
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-05-02 13:23 | Report Abuse

Nobody predicted Elon Musk to actually own Twitter! Totally shocking! He did the impossible! Kadoos Elon!


2022-04-29 22:24 | Report Abuse

Malay is no longer refer to a race! It's an identity! As long as you are muslim, walk like malay, talk like malay, preach like malay, then you are malay! It's in the constitution you know!
The this newer malays are different! They consider local chinese as outsiders! They are fed up with local chinese who whine been 2nd class and overdemanding of rights! They don't give a turd about local chinese anymore!


2022-04-29 22:20 | Report Abuse

You know, i have been writing politics in i3 for the longest time! Initially i enjoy making you guys jump up and down for fun! But also my intention is to educate and share what i know what politics are all about!
However, i have been observing our society as a whole, and let me tell you guys for the many times, majority malays have changed! The days where Mahathir can mock the malays and get away with it is over!
Back in the 50s, there where only 1 million genuine malays! Back then, there were so little malays, and they had to marry their close cousins! That is why Mahathir whine how malay back then were dumbass and lazy! The problem is inbreeding!
Hence Mahathir unleash his 'tuan melayu' agenda! Where he envision Malaysia to become 100% malays through issuing citizenship to those who willing to become new malays!
Today, there are 16 million malays! But actually, there probably only like 4 million genuine malays! The other 14 millions are product of breeding with other races, other races given citizenship especially from Indonesia and lately those from bangla and Ronghiya! Some local chinese who married malays automatically became malay as well! Yeah, some indians too!
However, Mahathir remain in timewarp! He still thinks malays are dumbass and lazy! But he is actually referring to those inbreed malays of the past! So local chinese becareful! Don't mock the malays! The malays today are totally different breed! You could be mocking chinese blood malays as well! The fake malays are now overwhelm the genuine ones!
Which bring us to Umno endgame! The endgame is to turn Malaysia into 100% malays envisioned by Mahathir!
Local chinese should be very well aware of this agenda! Or else the remaining small tiny local chinese we have today will be history much faster than expected!
If local chinese remain loyal to DAP,which Umno warlords are counting on, then we may see aggressive recruitment of new instant malays from Indonesia, Bangladesh, Kerala and so forth!
Absence from corridor of power is not an option for local chinese post GE15!


2022-04-29 22:04 | Report Abuse

Izoklse! Exactly! A case of shooting one foot once too many!


2022-04-29 20:12 | Report Abuse

In politics, you want numbers! Anwar no longer able to deliver! As for Pas, they can go balik kampong! Even Kelantanese are wary of Pas fake holymen!


2022-04-29 19:05 | Report Abuse

Sentiment has changed! No longer rakyat be baited with false promises! If i win, all the roads will be tarred! This is the antiquated motto of yesteryears politicians!
Instead, rakyat now are wiser! Just look at Najib! He remain very popular among majority voters! Why, because he delivered! Yeah, you can keep on using anti Najib card but end of the day, you will lose! Politics 101, never use positive sentiment and turn it into you bogeyman card! It will backfire badly!
Umno is not strong! It's actually weaker compare to before GE14! Umno is deeply divided within! But Harapan is also a bad choice! Harapan cannot deliver! It's alliance do not share common goals! So rakyat won't give a turd about Harapan for now!
Malay describe Harapan leaders as 'sembang kari'! Meaning talk but never do the walk! So it's very hard for Harapan politicians to convince rakyat for now!


2022-04-29 18:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by bsinvestor > Apr 29, 2022 2:03 PM | Report Abuse

without pas, harapan 2.0 is a failure. u think harapan 2.0 can defeat BN + PAS ? no way.

Answer : Nobody wants Pas frankly! Overdemanding and deliver nothing! It's like paying minimum wage for a worker to open and close door! Why hire such losers!


2022-04-29 18:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Apr 29, 2022 1:58 PM | Report Abuse

Anwar and his PKR, Amanah and DAP have lost their principles.
They have lost their dignity and willing to roll in bed with TRAITORS.
I will never vote for a TRAITOR even if he/she is a relative, simply because they are not trustworthy.

Answer : General sentiment nowadays! Harapan is tossed no matter how they go!

News & Blogs

2022-04-29 16:03 | Report Abuse

Absolutely very true! Valueguru is spot on!


2022-04-29 15:29 | Report Abuse

Like palm oil, Malaysia again, benefited from this surging steel price! But don't expect steel stocks to go up anytime soon! Maybe half a year from now! So plenty of time to shake leg and do nothing!


2022-04-29 15:28 | Report Abuse

It seems our local syndicates are very smart! Just look at oil theme! When majority have given up, all the sudden oil stocks surge! Very cunning!
Same with steel! Steel price is definately going to break CNY6000 very soon due to acute steel shortage!
Today alone, steel price jump to CNY5200, highest in a quarter! But it won't stop there! It's going up and up and up until steel acute shortage is address! Unfortunately it won't be so soon!


2022-04-29 13:23 | Report Abuse

Kadoos to winners here! It's has been super long wait! Many had given up!


2022-04-29 13:21 | Report Abuse

Muda seems to be on the limbo! Seems Dap and Amanah affection for Muda suddenly gone! Maybe because of the very bad Johor by election result!


2022-04-29 13:19 | Report Abuse

Pas seems to be no go based on insiders! Then again who are going to vote for Pas!


2022-04-29 13:17 | Report Abuse

Sadly a new alignment is under negotiation between Dap, Amanah and Bersatu to form Harapan 2.0!
Pkr will be excluded from this new alliance!


2022-04-28 15:58 | Report Abuse

Pang! Wait for the ending! The usually 'hopeless'!


2022-04-28 15:54 | Report Abuse

I won't be surprise if Grandpa Koon will make appearance here!

News & Blogs

2022-04-28 15:51 | Report Abuse

Ineffective vaccine! That the whole issue with China at the moment!

News & Blogs

2022-04-28 15:14 | Report Abuse

It's already happening! Just look at our banks! Been attack constantly!


2022-04-28 14:27 | Report Abuse

However, this weekly salary system has been used in construction sector for decades! As labor workers tends to spend their off days with grocery shopping! This really help construction workers to be fit for duty!


2022-04-28 14:26 | Report Abuse

Problem with current salary system especially in private sector is that, it's too antiquated!
I mean, why wait end of the month to get paid! For those in minimum wage, it's really pain! I mean with only 1.5k salary, by middle of the month, most already emptied their pocket!
A new salary system must be implemented! Paying salary on weekly basis will not only help minimum wage malaysians but also helps the socioeconomy of those affected!

News & Blogs

2022-04-27 18:01 | Report Abuse

Yeah, good timing! However food operators must continue to wear face mask! Gradually relaxation is important! You cannot simply remove mask mandate! Reason, after 2 years, our body cannot tahan fever or flu virus! Instead of Covid, we will get severe flu or fever if we go out without face mask!


2022-04-27 17:23 | Report Abuse

With weakening ringgit, singaporeans will be Genting Highlands biggest guests! I mean, they will gamble like no tomorrow now!


2022-04-27 00:40 | Report Abuse

Rakyat are so fed up with our politicians! The political apathy is very acute! Rakyat simply ignoring all the whining of our lawmakers nowadays! It seems, our current administration and lawmakers have zero interest in rakyat and doesn't even care that they are in month of Ramadan!


2022-04-27 00:38 | Report Abuse

As non muslim, i feel so sick with our malay politicians! Even during month of Ramadan, they are so crazed with game of throne! Can you guys please keep those political disease away during month of Ramadan!
And of course the disgusting LBGT video made by one malay business tycoon! May as well declare himself as non muslim! Or maybe he wants the whole world to know that Islam represent LBGT!


2022-04-27 00:36 | Report Abuse

With China ongoing lockdowns, other countries will have to get their steel supply elsewhere!
And Malaysia of course benefit from this! Even current steel price is so good, our steel stocks remain hopeless!
Then again, of late, Malaysia bourse has been hopeless! The political instability already impact our ringgit!


2022-04-26 23:35 | Report Abuse

All sectors under Genting and Genm are now well oil machines! All are in cash cow mode! Most of their operation in US, UK and Malaysia show be laughing all the way to the bank! Director Lim can no longer use Genting and Genm like he used to as his parred down his stake!
However, after so many false hope, let's hope this round, we are not left dissapointed again!

News & Blogs

2022-04-26 00:38 | Report Abuse

Clearly show to western leaders CCP weakness! If CCP so afraid of mild Omicron, how can they face full blown war with US and EU, they can't!
If China attack Taiwan, US and EU simply release a new pandemic in China, kaboom, full lockdown, game over!
The longer CCP remain in denial and go on with this zero Covid, the higher the chances of chinese China not getting natural immunity from Omicron!
In the end, chinese China can't travel overseas and outsiders cannot come in!
Without natural immunity, one foreigner with Covid and wipe out a district in China! Our body need to be expose to Omicron to develop this god given natural immunity! Or else, as our ancient history had recorded, those without natural immunity will get severe health impact!
Anyway, i don't know what is the real agenda of this Zero Covid of CCP! But i doubt it's an advantage!


2022-04-25 19:44 | Report Abuse

Now CCP wants to lockdown Beijing too! Few years later, China will have damaged population!

News & Blogs

2022-04-25 13:49 | Report Abuse

Better send that dumbass Tiong from Miri to Shanghai!


2022-04-25 13:47 | Report Abuse

Shanghai lockdown continues! Very odd indeed! While fear mild Omicron! It's like getting booster shot! Unless of course China vaccines are so ineffective, even CCP doesn't trust them at all!
Which is the sad reality of China today! I mean, why bother giving vaccine shots if you don't allow your citizens to go back to normal lives!
While the rest of the world has adopt to living with Omicron, China insist on lockdowns! And judging from surging cases over there, it's not working at all!
This self inflicted disaster will eventually breakdown on China society!

News & Blogs

2022-04-25 00:09 | Report Abuse

This ban also impact some of our palm oil producers especially those with affected farms in Indonesia!


2022-04-24 22:19 | Report Abuse

Actually within Umno corridor of power, Sabri is considered underweight! He became PM because majorite of Umno lawmakers are with Mohiden cabinet and Umno was then not strong enought to face GE15!
More over, Najib Zahid camp is quite small, with only half a dozen lawmakers siding them!
After getting taste of power, like everybody politicians ever existed, he is consume by deserve to be PM post GE15!
First in order is to get rid of Najib Zahid! But Tok Mat is his stumbling block! If Zahid found guilty of corruption charges next month, then Tok Mat will automatically becomes acting president! And of course, Tok Mat will decided candidates for Umno in facing GE15!
Therefore, PM Sabri surrounded by his yesmen, already executing actions to bring down Tok Mat!
Come on, you really think Umno members will punish Tok Mat over 10 million corruption! It's chicken feed! Beside, Tok Mat was making millions annually as corporate figure! Probably Tok Mat already made 100 millions been top executive back in his days in corporate world!
Instead, Umno members only see this as political attack against Tok Mat! This actually will work against PM Sabri!
If Tok Mat is taken to court and sentence before GE15, Umno BN may not win! PM Sabri as poster boy simply doesn't blend will with majority malays!

News & Blogs

2022-04-24 03:57 | Report Abuse

KFC should introduce oil less chicken too! Bring 'ayam golek' into the menu! Introduce hainan chicken rice!

News & Blogs

2022-04-24 03:55 | Report Abuse

I am happy to see hawkers in Johor Ramadan bazaars using less cooking oil and resort to food that use less or no oil! Example, 'ayam golek' which is my favorite chicken fetish nowadays! No oil! Delicious! And i do notice not many sell fried chicken which use tons of oil, no biggie!
Indonesians should resort to using as little cooking oil as possible! Too much cooking oil is no good! Our heart cannot take too much oil! Learn to live with little oil usage!

News & Blogs

2022-04-24 03:47 | Report Abuse

This so called end of time has been around for 2,000 years! Previous generations waited for the end to come! And yeah, during ancient times, hardcore followers even standby on their roof waiting for that day to come!
Stop believing in fairy tales!

News & Blogs

2022-04-24 03:46 | Report Abuse

Stop spreding fake religion in i3! Do you know who draw Jesus image that so beloved by blind followers! Yeah, the whiteman image of Jesus was drawn by Leonardo Da Vinci! Strange, Jesus was a jew and typical jew men doesn't look like whiteman!
Here's another shocker for you, do you know Leonardo loved boys! Do you homework, that image beloved by blind followers may be Leonardo Da Vinci favorite boy! Yeah, easter egg implanted by Leonardo!

News & Blogs

2022-04-23 18:07 | Report Abuse

Russia will go bankrupt over Ukraine civil war!


2022-04-22 17:54 | Report Abuse

LIke i said many times, big investors are waiting for the next quarter! But i guts tell me the coming quarter will be very good! However, after so many false hope, let's wait for next month! If the figure is good, big investors will once again come in and maybe a huge wave will happen!

News & Blogs

2022-04-22 12:53 | Report Abuse

Harapan leaders continue with their comedy of error! Rakyat already gave up on Harapan!