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2020-03-23 09:05 | Report Abuse

The Arab countries are being wiped out now. Their source of income are mainly from oil and tourism.

Their cost for each barrel of oil is USD50 only. Few years ago when the oil was USD120 per barrel, they produced millions of barrel daily and made USD70 for each barrel.

The Americans have found a way to get oil from the rocks. The cost is USD50 per barrel. So, what the Arabs wanted to do? They brought down the price to lower than USD50 in order to damage the oil business of the America. The Arabs raised the price again.

So what happened next?
Iran declared that they wanted a nuclear bomb. The Saudis, Kuwait, Bahrain started to worry and trembling because Iran can swallow them in 24 hours. They don't have the army to fight Iran. Who will save them? USA! What happened next? Then, the Creator got Obama the traitor to be on Iran's side and handed over the money, hundreds of billions, to Iran to start the peace process. SO, with that happening, the Arabs felt the can not trust USA, the biggest traitor. Next, the Arabs found a partner that is facing the same enemy (Iran) that is Israel.

Suddenly Saudis started to think on why the have to sponsor the Hamas, Hizbollah, Egypt muslim brotherhood or the Palestinian after all the Palestinians never wanted to make peace. The Jews never harm them. Who care about the Palestinians. Suddenly everything changed in the middle East. The Saudis airline can fly to Israel, Israel go to Saudis. They don't attack Israel anymore.

Next, the He sent the Virus..
The Saudis will suffer, oil price went down, every barrel sold less than USD50, the Saudis will fork out from their pockets. Israel also suffer but they have the high tech so plenty of money from that side.

The Iran said that they are close to producing the nuclear, so the Creator will have to do something before half a world could be damaged by this crazy lunatic, God have to step in because - USA, Mossad, can not do anything.

Iran also suffer from the oil price. But the Iranian is not that stupid like the Saudis, thay sell weapon via India & Pakistan the brokers. But the Virus is damaging them...the leaders died one after another, the Ayatollahs. The virus killed thousands of people in Iran, like in Italy. Russia also got underground business for their oil.

But why Italy?


2020-03-22 20:46 | Report Abuse

With His permission, may the vaccine be found soon.

"I am your God, you are my children/followers"

I take you out of the slavery/Egypt, not to be observe Shabbat, gay, cheaters, lesbian, ladies not dressed modestly, crooked, corrupted politicians, haters of God, doubting God, scammers, fake news makers, eat animal meat freely, more sin of the golden calf.


2020-03-22 13:22 | Report Abuse

Now the human race is practicing 24/7 basis in their pursuit for wealth. They don't observe the rest day / Holy Day, as instructed by our Creator. All the wealth created by them as at 2 weeks ago is gone/wiped out hugely under one transaction decided by our Creator infrontof your eyes. The earth also need a rest but not the continuation of activities, burning of fuel non-stop...with the MCO in action we can know actually how easy to rest once a week, the Shabbat, and pay attention to God seriously.

The age of this earth is around 5,770 years counting from the time of Adam & Eve

Noah spent slightly more than 12 months in his Ark...and when he came out, the rainbow appeared, the wickedness have been washed cleaned. The are 7 laws given to Noah by our Creator and if you can observe these 7 laws rest assured we still can have the assurance from Him, otherwise...

Now, we should plead with our Creator fervently to spare us from the plague in our midst, we confess our sins, repent of our dishonesty when dealing with our customers, no more corrupt practices in our offices,

Our lives come from the Giver of Life.


2020-03-21 11:39 | Report Abuse

In time of this unprecedented type of Crisis, it doesn't count on the nature and the potential of the business, or who is in charge of the companies. You never heard of this kind of catastrophe in the recent history for human beings. Many people are being wiped out. Huge losses caused by the downtrend in the markets.

When the panic mode zipped in, people can just pawn their Rolex watch each for a thousand Ringgit. Is it justified? Of course "NO". But people can turn panic when the situation can become worse.

Spain got 20,000 people infected. Why China, Iran, Italy, Spain...maybe Germany next. Why? They all have one common element.

We malaysians, be prayerful already & do plenty of charity...pray that the vaccine can be found as soon as possible. Pray for the medical teams that attending to those patients.

If our Creator is merciful, like the SARS disappeared suddenly after one particular morning in 2003, then we can be protected and save to live on. Otherwise...


2020-03-20 23:16 | Report Abuse

In 2008 the DJ was 6,000 and it was almost 30,000 before it crashed until below 20,000 within 2 weeks lately. Increased by 5 times. Where was the value in those companies. But not all the companies have 5 times improvement of profits. The answer is , it is a balloon and waiting for the explosion.

In one transaction within this 2 weeks, the Creator had knocked down many businesses and brought everybody to be on their knees. There is no other solution than pray to Him and use the money you still have to do good deeds before the time may be running out. The Creator wanted us to wake up and before the coming of the Messiah, many people from many nations will be sick. He already swore that there will not be anymore flood to clean the wickedness in the world, as promised to Noah. But He will bring a pandemic to clean the world that is full of sin...

If the vaccine can't be found within the next 3 weeks, the DJ will continue crash further to 15,000? Our local market will be affected ultimately.

Even those who has made money lately are also on their knees because they are afraid of dead..the disease.

Unless..otherwise the banking system may collapse and suffer and everyone will be caught.


2020-03-19 16:02 | Report Abuse

skinned alive..left ribs & bones, no flesh..sad.


2020-03-19 08:48 | Report Abuse

One virus could cause so much trouble to the world. Millions of people will lose their jobs/income, the financial damage suffered by share market and business downtrend expected to cause billions of dollars of losses. Isn’t this is a wake-up call from God in Heaven? Naturally, we are so helpless and need to depend on Him. God is warning us to live the righteous life. Do we do the learning from the Bible, conduct our daily business transaction honestly and longing for the coming of the Messiah/the return of Jesus Christ.

WE can now use our common sense to predict the consequences that can be caused by the virus. Huge Financial damages suffered in 2 weeks can’t even be recovered in the next 100 years. Billions of dollars evaporated in value during the ongoing share market meltdown in numerous countries. Thousands of businesses can become bankrupt due to the decline in the sale. Many airlines companies & restaurants have been shut down, hotels booking being cancelled and people are losing their jobs. If the situation persists, many people without money will be roaming the streets for food subsequent to the panic stock up of food and the necessities at the supermarkets.


2020-03-18 15:47 | Report Abuse

Firstly, China..Iran..Italy, next Spain, points to one commonality. There was Spanish Inquisition, assets being robbed, most terrorism point to it, anti-God China communism, Italy Vantican idol worshipers destroyed the Word. God's nose is fuming, has His calculation, wipe out the wealth in 2 weeks and you can not even recover in the next 100 years..who is great? Isn't not your Creator. Cry to Him now and do plenty of sedekah before is too late or your wealth is gone.


2020-03-18 15:39 | Report Abuse

Not long ago, RM2.83 but now left RM0.825 , sad.


2020-03-17 16:42 | Report Abuse

Why the Egyptians had to be drowned?
The crowd could have traveled directly strict to the promised land when being led out of the slavery, dry land, shorter distance.

BUT the Creator had to direct them to the right hand side, towards the red sea, to drown the Egyptians. Because they drowned the Hebrew babies.

Measure by measure...God would give the punishment equal to the wickedness.


2020-03-17 16:11 | Report Abuse

9. Honor the Lord with your wealth,
with the firstfruits of all your crops;
10. then your barns will be filled to overflowing,
and your vats will brim over with new wine.

There 2 types of givers, the one who will give after earning or give more if he/she had earned more and give less when earning less. The second type is who would give and had willingness to give in all circumstances consistently. BUT, you are not allowed to give more than 20% of your net profits. Minimum is 10%, which is belonged to Him.
The Creator loves the second type because he/she had confidence in Him.

NEXT, the are 2 types of jealousy - firstly is the one who will be jealous if you have earned more than him/her. BUT the second type is the one who will jealous even you only earned a thousand and he/she earned a million. The eyes are narrow and focusing on your one thousand instead.


2020-03-16 16:08 | Report Abuse

Can see some major shareholders purchase plenty on 11Mar at 1.40


2020-03-16 15:52 | Report Abuse

Will it come the road nobody walk, got rice nobody eat?


2020-03-16 15:40 | Report Abuse

Microscopic, so tiny, can't even be seen with naked eyes, can caused such a big trouble...human beings.


2020-03-16 15:37 | Report Abuse

PE is 10 , should be RM2 , but the economy situation & virus have caused the shares with very little demand.


2020-03-16 15:30 | Report Abuse

Long time when it was about 1300 points, then was 1991/1992?
Was so difficult to achieve 1,300 then, now 2020 so easy.


2020-03-16 15:13 | Report Abuse

Licking severe wounds...don't laugh at defeated dogs..OK?


2020-03-13 09:53 | Report Abuse

Leaving the skin covering the bones...sad.


2020-03-12 18:36 | Report Abuse

Animals have no soul unlike human beings. Animals conduct their activities according to their instincts. But human beings can exercise their options, to be wicked or righteous. Measures by measure according to the Creator. Different people will receive different rewards or punishment. Even identical twins would have different tumb print. This is the will from God. Why the down syndrome children all over the world have similar faces unlike others?

Only human beings could stand straight upward with their heads up, unlike animals looking downward to the ground. The soul made the difference.


2020-03-12 14:16 | Report Abuse

King Saul was rewarded for his modesty. In 500 years later, his descendant, King Saul was rewarded with great great... grandchildren - Mordecai and Esther to have saved the whole nation.

The reward came hundreds and thousands of years later. As well as the punishments.

The wickedness in the old body now paying the price in the new body.

Nothing better than knowing our Creator better. Our relationship with Him. What we have and what we don't have is in His decision. Is not from the random roulette.

Basically, whether what we liked or we don't liked, you actually brought it on yourself. The fatigue, misfortune, mental stressed, physical pain, frustration...every agony, sadness, disappointment, sickness, every profit...everything happened in our lives, in one point of our lives, we created the situation...


2020-03-09 21:05 | Report Abuse

When Saudi Arabia decided to lower the price of the crude oil in order to fight Putin, was the decision from the person or his heart was harden by God?

When Hussen Obama pro Arab, pro gay, anti Jews, was it his decision or God did harden his heart?

When Pharoah refused to let the Israelites to leave Egypt, didn't God had harden his heart?


2020-03-09 16:32 | Report Abuse

Skinned alive, @60 points down. Died standing. Sad.


2020-03-09 13:22 | Report Abuse

Where to find friends...there is righteous/wickedness..waiting only to call for curses/swearing by beating the chest, wish you death/misfortune.

We don't know what is next, first the virus, then the local politics situation...maybe HaShem wanted to clean this world and so many of us will be out from focusing on this materialistic world.


2020-03-09 10:14 | Report Abuse

Plenty at RM1.52 , sad and sorrowful. Got to hold...
Putin, Trump Admin, Venezuela oil, Saudi Arabia, Iran...


2020-03-09 10:05 | Report Abuse

Q at 1.52 to buy some lah


2020-03-09 09:38 | Report Abuse

It could be just another wrong strategy. Nvm, everyone does make mistake.

All in one basket. Non-stop promoting, not willing or no nice to sell some and reluctant to take profit. A normal fund manager would not adopt such strategy.

At RM3.00 , it was a mouth watering one, at that time, the virus appeared already. Now the OPEC and the OPEC+ got disagreement.


2020-02-21 09:56 | Report Abuse

In comparison, DSONIC is RM1.46 , its wrt is RM0.68 already and the Conversion price is RM1.09 , Premium of RM0.31.

Then 0082WB should be RM0.52 + say 50% @RM31, easily RM0.65


2020-02-21 09:49 | Report Abuse

The WRT got discount so much..Sellers keep coming at RM0.455 since 2 days ago. WHY?

Sell at RM0.52 lah, now the Share is RM0.92 already.


2020-02-20 16:39 | Report Abuse

China anti God, communism, yet within less than 30 years they made the wealth more than other countries that can not even made in 2000 years.

They ate anything that is moving because they were poverty.

China is the only country in the world without anti-Semitism.
Is a blessing for China.

Spain, Portugal, Iran, Iraq, Europe.. all down when the God's chosen people have left. Spain, finished, almost bankrupt, internal war, the catalonian wanted to split Spain.

China provided shelter to them during WW2.


2020-02-20 16:22 | Report Abuse

Soon AFTER the water receded....God’s Covenant With Noah, - God's law for the human beings - do not eat animals meat that is raw, needless to say when the animals still alive...for example the Chinese eat baby rat that is still alive,...GOD will demand an accounting for going against God's law.
GENESIS CHAPTER 9 - Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. 2 The fear and dread of you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on all the birds in the sky, on every creature that moves along the ground, and on all the fish in the sea; they are given into your hands. 3 Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.
4 “But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it.
5 And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every animal. And from each human being, too, I will demand an accounting for the life of another human being.


2020-02-20 16:08 | Report Abuse

Is a spiritual divine Spirit, the Soul look actually like the body, the size and the look. IF somebody died in the hospital, the doctor can touch the body and say the person is dead but the Soul is in the air, you try to catch it but can't because the Soul can travel through the wall and water. Body can not go through the wall.

Is the ignorance, we never forget to feed our body but seldom give good nutrient to our Souls.

The body is a tonne of clay and returning to the ground when died but the the Soul returning to the Creator. No cremation, because that will be a great disrespect to the dead person.


2020-02-20 09:06 | Report Abuse

Like that means .40 lah


2020-02-20 00:09 | Report Abuse

This PE funds purchased 7.19% at RM0.70 X 933Mil share = 67 mil units,
Cost RM46.9 mil, Now can fetch RM58.625mil, Already Profit RM12 Mil


2020-02-19 17:24 | Report Abuse

say the P/E still not high, good comments/recommendation i read, thanks, my RM30,000 now is RM36,000 lah. Very happy lah.

Many fellows got RM300,000 now RM360,000 already. Very very happy.


2020-02-19 17:09 | Report Abuse

Have you seen a defeated dog licking his own wounds?


2020-02-19 17:07 | Report Abuse

We are not God. But we can be watchful, if got such good move, >20% in a day, can be on the board to lift us up or recover any yesterday's losses.

Some good hearted guys will advise " don't chase high, don't chase high else you will lick your own wounds..". You think I don't know?

Try not to miss the boat! OK!


2020-02-19 16:55 | Report Abuse

in a while, it will become .37 , what can you do?
Is beyond your control!


2020-02-19 16:53 | Report Abuse

more than 20% up, very very good, where else can get such a return within a day? The point is it is a .30 investment.

Of course got risk, at the same time.


2020-02-14 10:23 | Report Abuse

at .68 you pressed, they bought, you wanted sell down to .675 , be careful, maybe the Funds also try get good deals, getting plenty at .68 , satu kali going up further , the shorties will lose. Shorties sell at .68 ?


2020-02-13 20:46 | Report Abuse

Even holding since end of last month at .69 , can't make, dropped until yesterday .65 with small volume 1.7 mil shares changed hands. Today 48.3 mil units, up to almost 0.70 , huge difference, WHY?

Go back to .75 lah , like the early of the year..with the mass buying, maybe by EPF? Maybe got the money from AirAsia.


2020-02-11 18:05 | Report Abuse

When you think your company deserved the higher value..and avoiding being reprimanded for suspected of person with direct interest should be detected being involved in the large percentage of appreciation even within the same trading session, engage the outsiders (foreign inv bankers/brokers) to push the price, need a well planned resouces. Is amusing and admirable, because it came like the thieves in the night, not many people is aware that this will happen...else many will scream "windfall profits".

Unless that certain parties (inclusive the existing interested parties) interested to "sell and acquire" within the same day or over the nest few days to cause the hike of the value. Arouse the interest of the public so the price level can be sustained.


2020-02-11 10:14 | Report Abuse

Harvesting of energy from the sun...installation of solar projects for the factories, farms..look to the skies, sky is the limit.


2020-02-06 15:38 | Report Abuse

You know, like Monopoly game, once the gov investments are asked to buy millions and millions, whether retailers laughing to the banks, IDSS burned all ten figures hangus berasap ker, ALL the money is in the economy unless you siphoning the Contra profits away...good for market.


2020-02-06 15:16 | Report Abuse

OK, all the way back to RM1.50...