
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-06-14 23:30 | Report Abuse

I tell you, if Putin bomb your homes, the next minute, you just surrender! Remember how the mongols invaded China last time! Yeah, China simply open the doors at Great Wall, the mongols went in easily!

News & Blogs

2022-06-14 23:28 | Report Abuse

If Putin decides to invade China, it would be very quick! I mean, ukrainians are hardcore fighters! Tell me, whould chinese China willing to put arms to fight russian soldiers! Just watch CCP invades Taiwan, only takes a day for taiwaneses to wave white flag!
Look, chinese China and taiwanese never take arms before! Killing another human is not easy to stomach! Even among harded soldiers, many develop mental illness after killing so many humans!

News & Blogs

2022-06-14 21:45 | Report Abuse

Ukraine fallout will make other nations not to follow US and EU leaders anymore!
I mean, would any nation risk themselves over Taiwan too! Just stay away from US and EU intervention of Taiwan!


2022-06-14 21:44 | Report Abuse

There's no reason to delay Umno election! Umno president must not hold hostage a democratic process in Umno!


2022-06-14 21:00 | Report Abuse

It's time for Anthony Loke to lead Dap! Amanah must be lead by new malay leader! Rafizi is more than ready to takeover from Anwar!
Forget big tent! Start with small tent! GE15 won't see Harapan winning but it's sure will be good fighting ground for new leaders of Harapan!


2022-06-14 20:59 | Report Abuse

LGE is the worst MOF in history! Mat Sabu made us laughing stock for telling the whole world that Malaysia is liken to grass when elephants are fighting! As for Anwar, his constant self entitlement for PMship has expired!

News & Blogs

2022-06-14 20:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by mach10 > Jun 14, 2022 7:23 PM | Report Abuse

Biden is going to abandon and betray Zelensky and the war will end soon.

Answer : Exactly! Biden now in love with Taiwan! But i think taiwanese will wise up once they see what happen to Ukraine! Accept Taiwan is part of China! Have a long and fruitful dialog with China! I am sure eventually Taiwan and China will find common ground to unify both!


2022-06-14 18:29 | Report Abuse

Yeah, EPF money help lift bursa today!


2022-06-14 18:28 | Report Abuse

Nobody see US as NO.1 already! Especially with senile president running this dying nation!


2022-06-14 18:27 | Report Abuse

I do expect oil to crash if Trump really makes a comeback post 2024 US election! I am sure, OPEC will pump oil like no tomorrow!
I mean, those Canada pipeline will be opened to the max! OPEC will surely turn theirs first or else find themselves selling at dirt cheap to US!


2022-06-14 18:25 | Report Abuse

When the Sauds were involve in murder of one journalist, Trump hold that card to his advantage! And that card kept US oil cheap! You see, sometimes, you need to be dirty to get things done!
Of course, it's immoral for Trump but at the end of the day, instead of trying to be righteous, Trump did what is good for US! And that card also finally unite Israel and Saudi, making middle east much peaceful!


2022-06-14 18:22 | Report Abuse

I am not positive about the outcome of his meeting with the Sauds! Sometimes, development warm relationship is something only Trump is very good at!
Tell me, who was the dumbass who went to North Korea border just to cross it and have a selfie with Kim Jong Un! You know, Kim could have kidnap Trump and hold him for ransom! Just to show how Kim and Trump developed trust in relationship! Something no president of US ever have done!


2022-06-14 18:20 | Report Abuse

Biden was talking about regime change in Saudi! Yeah, another one of those Democrats intervention!
In the end, Biden found himself in the deepest turd hole of his own making!


2022-06-14 18:19 | Report Abuse

So Biden will go to Saudi next month! I wonder why he is taking forever to see the Sauds!
And one also wonders why Biden made it public to make enemy with the Sauds!


2022-06-14 13:30 | Report Abuse

After making so many fake promises, Harapan leaders totally disappoint their base!
To gain back supporters, just show yourselves as better alternative! A mature alternative! No need to sing ABC GST to gain voters!


2022-06-14 13:28 | Report Abuse

Harapan leaders take note! Please don't use populist cards to gain voters!
Take GST for example! You guys really ruin our economy! Removing GST knocked the chain in good fiscal policy! And then selling off national assets! Then chasing foreign investors away like Linas!
Oh, did i mention Harapan anti public transportation agenda! Cancelling HSR was a huge mistake!
Najib has already set a very good fiscal policies! Just used it! And please, be pro public transportation! You guys shouting and screaming of traffic jam but if our public transportations not up to standard, how are you going to encourage public to take them!


2022-06-14 13:15 | Report Abuse

To me, F15 Lighthing indeed has set totally new benchmark in EVs!


2022-06-14 13:14 | Report Abuse

Surprise! After so many claims of having a Tesla killer, finally, without making any noise, Ford produce perhaps something better than Tesla!
You guys should check it out! This pickup has the biggest frunk in any existing EVs! You can charge it at both side! Can power your tools! Can even power your whole house in case of blackout!
I mean, it's so good, even Elon Musk would be shocked!


2022-06-13 19:14 | Report Abuse

Back in Malaysia, even though we see hike in goods prices, we don't really feel the impact of inflation! Why, because our petrol is very cheap!


2022-06-13 19:13 | Report Abuse

The solution is very obvious! But with wrong leadership, even switching a light is a huge and complicated process!


2022-06-13 19:11 | Report Abuse

Do you know as recent as 2020, us was actually net seller of oil! US has too much oil back then! In only 2 years, US is screaming and shouting as oil price reach ridiculous rate!


2022-06-13 19:10 | Report Abuse

Okay, so what do Biden need to do to drastically cut inflation! Flood US with oil of course!


2022-06-13 19:10 | Report Abuse

Even at current rate, oil probably has max out! We may see oil going no higher that usd150! Probably even go down lower from current price!
Why, because variables have changed! EVs contribute to 20% of new cars been produced!
Unless back in 2014 where EVs are very new! Tesla only introudce mass produce Model S in 2012!
Today, Tesla produce millions a year! BYD also produce more than Tesla! Heck, even legacy autos are now producing tons of EVs! So oil price already max out!


2022-06-13 19:07 | Report Abuse

Deepsea rigs are just starting again! They will go online within few months!
Realistically, we have tons of oil! There's no need for Russia oil at all!
Canada and US alone can supply oil and gas to EU! Instead, Germany build oil pipelines from Russia! And mind you, US is paying NATO to protect Germany from Russia!


2022-06-13 19:05 | Report Abuse

Despite having so many bright leaders in US and EU, they do the opposite to solve problems!
During Trump 8 years administration, one thing he got right is keeping oil as cheap as possible!
Oil contribute to everything nowadays! You use oil just like you use water!
Unless you have better alternative, then you have to stick to oil! Battery powered vicheles are growing fast but it may take another few years before EVs become dominant!
However, the current high oil price is actually temporary! Max 2 years!


2022-06-13 16:20 | Report Abuse

Speakup! Yeah! The enlightens brought down Donald Trump because he was standing on their way! Trump brought solutions and peace! But US and EU leaders said, 'We dn't want peace, we want problems'!
What the world experience today is exactly what US and EU leaders want! Overwhelm with problems!


2022-06-13 16:08 | Report Abuse

I have foretold about this just few months ago! All depends on US president and EU leaders! But what to do! They are dumbass! Too busy playing on big issues like climate change and New World Order! In the end, they lost on both!


2022-06-13 16:06 | Report Abuse

Investor! Because of Biden policy in oil! Of course there's so much oil! So much, oil price can crash to usd40 within weeks!

News & Blogs

2022-06-13 16:04 | Report Abuse

In fact Pas fake holymen should also call for ban on other japanese culture like eating sushi! Vending machine is haram too!

News & Blogs

2022-06-13 16:03 | Report Abuse

I am with Pas fake holymen on this issue! Obor-Obor festive should be banned! You cannot worship those sea creatures!


2022-06-13 15:46 | Report Abuse

Haix! US inflation can easily be tamed within few weeks! Just flood the world with oil!


2022-06-13 15:38 | Report Abuse

Yeah, you can read todays headline! US inflation at alarming rate! So hike interest rate more! Isn't that like, hey, there's a fire! Better pour gasoline on it to put it out!


2022-06-13 15:37 | Report Abuse

You know during Trump administration, EVs were selling like hot cake too! Tesla can't keep up with demands! Can't even satisfy buyers of his megapack!
Then Biden steps in! Say no to oil! Yes to EVs! Guess what! GM and Ford only produce few hundred EVs last year! So what is Biden talking about!
Now oil is damn high for americans! It's not that americans refuse to buy EVs, there's not enough supply! EVs booking are jam pack for years!

News & Blogs

2022-06-13 15:12 | Report Abuse

Singapore can have self sufficient chicken supply by converting Geylang into poultry farms!


2022-06-13 15:10 | Report Abuse

I think Donald Trump is shaking his head until it hurts!


2022-06-13 15:10 | Report Abuse

So now, with strong dollar, US is making it cheaper to import and nothing for export!


2022-06-13 15:09 | Report Abuse

And then high interest rate drive US dollar higher! How can other countries buy US goods! And now Biden is reducing tariff on China goods! Hihihaha! Dumbass!


2022-06-13 15:08 | Report Abuse

So now you have high oil price! Then you have high interest rate! Tell me, what is Fed trying to fix here! Nothing! They just adding more bad policy to already bad policy!


2022-06-13 15:07 | Report Abuse

So now US is suffering from hyperinflation because of super high oil price! So what did Fed do! Hike interest rate! Hihihaha! Dumbass!


2022-06-13 15:06 | Report Abuse

Yeah, US and EU leaders are total joke! They are so self entitled to rule the world!
Yet, Ukraine invasion shows us that they are just bunch of useless leaders!
Look! Even i know how to bring down oil price down fast! First, reopening that oil pipeline from Canada to US! Let fracking do their job! Be nice to the Sauds and they will flood the world with more than enough oil!
Do you know that just few years back, US has so much oil that oil futures actually turn negative! Yeah, traders actually paying you to get rid of oil from them! Remember only few years back oil tankers were overflowing with oil! Too much oil until they have to fill oil tankers left and right!


2022-06-13 04:41 | Report Abuse

This should serve as a reminder to Umno! Umno is not that strong at all! The BN wave that we saw in peninsula does not translate into win in Sabah or Sarawak! BN Umno can forget about winning Sabah Sarawak!
Hence Sabah Sarawak may see playing kingmaker role if BN Umno does not get good majority in coming GE15!


2022-06-13 04:38 | Report Abuse

I asked him about prospect of Umno in Sabah! He said that Umno can close shop over there!
Umno Sabah lost all of it's allies! Come GE15, Umno will be all alone! Old allies have regroup under GRS! If you must know, GRS is equal to GPS of Sarawak!
One thing for sure, Umno may not get many seats in Sabah! Reason been, after 30 years of been part of Sabah government, nothing has been done! My friend said, that only during Najib administration saw Sabah developed!
Today however, things are getting worse and worse! My friend said, there's no allocation for roads, schools, telecommunication and so forth! And to give Umno another term is a big no no over there!


2022-06-13 04:33 | Report Abuse

Had a long chat with my undercover neighbour who is working in Sabah! We had interesting chat over situation in Sabah!
And of course, politics remain favorite main point!