
Pavillion | Joined since 2013-12-02

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2016-02-16 15:52 | Report Abuse

Currently oil usd31, in 2days time 35. People will short. Sell on strength.

News & Blogs

2016-02-16 08:12 | Report Abuse

I know many sifu ask investor to buy and grab the opportunity now.

In my opinion, if we go in now..we are taking unnecessary risk. The upside are limited...everybody waiting to offload their stock. So many people trap at various level...this form a resistance for stock to move up. These are investor who think they got it at bargain few week ago.

The confidence are just not there....will take time to build the confidence back. It even harder to lift market without foreign investor.

If we realise, for the past harder to make from market....because it downtrend.

In meanwhile we are exposed with global market risk which we don't understand. Best is to protect our capital and wait until the trend are more clear. Take a break! Go holiday etc. We will have many opportunities to buy....don't worry.

Just my common sense, will buy if the klci volume really shrink, there are no aunty and uncle at trading gallery or when I heard investor start jump off from building (joke)...we are not there yet :)).

Before you buy for quick profit...ask yourself....can you find another sucker who willing to buy from you at next level? I am sure you are not that sucker!


2016-02-16 00:29 | Report Abuse

Ki ki ki if he post it 3mths ago nobody believe it and they will change the name to Shiall...


2016-02-15 14:58 | Report Abuse

Become harder to find sucker to buy at another level, everybody aiming to sell their at next opportunity.


2016-02-15 11:05 | Report Abuse

Director can't control the price. In this situation even insider make mistake.


2016-02-14 07:51 | Report Abuse

Yup. I can see some selling pressure continue, so I didn't buy.

And I think oil rally will not exceed usd35, making lower high.
If Saudi compromise now, they do not achieve anything.
Why don't they invest in shale producer? Buy up those dying co.Strange strategy.

News & Blogs

2016-02-13 08:02 | Report Abuse

Complicated bottom. No way. Bottom when people start jump from the building!

News & Blogs

2016-02-13 07:55 | Report Abuse

Murali right. Netflix, Indian Astro better and Syed Mokhtar coming.


2016-02-13 05:38 | Report Abuse

For time being, cautious for warrant, don't know what the impact ?

And again will this oil rally exceed USD35?
I'm afraid it making Lower Highs & Lower Lows . People can already see the ceiling and will short any big rally! and cover each time it making new low.

Short term ....... don't be too happy.....don't chase stock....choppy trading...will kill many player!

For those who blame this stock ......just compare with other stock performance....falling in same gravity!

Confuse? Join the club....don't know what the hell with the market!


2016-02-12 09:57 | Report Abuse

One of counter I'm eyeing to buy but so far no luck. So good luck.


2016-02-12 09:53 | Report Abuse

Somebody try to short, but I think retailer are not selling.
Infact I hope co. make announcement next wk. on several project.


2016-02-11 22:51 | Report Abuse

Two other cos; Bukit Megah Sdn. Bhd. And Iman Resources. Iman will get bigger and lucratives biz.


2016-02-11 22:13 | Report Abuse

Conditions most lucrative segment goes to Dsonic


2016-02-11 09:26 | Report Abuse

Price are below than private placement.


2016-02-09 15:48 | Report Abuse

Was sideline for a while, but I think it about time to focus on this stock again and start nibble.

1)We are in oversold territory for many weeks and we are closed to strong support level (10mths) i.e. 1 year ago i.e. during time where the co. don't have any new contracts or rumours : ))

2) I believe it bottom or near bottom ( we can't timing the bottom or peak), so I am going to start collecting slowly in whatever direction.

3)Believe this quarter result (reporting soon) going to be a lot better than previous quarter.
4)They have gone thru final nego stage (final stage in process) now Loa is with the KP level (could be any time depending on dept timing)
5) My info said their passport stock are now low in quantity.
6) I think Fed freaking out on idea of rising the interest rates for time being, so expect usd will be stable and ringgit will be strengthen. Watch this wed Yellen's comments to calm market. The culprit is usd and not oil, imho.

Earning, contracts make the differences.
Their kind of sales cycles are about 2-3yrs (2014-2015 only few contracts after govt cancel fuel subd project) so 2016 is about time Dsonic will secure several big projects.

Should use this opportunity to buy at current level or on any weakness.

P.s. I bought max in early dec 2014 crash, August 2015 flash crash and on Jan 4 &5. The next opportunity are now.

News & Blogs

2016-02-05 13:03 | Report Abuse

Good governance, rule of law, transparency, and accountability apply to all.


2016-02-05 12:59 | Report Abuse

I don't own this stock.

Why sophisticated investor like EPF only sell 12,900 shares when they have opportunity to sell more. Other Institutions are not selling. Maybe they know more......maybe not to just scary.

But I'm sure they won't take it private because refinery biz is capital intensive and low margin.

News & Blogs

2016-02-05 12:04 | Report Abuse

Sound like Ponzi Scheme. They are pressure to compete with PNB ; with lower dividend, people will channel their money to PNB. So they have to take from reserves in order stop massive withdrawal.imho.


2016-02-05 10:28 | Report Abuse

Oh ya, HL give sell target 1.64.


2016-02-04 10:58 | Report Abuse

desperate russian tactics


2016-02-04 09:13 | Report Abuse

Shell Refining also noted that a mandatory general offer would be launched by MHIL at RM1.80 per share.


2016-02-02 00:11 | Report Abuse

Another 3mth is a long period, anything can happen. Oil could drop 5% overnight.
A long CNY holiday coming, people liquidating their stock.


2016-02-01 20:31 | Report Abuse

913791 still here. Bryan0 maybe slight delay.


2016-02-01 20:26 | Report Abuse

From Friday posting.

Again stay cautious until clear trends on oil....I doubt oil rebalancing can be resolve a fat chance.... Saudi and Russian will cut production by 5% soon. 

Does not make sense...Saudi still unable to kill US shale producer and Iran on sales roadshow to europe to cut Saudi sales. Over the weekend it might falls back. 

This small rally give false hope and suck more people in bears market. 

"Tehran will provide a $6.55 discount on heavy crude for its European consumers, Reuters cites the National Iranian Oil Company. Saudi Arabia currently sells oil to Europe at a discount of $4.85 a barrel." 

Saudi already sold at USD27 on certain clients.

29/01/2016 08:20


2016-01-29 08:20 | Report Abuse

Again stay cautious until clear trends on oil....I doubt oil rebalancing can be resolve a fat chance.... Saudi and Russian will cut production by 5% soon.

Does not make sense...Saudi still unable to kill US shale producer and Iran on sales roadshow to europe to cut Saudi sales. Over the weekend it might falls back.

This small rally give false hope and suck more people in bears market.

"Tehran will provide a $6.55 discount on heavy crude for its European consumers, Reuters cites the National Iranian Oil Company. Saudi Arabia currently sells oil to Europe at a discount of $4.85 a barrel."

Saudi already sold at USD27 on certain clients.


2016-01-29 07:56 | Report Abuse

Fake Pavilli ion ki ki ki


2016-01-28 16:49 | Report Abuse

Will not benefit from election whatsover. Jual roti and barang supermarket to benefit. Sorry.


2016-01-28 16:39 | Report Abuse

Saudi already sold around USD26-27 to certain clients. Now the price war just started.

"Tehran will provide a $6.55 discount on heavy crude for its European consumers, Reuters cites the National Iranian Oil Company. Saudi Arabia currently sells oil to Europe at a discount of $4.85 a barrel."

2nd waves coming....


2016-01-28 16:26 | Report Abuse

Cautious with Bursamaster channel etc.
What are they promoting?
Where are their source of income.
What their objectives?

But in bears market good tips also no use, in bulls market lousy tips also works.


2016-01-28 09:51 | Report Abuse

Those are the day when everybody drove Meseranti and lepak at Chinoz and Level 57.


2016-01-28 09:14 | Report Abuse

Think about it.
It's Amazing! I sold mine at RM3.90 and stock when up to RM4 something. Thought I make a wrong decision. Now 90 sen.

This short term up trend will suck more people.
This co. and other O&G will have hard time to services the loans taken during oil price at peak.

Meltdown !


2016-01-26 07:58 | Report Abuse

Hi Sunztzhe, if you plan long on O&G i.e. buy during dips. Which stock do you recommend? i.e. one most unlikely go bust (avoid high gearing co..most of loan taken @USD100) and one which will recover weĺl. Tq.


2016-01-22 11:36 | Report Abuse

Right question; is this the end of market? Hope not.

20% slides is an average.....hundreds of stock already slides more than 20%. Worst some has no liquidity. Always worry on least this stock has no problems.


2016-01-22 10:37 | Report Abuse

Take care and be cautious. Market still weak, US futures not too strong and we have long holiday.


2016-01-16 19:02 | Report Abuse

1. There are still no change in foreign investors holding as last friday.

2. 30 largest s/holders hold 80-85% of shares.

3. Forget about big fish, small fish la dog chasing its tails.....wasting our time here.

4. All my portfolio perform similar with Dsonic.........only thing the forum are not as active as here.

5. Imho....we can only do so much......there are so many factors we can't to pray to the owner of us..give us the wealth.

6. Hold our composure and pray.

7. I expect a contract coming in next few days perhaps no more than 2/3wks.

P.s. I spend many years with Kenanga, Ambank, Inter and half dozen of securities co including bursa.....I speak from my own experience.

Peace !


2016-01-15 10:05 | Report Abuse

I never delete my comment for last 3-4yrs. Anybody can go back and read what I posted. Some are right some wrong but looking back...... not bad...not bad at ki ki.

I told already in dec (as soon as RHB TP out) ......RHB research are not right and it should be RM1.90-RM2.00. I give benefit of doubt..they probably don't have info at that time.

Written in RHB reports there are 12 Fund Manager in the meeting, you don't think they all bodoh...meh?

Fake account does not have history of my comments. You can view thru social forum.

It stupid to think....every time price up ......major shareholder or mgt want to sell their share to you or market.

They can always do.... off market direct deal or placement with ' loaded investor ' or sell their stakes to strategic partner without affecting share price/market.

No sir, they don't need your CNY money!


2016-01-14 22:09 | Report Abuse

Most interesting forum & stock. Ki ki ki . I never never bored with this stock. Keep coming.

Obviously we are talking to the wrong who need to sell stock to celebrate ki ki ki.

P.s. I done my shopping yesterday J card day.....bought 3,000 ferrero rocher for my friends.... and still have money to buy somemore stock. Both offer great discount !


2016-01-14 15:28 | Report Abuse

2014 we could double or triple our money with fuel sub project . Govt has to cancel it because Oil longer viable. 
2015 managed to get passport project and 2016... god willing they will get bigger replace fuel sub. that they did not that what I call Progressive co. 

You can see the pattern.

So better keep it for long term investment. If you sold at 1.56-1.59 less than a mth did fall to 1.40....but I am sure you did not buy cause you were waiting at 1.30. back to 1.50. :)). It did not take off well due to timing....too close to Yellen announcement and long holiday. 

I am sure it will back to where it should be....higher...perhaps tmr after oil rigs counting.


2016-01-14 13:59 | Report Abuse

Why not? One contract can be a game changer. Dsonic on their own league.....will only go for big project. It easier for tech stock to do this. Look at Dsonic 2013-2014, Myeg 2014-2015. Unlike developer stock etc.....million billion project but price does not move. ( ki ki ki spread over 10yrs and project risk somemore)


2016-01-14 12:50 | Report Abuse

Most of the companies are doing better now than when oil around 40plus i.e. early 2015. (Due to shock). Especially co like Dsonic and other with new project/contract.....cause at the end is earning matters.