
FortuneBull777 | Joined since 2022-12-06

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2023-06-15 00:39 | Report Abuse

What a joke! Umno helping PH! Umno is already dead! How can dead party help dying one! As far as we all know, Umno desperate for PH voters to vote for Umno! Umno suppose to have their own grassroot but we all know they are total goner since Zahid Hamidi became president! Even blind can see that Zahid Hamidi is the main reason why Umno is so dead in the first place!

News & Blogs

2023-06-15 00:38 | Report Abuse

One thing about malaysians is that we are emotional driven rather than vote for those who are competent for the job! Unfortunately, there's void of competent politicians, we only have crooks and fake holymen who have no idea how to run this country!
Currently we have 'Today i become PM, tomorrow everything wonderful' proven to be talkdck material! Which i have said so many times before!
Haix! Should we blame majority malays to vote for PN or Pas specifically! I rather not say! Nowadays malays are so inward and conservative, and so ingross in superficial understanding of their religion not knowing those fake holymen will drive Malaysia into unrepairable damage!

News & Blogs

2023-06-14 15:45 | Report Abuse

I did try the offering from this vending the other day when i was visiting KL for a day trip! So good! Delicious! I am sure even foreign tourists enjoy them very much!


2023-06-14 15:43 | Report Abuse

Given how bearish bursa is, better take profit if you do see one! At this point, we just witnessing a dead horse rebound! Nothing much to see! Dont rush in to buy now!


2023-06-14 15:42 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2023-06-14 14:42 | Report Abuse

It appears PN will have uphill task this round as Bersatu account is frozen! Unlike GE15 when PN was flush with money, this round things are different!
If PM Anwar use money to buy vote, then PH will have advantage!


2023-06-14 05:54 | Report Abuse

Looks like it! But the thing is, by then time Putin conquer Ukraine, there's nothing left!


2023-06-14 00:23 | Report Abuse

In short, this is a war! Economic war! No, you won't read it in mainstream media! Just like how you don't hear about the great shift in supply chain!
Since China wants to play the expensive war game like US, one has to give! And like any war, you dry up your opponent before actual war!
And this is exactly what US and EU are doing to China! To engineer China economic collapse!


2023-06-14 00:20 | Report Abuse

So one ask, what happen! Why China is in such bad situation! You see, the decoupling has been going on for years now! But due to strong rhetoric from Chairman Xi on Taiwan invasion, and the fact that China is confronting US as new superpower of the world, the dynamic has changed considerably!
China has to do without US and EU investments! Even if they want to, they can't! China is a threat to western hegemony! Hence, the current void of investments and exports to US and EU are affected China tremendously!


2023-06-14 00:17 | Report Abuse

Now, domestic economy in China no doubt has changed drastically over the last few months!
Trade fares are void of US and EU buyers! The only buyers nowadays are from India, Africa and some Asean countries! You know, China still is No.1 producer of everything!
Yeah, no worries, your favorite 2 ringgit shop will still be around for longest time! In fact make that 1 ringgit since China need to get rid of their cheap fix elsewhere!
Here in Malaysia, we don't feel or know about the dreadful domestic economy happening in China! All you and i know is, we are getting plenty of cheap stuff!
20% of China youth are unemployed! And 30% of those age above 40 are also umemployed and perhaps never will be employed again! That's how bad situation in China right now! Those who just graduated, they already knew they are going into the worst time to get employment!


2023-06-14 00:13 | Report Abuse

Me and wifey decided that we only going to Singapore 3 times a week! Old people can't travel daily to Singapore despite our booming small property business!
So we lump our potential customers during our 3 visits and meet them in groups! Easy for us and for our potential clients!
Anyway enough of my tiny business!


2023-06-13 22:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by WinterMei > Jun 13, 2023 8:03 PM | Report Abuse

The best performing stock markets in Asia this year are Japan and Taiwan. Malaysia is among the worst!

Answer : Our currency is the worst in Asean right now! Our bursa is the worst in Asean right now! Our PM is the best talkdck in Asean right now!

News & Blogs

2023-06-12 23:27 | Report Abuse

Posted by witan > Jun 12, 2023 10:33 PM | Report Abuse

One more thing when uncle says buy u sell. Vice versa

Answer : Sounds like me!


2023-06-12 23:27 | Report Abuse

Qqq! Don't believe me! Just observe! I hate the word 'I told you so'!


2023-06-12 20:19 | Report Abuse

Don't get excited with today 10 points! Probably just one of those dead thingy that starts to move due to muscle reflect!
My advise, if you bought last week and see some profit, sell!


2023-06-12 20:18 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2023-06-12 20:16 | Report Abuse

The usually talkdieck from whoever minister of the day! Just like current work minister who said malaysians are choosy, dont want to work for 100 ringgit a month!
Walk up! If you are talented, would you stay in Malaysia and get peanuts! Or would you go to Australia, US or EU to be highly paid coder! Or doctor or engineer!


2023-06-12 20:13 | Report Abuse

Yes! It's 2023! Unlike 1949, it took months to reach Malaysia via ships! Today chinese China can get here in 6 hours which is nothing!


2023-06-12 16:47 | Report Abuse

Speakup! You seems to know my game already! Whenever i am selling, you spot it ahead of time! Damn!


2023-06-12 16:43 | Report Abuse

I notice newer chinese China able to assimilate our society much better than local chinese! They speak fluent bahasa! Apparently they have courses in China before they embark to Malaysia!


2023-06-12 16:42 | Report Abuse

Qqq! Things are not good in China right now! So many will seek opportunity elsewhere! Malaysia is going to be their favorite destination due to weak enforcement!
I mean, just look at Selayang! Already part of Rohingya nation! Petaling Street is Bangla Street! Won't be surprise Kelantan will be known as Tiny China!


2023-06-12 15:26 | Report Abuse

Oh, did i mention the social implication! Many of them are willing to marry local guys! Be it malay, chinese or indian!
I am sure our local ladies will have hard time competing against chinese China women!
I have seen this in Sarawak! Boy, in Sarawak, even before Covid, you can easily find chinese China or chinadoll every corner of the street! And they are known to be homewrecker! I mean, how can local chinese guy in Sarawak remail loyal to their wifey when the moment they go out, those pretty chinadoll are so tempting!


2023-06-12 15:23 | Report Abuse

So Qqq! You wish is granted! We all know how much you love CCP and China! They are coming in big numbers!


2023-06-12 15:22 | Report Abuse

If you are not aware, China now suffer deep contraction in manufacturing! And millions are out of job! Fresh graduates have zero employment opportunity!
Many local chinese don't even realise that huge number of chinese China are living and working in Malaysia! Some are running their own business!
But that number will only jump up in coming years! Perhaps overwelm local chinese! So be prepared!
And one thing set them apart from local chinese is their adoption of bahasa! You will be surprise many of them are very fluent in bahasa! Just go to tiktok! They speak just like malays! I mean, how can local chinese beat them!


2023-06-12 06:28 | Report Abuse

By then Malaysia will be downgraded into poor nation! Inflation will shot up like rocket! The moment you remove fuel subsidy, prices of goods and services go up the roof! And let me remind you again, less than 10 years, perhaps much less!
I think the first wave of local chinese abandoning Malaysia will come after GE16! And the 2nd wave will be the day when fuel subsidy totally goner!
Tell me, what else will be the main reason for staying put! None! We don't have any competitive advantage!


2023-06-12 06:25 | Report Abuse

Many, perhaps 90% or more, that malaysians are very much unaware Petronas can no longer give fat divvy to government!
The reason is very clear, Malaysia running out of oil! And we have less than 10 years more to go! Yeah, bet you don't even know that our oil reserve is actually quite tiny!
That's why the Arab world don't even bother to call Malaysia everytime OPEC meeting takes place!
The truth of the matter is, Malaysia will be taken out of oil producing club! Not far into the future!


2023-06-12 06:22 | Report Abuse

There will be two major migration wave coming! The first will be the day PAS capture Putrajaya and PH has no choice but to form governent with PAS!
The 2nd big migration wave will be when government of the day finally admits the good days of subsidizing everything is good for good!

News & Blogs

2023-06-12 06:11 | Report Abuse

Like the malays say, Boleh dengar! Jangan Percaya!

News & Blogs

2023-06-12 06:00 | Report Abuse

Without US and EU money, China would be hard hit especially it's primary factories! So we sould see many sob stories coming out from China!
And the flip side, Malaysia would see millions of chinese China flooding out shores! No, they are not here for durians and sightseeing, they are here to find work! So be prepared for the overflowing chinese China workforce!

News & Blogs

2023-06-11 22:34 | Report Abuse

On the flip side, even amateurs can produce blockbuster budget movies using AI! Imagine Rambo movies with budget of lunch box totally make by some nerd buff in his tiny room!

News & Blogs

2023-06-11 22:32 | Report Abuse

Yeah, in the future we cannot differentiate between real footage with AI ones! What a scary future!

News & Blogs

2023-06-11 22:31 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately majority malays nowadays believe is Pas fake holymen more than knowledge! I mean, do we care that Malaysia is ticking time bomb ready to explode with trillon in debts despite official debts at 700k billion! Do Pas fake holymen know how to manage fiscal system and domestic economy! Zero!
But then again, what can we do! Voters choice! And the fact that PM Anwar is more talk than action! Bursa and ringgit reflect very poorly on him! So PM Anwar too should be blame for ever shifting sentiment on the ground!


2023-06-11 19:00 | Report Abuse

If government of the day ignores edrivers, pushing rahmah agenda on them, then they won't vote for PH anymore!
Judging from Airasia ride which offer much higher fare, demand actually quite good and edrivers are quite happy! Hence the shift from other ehailing providers like Grab to Airasia ride!
In short, be mindful that ehailing is convenience industry! You pay certain price for convenience! There's no cheap talk here! You want cheap ride, get public transportation! You want convience, hail a edriver!


2023-06-11 18:57 | Report Abuse

Edrivers are not public servants! They should not bare the 'rahmah' fare! If customers want cheap fare, get public transportation! This is where government must make sure public transportation are well connected!
But you know how bad our public transporation is! But don't push it to edrivers!


2023-06-11 18:56 | Report Abuse

And edrivers are blaming PH! Blaming Anthony Lok for the 'rahmah' fare! I dont' blame them!
That's why it's very important for PH to understand that this one million workforce is very crucial for PH survival! You cannot simply brush off their concerns!


2023-06-11 18:54 | Report Abuse

Working 12 hours a day for 2k or less! Come on! They better work in fast food outlets that pay the same!
So this is why so many are leaving ehailing industry! It's just doesn't make any good business sense nowadays! Last year, they were laughing all the way to the bank given the fare back then was very reasonable! Those who work hard earn big! Nowadays, only dumbass do ehailing!


2023-06-11 18:52 | Report Abuse

Ehailing providers need to understand one thing! You are not Airasia which can offer low fare and make tons of profit, well, not really!
Even Airasia struggle with high cost of fuel nowadays but still able to provide reasonable fare! That's because in order for you to enjoy low fare, you need to book like months ahead! Some even book their ticket one year in advance! So that how Airasia able to lock their cost in advance as well!
However, in ehailing industry, you cannot push those low fare to edrivers! Gone are the days where you lower your fare in order to keep competitors a bay! Edrivers are businessmen! They are handling all the running cost of their vehicle be it motorcycle or car!
And cost of maintaining a car in superb condition is not cheap! And mind you, edrivers are working 12 hours a day in order to turn profit! Reasonable profit! So making gross of 7k a month is peanut considering edrivers have to pay for alot of things! In fact that running cost is half of the 7k that they are making! And this 7k figure only applies to KL and immediate districts!
How about beyond KL! Ha! Here in Johor, you are lucking if edrivers make 4k a month! And that is only like less than 2k! What is 2k! Nothing!


2023-06-10 23:22 | Report Abuse

Oh, you also going to see Mahathir proxies joining PAS very soon! You know, why fight the wave! Ride the green wave!
Yeah, majority malays once again fooled! Mahathir always take opportunity left and right! Yesterday Umno, today Bersatu, tomorrow Pas! Just forget about Pejuwang, it was a mistake!


2023-06-10 23:20 | Report Abuse

Hadi is in love with Mahathir right now! And like they say blind love is pure love! Purest of love actually! It's like you can't get enough of one shot, two shots but multiple shots in a day!
So pretty clear, Mahathir will get his way! Hadi tag along like good puppy! A real puppy love!


2023-06-10 23:19 | Report Abuse

Wise man said, let the donkey do all the hard work! You just sit on the cart enjoying fruit of the labour!
Hence, it's totally open secret that Hadi and Mahathir already settle they deal!
That Mukriz will be made MB of Kedah regardless what Sanusi has to say! He has no say! Hadi decides!


2023-06-10 04:53 | Report Abuse

We are in the midst of changing status quo in world manufacturing power! And China will no longer be World's Factory as we knew before!
After 30 years of enjoying in fact walloping US and EU demands for goods, the table has turn! The bridge of trade between US and EU is burning! We won't see US and EU coming back anytime soon! Unless of course if CCP collapse! Which will never happen!
And so we need to embrace a new reality! China is not great anymore! But will be great in certain area like EV! Which China will be world No.1 no doubt! But that will not be enough!
Just like Japan, which saw many of it's world dominating players slowly dissappear, China too will go through such experience!
Today Xiaomi, DJI, and so forth dominate world markets! Tomorrow, perhaps overtaken by new players from Vietnam! Or India! But i won't place my bet on India!


2023-06-10 04:48 | Report Abuse

The only advantage Malaysia has is that Malacca Strait is strategically located along sea route from India to US! So we should see a boom for our ports!


2023-06-10 04:47 | Report Abuse

China exports to US and EU will be totally disappear in coming years! And it's no brainer few countries are now enjoying new found industrialization boom!
Countries like Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, Vietnam and even Philippines become new manufacturing for US and EU!
Unfortunately, Malaysia is going getting peanuts! Even more shocking, few actually closing shop here like Panasonic!