
FortuneBull777 | Joined since 2022-12-06

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2023-05-31 03:44 | Report Abuse

LIke it or not, there will be huge backlash against PH! Anthony Loke need to take care of edrivers! The edrivers community is something one must not take for granted! They are PH voters!

News & Blogs

2023-05-31 01:05 | Report Abuse

Najib was the best PM Malaysia ever had! But he was surrounded by corrupt warlords and buttkissers! And Najib fell for all of them especially that fatso Jho Low, world No.1 whale groomer!

News & Blogs

2023-05-31 01:04 | Report Abuse

Bersatu depends on cash! no cash no king! So don't expect anything from Bersatu come state elections!
As for PAS, don't know! But sadly nowadays, majority amlays no longer have sense! Sorry, but been inward and conservative is bonus for PAS!
This minds over matters certainly PAS strongest point! But reality comes crashing through if PAS able to form federal government! CCP will be smilling ear to ear! Where else can fake holymen run for help! By then the malays will end up regretting trusting dumbasses running this nation!

News & Blogs

2023-05-30 22:44 | Report Abuse

Coming from the Senior Lim, he is playing behind the bush! Intel suggest he did sent representative talking about joining unity government for PAS! And now publicly denying it!


2023-05-30 22:43 | Report Abuse

Shocking it may sound, but intel suggest indeed the Lims once again did something that will shock or rather shiok it's grassroot!
I mean, the Lims were responsible in turning PAS a once kampong party into national limelight!
So yeah, PAS leaders can scream and shout that current unity government offering a choosy gaji buta positions! But the again, the Lims have no positions in unity government, so how can the Lims decide or say something on behalf of unity government, they don't!
But i think it's more of a backlash from the Lims for been left out by PM Anwar!


2023-05-30 15:06 | Report Abuse

Sad to say, there's no rally for bursa! Dow rebound but bursa continue to head south!
It's pretty obvious too that PM Anwar is a failure! I remember Najib administration despite facing multiple recession threats bursa still able to maintain above 1400! And reached 1800 level!


2023-05-30 15:04 | Report Abuse

Bitcoin is obviously a scam! Until today we don't even know who is Sitoshi! The red flags are too obvious!

News & Blogs

2023-05-30 15:02 | Report Abuse

Khairy need to realise his political career is over! It's better for him to retire for good!


2023-05-30 03:41 | Report Abuse

Anthony Loke needs to take care of ehailer workers or risk seeing PH supporters dwindle!
You just need to go to edriver forums and read all the negative comments!
While very low fare has been very good for customers, it's totally different story for edrivers!
One must remember, edrivers are not public transportation! They are there for the last mile!
Unless Anthony Loke steps in and make sure the fare are fair for both edrivers and customers, then you are looking at PH voters who are many in ehailing turn their back!


2023-05-30 00:13 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! Yeah, we are living in fake world! I mean, why pay for 1k genuine Adidas shoes when you can buy fake one like Abibas for fraction of the price and provide the same!
Anyway, totally agree that US dollar is a fake or scam! That's why many are moving away from this US scam financial system!


2023-05-29 00:12 | Report Abuse

As i see it PM Anwar 2nd term is out of the question! He simply doesn't listen to experts and sentiment on the ground! He is so full of himself! And with his inflated ego, i believe PH will also go down because of him!


2023-05-29 00:10 | Report Abuse

Sorry to say this but Najib was perhaps the most prudent PM Malaysia ever had! His mistakes were getting catch in 1MDB scandal, allowing too many corrupted warlords walked all over him and also floating RON95!
But i believe RON95 did the most damage to him because the constant change in fuel prices really affected our daily lives!


2023-05-29 00:07 | Report Abuse

Mohiden is even worst! Totally not fit to be PM! Sabri is perhaps the worst of the worst! Only invested Bahasa during his overseas trips, which is total waste of rakyat money!


2023-05-28 22:48 | Report Abuse

Zhuge! Wise man once said, never expect a mediocre to perform outstandingly! PM Anwar is all talk but the truth is he is below average! His time has past!


2023-05-28 22:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by ahbah > May 27, 2023 5:09 PM | Report Abuse

Which party support our Bursa ? I hope our Bursa no fall and bankerub all of us !

Answer : I have switch to gold for quite sometime! Bursa very hard to make money nowadays! Can only punt once in a while if there's window!


2023-05-28 22:39 | Report Abuse

Chill! US debt ceilling drama affected bursa! Should see some rally soon! Just buy for quick buck!


2023-05-28 22:02 | Report Abuse

So we don't have to worry about US debt ceilling for the next two years! Which gives some room to breath!
Perhaps we will see a extend rally on the card! I don't know! But i did punt some stocks just for quick buck! Perhaps will hold if i sense this rally extend for a month or so!


2023-05-28 21:58 | Report Abuse

I3lucker! Sad! Pork used to be so affordable! Nowadays most automatically become muslims due to pricy pork!


2023-05-28 21:09 | Report Abuse

Which remind me to go back to Sarawak next month to taste some super delicious wild boar bbq!


2023-05-28 21:08 | Report Abuse

Qqq! Price of pork has been rising! In fact beef is now cheaper compare to beef!
We have plenty of wild boar in peninsula but seems nobody enterprising enough to sell them!


2023-05-28 16:09 | Report Abuse

Qqq! Well, i never say i am right you know! This is sharing session! I love to hear what others have to say! We just keep open mind! My version of things may not be right!


2023-05-28 04:37 | Report Abuse

Remember MCA! Once upon a time it used to enjoy 100% local chinese support! Today, MCA can only win with malay votes!
Decades ago, Umno used to enjoy 100% of malays support! But from now onward, it will rely on PH voters!


2023-05-28 04:35 | Report Abuse

The only saving grace is that non malays would never even consider voting for Pas! So chances of Pas forming a government post GE16 lie squarely on them accepting PH as part of unity government! However, even if such arrangement come to fruition it won't be a stable government!
Now, can we afford unstable government! Certainly not! Why, because the path ahead for Malaysia is very gloom as our oil reserve already depleted! Malaysia won't be able to subsidies alot of things that we enjoy now! Inflation will skyrocket under imcompetent hands! Our ringgit will become totally worthless! Malaysia will go bankrupt!
As i see it, Malaysia will be next to Cambodia in a decade time!


2023-05-28 04:31 | Report Abuse

Let's make this clear! PH indeed lacking majority malays support! And it only can go downhill judging from GE15!
Indeed PH needs Umno but let's be very very realistic, Zahid Hamidi is a major liability to Umno!
And coming state elections will confirm once and for all Umno totally going to lose all support from majority malays! Umno voters will switch to Pas! No need to mention Bersatu! It's irrelevant! It's going to be next Pujawang! What makes Bersatu revelant once what because of PH voters and the power of money, money is king! Without money, Bersatu is goner!
You need to understand majority malays sentiment! One need to understand this green wave! It's irrational and downright dumbass! But what makes one think majority malays will go back to Umno or Pkr for that matter!
Just look at PM Anwar! He totally turn his back on reform agenda! He also made too much empty promises which are now been forgotten!
Majority malays are turning inward and conservative! Something that perhaps 10 years ago we didn't even anticipate! Nor did we anticipate Pas would become major treat to malay parties like Umno, Amanah or Pkr!


2023-05-27 15:16 | Report Abuse

Each day i see majority malays becoming more inward and conservative! It's scary! I knew ex malay colleque ladies who used to be carefree but now all of them are wearing tudungs! And to see their children already dotting in tudungs makes me wonder what happen to the moderate malays we used to know!


2023-05-27 15:14 | Report Abuse

Income! I hate to say this but i totally agree with you! For non malays, we don't see or feel how strong the green wave is! Remember once upon a time, the blue wave was similar in sentiment too!
So this green wave is something we cannot deny or pretend not happening!


2023-05-27 14:51 | Report Abuse

Posted by ben0303 > May 27, 2023 10:59 AM | Report Abuse

Despite what you said, without Zahid Hamidi thre won't b a Unity Government n Anwar Ibrahim as PMX

Answer : It's a catch 22 situation! But with Zahid Hamidi presence, PH will only get weak by the day!


2023-05-27 05:02 | Report Abuse

The presence of Zahid Hamidi in unity government was said to be the major reason why PH supporters no longer as supportive as they used to!
One can say, Zahid Hamidi has done tons of damage not only towards PH but also PM Anwar!
But let's not talk about something we already knew! Like how Umno voters may make another major upset by not voting for Umno at all in coming state elections! Either they won't come out to vote or they will switch to Pas! That is the certainty!
The outcome of state elections will be too obvious! That Umno may lose every single seat that they used to win! Every single one of them! It's going to be total whipout!
Now, with the predicted major shocker for Umno, one wonders how Zahid Hamidi will react! Will he just keep his 4 inch thick face and remain president! Or will it finally hit him that he is the reason why Umno no longer regard as malay party! Decision is on Zahid Hamidi hands! Because, he knows!


2023-05-27 04:12 | Report Abuse

So enjoy you fish and seafood! Because we really need to prepare for the day when such privilege will be suddenly of the table for all humanity!


2023-05-27 04:12 | Report Abuse

Of course the Club of Rome members are brief upon the pending disastrous climate crisis! Of course they know about ocean calamity due to climate crisis! But the general public have zero idea about this!


2023-05-27 04:10 | Report Abuse

However, we cannot fix the ocean! Ocean temperature has been rising! Ocean is so polluted, one wonders if future generation will ever able to enjoy abundant fish or seafood like we do! The overfishing already impact many of our neighboring countries! And i think, we would see intensive battle between countries over this dwindling resources!
But there's a greater worry that we yet to experience! You see, up till now, we have yet to experience where fish or seafood are not consumable! Actually, we do, when red tide impact such resources and you are not able to eat fish or seafood contaminated with high level of toxin!
As ocean temperature rises, bacteria and virus that were dormant may suddenly become deadly! Suddenly thousands of fish come to shore and some by standers may pick them and cook them, only to dies standing due to contamination of deadly virus or bacteria!
The ocean that we once knew may turn into deadly part of the world! Where one can no longer enjoy protein from fish or seafood! And the world will be impact by sudden lost of food source!


2023-05-27 04:03 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately, we are very much ignorant of the fact that climate change is real! In fact we are in climate crisis as we speak! For us here, the hot weather that we feel at the moment is such an inconvience but walla, the magic of air conditioner solve it for us! But little did we knew, it's just a transfer of heat from one to another! Using air conditioners will only add more heat into our already hot weather!
Then along the way, we may experience water shortage as El Nino kicks in! Dams will be dried! Bushes will catch fire! We will have shortage of vege, rice and so forth!
And again, through science we can get some quick fix to this problems!


2023-05-27 03:59 | Report Abuse

We have yet to get confirmation if El Nino will hit us this year! If indeed El Nino sets in, then we should be prepared for drought! Bush fire and haze! And also it will affect agriculture in general! But above ground, we could mitigate the impact use science! Above ground that is!


2023-05-26 16:55 | Report Abuse

De dollarization is happening! I mean, why wait until US dollar collapse!

News & Blogs

2023-05-26 16:06 | Report Abuse

Never say never! Green wave can dent PH stronghold! Just like when blue wave was at it strongest!


2023-05-26 16:05 | Report Abuse

Or you can hold for a month or so since we should see some rally due to debt ceiling 2 years setlement! Then again, play by the ear guys!


2023-05-26 16:03 | Report Abuse

Here's very unusually move from me! Usually i buy first and a week or so later, i will promote in i3investor! But today, i guess i am a bit generous!
I am buying stocks for contra! As debt ceiling will see a settlement!
Yeah, if you can hold for a short while, go ahead and buy now!


2023-05-26 16:02 | Report Abuse



2023-05-26 16:01 | Report Abuse

But for now, we should be relief of debt ceiling drama until after US election!


2023-05-26 16:00 | Report Abuse

We should hear the settlemnt between Republicans and Democrats in few more days!
Instead of year by year, they would agree on 2 years! So there won't be another next year debt ceiling drama!
But let's face it, eventually US will reach a time where they won't be able to rise debt ceiling anymore! And default is as certain as WW3!


2023-05-26 15:56 | Report Abuse

Coming back to PM Anwar! He has not learn from his past! In fact he is treating his supporters like dumbass!
He is still so shiok over himself! And yet to get of the honeymoon period!


2023-05-26 15:55 | Report Abuse

I think most of us are regretting for believing the blue wave! Najib was far better!
And i am very sure majority malays will regret believing in green wave! But let them taste it!
Malaysia will be same group as Cambodia few decades from now! Where lawlessness will run the day!
Pas doesn't know how to balance good and evil! Take gambling for example! You cannot get rid of gambling! So you legalized it to collect tax! Totally banning outright will only help create a thriving black market! And the underworld bosses will rule over enforcements!


2023-05-26 15:51 | Report Abuse

Before you shot me, please! I too like everybody else really really rooting for PM Anwar! Like most of us, we sighted breath of relief after PH managed to form unity government!
But at last, the blue wave has died! And we are now facing green wave which will be another phony political cycle in Malaysia!
Except the green wave will end Malaysia for gone!
Pas lead government are filled with dumbass who knows nothing about running this nation except scream and shouting about their fake Islam!
Islam can move on without malays! But malays will lose out their privileges the moment Pas capture Putrajaya!


2023-05-26 15:48 | Report Abuse

Well, there's PM Anwar film which is snubbed by malaysians! Even among hardcore reformasi seniors are not interested at all!
This is predicament of once darling of reform movement! Let's call it, the blue wave!
Yeah, once upon a time, there was a blue wave! PM Anwar was an icon! He promised to overhaul our corrupted system and rakyat would enjoy best of the best!
Today, we are back to square one! Gone is the word 'reformasi' instead we are fed with 'reforbasi'!
The final nail will come after state elections! Where fuel subsidy will be removed! So where is the 'ini hari jadi PM, besok turun harga minyak' mantra!
PM Anwar made too much promises and delivered nothing in the end!