2023-05-03 02:53 | Report Abuse

Donald Trump is campaigning for 2024! And from his many rallies, he clearly outline how to fix the problems plaguing USA today and it's all common sense!
High inflation! Get the oil price low! Fix the economy! Get interest rate down! War! Stop war in Ukraine! And promote world peace!
And it's not pure rhetorics! Donald Trump did all that during his 4 years in White House!
Unfortunately, common sense is rare coomodity nowadays! And come US election 2024, the world will see Biden Karmala continuing for another 4 years!
Don't ask me why! But that's how it goes!

News & Blogs

2023-05-02 13:39 | Report Abuse

Khairy political career is over! He is taking too long to decide! His popularity has dwindled!

News & Blogs

2023-05-01 15:08 | Report Abuse

Elon Musk should have bought TikTok instead! It's much more entertainting!

News & Blogs

2023-05-01 15:07 | Report Abuse

I never interested in Twitter or Instagram! It's more like self boasting social media! The only time Twitter was interesting was when Donald Trump was active!
Elon Musk certainly made a huge mistake for buying Twitter! He should have let it die on it's own!


2023-05-01 04:26 | Report Abuse

Oh, and of course the big stumbling block, Zahid! This dude will destroy Anwar sooner rather than later!


2023-05-01 00:39 | Report Abuse

Behind the curtain, the relationship between Umno and PH is not good at all! In fact there's a chance that we will see a breakup!
As i reminded many times, Zahid can swing to PN if PH doesn't succumb to his pressure!
In Malaysia politics, Zahid is the most problematic poltiician that we ever seen! Then again Anwar too is a very problematic! Wait, most are problematic anyway! But Zahid has been the cause of Umno downfall beside Najib!
What we are seeing now is the ever cunning Zahid making his way in corridor of power asserting himself as the real power broker but without the strong support from rakyat!
However, majority malays are fully convince that Umno under Zahid leadership is no longer sacred institution! And PM Anwar should have realise Zahid is going to turn him upside down!
Time will tell! But i stated here, there will time in not so distant future where what i have been telling for months now will become reality! Did i warned Mahathir should not have been PM for PH! Did i warn there was plot to bring down PH during those short 22 months!
And now i am foretelling the messy and full frontal damage cause by Zahid Hamidi for unity government!
If Anwar is wise, he should make plan B! That is to replace Zahid with Tok Mat! Tok Mat is much better partner! In fact, Anwar should have appinted Tok Mat as DPM in the first place!


2023-05-01 00:29 | Report Abuse

If PH especially PKR can make inroad into majority malay voters, then perhaps Zahid will be less of a problem! But at this point, we really don't know if PKR can increase their support from majority malays!


2023-05-01 00:28 | Report Abuse

Zahid is said to pressure PM Anwar to appoint his boys into GLCs as soon as possible!
Zahid also pressure PM Anwar to pardon Najib as soon as possible!
And whispers in corridor of power that the real PM is Zahid not Anwar!
Having said that, post state elections will be a big shocker to Zahid Hamidi!
Basically, Umno will see total whipout! So question is, will Zahid continue to be the huge burden in unity government! Time will tel!


2023-04-30 21:25 | Report Abuse

Actually Daim Mahathir is trying hard to bring down unity government! Mohiden is basically die standing now! The moment Bersatu account was frozen, he can't do much!


2023-04-30 15:15 | Report Abuse

By June, Rafizi Ramli should announce a new initiative where unemployed and underemploy youths will be given chance to participate in high salary employment after going into courses and trainings!
Actually this is not new as Najib too has done the same thing, only the name will be different!
Anyway, i hope this will be game changer for PH!


2023-04-30 15:12 | Report Abuse

Of course there are attempts to bring down current unity govenment! The latest one is the planned coup of Daim Mahathir to bribe a dozen or more lawmakers to resign so by elections can be held!
Then again, such tactic may be fruitless as party has the privilege not to hold by elections due to anti hopping law! Meaning, even if this dozen or so lawmakers resign, their seats remain with party and no by election is needed! Instead party will replace them with appointees!
So there goes Daim Mahathir one billion for nothing!


2023-04-30 15:10 | Report Abuse

So far for unity government, there has been not much of self inflicted blunders like what Mahathir had done! And PM Anwar purposed side lining the Lims in government portfolio has been correct! Or else we will see Junior Lim making so much self inflicted blunder!
Thanked goodness for Anthony Loke who is the poster boy for Dap nowadays! Anthony Loke has done very well! Even majority malays support him more than PM Anwar! This has been good for PH in general!
I think the weakeast links in unity government are Zahid Hamidi, Fahmi and the rest of PM Anwar favorite boys!
Rafizi Ramli has been doing some good with his domestic economy initiatives which i personally think are quite good and high impact!
So will current few months help PH! Unfortunately, i have my doubts! But then again, what do i know!
We should see after state elections are over! I believe, what holding majority malays from supporting PH is the fact that PM Anwar favoritism towards selected group of leaders who are not favored and well liked by rakyat! And they are not competent as well!
In short, rakyat and majority malays still have lack of trust and confidence towards PH especially after the disastrous 22 months under Mahathir! The bitter after taste is still there!


2023-04-30 15:02 | Report Abuse

Unless Pas strike first and hold their respective state elections early, i think most likely we will see the remaining 8 state elections to be held in August!
For PN to desolve their state assembly and hold state elections early will not be good for them as by the time PH hold their state elections, PN would be high and dry without campaign money which PH is hoping for!

News & Blogs

2023-04-06 21:15 | Report Abuse

Tiktok is just for entertainment! I saw the clip and it's funny! PM Anwar should learn to accept he is not popular! He has to win the hearts and minds of majority malays!


2023-04-05 15:30 | Report Abuse

So the rebound we witness was just that! Dead dog bounce! Nothing more! Today the volume is so thin, you can slip between close door! It's that bad!


2023-04-05 15:25 | Report Abuse

the difference between China and US debts is, China invested heavily in infras! As for US, they invested in wars!


2023-04-05 15:23 | Report Abuse

One must remember! The system enjoyed by majority is determine by No.1! If China leads the world, the authoritarian system will takeover! If US remain No.1 then democracy remains! But you know i know it's more like democrazy nowadays!
I mean, nobody is looking forward to cast their votes anymore! Even here in Malaysia, we don't even have confidence PH will be able to get the votes! Nowadays, especially the local chinese, the though of PAS willing big in coming state elections and GE16 scare the living out of us!
Unfortunately we have to wait for the outcome of state election first!


2023-04-05 15:20 | Report Abuse

However, i would say, it's good for future generation! The Great Authoritarian will not be easy for future generation!
If you make it big, your business will be taken over by respective regime! You will be slowly kick out and replace by CCP officials! This will be order of the day! Even in Malaysia!
But chill, it would come so fast! Probably my generation will be goner by then! If you are above 60 like myself, you don't have to worry! But if you are 35 and above, i say sorry! You better prepare for change of system! From democracy to authotarian system!


2023-04-05 15:17 | Report Abuse

It will take some time for most of us to accept the end of US hegemony! But then again, even today, we are already cutting off US culture from our lives!
Example, have you notice Hollywood movies and series no longer becoming a thing! Even myself are watching more and more japanese or korean movies and series of late! Why, because it's watchable!
Do you want pay few bucks just to watch a super boring Hollywood movie with heavy influence of WOKE! I mean, you suffer brain hemorrhage few minutes into it!
Even music coming out from US today is so lame! One wonder why malaysians nowadays so into korean songs that they barely understand and the same boyband setup already abandon by UK music industry like back in the 90s! Because there's a void! US music nowadays simply unlistenable!


2023-04-05 15:11 | Report Abuse

Another motivation for many nations to move away from US dollar now is because of pending collapse of US economy! I mean, since you have a choice, why stick with a failing superpower!
Even Singapore, US close alliance in Asia, is converting it's US dollar to gold!
Nobody wants to be caught with their pants down! Everybody know US is goner!


2023-04-05 15:09 | Report Abuse

Another term for Biden administration essentially bury USA for good!


2023-04-05 15:09 | Report Abuse

Apparently Biden administration are still delusional over how powerful US is! The US dollar lost it's power when Biden print out 40% of US dollar within a year! Yeah, i mean, you think by printing US dollar much more than any presidents combine does not carry any repercussions!
The super high inflation sufferred by US is due to that! Printing of useless dollar, combine with financing war in Ukraine and alienating many rich oil alliance like Saudi!
Biden administration created the perfect blunder for it's nation to be exact!


2023-04-05 15:05 | Report Abuse

US dollar is heading to the dump! If you still unaware of this, my advise to you, sell you US dollar and change to gold or any other currency!


2023-04-05 15:04 | Report Abuse

We are entering the Great Authoritarian era! Era where democracy has no place! Freedom of speech and thoughts become obselete! Unliess you willing to move to third world nation call USA! Where you can shot each other and change your gender like changing cloth!


2023-04-05 15:03 | Report Abuse

If things go as it is, USA will become just that! A circus show for the rest of the world! It's military might will also lose out as US can no longer afford to rebuild it's once mighty force!
Keeping superior military is a very expensive hobby! Something China will realise too in few decades from now!
Anyway, China is leading many countries and unite under new world order! Basically the New World Order is been constructed by CCP!


2023-04-05 15:01 | Report Abuse

For the last few days, we are bombarded by dedolarisation narrative! Yeah, the mainstream media finally pushing the panic button!
Basically the englightens finally realise their century old hegemony of the world is losiong out! Just like Vatican Church influence on every chirstians! Nowadays, the Pope is nothing more than a circus show for the freaks! Today, Vatican Church is more of tourist attracton that a real salvation for christians!


2023-04-02 14:22 | Report Abuse

US and EU too buy for war! While China is on peace mission strengthening alliance left and right!

News & Blogs

2023-04-01 20:06 | Report Abuse

This is highest honor for visiting leader!


2023-03-31 17:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by nicholas99 > Mar 31, 2023 5:48 PM | Report Abuse

All tak ada high education. akar tak boleh fikir.. PAS senang cuci kepala. later ingat macam indonesia bunuh cina boleh kaya.. mana tau gg..

lepas tu aman baru boleh kaya..

Answer : Indonesians suffer very low quality education level! Despite been 95% muslims, moral values also not as good as malaysian muslims! But sadly, our malays are turning to Pas which is a bad thingy!


2023-03-31 17:52 | Report Abuse

We always had caste system for the longest time! We should not have started the 'datukship' or 'tansriship' or the esteem 'datukseriship'!
This was beginning of caste system!
Nowadays almost all underworld bosses carry tansri or datukseeri in front of their name!


2023-03-31 17:22 | Report Abuse

Income! Indeed! Look at Kelantan and Terrenganu! Malays over there have turn very hardcore! And spreading to Kedah and some part of Penang as well!
If PH especially PKR unable to turn around the B40 or rather B60(malay race), then come GE16, perhaps 100% of majority malays turn to Pas! This will be shocking! and force PH to form unity governemnt with Pas!
However, CCP will be very pleased! You know, it's very easy to control and turn Pas leaders into CCP puppets!


2023-03-30 15:07 | Report Abuse

For newbies better wait until bursa turn more stable and bullish!


2023-03-29 15:04 | Report Abuse

If you are senior in bursa, you would know the signal since last week! In fact i did mention this last week!
However, if you are newbies, i say, wait for another 2 weeks!
Current market is very dynamic! Today up 10 points, tomorrow drop 20 points!
Bursa is very unstable!
But if you dare take the risk, decision is yours!
As for me, i have no more cash to buy into bursa stocks! I have tons and in profit loss positions!
Nowadays, i have divert my portfolio to gold! Currently i am holding one milion worth of gold! And no! I don't put in Public Gold account! I buy the physical gold!
No worries! I kept my gold in security box and insured them as well!