
bsngpg | Joined since 2013-08-04

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2013-10-20 16:41 | Report Abuse

Oop sorry , I have one more "LS" counter, LPI with 140% return since 2009 with significant amount of $.


2013-10-20 14:58 | Report Abuse

Peggy : It is great to hear that you know Chinese well. Please read 2 books by冷眼《30年股票投资心得》& 《冷眼投资正道》which are selling in Popular Book Store now. The books were written in a very simple and layman’s way. Do not read only, but have to understand and practice. If you can follow him 100%, you are 100% winner in 10 years.
Good luck.


2013-10-20 14:27 | Report Abuse

Fatinvest: 本来是很有趣的。不过只怕你用錯例子了。嫂嫂是女性长輩,可以裝"放",上船的例子就不恰当吧。不知你同意否? 对不起,我是保守派。


2013-10-20 14:12 | Report Abuse

KC:請允许我开你个小玩笑:顶你不须,任何事都可future value, current value 一番,只怕是中了投资病吧。哈哈!玩笑而已,别生气。


2013-10-20 13:14 | Report Abuse



2013-10-20 12:46 | Report Abuse

他是正道价值投资人(formal fundamental valua investor)。我是平民式价值投资人。我们都是认真的投资人。我们都知道赢之道,却须常期与自身的贪念作战。享受过程,视赢为乐。


2013-10-20 08:19 | Report Abuse

Dear Peggy: KC 是大師,bs是小禹。不可同日而语。


2013-10-19 20:15 | Report Abuse



2013-10-19 19:40 | Report Abuse



2013-10-19 19:12 | Report Abuse



2013-10-18 07:19 | Report Abuse

Hi KC Chong : Thks for the above educative posting. When come to valuation method, I would hope if you can write something very simple for beginner, i.e. something like the above (though it may not simple enough) which explains valuation concept to a layman. Example, why EV/ebit ? Why not EV/PAT ? What does EV/ebit implies ? What is EV and why not mkt cap ?

Another example is that what is cash flow? Why it is so important? I knew a bit on CF from posting by 盈利?现金流?- 夜月
CF has confused some, now come in another one, DCF, why?

Another one : what is Book Value ? What is its application? Why we value banking with BV but not so much in other industry?

Why par value ? why different companies have different par value ?

Many more …….

By recommending a book may not be effective with the reality fact that habit of reading among M’sia is low especially those come to this forum. Furthermore, 要读也无从下手呀. English book, ah yoh, quite difficult to understand. Mandarin, ah ya, while understanding the opening and introduction but do not understand the technical terms lah. As you know, most of us are product of hybrid from school, claim as multilingual expert but actually is jack of all trades.

I know it is tedious, but if you can kindly consider open one new Topic and writing one concept a week, that would help a lot.

For those who have the same need or agree with me, please throw in your vote to lobby KC Chong for the new chapter for the benefit of the larger group.

Thank you very much.
Thank you.


2013-10-17 22:04 | Report Abuse

The Star : Thursday October 17, 2013 MYT 5:40:07 PM
MKH buys RM50mil land, plans residential development

KUALA LUMPUR: MKH Bhd had on Thursday bought a 64-acre land off Semenyih, Ulu Langat in Selangor for RM50.65mil and plans to develop it into a residential and commercial area.
In a Bursa filing on Thursday, the group said the land was bought through MKH’s unit Kajang Resources Corporation Sdn Bhd’s agent Petik Mekar Sdn Bhd.
“Kajang Resources has appointed Petik Mekar to represent and act on behalf of Kajang Resources to negotiate and purchase the land from several co-owners of the land.
“Kajang Resources will provide Petik Mekar with the required funds for the purchase of the land,” it said.
The group said the planned development has an estimated total gross development value of RM300mil over a period of about four years.
It noted source of financing for the purchase is from internally generated funds and/or bank borrowings.


2013-10-17 14:01 | Report Abuse

Not yet. Will complete in Q4, before 1 Jan 14.

News & Blogs

2013-10-17 13:58 | Report Abuse

If you can do it and have gut to do it big, you will be rich very fast thru Bursa.

News & Blogs

2013-10-17 13:56 | Report Abuse



神啊救救我 陈小春

News & Blogs

2013-10-17 13:52 | Report Abuse

I like this one very much, but not doing enough. Trying hard now.

News & Blogs

2013-10-17 13:48 | Report Abuse

It is a very good and reflective article. I would strongly recommend you to read. If you can understand and appreciate the article, I believe you have higher winning chance in Bursa.
Thank you Ah Boon and KW Tan


2013-10-17 13:44 | Report Abuse

Plus, VT carries poor record among most the retail investors. Wolf may one day does charity work too, but there are so many charity bodies in the town, why should you take risk to go for the one operated by an old smart wolf. You may get some goodies back home if you are lucky, but if the wolf just disguises under charity, you will be eaten one more time. Not everybody is the lucky Little Red Hood.


2013-10-17 13:00 | Report Abuse

If u have 1000 shares, u entitle RM500 before tax. Government taxes u 25%, thus final div for u is RM375. U can claim back the paid 125 from tax Dept if your personal tax rate is zero(no personal income).
U can opt for full cash if u dislike WA.


2013-10-17 12:14 | Report Abuse

Thank you, I like your comment. I have more or less the same thinking. That is why it is under my radar for close monitoring. Thks again.


2013-10-17 10:49 | Report Abuse

Hi : Pls allow me to 嗮命+ LS(Cantonese) a bit. This "How Xiao(Hock Kian)" Zhulian just keeps on going up in earning and share price, "jiao bei liao lol(Hock Kian)".

In 2011, I have noticed that its PAT was approaching 100mil/year, it is amazing to see that the 100 mil PAT is now exceeded in just 9 months.
One of the reasons I chose Zhulian instead of Amway in the earlier years was the higher PAT by Zhulian.

Will the uptrend in PAT continue? I am pretty confident that it will. Will the uptrend in share price continue ? Sorry I am not sure. But at least I can temporarily “shiok sendiri” at the moment. Ha ! Ha!. Thank you for allowing me to “LS” and “shiok sendiri” a bit.

Please read the latest research report from Kenanga.


2013-10-17 07:30 | Report Abuse

Hi Nicole76 : where are you ? Did not see your post on Harta lately ?

Hi KC Loh : You made a wise position on Harta.

The below is my initiate comment on Harta posted under TopGlove moment ago:

“Hi : Would recommend you to consider Harta. Reason : Harta is the the best NBR exam gloves manufacturer in M'sia even in the world. The best ? I refer to its technology and operational efficiency.

I do not imply that TGloves is not good. “


2013-10-17 07:16 | Report Abuse

Hi : Would recommend you to consider Harta. Reason : Harta is the the best among NBR exam gloves manufacturers in M'sia even the world. The best ? I refer to its technology and operational efficiency.

I do not imply that TGloves is not good.

Good luck.

News & Blogs

2013-10-16 23:27 | Report Abuse


试问为什么 ?


2013-10-16 21:46 | Report Abuse

Interim 10%+special 8%=18% x RM0.50 par value= 9 sens = RM90/1000 shares.

News & Blogs

2013-10-15 21:21 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2013-10-15 20:13 | Report Abuse

Hey : I thought it was first posted by Salvador Dali at 1:38 PM, 15 Oct 2013, Once Upon A Time.


2013-10-15 14:55 | Report Abuse



2013-10-15 14:12 | Report Abuse

曲詞 侯德健 / 編曲 陳志遠 / 李建復演唱初版
遙遠的東方有一條江 它的名字就叫長江
遙遠的東方有一條河 它的名字就叫黃河
雖不曾看見長江美 夢裡常神遊長江水
雖不曾聽見黃河壯 澎湃洶湧在夢裡
古老的東方有一條龍 它的名字就叫中國
古老的東方有一群人 他們全都是龍的傳人
巨龍腳底下我成長 長成以後是龍的傳人
黑眼睛黑頭髮黃皮膚 永永遠遠是龍的傳人
百年前寧靜的一個夜 巨變前夕的深夜裡
槍砲聲敲碎了寧靜夜 四面楚歌是姑息的劍
多少年砲聲仍隆隆 多少年又是多少年
巨龍巨龍你擦亮眼 永永遠遠地擦亮眼
巨龍巨龍你擦亮眼 永永遠遠地擦亮眼


2013-10-15 12:32 | Report Abuse

FreeThink: thks, will check later.


2013-10-15 09:47 | Report Abuse

I can hand write Chinese pretty well. So sometimes, I hand wrote on iPhone then email to PC, then copy to i3. Cumbersome, but work.


2013-10-15 09:38 | Report Abuse



2013-10-15 09:32 | Report Abuse



2013-10-15 09:30 | Report Abuse



2013-10-15 09:23 | Report Abuse

2x half past six = 1. I mean our 汉语拼音啦。


2013-10-15 09:21 | Report Abuse

after an hour of thinking, I finally figured out what you want to say are: 真理不討好、忠言逆耳.


2013-10-15 07:28 | Report Abuse

The biggest mistake you SHOULD NOT do is stop propagating those “messages”= good conceptual sharing. As I wrote before, without you, this forum will become much less interesting, just like KL without Chinese. Do you think people want to visit KL if there is no Chinese’s hard work and businesses there? Hooray will not benefit anybody except bringing them closer to Holland.


2013-10-15 07:22 | Report Abuse

Pls write the meaning of that two phrases in English, I can try to translate back to Chinese. Your 汉语拼音 is as lousy as mine. Most of the time, I use English Dict to find the Chinese Word. But I were from famous Chinese school in Malaysia, "Pai Shei" (Shame).


2013-10-14 22:52 | Report Abuse

You are a senior bull, a senior bull got ocean stomach. Let us stop here, OK ? We should continue other healthy discussion whenever applicable. Thank you.


2013-10-14 22:44 | Report Abuse

Hi : I like your "most importantly who is heading the ship in the company!" very much. In fact my high faith on Mahsing is mainly due to Mr Leong.


2013-10-14 22:40 | Report Abuse

Hi : Because the discussion on Mahsing was initiated by me, therefore I need to defend that smart discussion is focusing on the concept behind, not so much on the surface meaning. It is no point to focus on minor error. Just like we have many mistakes on our english writing, so we should focus more on the messages behind but not the grammer mistake. If we really want to focus so much on the surface meaning, we all are disqualified to write here. What do you think ?


2013-10-14 22:26 | Report Abuse

I commented on Fibon not long after posted by KC Chong. I commented that I discomforted with this counter (5,6,7Aug13) but I respected his choice especially the one with justification, it does not matter much if I agree or disagree with the justification. If I can remember correctly my reason of not liking Fibon is like yours i.e. “who are heading the ship in the company”. Even until today, I am still unconformable with Fibon. But why should I stop people talking about it ? Just like I hate cigarette very much, but should I stop BAT promoting cigarette.

In fact I bought BAT to benefit myself. So as long as I want, I can see thing from positive side, it is my choice. How about you ?


2013-10-14 21:54 | Report Abuse

It is unfair to comment so if you know the background of the long discussion and his background. Mahsing is not the counter of his analysis/interest. Just because upon the request and his generosity, he just plucked the figures and discussed. Hei, even if the top analyst in OSK, TA, Kenanga, Maybank etc cannot give you accurate figures if the counter is not under his/her purview.


2013-10-14 21:41 | Report Abuse

Hi: It is undeniable that ups 12sens is something good. But if you really understand LPI and are investing in LPI for long term, +/- 12 sens or even 21sens are within normal trading variation. I would like to invite you to become one of the members investing in LPI for long term. Anyway, thank you for your post to keep thread on LPI alive.

News & Blogs

2013-10-14 21:24 | Report Abuse


I agreed with the quote.

Unfortunately, most of the people do not have ability to understand financial book with all kind of financial jargons. Just like most of the people are die-hard fans of English Premium League, but how many can play football? Must well we leave the job to the professionals such as Rooney, Jerald, Aguero and Persie. But if you can play even at Kampong level only, you should practice so that you know how to appreciate work of professional better.

「华尔街杂事达人」can make you money too just like those specialize in fundamental analysis, it depends if you are the smart 达人 or 一般达人.

Smart 达人 follows and understand most of the happening to grasp insight of the broader market and business development related to those selected明牌 e.g. MBB, LPI, Mahsing, Zhulian, Harta …. All direct or indirect news related to finance industry; property, MLM and Gloves are their main focus. If equipping your smart with discipline and persistent, your return will not behind those “分析家". You are actually one of the self-grown明牌 too.


2013-10-13 19:54 | Report Abuse

I give one vote too

News & Blogs

2013-10-13 18:18 | Report Abuse

Thanks my friend.

Many come here to hooray, I come here to read and learn and not forgetting to contribute humbly wherever applicable. Most of the articles (market blog) were read by me, thousand thanks to KW Tan and other “posters” and your postings too except those you disputed hotly with others.

Your comment came in during my “beach jogging time”(yesterday I made it 6 kms), so I have to excuse myself here. Cheers.

News & Blogs

2013-10-13 16:36 | Report Abuse

Only after the Old Horse dies, there is a “possibility” that the government allows Proton to follow. Unfortunately, bad guy normally lives longer than you can imagine and many suffer under his policies dies before him.


2013-10-13 16:27 | Report Abuse

2008冷眼在光华的专访时强调“Zhulian是我的最爱, at that time the share price was about RM0.90. I followed him and bought at 0.915 on 3 Dec 2008. There was a 1:3 bonus issue in Jul 2010, which adjusted the price down from 0.90 to 0.675. Dividend received so far were 2009=12sen, 2010=60+(60*1.33)=14sen, 2011(+33% bonus shares)=12*1.33=16sen, 2012(+33% bonus shares)=12*1.33=16 sens, 2013(till Oct13)=12.5x1.33=16sens. Total dividend as at today=0.74sens. Thus those acquired Zhulian in 2008 is now more than free.

From AR, he holds 680,000 and 700,000 of Zhulian as at Mar 2011 and 2012.

Base on what I understood from his books and articles, I strongly believe he is still holding significant amount of Zhulian.