
bsngpg | Joined since 2013-08-04

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2013-10-22 16:41 | Report Abuse


Hi KC Chong : yesterday you said you are interested on one of the counter which I coincidentally have in my portfolio. In conjunction to this, I would recommend you to look at Genting. If you are not interested on it, I would like to hear your reason too.

Hi All the good friends or Lau Jiau(Old Birds) : Please kindly drop your comments on Genting too.

I can talk more in weekend.

Thank you


2013-10-22 15:48 | Report Abuse

CT:Hokkien says "Bo Ko Leng Lah". Lang Jiou Jiou, Jin Lah.


2013-10-22 15:28 | Report Abuse

CT: Hokkien asks "Shi Bo"?


2013-10-22 15:24 | Report Abuse

If CT really have many 小龙女,那么他学的是欧阳克的採阴補阳功。CT: 说笑而己,望你大量不介意。


2013-10-22 15:14 | Report Abuse



2013-10-22 14:59 | Report Abuse



2013-10-22 14:49 | Report Abuse



2013-10-22 14:24 | Report Abuse

Fatinvest: we have many thing in common. I lost 1 New Camry with full spec in 2 counters only due to involving in kind of internal trading, trusted internal source. Sigh, 昨日的梦就留给明天明天

I went to Popular Bk Store last weekend, but cannot get book recommended by you. Will try again.


2013-10-22 14:08 | Report Abuse

Hi All : I echo the 真知灼见 Posted by inwest88 > Oct 22, 2013 01:47 PM life we have to pay to become wiser and more knowledgeable in the stock market. My sincere advice is the newbies in i3 is not to get too much involved in the market but concentrate on their jobs for career advancement. I am worried they simply follow those who just shout buy buy buy, sell sell sell, target price is so much so much, going to fly, sell before it crashes, directors selling, the company is getting big contracts etc. They should go through the postings and see who are people with the genuine stuff !


2013-10-22 14:03 | Report Abuse


男:夜里有风, 风里有我 , 我拥有什么, 云跟风说, 风跟我说, 我能向谁说
女:不想从前, 不谈未来, 我为谁等待, 不要你懂, 不怕人说,让爱随风沉默
男:你是我胸口永远的痛, 南方天空飘着北方的雪,热情冻结冷冷风中
男:你是我胸口永远的痛, 南方天空飘着北方的雪,女:热情冻结冷冷风中
合:昨夜的梦, 留给明天明天
男女:永远的痛,热情冻结, 冷冷风中(女:冷冷的风中)...


2013-10-22 13:55 | Report Abuse

Wow! Adding all up, we have more than 100 years of experience in Bursa. Not a joke, we can utilize the 100 years experience to beat the broad market. To those newbies, please listen to advices from those Big Brothers, sometimes not only the direct messages from the wordings, but the hidden messages/concepts behind. This separates smart people from ordinary people. Good Luck.


2013-10-22 13:17 | Report Abuse



2013-10-22 13:10 | Report Abuse



2013-10-22 12:58 | Report Abuse



2013-10-22 11:49 | Report Abuse

Hi : my buying Q at 10.20 was matched. I bought it for the upcoming 50 sens special dividend. It does not mean 10.20 is the best price, but comparing to date 20 Aug 13 (QE Havoc), if you got it at 9.70, you were happy as many buyers got it higher than 9.70 at that time. I got it at 9.62 on 20 Aug13. In fact the 9.70 in Aug13 is equivalent to today’s 10.20 as the 50sens special div is coming within 2 months.

Good LUCK to myself.


2013-10-22 11:04 | Report Abuse

I opine it will not be too major as compared to QE havoc in Aug13. Anyway, I do not plan to buy or sell now, just hold for long long term. Good luck.


2013-10-22 11:01 | Report Abuse

I am in buying queue.


2013-10-22 10:56 | Report Abuse

Hi : My opinion is not relevant to most of the people here; it is not a professional view, just of a small retail investor.

I aim Mahsing at ~RM3.10 in 2015 based on ~5 billion market capitalization and aspiration of Mr Leong. Pls read my earlier posting. Stock: [MAHSING]: MAH SING GROUP BHD Sep 28, 2013 09:26 AM

In my opinion, with the significant size of Mahsing, great track record and high quality of management, high past and potential future growth rate, reasonable dividend yield etc, Mahsing should command higher PE 15x in 2015-2016 instead of the current 11X(assume close at 2.18 and EPS 0.20 sens in FY13). At PE 15x in 2015-2016, Mahsing should trade at ~RM 4.20. But I do not plan to sell at PE15x (4.20) in 2015, as my target is beyond 4.20 and 2015.

Conditions : Mr Leong is still charge, no major financial crisis in the next few years.

Caution: The above assessment is more on optimistic side. Be aware that we do not factor in negative side of the story. In between now and 2015-16, share price is most likely adjusted down for at least 1 time, the normal up and down cycle.

The above return is not great, just average or slightly above average. This is the real fact of long term investment, only with reasonable return. We should not aim for something unrealistic high which is more of “Durian Jatuh”. However, occasionally we may receive “Durian Jatuh” too; all depends on LUCK along the long term, patient and healthy investment.

Good Luck. Please join me for long term investment in Mahsing, the heaviest holding in my portfolio.


2013-10-22 07:17 | Report Abuse

Hi KC Chong : Thank you for the suggestion on the method of calculation. My question is bit more complicated than this, may ask again this weekend. Thanks in advance.


2013-10-21 21:52 | Report Abuse

“丢粪文化” - ”损人不利己心态”-"Pariah"

Hi KC Chong:
Sometimes we are just unlucky to be bullied by a pariah parking gangster. If so, just let go the good food and drive away. There are many other good foods elsewhere or just go home to take instant noodle. Why fight with a pariah uncivilized gangster for a food, instant noodle can fill up stomach too. If you still remember, I were bullied by a pariah gangster last month when we were about to have a good value lunch. The pariah gangster forced me driving away from the restaurant.
We good people should not be too unlucky to face pariah gangster every day.

In Taiwan, there is a pariah political practice called “ 丢粪文化” caused by”损人不利己心态”. If you are unlucky in Taiwan, just stay far away from it.

I may visit Taiwan this year end.If I do not have budget constraint, I definitely choose New Zealand over Taiwan for holiday.

Good luck.


2013-10-21 20:49 | Report Abuse

Inwest88 : I am relief to know that you are actually 大智若愚. 失敬,失敬.


2013-10-21 19:11 | Report Abuse

Hi KC : yes, I have few thing not in line with you and yet that are very critical thing in my experience. One day when I have gathered enough courage, I will discuss with you.


2013-10-21 19:07 | Report Abuse

Hi Inwest88 : Thank you very much for always supporting my comments. In return, herewith I would like to let you know my thought on your investment style. You sound like to trade or speculate. Please be advised that trading/speculation are a total waste of money, time and effort. You may not agree in the current hot time. But one day you will remember my word when the Bull disappears.

You always said you respect, admire and want to listen to KC Chong, but I do not see your action follow suit. If you trust me, please stop doing trading/speculation. Bursa is not a place for easy money. Trust me, we spent a lot of time and effort in Bursa and yet the return is not that great.

I am SORRY if have said something wrong and offending you.


2013-10-21 18:50 | Report Abuse

Hi my friend : If I were to argue or accuse you for something, I come with some reasonable bases which you may not agree with but cannot denies that there are something. This is so called "quality".


2013-10-21 18:41 | Report Abuse

Hi KC : Do you what? I want to LS on Mahsing one fine day. This one will make me rich. When I able to call it LS Mahsing, I am "Jia Beh Liao". Ha, ha.


2013-10-21 18:38 | Report Abuse

Hi KC : I made LS return on Zhulian was due to Len Yan and also celebration for my new born little girl. Now she knows she has a share called Zhulian with all beautiful jewelry for her university fee. So no matter how high Zhulian goes, I cannot sell.


2013-10-21 18:33 | Report Abuse

KC : No, No, both Zhulian and LPI are not mine, they are public. And I do not recommend anybody to buy LPI now. I normally buy at poor time such as QE havoc in Aug13. I made LS return on LPI was due to luck at RM9 on 5th Mar 2009.


2013-10-21 18:19 | Report Abuse

KC: Oop! Sorry, i do not know you have Datasonic.

But what I like more is thinking process, method, hard work, persistent and not to forget the Fun of catching quick moving elephant.

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2013-10-21 17:54 | Report Abuse

KC Chong : why don't you go back to FeiBon for "Fun of Catching Quick Moving Elephant" and “LS”.


2013-10-21 17:43 | Report Abuse

@KC Chong
Sorry, I am talking o KC Chong. I have “LS” Zhulian and LPI, he got “LS” Pintaras and Fibon.

Fibon moves from 0.33 to 0.47, it is an undisputable “LS” 42%.

I enjoy a lot when the invested counter goes up significantly which testifies and rewards our hard work and persistent. I am not bull shitting; we really spent a lot of time and effort in spotting and investing on companies. So please allow us to “LS” occasionally. THANK YOU.

side note : I am still stubbornly do not buy the story of Fibon.

Lastly, not forgetting to congratulate you all for making good money. Do not forget to buy KC Chong many drinks when he comes back.


2013-10-21 17:06 | Report Abuse

Tony: 别那么直接啦。会被report的。


2013-10-21 17:01 | Report Abuse

Sorry, "LS" is a mild bad word in Cantonese=proud, show off.


2013-10-21 17:00 | Report Abuse



2013-10-21 16:39 | Report Abuse

Ha!Ha! Now you have one more "LS" counter. "Shiok" sungguh, isn't it? This is the fun of spot, invest and "LS".


2013-10-21 14:08 | Report Abuse

Make very good sense. You are the long term winner.

News & Blogs

2013-10-21 11:49 | Report Abuse

各位大佬:得罪了。对不起。謝謝。Thank you.

News & Blogs

2013-10-21 11:44 | Report Abuse

KC大佬:I knew the word "half past six" may offend many. I
wrote it with purpose to attract people to read the high risk assessment by Icap. That's all. Do not mean to offend anybody here.

News & Blogs

2013-10-21 11:39 | Report Abuse

KC大佬:I am a pure Chinese educated old fashion guy. I like to hear 忠言more than 火上加油. So when Icap assessed that the current mkt is risky, I support the comment to alert more people. I think it is better than hooray and keep on pumping money into mkt.

News & Blogs

2013-10-21 11:28 | Report Abuse

KC大佬:你说70-80%of fund mgr underperformed the broad mkt. However my actual investment in about 8 funds in Public Mutual, 2 in EastSpring(Prudential) n 3 in Osk-uob, are averagely above broad mkt.

News & Blogs

2013-10-21 11:13 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2013-10-21 10:44 | Report Abuse

YTL & WB 也计算时机呀!YTL买英国水務公司,WB买銀行(08年吧)。计算时机不意味平时不做买卖,只是量的不同。保留大量子弹,时机一到就大胆岀擊。岀擊之后也会輸呀!不过只要时间一长,回酬是非常可观的。

News & Blogs

2013-10-21 10:28 | Report Abuse


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2013-10-21 10:04 | Report Abuse


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2013-10-21 10:00 | Report Abuse


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2013-10-20 23:50 | Report Abuse

As I agreed with his high risk assessment on the current mktg which means I should not buy Icap now as it is also at high risks too b'cos Icap's biz is in Bursa. I will buy Icap in future, not now.

My current position in Bursa is neither buy nor sell. But deep inside my heart, I should sell now. What to do, I am an ordinary people with greed. Greed is "shiok" than rational.

Anyway, as long as the earning of companies in my portfolio is still the same or not too bad as compared to the current, my div yield is still higher than FD in the Bear mktg. Thus I will have a cut in capital, but the div income is still higher than FD. This will weather thru the Bear for the next Bull. I see this is the greatest thing I have made in this Bull.

News & Blogs

2013-10-20 22:23 | Report Abuse

You r right, Icap missed de bull this round. At his level, it is weird that he missed it.
What I mean RIGHT is his assessment on the current mktg. I agree with him that the current High is risky and unsustainable.

Then, should I sell now? Due to greed, I do not plan to sell too but prepare to take loss. I foresee I will be in negative position in de upcoming Bear but Icap in positive position. Let us see.


2013-10-20 17:58 | Report Abuse

“ 你猜到、大家也猜到?”
今天有个Blog理性股市: 你猜到、大家也猜到?。我很想跟你讨论这句重要的話己很久,只是不知如何开始。在等机缘。

News & Blogs

2013-10-20 17:50 | Report Abuse

他是对的。批评他者只怕是half past six,沒经历过大熊市. 几年後再见真章吧。


2013-10-20 16:43 | Report Abuse

Next weekend when I have more time, I would like to ask for your opinion on calculation method on total return. My less than saving account return must be an error.