
Jeffreyteck | Joined since 2016-11-26

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2020-09-06 12:31 | Report Abuse

That's what we know best to do, more committee, more laws, more agencies. Lol. As if current laws and related authorities is still insufficient or gaji buta? Don't make them look so bad.

News & Blogs

2020-09-06 12:29 | Report Abuse

Lol lol. Voters do not want frogs but seen everywhere.


2020-09-06 11:45 | Report Abuse

Weaker demand to weigh on CPO futures..... looks like only management talks may able to temporary push up for trading purpose as MT remains dim despite other counters looks impressive.


2020-09-06 10:10 | Report Abuse

Japan typhoon is getting stronger, end results is dependent on how severe is the damage done and the speed of recovery actions. Downgrade AA to CCC but trading opportunities arise.


2020-09-06 10:03 | Report Abuse

Star...‘Come down hard on polluters’. Lol, this is about punishment on damage done but not about preventive measures including responsibility of relevant authorities and their failure to deliver reasonable KPIs, any punishment on them? Any corruption as it is a repeated case?

Looks like history will repeat if only focus on punishment which doesn't serve deterrent. My sweet dream of bursa 2800 looks so far away if administrator is hopeless.


2020-09-05 22:13 | Report Abuse

Today's govt listens to people's voice, says Azmin.... lol, lubang lubang sewage construction di sekitar jln genting klang pasar dan dekat sekolah sudah 5_10 tahun, buang di sana saja..... puncak projek? DBKL atau agensi lain bertanggunghawab? Politicians came big huha, then remain. Lol lol lol.


2020-09-05 16:43 | Report Abuse

When rakyat is worrying about water supply, we have excellent ministers talking about laws amendment to impose heavier penalties which is after event. How about preventive measures, role of various authorities in carrying out preventive measures, of course including possible corruption, etc??? Really lol.


2020-09-05 13:36 | Report Abuse

Water supply problem caused by pollution indicates how best is our law makers, enforcement agencies, corruption degree? At last got people ask mac to investigate.
Anyway, bursa remains intact on its way to 2800 despite few long outstanding cases of insider trading (no idea whether resolved), must have good dream like vision 2020 and share prosperity dream.


2020-09-05 13:22 | Report Abuse

Number of SHs increased from 29k in 2013 to 43k in 2019. More people trapped as many view it cheap.


2020-09-05 11:35 | Report Abuse

Should follow Fintech to ask for $$$ when market is still hot, may be 1 for 10, more $$$ is better, then also join hot investment theme gloves related industry, another round of goreng.


2020-09-05 10:53 | Report Abuse

Smart management as it is always smart to ask for $$$ from SHs when market is still hot.


2020-09-05 08:18 | Report Abuse

Still very well supported amidst chasing for non performers with low price.


2020-09-04 22:42 | Report Abuse

AAX served with RM95m breach of contract claim in the UK....... bad things normally come together.


2020-09-04 19:01 | Report Abuse

Selling here and there within own group, that is what BJ knows best to do since unable to deliver reasonable results.


2020-09-04 17:36 | Report Abuse

Dropping revenue and profit also ambitious to move to first board. Good vision, hopefully not like vision 2020, share prosperity vision is ok but not limited to politicians for more ministers and glcs key positions.


2020-09-04 15:39 | Report Abuse

Water cuts: Factory behind odour pollution is repeat offender... so what? Market remains intact and currency remains strong. It doesn't stop our move to improve corruption index and enhance regulatory efficiency and effectiveness. Sewage holesss near my area already more than 5+++++10 years remain there. Lol. Politicians came big huha and go but holes remain.

2800 on its way.


2020-09-04 14:37 | Report Abuse

But loss 24 million. Lol.


2020-09-04 14:36 | Report Abuse

Quarterly revenue 800k, poorer than retail shop I guess. Why need bod?


2020-09-04 14:29 | Report Abuse

Banks' earnings to rebound in 2021, Maybank IB Research says.... so decide own entry point.


2020-09-04 14:25 | Report Abuse

Simply too difficult to survive, goreng on news, restructuring etc is the only way to fluctuate.


2020-09-04 12:45 | Report Abuse

Many supporters, should be quite stable from now unless all vaccines proved to be ineffective which is unlikely.


2020-09-04 12:39 | Report Abuse

Must support IBs experts otherwise they will lose job.


2020-09-04 09:00 | Report Abuse

Non of the recent Qs making profit. Good management.


2020-09-04 08:56 | Report Abuse

If deal cancel and authority were to check the big traders, not surprise few will be caught. But this will not happen as it may affect market momentum hence relevant authority bottom line.


2020-09-04 08:30 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately EPF only has limited options but unlimited funds, averaging down is workable for it. EPF owns substantial in mbsb, but only sees its price dropping and loss trending now.


2020-09-04 08:12 | Report Abuse

Will YTL and related eventually like BJ, Parkson, Bpuri, etc? 43 billion of loans, all key indicators are in red. The good thing is many supporters.
ST trading play, LT negative.


2020-09-04 08:05 | Report Abuse

Still well supported.


2020-09-04 07:21 | Report Abuse

MK land nta is close to $1 but price around $0.145.


2020-09-04 07:19 | Report Abuse

Mara probe Down Under - five years and still waiting... no worry as corruption ranking is expected to improve. TP 2800 remains as we move on to share prosperity.


2020-09-04 07:15 | Report Abuse

Strong support around $2.80 for the past few months, believe eventually will down to $2.50 as worst has yet to hit banking sector.


2020-09-04 07:10 | Report Abuse



2020-09-04 07:09 | Report Abuse

Quite unlikely to deliver positive results in Q3 & Q4. TP below $3.


2020-09-04 07:05 | Report Abuse

Announced good news first before poor results announcement as like many other companies did. Good for trading, LT negative unless oil price sudden surge to above $60.


2020-09-03 18:44 | Report Abuse

Very challenging retail market amidst rising players which operates in a more cost efficient approach. Borrowings above 1000 million, etc.


2020-09-03 17:42 | Report Abuse

The Edge Says: Imposing a tax on unsold and vacant properties will be a disaster.... buyers are ever ready with unsold tax. SHs may cry. Anyway, definitely cannot be materialized, just talk for fun by so called experts etc.


2020-09-03 17:41 | Report Abuse

The Edge Says: Imposing a tax on unsold and vacant properties will be a disaster.... buyers are ever ready with unsold tax. SHs may cry. Anyway, definitely cannot be materialized, just talk for fun by so called experts etc.


2020-09-03 10:54 | Report Abuse

Still strong support. Not bad.


2020-09-03 10:53 | Report Abuse

CME outlines reasons against vacancy tax.... "Against" is the easiest job as like opposition party. If could outlines workable solutions will be great. Personally wish property price to down further so that more peo could afford to own a reasonable property. Support vacant tax.


2020-09-03 08:40 | Report Abuse

Quarterly loss accelerated to 30 million... uum, I can deliver that results too if I am the chairman or bod.


2020-09-03 08:31 | Report Abuse

... most likely no dividend for 2020 as it is a vision difficult to materialize.
... believe Q3 and Q4 will continue to incur losses but will not affect management and bod remuneration unless its remuneration committee benchmark their performance against other banks performance which is very unlikely.
... price may push up if there is any news on merger or active trading.


2020-09-03 08:25 | Report Abuse

When IB experts advise to HOLD, does it mean we hold and wait for them to sell first?


2020-09-03 08:19 | Report Abuse

Still very well supported.


2020-09-03 08:19 | Report Abuse

Unbelievable results. Looks like not affected totally by covid while many other companies are struggling.
Longer mco seems to be better for this co.
Good luck.
ST trading play. LT negative.
Major SH is actively buying and selling, no violation???


2020-09-03 08:09 | Report Abuse

Chief traders will determine its direction move.


2020-09-03 08:06 | Report Abuse

Just noted this stock code means not easy to happen. So if for LT investors wish to get reasonable dividend, it is not easy to happen. ST trading play before poor results announcement.


2020-09-03 08:03 | Report Abuse

Still very strong support.


2020-09-02 10:27 | Report Abuse

Smart management to collect$ from SHs during hot market. Otherwise they will miss opportunities to ask $$$. More importantly sufficient to feul remuneration first, otherwise can't function.


2020-09-02 08:42 | Report Abuse

As private sectors are asking for longer moratorium, poor ST outlook and potential rate cut as well as higher NPLs, profit down is quite certain but share price may be supported by many rich retail players or push up by chief traders.


2020-09-02 08:14 | Report Abuse

@globalinvestor... TQ for enlightened on profit from JV with non controlling interest. Also must TQ to non controlling interest as without them for JVs, the SHs would have sufferred even more and NTA would have depleted at a faster speed and more private placement or right issues may be needed.
With increasing number of players and amidst chasing for low price stocks, ST trading play. Good luck everyone.


2020-09-02 07:04 | Report Abuse

1360 million of loans, many times higher than revenue, profit margin negative 32, challenging but good for goreng amidst politicians on board.