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2013-11-09 21:58 | Report Abuse

Hi Senior Tang : To make millions from a single counter must required a very big sum of capital. In other word you put most of the eggs into one basket ( assume that you did not have multimillion on hand). I am curious to know why at that time you were so confident that it would not screw up at any chance ? I am also curious on your thinking process and psychology at that time. Hope you can recall and do not mind to share. Thank you very much

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 17:51 | Report Abuse

To Mr Koon and all i3 memners in Meru now, wishing you a happy chatting and happy dinner. Best Regards from 868 miles away. Drive home safely after the dinner. Bye.

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 17:48 | Report Abuse

Ha! KC Chong 大佬: I can catch the same “gap” as you, which indicates that I have learnt some of your skill. I am happy on my improvement.

OK, I want to go for sexy-jogging again, today i target 6 km. Bye.

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 17:48 | Report Abuse

Hi Tsurukame : You said : “….past success does not guarantee future success…” .I have to agree with this statement.

You said : “…one has to look at companies that DO NOT show much financial performance in the past...... can really make it ”,

I saw a "gap" here :
My simple logic:
i)One cannot success in the past, the chance of success in the future is 49%.
ii)One can success in the past, the chance of success in the future is 51%.
iii)One have no past record, the chance of success in the future is 50%.

Which one you want to put in your hard earned money ?


2013-11-09 14:17 | Report Abuse

Fairjimmy : "..cannot meet sales, profit target.., ....all mktg staff left..."

You guessed only or you have some insight ? Please share more as these are very important info to make decision.

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 14:02 | Report Abuse

Hi Tsurukame : I see a gap in your comment on Nov 9, 2013 01:48 PM. I hope my big brother Mr KC Chong see this comment and put up his view. I do not think I have enough weight to comment on that perspective.

KC Chong 大佬, are you in ?

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 13:55 | Report Abuse

Hi sense maker : Appreciate your idea very much. Thanks. I am one of the neighbours of Mr Koon but now is 868 miles away from him in oversea.

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 13:45 | Report Abuse

Hi darecom : From 1 posting, I guess we can become a very good friend already. I resonate your comment totally. It is very lucky to interact with you here. Let us interact more hereafter.

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 13:38 | Report Abuse

Tsurukame : I fully agreed with your statement on 99% perspiration to achieve the 1% . In reality especially after bashing by the cruel society for many years, many may lose some degree of their initiate perspiration and inspiration. I am talking about myself in the sense that I know that understanding the financial statement is the upmost basic in equity market, yet till today I am too lazy to learn about it with tones of excuses, let alone financial analysis.

In fact I regard one of the forumer Mr KC Chong as big brother as I see his way of analyzing equity as the basic fundamental one should have. He is very generous in sharing too. I would recommend you to interact with him more frequently, it is fun. Be careful for his direct style, he! he!.

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 12:48 | Report Abuse

tsurukame : you command a powerful english. Honestly, I need to check at dictionary for few of your words. It made me not 100% sure on your message. Sorry, it is my own shortcoming.

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 12:32 | Report Abuse

Senior Bull : Thank you , I will visit Thread on Myeg. Ya! you reminded me the Myeg by Dali, I have the record in my database. Thanks.

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 12:23 | Report Abuse

First, I have a significant amount of JTasa in the perspective of small investors. I am now in a paper loss as my average entry price is RM2.90. So the more we boast about JTiasa, the better for me.

But, honestly if I can turn the clock back, I would not invest in JTiasa. We as retail investors with limited hard earned capital should invest in those more established, with proven track record, with more foreseeable and calculate-able earning and financial health albeit the return will not be exceptional high. We should not expect Super return from investment; leave that to others such as speculators or multimillionaire who will be still a millionaire even after a big cut on Bursa. We as a small investor should not bet big and take high risk to lose/win. Bursa is certainly not a place to turn us the mass ordinary players into millionaires. It will only expedite the growth of our wealth at a reasonable pace if we invested carefully.

Good luck.

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 11:40 | Report Abuse

Hi Tang : I do not believe your small million from Muhibbah and Dialog were from sheer luck. You must get it thru hard works on following the industry, companies, the broad market, your hard earned capital, fundamental or technical analysis etc and not deniable luck too. Hard works can even maybe your efforts on networking with the Directors, Contractors, Analysts or Syndicates and whatever. Anyway you are great on this achievement and you qualify now to brag but I believe you are a humble guy. It is nice to interact with you. Have a good weekend. Thank you.

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 10:56 | Report Abuse

Hi Senior Bull: Either you agree or disagree on JTiasa, Mr Koon at least provided his justifications on JTiasa. As you are so confident till want to put 34 million shares (if you are him) into the no brainer Myeg, can you please at least provide some justifications. You are painting a solid picture on Myeg, some less experience readers may just follow without good justification for them to ponder themselves. Thank you.

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 10:46 | Report Abuse

But why the lucky people are not you and me? When sourly see that as luck, do we know how much efforts people putting into many years before the luck. Humble people will attribute their great accomplishment as luck, but I am not so dumb to see that as a sheer luck. The great achievement qualifies them to brag, it does not matter if you like it or not? Ghost ask you have no luck(or capability)?

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 10:02 | Report Abuse

Even you disgree with JTiasa, many would like to hear your voice too. The more voices from difference views, the healthier the discussion. 来吧, 朋友.

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 09:59 | Report Abuse

inwest88: Agreed and unfortunately that his critic is there since last night. Anyway, KC has used to him and know how to handle. In my thought, the biggest hindrance is that KC disgrees with JTiasa at all.

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 09:37 | Report Abuse

KC Chong大佬: you see, beside me others also see you in that league too. Your name has appeared on that thread already. 来吧, 朋友, 不少人在等你.

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 09:08 | Report Abuse

Hi Imenwe : It is very amazing to find that you are young at 27 with so extensive knowhow on palm oil industry on top of your sharp analytical mind. IF your profession (guess) is an equity analyst specializing on plantation, your knowhow and analytical work also beat most of the senior analysts. When I were at 27, my achievement in my field is 10 miles behind yours. You are great. Hope to read your comments on other topics too.

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 08:46 | Report Abuse

大佬: I removed the last sentence from the earlier post as it is inappropriate. This is a re-post.

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 08:43 | Report Abuse

Hi KC Chong : Sorry to you and others for my interruption on your topic on L.Biscuit but this is the way to ensure you receive my message.
I saw some very high quality discussions on thread on “How to become super investor”. I always see you as one of the member of that league. In this case, you may not agree with Mr Koon on JT, but I opine that your participation surely can spark the discussion further. Please consider to drop in. There must be a great fun for you and readers as me.

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 08:07 | Report Abuse

Hey : Maybe you got opportunity chance to meet with Dali too who is the good friend of Mr Koon.

News & Blogs

2013-11-09 08:04 | Report Abuse

Visit Ipoh and Super Investor:

Ipoh nowadays is a very popular place for a short domestic holiday by KL(Center) and Penang(North) people during public and school holidays for the very delicious Chinese foods and White Coffee. The hot spots such as Dim Sum Street, Ga Choi Kai(sprout chicken), Sin Yoon Loong Coffee etc were jam-up with numbers plates starting with W, P, and even J and S.

Hotels are plenty with reasonable price, which you can easily get the contact from Google and get a room or two tonight. Please bring along your family to Ipoh this morning or afternoon, drop them in the newly refurbished Parkson shopping complex and let them having dinner themselves in the town center which is within walking distance if you can walk. Then you can go, meet and dinner with the Philanthropy and Super Investor in Meru which is just 15-20 minutes from Town Center.

I knew that each year many queue to pay huge money to have dinner with W Buffet. In this perspective, even though Mr Koon is not as well-known as WB, but they are the same type of people in making big $ from equity and doing great charity. They pay WB whereas Mr Koon pays you dinner. WB speaks American English and topics on Wall Street; Mr Koon speaks Malaysia English( I guess Cantonese too) and Bursa. Maybe you can shot “Old Horse” for fun too if the atmosphere allows.

Friends, just 2.5 hours and 2 hours drive from KL and Pg respectively. Please do not miss the golden opportunity. Take this opportunity to meet i3 members too.

News & Blogs

2013-11-08 16:18 | Report Abuse

You threw in baseless accusation.
Did he point a gun at your head to buy? OK, let us assume that he evilly plan to set you up(WHICH I DO NOT THINK SO), yet you drove all the way to be cheated, it showed that there is a big problem within yourself. Do not blame others but yourself, OK?

News & Blogs

2013-11-08 10:19 | Report Abuse

All of them have very good points, I learnt a lot from them on palm oil industry. As I come from technical field(not in share), I give my vote to Imenwe.


2013-11-08 08:42 | Report Abuse

Oops forget to say that I will likely keep GenM till 10, be it in 3 or 10 yrs. cheers!


2013-11-08 08:36 | Report Abuse

Very nice interacting you. Hope to meet you again.

News & Blogs

2013-11-08 07:28 | Report Abuse

I were exactly the same situation with the writer. I have waited long enough and at last impatiently jumped into Genting, CIMB and MBB in Aug13. I have waited for MKH for more than 6 months too and at last jumped in last week. Same case to HaiO(in Sep13) albeit I pulled handbrake after collecting 1 small batch. Nevertheless, I believe only "Taming the Money Shark"’s way can make you millionaire thru Bursa but not our impatient jumping way. Let's see.


2013-11-08 07:13 | Report Abuse

You said : “But if u really observe well to share market, it's facts that it is full of speculation and manipulation. Many share going up/down without following the rules of law. Therefore, it's really unpredictable. “

I say : “I fully agreed with your statement and it is also what I believe strongly after a big burn by Bursa in the early years. Unfortunately your context is on the opposite side where you expect big benefit from the irrationality of the market and so dance with it(you continued : That's the reason, the excitement comes. ……RM4.5 to RM10 in 2-3 years……, ……double in short period…….)

Hi new friend (I met your comments only yesterday): in my opinion you are very fortunate to dance in Bursa via GenM which is relatively higher quality than most of others. This saves you a lot of risk while giving you chance to have windfall earning someday as you expect. If you carry the same mentality on 2nd and 3rd liners, your risk is tremendous high and I can foresee where will you be when the Bear hits. If you read my older postings, you will find that I were burned badly before and now is very careful in Bursa. I may miss some windfall opportunity but I am enjoying the Bull effect too as others but at least I am in much safer situation now.

You can disagree but I really hope you can take few seconds to consider my experience and advice.

SORRY for poking my nose into your business (“Kei Poh”) and too long winded.



2013-11-08 00:26 | Report Abuse

Wednesday, 06 November 2013 15:34
Ex-bank officer, age 41, now gets 5-DIGIT dividend a month as private investor

While I am still in my dream, the younger gentleman has realised it. Do you have the same dream ?


2013-11-08 00:15 | Report Abuse

Nope. Its mother Genting was closed at RM6.4 in Mar 2007. It is at RM10.32 on 7 Nov 2013. It is about 6.5 years from 6.40 to 10.32. Thus the growth rate is only about 8% per year.

"Better than striking jackpot". "Share market is full of uncertainty especially in gaming businessi(in your context as posted above)"

I comment with good intention : please strip off the wrong perception on share market if you want to survive long. If you dislike my comment, just drop a line, I will delete it right away.



2013-11-07 23:07 | Report Abuse

RM10 in 2-3 year ? Then you expect it to grow 35% per year from the current valuation. To me, it is too optimistic.

It is more realistic to expect RM10 6 years later with 15% growth each year from the current valuation.

For the last 5.8 years(Jan2008 to Nov2013), it growed ~4.5% each year, so to me, 35% per year for the next 3 years is unrealistic.


2013-11-07 22:23 | Report Abuse

MIDF : BUY GTronic with Revised TP: RM4.19.

RM4.19 is too optimistic to me.
Reason : If it is not in hot market, the common PE accorded by broad market to this type of company is normally at 10-12. The forecasted eps in FY15(Dec) by MIDF is 28.1 sens. Let us round it up to 30sen, with PE 12x, TP should be 3.60 only in 2015.

RM4.19 now with forecasted eps FY13(Dec) at 19.3sens. Wow! it is at PE ~22x. Amazing !

But if we optimistically assume for another small bull to push PE up to 15x in 2015, the TP can be RM4.50 in 2015. It is unrealistic to expect the big bull to run for many years till 2015.

What do you think ?

News & Blogs

2013-11-07 19:31 | Report Abuse

Hi sense maker and Imenwe : pls continue your high quality discussion as the deeper you discuss, the clearer picture is painted for readers. I like your discussion very much as there are some points I knew before and some are new to me that make it very interesting.

I wish to participate but my knowhow is too far below, so bad.

I guess background of Sense maker is not related to plantation industry and his opinion is derived from biz common sense whereas Imenwe may come from the industry with insight.

Whatever it is, both of you are greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.

News & Blogs

2013-11-07 12:36 | Report Abuse

Sense Maker: appreciate your hard work and contribution. Thks

News & Blogs

2013-11-07 11:57 | Report Abuse

Dear Mr Koon :
Wow! You first statement admitting that you do not understand CAPEX and Free Cash Flow has surprised, touched my heart and gained my highest respect already. In our society, many people pretend they know everything and infallible, let alone admitting any shortcoming especially people like you carrying high level of reputation in business circle. Salute you and will behave as you in this perspective.

But “Taiko”, honestly as the founder of 4 largest construction companies, how to convince me that you do not understand CAPEX and FCF ?

Thank you.

News & Blogs

2013-11-07 09:38 | Report Abuse

Open New Thread to Share Your Great Investment Philosophy and Life Experience.

Hi the Great Mr Koon:

I started to know you during the incident of Kampar TAR-30 million for hostel and since then have followed you till today. I can understand why your good deed was rejected to protect their self interest. If they have great heart as you, they would not be abandoned by Chinese community at least in Kampar area. Do you know that till today, my heart is still painful whenever this incident pops up into my mind like now? In fact I have only 3 letter words for them on this incident.

From many of your posted articles, I can feel your sincerity and passion in bringing goodies to the community, be it on society fairness, corporate efficiency, direction of the country building and not to forget the investment and etc.

JTiasa :
I am an old fashion Chinese who see trust as one of the very important elements in the life core value. I trusted you till just followed you jumping into JTiasa at its height at RM3.20 in Apr 2012, even thought JTiasa did not meet most of my criteria on share selection at that time and even today. Not only that, I even bought in more 2 months ago and also reminded others who believe in you to follow suit. We (at least myself) take our own risk and responsibility on our action.

Wish :
Dear Mr Koon, I really hope you can open a thread in i3 to share your great investment philosophy and also life experience. Through your thread, many can post question to get your opinion or guidance. I see this is another area you can pour in your great knowhow and charity heart.

Thanks :
I met Mr(Wu)胡萬鐸 of Shen Jai in Kledang Hill, I miss the opportunity to meet another Tiger in Meru hill this weekend as I am in oversea now, sooo unfortunate. Thank you very much for the great invitation.
I visit Ming Kok frequently, hopefully one day I can meet you somewhere.

Have a good health to see the “Old Horse”to go first, OK ?

Thank you.

News & Blogs

2013-11-06 22:22 | Report Abuse

“You make money by WAITING” after buying into a GOOD and RELIABLE company.

I have neither any fundamental nor technical skills in investment. Honestly I even do not know how to read financial report, let alone financial analysis. But I am blessed to have reasonable return from Bursa. There is no special secret or skill, but just do ONE thing:-“Buy good and reliable company then just Sit and Wait”

Example1: Bought Zhulian @ RM0.68 in Nov08, with PAT 75 mil. Sit and Wait till PAT 117mil(Nov12) with current close at RM4.40.

Example 2: Bought LPI @RM9 in May 09 (exclude bonus and RI as lazy to do adjustment) with PAT 104mil (Dec08). Sit and Wait till PAT 167mil (Dec12) with current close at RM16.50

Example 3: Bought Genting @RM6.4 in Mar 07 with PAT 1.5bil (Dec06). Sit and Wait till PAT 3.98bil (Dec12) with current close at RM10.50.
How can I wait for so long? It is because I perceptually bought into the business but NOT the shares.

So do you believe now that Sit and Wait can make you money ?


2013-11-06 11:49 | Report Abuse

I bought on last Friday.

News & Blogs

2013-11-06 10:03 | Report Abuse

没时间查看旧帖子。不过感觉他是一派胡言。因为我从一开始就不喜欢MFCB n PMCorp,不可能写如他所胡说的帖子。

News & Blogs

2013-11-06 09:54 | Report Abuse

Thank you for highlighting that ColdEye is one of the largest shareholders. For me, it is a booster to my confident level. I will perform more research on this counter albeit it maybe too late now. KIV for future. Thank you.

News & Blogs

2013-11-06 09:40 | Report Abuse

Write up by KC Chong, copied to here for your easy reference :

Posted by kcchongnz > Apr 2, 2013 01:50 PM | Report Abuse

Cold Eye’s 5 yardsticks for Muar Ban Lee

Yardstick 1: ROE
MBL reported an earnings of 17.1m for the common shareholders, or EPS 18.6 sen for the year ended 31/12/2012. With its net asset backing per share of 89 sen, ROE is 20.8% which is much better than the benchmark of 15%. This is excellent as it was achieved with no debts.

Yardstick 2: Cash flow and free cash flow
The cash flow from operations (CFFO) is 22.6m. This is 132% of its earnings of 17.1m. This shows the quality of the earnings is good. After spending 2m in capital expenses, there is a free cash flow (FCF), or owner’s earnings of 20.6m. 12.1m dividend was paid out from the FCF . This FCF is at 26% (>>5%) of its revenue or 45% (>>12%) of its invested capital. I can only use one word to describe this; Fantastic.

Yardstick 3: PER
MBL is trading at 98.5 sen at the close of this morning session. With EPS of 18.6 sen, the PE ratio is only 5.3 (<<10). This is a reasonably low PE and considering that it has a healthy balance sheet with excellent earnings and cash flows.

Yardstick 4: Dividend yield
MBL paid a dividend of 10 sen for last financial year, or a dividend yield of 10.2%, more than twice the FD rate. Very good indeed.

Yardstick 5: NTA
The net asset backing per share of MBL is 89 sen. Hence at a share price of 98.5, the price-to-book value is 1.1 (<1.5). It is inexpensive. 41% of its assets is hard cash.

Yardstick 6 (Non Cold Eye yardstick): Growth
The CAGR of MBL’s revenue and net profit for the last three years was 46% and 26% respectively. Last year’s growth was 43% and 40% respectively. This growth is a very high growth.

MBL meets all criteria of Cold Eye as an investment grade stock by a wide margin. For those who is going to harp on its ill-liquidity, the table below shows its long and short-term return from 2 weeks to 3 years since listing.

MBL 0.985 1/04/2013
Period 2-week 6-month 1 year 2-year 3 year
Price 0.975 1.02 0.81 0.65 0.65
Return of stock 1.0% -3.4% 21.6% 51.5% 51.5%
CAR 30% -6.7% 21.6% 23.1% 14.9%

MBL’s compounded rate of return can be summarised with two words: very good.

Oh I just bought this stock not long ago, I am not promoting this stock, but merely for knowledge sharing purpose. I am also not asking anyone to buy so that I can sell him high.

News & Blogs

2013-11-06 08:54 | Report Abuse

My above post is bit harsh, I am sorry.

News & Blogs

2013-11-06 08:53 | Report Abuse

Respecting others is a way showing that we are an educated man. Everybody can have their own opinion and differs from each other but the bottom line is "respect". To me, this is the basic as a civilized human being. You can disagree.

News & Blogs

2013-11-06 08:43 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2013-11-06 07:35 | Report Abuse

@Imenwe : Thanks for the very good write up from one perspective. Wish to see more postings from Imenwe. Thank you.

News & Blogs

2013-11-06 07:13 | Report Abuse





2013-11-05 23:29 | Report Abuse

Hi tptan45: Nice to meet you. I am very delight to read your comments. We are about in the same frequency. I wish to have more crossovers with you in other threads.


2013-11-05 15:03 | Report Abuse

kschai89: inwest88 pointed out another important life lesson for you to consider. Hopefully you are smart enought to get it.