
inwest88 | Joined since 2013-06-06

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2013-10-16 11:56 | Report Abuse

On the contrary, a lot of people are queuing to buy but very few sellers.


2013-10-15 10:27 | Report Abuse

Talking about Chinese, I have never attended official classes in school or from tuition but learnt it from my late father by reading newspapers since primary school. Since then I am able to read and write Chinese characters but in the old form and not the pin-yin type. However there is a shortcoming - my father taught me the Chinese characters in Cantonese and thus till now my pronunciation of Mandarin is way off the mark. though I can fully understand when others speak. I continue to read Chinese papers everyday - the China Press as it is the only paper which still prints the original Chinese characters.


2013-10-13 18:12 | Report Abuse

KW Tan, as you obviously know, from the start I offered to help you with this challenge and also did mentioned that along the competition there will be some people who will give problems if a complete set of rules are not set out. Setting that aside, at the end of every other week, immediately after the close of trading I will tabulate a summary of the rankings (with a brief writ-up) for the contestants to see how they are progressing. I do not expect to receive compliments from anyone.

With the problems starting to surface now, I feel it's best I get myself disassociated with the challenge and will no longer comment or get involved with the tabulation of results. I will leave it to you to answer to those who are not happy with the running of the competition and who do not appreciate the effort you took in organizing this friendly contest.

I will be remain at the sidelines as a observer like Stcokwatch and kcchongnz. To contestants, happy trading and may the best person wins (so long as you do not break any rules).


2013-10-13 17:59 | Report Abuse

Jenny, you are getting too personal. What rich did is nothing against the rules. Why you are so pissed off when I say you can do it. Rich is smart enough to look at the US market first before picking his stocks. In real life you would also do the same. If in the morning you see that the US and Euro markets are up, surely you will feel more confident to invest on that day, right ! If anyone has broken any rules, I am sure KW Tan would have disqualified him without any hesitation.

As you can see after assessing the situation, Ooi also did not pursue the issue further.


2013-10-13 15:59 | Report Abuse

Agree with you kc, thanks for reminding.


2013-10-13 15:52 | Report Abuse

jenny, KW Tan, as the coordinator of this contest has already made his stand that the rules will nor be changed and I support him. Is anyone wants is smart enough to take advantage of the loopholes so be it. You also can do it. And if you think they actually do it in real trade then they should be respected and admired for their courage. Even Ooi TB acknowledged that they are smart traders. The important thing is that there are no rules spoken. All the best in your trading , whether it's real or in the challenge.


2013-10-13 14:57 | Report Abuse

I find this thread by matrixcool is one of the best in the 13 forum where everyone is so courteous, so kind and willing to share their opinions. No running down on others, no sarcastic or cynical comments etc. I would suggest should anyone come in with nonsensical postings, just do not respond to his comments. He will just fade away when no on bithers him. Happy a fruitful trading week to all !


2013-10-13 14:48 | Report Abuse

Jenny, like imoogi99says this is just a friendly contest with no prizes offered and of course some will want to take advantage of any loop holes in the rules. There are so many things one can do. It's up to them as long there there is no rules preventing them from doing so. But in real life, they may not do what are are doing in this contest on such speculative counters. On the other hand if they actually did, I have to admire them for their courage !


2013-10-13 14:40 | Report Abuse

Well said kcchongnz ! You couldn't have put it better ! I told myself not to get engaged in a war of word with some guy even how he bad-mouths me, or what names he calls me, or how he ridicules me etc. Why should I get upset, angry or irritated by someone who is so much in a lower league than myself. He doesn't have any self respect at all, not to mention respecting others ! He just like to disturb others even when others told him not to interfere. Thus I leave it to the other i3 members to judge who is right and who is wrong. In fact I will not read his postings at all when I see his name appear. That's the best way to ignore his nonsensical comments. Of course he will have his "shiok sendiri" feeling when he runs down others in his postings even though no one understands what he is trying to say.


2013-10-12 22:18 | Report Abuse

Thanks, Ooi TB


2013-10-12 20:58 | Report Abuse

CT, agree with you.


2013-10-12 20:45 | Report Abuse

KC Loh, thanks for your support and words of encouragement.


2013-10-12 20:44 | Report Abuse

City Trader, sorry for dragging you in. At least now you know who is genuine and who is not. All the best in your trading. From now on, better not to make comments on postings made by other people. Thanks for your support. All the best in your trading.


2013-10-12 20:42 | Report Abuse

kcchongnz, as I mentioned I am leaving the Hibiscus thread as I do not want to get involved with people below my league. I admire your patience and perseverance.


2013-10-12 17:42 | Report Abuse

fortunebull, it doesn't mean that if I do not like the stock I cannot buy. Is there such a rule in KLSE. Please do not interfere with my actions and do not simply called others a hypocrite. As I mentioned earlier I do not want to engage in a war of words with you since my friend City Trader treats you like a friend. If you talk about hypocrite, you are the BIGGEST one in this forum, keeps on bragging that you only goes for RM1 margin but keeps playing cheap penny stocks like Solution etc. In addition, keeps boasting that you can lecture FA in universities but when kcchongnz wants to discuss with you about FA, you dare not. How can someone lecture in universities when he cannot even differentiate between the word loss (a noun) and lost (a verb).

And lastly, this is my final reply to you since you are the one who started it. From now on, you go your way and I go mine and I will not respond to your comments no matter how you belittle me, criticize me, run me down or even use foul language on me. In fact with you people around I am even leaving this forum. Whatever you want to write you go ahead! I rest my case.

To all those good people like kcchongnz, ooi teik bee, kcloh, matrix cool, trustme932, hidden gem, jason, bsnpng, I wish all the best in you actual trading !


2013-10-12 16:26 | Report Abuse

jimmy, if you want to be on the safe side and looking for long term investments, kcchongnz's stocks may be a good reference. Personally I do not quite believe the index linked stocks like KLK, YTL, Sime etc as the prices are affected by the activities of the fund managers.


2013-10-12 16:16 | Report Abuse

Spot on musang king !


2013-10-12 10:49 | Report Abuse

Morning KC, Gadang is somewhat like M Flour. Will slowly blossom.


2013-10-12 10:47 | Report Abuse

hidden hem, thanks. I always have 3 categories of at any one time.

1) long term - for consistent dividends every year plus price appreciation (hopefully)
2) medium term (say about 1 - 3 months)
3) short term - from 1 day to 1 week (including fun trades)

Logically Fibon should be under long term but sometimes I also go in and out for trading. Nevertheless I have accumulated some for dividends as I see it as a company with potential for high growth as per kcchongnz's very detailed write-up and analysis. I normally do not follow those who simply give target prices without justification. I always use my own experience and judgement. I do not make much but I seldom lose heavy either due to my conservative nature. Like Michael Teo says, better be safe. Like him I have also survived a few BURSA crashes. If you were to read my postings, i gave "played" more than 600 counters in the KLSE.


2013-10-11 20:55 | Report Abuse

CT, I would tend to agree with kcchongnz's view on this counter based on the company's fundamentals. Of course if you believe in charts, it's a different matter altogether. Perhaps you may like to read up some articles in the internet on the pros and cons of a SPAC. Just my friendly opinion. I sincerely hope you can make money.


2013-10-11 20:48 | Report Abuse

KW, changing rules in the midst of a competition is not appropriate. A I mentioned, a complete set of rules must be put in place before a contest begins (no offence meant). Of course those who are smart will put in their buy / sell orders in the morning (before trading starts) as they are able to take a cue from the performance of the US and Euro markets. So rather than amending the rules, I would suggest that the contestants submit their buy / sell orders in the morning rather than doing it at the end of the day after the trading session.

News & Blogs

2013-10-11 20:47 | Report Abuse

OTB, KW has given his decision (see below)

Tan KW's Portfolio: Stock Pick and Trading Challenge 2013 2H - rlch
Oct 11, 2013 10:25 AM | Report Abuse

yes, we can improve the rules on next games... as this game have been started, all of us have to follow the rules -

News & Blogs

2013-10-11 20:46 | Report Abuse

OTB, KW has already given his decision (see below)

Tan KW's Portfolio: Stock Pick and Trading Challenge 2013 2H - rlch
Oct 11, 2013 10:25 AM | Report Abuse

yes, we can improve the rules on next games... as this game have been started, all of us have to follow the rules -

News & Blogs

2013-10-11 20:40 | Report Abuse

Let's see which strategy will prevail at the end of the competition. Having said that it's just a friendly contest with "paper' money involved only.


2013-10-11 20:30 | Report Abuse

kcchongnz, when it comes to FA I reckon no one in this forum can beat you to it unless he is a renowned expert. Even those so called experts cannot come out with such detailed analysis. Just my opinion.

News & Blogs

2013-10-11 20:24 | Report Abuse

KW, changing rules in the midst of a competition is not appropriate. A I mentioned, a complete set of rules must be put in place before a contest begins (no offence meant). Of course those who are smart will put in their buy / sell orders in the morning (before trading starts) as they are able to take a cue from the performance of the US and Euro markets. So rather than amending the rules, I would suggest that the contestants submit their buy / sell orders rather than doing it at the end of the day after the trading session.


2013-10-11 20:19 | Report Abuse

hidden gem, good to know that you still having Fibon. After I played a few rounds, I have entered again and with increased lots too !

News & Blogs

2013-10-11 17:45 | Report Abuse

kcchongnz, I don't know what to say ! You know what I mean !

News & Blogs

2013-10-11 17:14 | Report Abuse

Status Update - Week 6

At the close of trading today, Rich has regained the top spot, pushing Potenza10 into 2nd position. TJhldg has leapfrogged into the third place.
They are currently ahead of the pack. At the other end, CFLoong remains firmly rooted at the bottom. Thundercat has yet to make any investment.

Current Ranking / Contestant / Profit (Loss) / Previous Ranking
1 Rich - 35,053 (2)
2 Potenxa10 - 33,610 (1)
3 Tjhldg - 27,689 (6)
4 TKW - 12,905 (8)
5 Faberlicious - 12,670 (10)
6 Back2biz - 12,571 (12)
7 Mfed12 - 11,109 (9)
8 SKC761103 - 10,572 (3)
9 Jenny6088 - 9,414 (5)
10 Imoogi99 - 9,397 (7)
11 Iching - 9,202 (11)
12 Hjey - 8,299 (13)
13 Vincent Wong - 7,270 (15)
14 OoiTeikBee - 7,053 (4)
15 Hafiz Milip - 7,042 (17)
16 Bruce88 - 5,051 (19)
17 Chang0509 - 4,344 (14)
18 CKLeow79 - 4,170 (16)
19 Liguo92 - 3,219 (21)
20 Morivae - 3,195 (18)
21 Gooooooooo - 813 (22)
22 Zuliana - 89 (20)
23 Thundercat - 0 -
24 Saturn - (227) (23)
25 Musang Foxking - (230) (24)
26 CFattLoong - (10,265) (25)


2013-10-11 15:48 | Report Abuse

Ok Thanks !


2013-10-11 15:40 | Report Abuse

CT, I notice you are looking at GHL and Cuscapi. Personally I feel the latter is a better option. Just my opinion. However I am not entering yet as today is Friday which normally the sentiment is a bit cautious ahead of the week-end.


2013-10-11 13:10 | Report Abuse

Thanks iamalex.


2013-10-11 12:59 | Report Abuse

Tell me which degrading remark I made. The only thing is I asked you why you want to run off with a 10 sen since you are always telling others to go for R1 margin ! Enough said. I do not wish to go into a war of words with you.

CT, my apologies !


2013-10-11 12:55 | Report Abuse

So good luck to you ! Sell all your property and out all the money into it la.


2013-10-11 12:52 | Report Abuse

Fortunebull, everyone has his own way of investing. I use my own experience and judgement and so far I am on the plus side. If you are so good you do not need to work already. So please don't belittle others. If TA is so reliable everyone will who knows it will be a millionaire. Period.


2013-10-11 12:16 | Report Abuse

CT, because he;s always saying he's aiming for R! margin< so I just teased him why he run off with a 10 sen gain. You are right in saying to let the profits run. As usual I always sell too early because I am conservative and these are all fun trades. There are pros and cons. For example I am in and out of Fibon for 4 times and have made a total of about 15 sen with capital being tied up for too long. If I have kept the first purchase, it has only gone up by 3 sen. So 15 sen out of a 38 sen counter is almost 40% return. At the end of the day each individual has his own investing strategy. Imagine how difficult is it to make RM1 margin for a counter below RM1. It's almost impossible. The only case close to it is focal which went up from about 90 sen to RM2.50 in about 2 weeks. Being ambitious is nothing wrong but whether it is achievable is a separate issue altogether. Very simple example, Say you bought Hibiscus at 1.90 would you wait until it goes to 2.90 to sell. Surely you will not, right unless this is the one and only counter you have and you have very reliable information that it will reach that price.


2013-10-11 11:54 | Report Abuse

CT, I am letting go Mudajaya today, one of my long term investment.


2013-10-11 11:53 | Report Abuse

I can't help you if you feel insulted !


2013-10-11 11:44 | Report Abuse

CT, I am a very contented contented and conservative person. I do not aim for high prices. So long as I can get some whisky money everyday from those fun trades, it's good enough. Of course I have a few long term counters. Hope you make more from higher price increases.


2013-10-11 11:42 | Report Abuse

Fortunebull there was never an intention to insult you. Since you are always for R! margin I just asked you why you want to make 10 sen on some counters.


2013-10-11 11:39 | Report Abuse

Congrats CT, the flower is blooming. I just cleared mine. Need funds to take up other counters. Made 2 bottles of whisky !


2013-10-11 11:38 | Report Abuse

Congrats CT, your Hibiscus is moving !


2013-10-11 10:59 | Report Abuse

CT, I cannot wait already, entered Penta at 23.5 sen for some fun trade.


2013-10-11 07:12 | Report Abuse

CT< i have also noticed the movement of this counter but haven't gone in yet.


2013-10-10 21:29 | Report Abuse

KC Loh, Over to you !


2013-10-10 21:28 | Report Abuse

Beware of this one ! Suspended for so many times, vow never to return again but keep on coming back !


2013-10-10 21:22 | Report Abuse

lousie123, in this forum there are many types of people around which includes amongst others:-
1) some who experienced and knowledgeable and willing to share their views on stocks with proper and logical facts and figures uisng FA/TA
2) some who simply shout buy buy buy or sell sell sell, simply give target prices without any justification
3) some who like to run down others with cynical and sarcastic comments but give no arguments to support their views
4) some who keep on promoting a certain stock (with or without facts, you have to decide whether to believe or not)
5) some who despise others who buy cheap stocks (below RM 3)
6) some who always brag they made a lot of money but will never tell you on those counters they lost

At the end of the day, you and you alone has to decide on your course of action as the money is yours. There should not be any blame game. I have seen all these in my 30 over years of involvement in the stock market.