
KH6996 | Joined since 2023-02-23

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1 week ago | Report Abuse

If you need or have a maid, did you get an Indonesian maid ( or Filipino) because they are cheaper or you can't find local maids? Dont forget the huge lump sum you have to fork out too. Many locals' productivity are low as we have many subsidies and free distribution from Govt, there is not much competition. Even trying to get NM into UiTM became big issue but don't they know that then businesses do not think highly of those from that Uni bcos of not much competition to excel? The Govt should start by cutting down its workforce and no more breaks, just lunch and works 8am to 5pm weekdays .Those who can cope get higher pay , those who cannot should be let go like in private sector.Its the same down south, Singaporeans said Malaysians from JB are paid lowly and take away jobs from them but the Malaysians are happy with the "low" pay, so we cannot blamed the foreigners in Malaysia or their employers.

News & Blogs

2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Govt said no money. Buy Shopee small items also taxed. Diesel also go up. PMX should tax these owners too ( must be their 2nd or more properties) . Why selective taxing only?

News & Blogs

4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Goes to show it is all political and rues to please the foreign investors and international community. A staggered increase would have save face for them and less burden for rakyat but the "Bapak Formula" never got it right anyway.

News & Blogs

4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

This "Bapak Formula" didnt surprised all with the diesel. The fact that they said the 1st "Mana Ini" payment of RM200 starts on 10June gave it all away. He think too highly of himself, self praise. Just admit it that it was a blunder to jump to RM3.50/litre , especially the Govt backpedal and now considering giving subsidies to almost all who use diesel. So, to think he can come up with a win win for all for RON95, he is spitting up in the air. I await his "smart" surprise.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

If PMX focus on our economy instead of politics, our RM would not be where it is today. Save diesel subsidies and spent the RM4B on those who may not even want to vote for him GE15, instead of reducing the budget deficit, how can RM strengthen? On top of that, there is another RM11B he promised the Govt servants in Dec24, it looked like fast track of increasing price of RON95. Then RM will probably be badly affected.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Even Dubai or Middle East won't use that strategy. U can see so many Europeans in Dubai on holidays.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

My niece recently got an offer with one of the top 5 accounting firms in Msia and she will only graduate next year. I was surprised that she managed to get an offer exceeding RM4,000 pm.So, maybe selectively, some jobs still paid well for fresh graduates and also if your results are good. On top of that, she can always get a job in Spore at similar salary but in S$.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

How many "politikus" got business experience?

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

I just came back from Melbourne recently. If you eat in the city, on Sat the surcharge is 10% , then GST 10% and credit card fee (many using cash now, going backwards) is around 1.5% to 2%. On Sunday, the surcharge is 15%, all in you pay 22% to 27% just in surcharges. But if you go the suburbs, some outlets offer 5% discount if you pay cash and no weekend surcharges. Restaurants in the city are be big boys' businesses.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

PMX said removal of subsidy is to prevent leakages.Then what's the use of having so many manpower in Enforcement? Then PMX said RM4B saved will be used for rakyat. I thought it is to reduce the budget deficit? On top of that , he promised wages hike for Govt servants of RM11B.Where is he going to get the money and when is he going to reduce the budget deficit and reduce Govt's liabilities?

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

One data centre will use minimum 1M litres of water a day and the electricity needed is huge. I hope whoever responsible will ensure sufficient supplies , so as not to cut from other areas and feed them. Thats probably why, some decided to change destination from Spore etc to here, especially water supply.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Shouldn't that be what the State Govt should be explaining instead of the successful negotiated tenderer? DAP used to criticise all direct contracts , why now openly keeping quiet?

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

I think the response by that company , instead of the State Govt, makes it worst. I failed to see its rationale that an open tender will create a monopoly in Selangor. In an open tender, there wont be only 2 companies to bid for it if the contract is lucrative. We have so many rides app ( like Grab, AirAsiaMove etc) that can also provide the first and last miles public transport services. Rapid Bus is already providing such services for MRT. So, it is not a concept that only 2 companies in Msia that can provide them. Avoiding an open tender basically implied that there are more than 2 companies and will reduces the tender price they are submitting. The State Govt should call for an open tender once and for all.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

I dont mind the removal of subsidies but they must also reduces the sales and exercise duties as we are already paying among the highest in the developing countries for our cars. We also have among the biggest cabinet in the developing world and we also have so many bloated workforce in GLCs etc. Govt must be seen to be thrifty and clean if they want the rakyat to buy their "story", otherwise it is just more money not well spent on rakyat.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Just because he speaks, doesn't mean what he say makes no sense. I agreed with his explanations and there are so many hurdles for SMEs to clear, when Govt should be making it easy for them to focus on businesses instead scared of being fined for unintentional omissions or wrong invoices.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

If they are paying RM200 in mid June, then expect diesel to go full price 1 June24. I dont think RM200 is sufficient as most of the big vehicles use diesel and there are so many conditions attached. Expect pick ups to suffer in sales unless all sapu by Sabah and Sarawak people.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Then Govt should also reduces sales and exercise duties on vehicles to assist the rakyat. That's why our vehicles' prices are much higher than developed countries, and to compensate that, the prices of petrol and diesel are subsidised by the Govt. I also read that Govt won't impose this in Sabah and Sarawak as most people use diesel vehicles.Then the Govt should charge unsubsidised petrol prices there to be fair to Peninsula residents.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

No point going to court. Even if they win, the local council can still make life not easy for them, They should push for online or apps sales approvals more aggressively with Federal Govt. Then it wont be so "eyesore" for PAS-led state governments.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Better students will enhance the reputation of any university and the marketability of its students. That's why once you graduate from Harvard or Sanford, the employers know they cant go wrong ( not100%) with that student.In the same breath, if an university do not want to improve , the end result is the availability of jobs opening for them once they graduate. Imagine if you are an employer, which graduate will you employ if you are too choose between this Uni and University Malaya ?The Govt should push for it as it benefits the country and the graduates in the long run unless they just want to make political decisions.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Too many parties chasing for the same majority votes in Peninsula as it is the road to premiership and control of all the major Govt posts. The question is whether we ALL are ready for a Sarawakian to lead the country ? Dont forget that the state under Taib's times was also stained with so many allegations.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Both most likely came from same can la, there are worms everywhere.

News & Blogs

2024-04-23 12:20 | Report Abuse

This type of BS doesn't work anymore in the era of internet.Even kampong folks nowadays are very updated on what is happening.

News & Blogs

2024-04-23 12:17 | Report Abuse

The NMs should avoid or send protest votes to PMX that he has taken them for granted. He will never get the full M votes, in which thereafter he will ignor the D and G parties. If the "house arrest" becomes a reality, it will the beginning of the end of his tenure as one would expect Umno to then call the shots and ignor him.

News & Blogs

2024-04-19 12:34 | Report Abuse

PMX said Iran is right to launch drones & missiles towards Israel , but I would say "Speak for yourself only". This will never end and we will have both countries shooting at each other every other day. He should spend more time on addressing our economic issues as FIRST priority instead of barking in the global arena, where it is not welcomed. Cakap negara hutang banyak RM1.5T but gave bonus to Govt servants recently across the board.End of year then give bonus again. Better than private sector. Never even try to break the rice monopoly , instead of enriching one person, it should be to lessen the cost of rice for all Malaysians.

News & Blogs

2024-04-17 16:20 | Report Abuse

Govt should censure its own band of politicans first as they are the ones taking advantage of the situations to score political points. We all love this country but we cannot say the same on the politicians.

News & Blogs

2024-04-17 16:15 | Report Abuse

PMX obviously doesnt know much about world economy. Every thing is interlinked. Maybe he can read old newspapers what happened when Russian invaded Ukraine? Markets will definately react as Middle East supply most of the world's oil demand.

News & Blogs

2024-04-17 16:11 | Report Abuse

Rafizi has been barking about subsidies cut soon. When Sarawak queried a bit on PADU, PMX ran and asked Rafizi to explain. PM also dont know much about PADU? Thus if subsidies are removed as stated by Rafizi ( and not PMX), inflation will rocket and RM will weaken until PMX wants to cry. That's when U turn comes back and PMX will shift the blame to Rafizi for not conducting a thorough study??

News & Blogs

2024-03-14 12:58 | Report Abuse

Airlines should decide themselves what they want to implement to achieve their objectives. The politicians have no rights to "direct" their political view on them. If the politicians have enough brains, this country would have surpassed so many countries in the region.Cambodia and later Laos will catch up. Talk less and go and look after the rakyat at your constituencies, I am sure there are enough choked drains for them to personally clear or repair the potholes .