
ks55 | Joined since 2014-06-09

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2017-02-18 11:50 | Report Abuse

Mat Salleh only knows vintage wine which are denominated in the British currency, Euro and USD.

1.4 billion Chinese worldwide know value of vintage Puerh Tea denominated in RMB.

Which one is a better collection?

News & Blogs

2016-10-11 20:37 | Report Abuse

It is not how much you can spend with your nest egg at the time of retirement.
That is a primary six UPSR question.

Look for more realistic problem.
How much do you need to save at the time of retirement.
Rule of thumb is 10 years annual income, or 120 months saving of your last drawn salary. Some may say 8 years income, some may say 100 months income. For simplicity and more realistic figure is 10 years or 120 months. Why? You should ask your CFP.

Now is the question.
How much will be your last drawn pay? Any idea? CFP?
If a CFP does not know, he is not fit to be a Certified Financial Planner. Just an insurance agent or unit trust sale personnel.

Next question.
How can you save up to 120 month last drawn salary when you retire.
This is a very simple question, and I do expect all CFP should be able to draw a plan for you. Of course it would be otherwise if he is just an insurance agent.

Next question.
How much a retiree can withdraw from nest egg without depleting his capital?
Rule of thumb is 4%.
Why 4%?
Ask your CFP.

Next question.
How much should you allocate for long term (health) care?
Do a simple survey you will know low to lower mid range required 3k a month.
Mid range 5k and high end 10k.
Are you prepared?
Do you want to tax on your children?
Right now low end cost 36k a year, mid range cost 60k, high end 120k.
What about 30 years later (say age 80) how much will be the cost?
For contingencies, you should prepare total cost for 6 years.

Next question.
When do you plan to retire? Or when can you afford to retire?
At 50? 60? 65? 67? 70? 75?

Next question.
What is your saving roadmap to achieve 120 months last drawn pay?
When you are at 30? 40? 50? 60? 70? 75?

If a so called CFP cannot answer your question above, you better look for answer in internet.
To me, a young ciku definitely cannot give you proper advice because he himself doesn't know that.
Watch and understand carefully How to Retire Happy by Washington Post Financial Reprter, especially when he come to the long term care for his unfortunate wife......Look at his facial demeanor when come to that part.

News & Blogs

2016-10-11 17:20 | Report Abuse

How to Retire Happy

Retire Happy, 7 Simple Steps To Creating Your Ideal Retirement


退休準備分享 - 方幼南



News & Blogs

2016-10-11 09:48 | Report Abuse

Generally KWAP will receive contribution from An employer who is either a statutory body, local authority or agency with pensionable employees.


What happen when the funds collected fail to achieve desire ROI, or each time there is a salary revision, or a change of policy (for better retirement benefit), or life expectancy increase over the years?

Gratuity need to be paid one-off, pension will be paid till both the pensioner and his spouse pass away, and his children to attain 18 yr of age.

A 'smart government' like in Singapore or Greece would like to extend retirement age to 67, subsequently to 70, or 75.

1. To defer payment. Let the next government solve the problem.
2. Let inflation does the job. By then what is payable will be much reduced in real term, Malaysia already attain status of 'high income developed country'.
3. Lesser period to pay pensioner or his dependants.

What happen when there is insufficient fund to pay for gratuity and pension based on contribution and ROI for the fund?
Just go to budget day, peruse the budget, and you will know how a 'smart government like Malaysia' fix the problem.

chop818, are you satisfy now?

News & Blogs

2016-10-11 09:00 | Report Abuse

You are a government servant?
Really shit it in your pants.


News & Blogs

2016-10-10 21:13 | Report Abuse

What is so difficult?
Extend retirement age to 65 or 67, or even to 70.
You will only pay pension and gratuity 5yr, 7 yr or 10 yr later.
Let the next PM solve your problem.
By then Malaysia is already a developed, high income country.

Pensioners now stand at about 600k, increasing by 50k each year.
If you can postpone retirement by 10 years, the increase in number of pensioners still the same, it will only increase by 50k a year starting ten years later.
If life expectancy increase from 74 to 78, you only need to pay 8 years pension instead of 14 years.

Think smart, act smart, be a smart government.
Or else you will not able to fix the gap for 1.6m civil servants when they ultimately retire.

News & Blogs

2016-09-23 10:35 | Report Abuse

Giving wrong advise to ignorant and ill-informed laymen definitely lead them to grave problem when they are old.

For those with 'extra knowledge', if sincerely want to give 'professional advise' must do it in good faith.

You know the meaning of good faith? Nothing is said to be done in good faith if it is not done with due care and attention.

The EPF ensures that your savings are secure and receive reasonable dividends. It guarantees a minimum of 2.5% Dividend annually.

Unit Trusts never guarantee any return. Read carefully the small prints in the prospectus. Unit Trusts sales personnel and agents won't tell those things. They just produce fantastic return from selected few funds in particular period of time.

If any layman having good knowledge, skill and experience, definitely they won't go for Unit Trusts. What is that to remind them they should have done their homework before they invest in Unit Trusts?

So, what do you have to say about:-
1. Withdraw EPF money to help pay your mortgage?
2. Withdraw EPF money and invest in Unit Trusts?

I rest my case...........

News & Blogs

2016-09-22 23:04 | Report Abuse

19 Unit Trust Funds were removed from PRS.
Out of which 13 was from Public Mutual.
Bearing in mind Public Mutual claimed to be the best managed funds in Malaysia.

One or two funds make fantastic return are coincidence. Probably due to timing of their fund launching. Something like 1999? 2009?

Generally return from Unit Trusts do not beat EPF.
Too many examples, just to quote a few, certain Unit Trusts operated by Ban Hin Lee Bank, Southern Bank lost 90% of their capital.
To get a few good ones may be exceptional lucky.
To underperform is the norm.

Comment from kcchongnz:-

"by winston1 > Sep 14, 2016 01:56 PM | Report Abuse
I have invested some RM130k in Public Mutual using EPF over the past 10 years with current value at RM205k. Returns 75% for the period. It all depends on what funds you have invested.

You are one of the lucky ones investing in unit trust. However, your return in CAGR is only 4.7%, way below EPF.

So if you withdraw EPF and invest in it, then you become the unlucky one as the performance is substantially below EPF return."

"Posted by batman11 > Sep 13, 2016 06:10 PM | Report Abuse
To prevent getting "slaughtered" by the fund house or the market, you can consider to invest in 0% front loading KLCI tracker fund. We have RHB KLCI Tracker Fund to meet your need. Buy handsomely when KLCI index moves above its SMA 200 line and sell when long term up-trend becoming reversed.

The long-term return of tracker fund will mimic the return of the broad market, less the annual management expense ratio. You can actually mimic the broad market return by buying the component stocks of KLSE, without having to pay the management fees.

Then you are talking about market timing here which is not for unit trust, which should be long-term investment to get any decent return."

"Insurance life policy, those participate in the profit ones, has two components; one is life coverage and the other investment. The investment return will probably mimic that of unit trusts or managed fund. The killer is the marketing cost. Insurance agents are rewarded with a few hundred percent of the annual premium paid. With this taken straightaway from your policy, how can one get good return from the investment portion of the life policy?

It is just common sense. However, few policy holders understand it. Even licensed financial advisors, not to mention insurance agents, either they don't understand it which i am not surprised, or they deliberately don't want to know.

Sorry, I am just being very direct. Of course there are also some good and knowledgeable licensed professional financial advisors around, but they are far and few."

News & Blogs

2016-09-22 17:46 | Report Abuse

Best advice ever have to ask people take out money from EPF?
What is the purpose of contributing to EPF?
That is the minimum safety net for the old and incapables.

When the contributors are still young, inability to make ends meet already show they cannot plan properly by themselves even when they still earn.
The reason is simple, expenditures more than income.
Fail to make proper planning.

Need to use EPF money to help pay mortgages?
Biggest joke I am coming across in my entire life.
If they cannot afford bungalow, can they settle with 2-storey terrace?
If they cannot afford terrace, can they settle with medium cost apartment?
Find something that suit their budget.

About withdrawing EPF and put into unit trust or PRS.
Tell me which unit trust give you return 100% within 3-4 years span?
Be sincere and honest, don't bluff.
How many lose most of their saving by putting into 'wrong unit trust'?

Unit Trusts Suck.
Please refer:-

News & Blogs

2016-09-22 09:56 | Report Abuse

"Contributors to the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) have a few options if the dividend is low. Yong Chu Eu, a licensed financial adviser at Fin Freedom Sdn Bhd, says they can use their EPF savings to pare down debts such as their mortgages or withdraw more to put into unit trusts."

This is the worst 'financial advise' I ever come across my entire life!!!!!!!

What is the objective to contribute to EPF?

Take out EPF and settle housing loan? You think you are discipline enough not to spend the 'extra money' in your bank? You need to strive harder to make thing easier if you you are still struggle with your daily expenses.

Take out EPF money to buy Unit Trust? You don't know Unit Trust like Public Mutual (supposely the best Unit Trust Operator in town) sucks?

Do you know welfare starts from home?
Do you really think Public Mutual is so noble?
Do you know how much commission earned by the agents?
Do you know how much management fees charged by Public Mutual?
Do you know how much bonuses made by Public Mutual Fund Managers?

If you think Unit Trusts suck, wait till you see the Insurance companies' life policies.
No more guaranteed cash value (or surrender value), but the value of the units you have at the prevailing price.
Insurance companies will not take care of your interest, but their own backside.
This is the same as Public Mutual.

Better just buy all the Reits with your money, and that definitely give you better return than any Public Mutual Funds on long run...........




2016-09-20 15:46 | Report Abuse

Check latest meow-meow quarter reports, all losing hundred of millions.
How much Parkson's loss in latest quarter?
Do a bit of homework to satisfy yourself Parkson in fact is flying to holland non stop...........


2016-09-20 15:43 |

Post removed.Why?


2016-09-19 21:28 | Report Abuse

In case you do not know, TTB bought 9m Parkson shares from 01.06.2008 to 31.05.2009. What was the average price paid? Carrying cost 44.1 million. Check for your self.

As at 31 May 2009, your Fund invested RM156.441 million in Parkson, Petronas Dagangan, Fraser & Neave, Padini, Kuala Lumpur Kepong, PIE and Astro.




2016-09-19 18:02 | Report Abuse

Just focus on Parkson in AGM.
Ask TTB how much icap paid for the Parkson.
Ask how much dividend (inclusive of dividend in specie) so far received.
Ask how much was written off.
Ask how much the carrying cost per share.
Ask if he intend to further write down, and by how much.
Ask when is he going to sell Parkson share.

Parkson is doomed.
Doomed because of yesteryears business model.
Doomed because WC abusing and misusing Ah Kong's money for his own benefit.
Doomed because Parkson may face force selling any time when WC can't service interest on pledged securities, and his personal loan.

News & Blogs

2016-09-18 12:09 | Report Abuse


Why still want to make more money than necessary?
Treat market as pass time.
Get some thrill, not sleepless night whenever DJ down by 300 points.
買股是為了增加生活情趣, 不是終日提心吊胆

News & Blogs

2016-09-13 22:44 | Report Abuse

You want to trust Chen Lip Keong?
You will like to trust VT, WC, KKP, and all the Red Chips.
They have one thing in common, bring you to holland in fastest jet along great circle..........direct and non stop.

News & Blogs

2016-08-25 09:54 | Report Abuse

Typical useless report.
Why can't this anal-list give a proactive scenario of Parkson before QR, rather than trying to explain Parkson this, and Parkson that.
Investor need visionary analysis to minimize loses, or maximize profit.
Stupid anal-list, give us result, NOT a report similar standard as a kindergarten kid.

News & Blogs

2016-08-21 12:28 | Report Abuse

Buy good share cheap.
Don't over pay for 'future earning'.
Growth stock always associated with higher risk -- high risk high gain.
How can revenue and profit keep on growing at double digit (or more)?
Organic growth?
New business ventures?
Increasing borrowings?
Cyclic in nature?
Creative accounting?
Once the factor contributing to the 'fantastic growth rate' removed, how would you expect the share price to remain high?

One good lesson learnt from the meow-meow.
See how Parkson growth in revenue and profit when it first listed.
See how Parkson dooms when all the 'growth factors' are gone.
Many sifu got severely burnt by Parkson, that include Warren Buffet of Malaysia.


2016-06-22 16:18 | Report Abuse

2016年5月03日, 鍾廷森接受《The Edge財經日報》專訪時,不否認公司股價受打壓
为什么受打壓? 他不敢解释

1. Parkson lost 36m Q3.
Net lost attributed to share holder 25.5m
Maju Junction 3 month loss 5m, 6 months loss 11m.
So total losses from Maju Junction (only 9 months) is estimated to be 15m for FYE2016.

2. Lion Industries lost 130m Quarter ending 31 Mac 2016.
Lost attributed to share holders stood at 115m.
Lost per share 16.5 sen.

3. LionForest Industries lost 54m Quarter ending 31 Mac 2016

4. Lion Diversified lost 34m Quarter ending 31 Mac 2016

5. Lion Corp lost 91m Quarter ending 31 Mac 2016

6. With all meow-meow losing money, and not able to pay dividend, how WC going to pay interest on margin finance of his pledged securities to tune of 20m to 50m a year?

7. Also take note Parkson derives its valuation from these two operating units. They are selling dirt 'cheap' now, and should be going down some more.
PRGL at HK$0.69 - record low, will break its own record again.
PRA at S$0.1580 - near record low, can make record any time.
Sum of Parts (SOP) is at 69 sen.
With 30% discount attached to holding company (as safety margin), safe to buy at not more than 50 sen.

8. WC has been selling Parkson share at around 91 sen.
WC sold 10.35M Parkson shares on 12.04.2016, 2.06M on 14.04.2016, and 2.18M on 20.04.2016 and 5.3m on 26.04.2016.


9. Meaning that either he think the share already overvalued, or he has to get some money to pay interest, or the pledged shares were forced sold, or he invite all meow-meow share-holders to go holland together with him.

10. All Lion meow-meow face potential forced selling by the creditors.
This include Parkson shares.

11. Parkson rests on yesteryears business model. No hope for any turn around at least in next 3 years.

12. Share Buy-backs are weakening the balance-sheets even of the most cash-rich firms.
Is Parkson really cash rich? How about 89.39m interest paid for 9 months on 2.49 billion borrowings? Since 2008, WC already used up 2.1 billion to buy back Parkson shares, otherwise he could have saved 75m on interest payment for 9 months.

13. Parkson share buy-back has become a kind of corporate cocaine that induces a temporary feeling of invincibility but masks weakness and vacuity. It has become a norm for any punter to buy by 4.30pm, then park to sell at 4.49pm. WC is going to pay these punters 'toll' to push up closing price everyday. He cannot stabilize Parkson share price with such tactic, but just draining the valuable cash.
Worst still it become clear for WC to commit suicide by drinking sea water in the ocean to quench thirst (飲鳩止渴).
Sooner or later Parkson is going to bleed to death.

14. Please don't tell me WC cannot understand the logical reasoning above. To me, he is paying peanuts to get monkeys to run his business empire -- from the very top to the sales personnel.
Don't believe, just go to any Parkson outlet to see what are the sales girls doing......


2016-05-03 18:32 | Report Abuse

WC sell another 5.3m Parkson shares.

只剩八毛五 !!!


2016-04-22 16:24 | Report Abuse

Parkson didn’t do anything wrong, but somehow, it lost.

Sales on Singles day (11.11) by Alibaba (USD 14.3 billion or RM 60 billion) is equivalent to 5.04 times PHB Gross Sales Proceeds (RM 11.9 billion) for the whole financial year of 2015.

WC need not do anything wrong, by not doing anything right, he is bringing Parkson to holland just like Nokia.

PRA is now at S$0.156. It simply reflects how Singaporean think of the future for traditional departmental stores like Parkson.

I wish to reiterate, Parkson share valuation is only worth 75 sen, taking into consideration of PRA and PRGL current share price.
With 30% discount for holding company, plus yesteryear business model, plus risk of forced selling by Affin Hwang (Penang) on WC pledged securities, safe bet on Parkson is 50 sen.

It is now up to you to rebut my opinion as stated above. I am more willing to accept reasonable argument rather than statement like WC can buy back more share cheap-cheap at 50 sen. I am still skeptical about the wisdom of share buy back at 4.50pm each day. To me, it amounts to manipulation of closing price to avoid further margin calls. Any form of manipulation of share price is a criminal offence regardless its motive. Repco Lau went to jail for 5 years on similar offence............


2016-04-22 16:24 | Report Abuse

A ship sinking .......Even Big Blue also cannot survive if it does not change.

IBM Shares Tumble After Earnings Forecast Misses Estimates

New Products
Revenue in cognitive solutions, which comprises older and newer software and includes the Watson data analytics units, declined 1.7 percent to $3.98 billion in the period. About 63 percent of the revenue came from IBM’s strategic imperatives. Most of the company’s software sales also come from this division. Total software revenue declined, IBM said.
In particular, growth of the newer offerings in cognitive solutions, which houses much of what IBM is counting on as a major part of its future, was slower than growth in some other segments. The new software is sold on an as-a-service basis, and it takes time to build up this type of product, Schroeter said in an interview.
“These are businesses that probably have a fair bit of ramp in order to make them sizable and start to punch above their weight in terms of overall growth rate,” he said. “We saw pretty good acceleration from the fourth quarter to the first quarter.”

Software Sales
That software as a whole doesn’t seem to be improving is disappointing, said Dan Morgan, senior portfolio manager at Synovus Securities Inc., which holds IBM stock. “This is a bucket where we would have liked to see some sort of improvement. The jury is still out on whether Rometty is going to pull this thing out.”



2016-04-22 16:23 | Report Abuse

Intel will be another Nokia in making. Intel made a huge mistake 10 years ago. Now 12,000 workers are paying the price.

On Tuesday, Intel announced that it was laying off 12,000 employees, 11 percent of its workforce, the latest sign of the company's struggle to adapt to the post-PC world. Intel still isn't a significant player in the mobile market — iPhones, iPads, and Android-based phones and tablets mostly use chips based on a competing standard called ARM.

The mobile revolution is leaving Intel behind

Intel had not just one but two opportunities to become a major player in the mobile chip market. One was the opportunity to bid on Apple's iPhone business. The other was its ownership of XScale, an ARM-based chipmaker Intel owned until it sold it for $600 million in 2006.

Intel sold XScale because it wanted to double down on the x86 architecture that had made it so successful. Intel was working on a low-power version of x86 chips called Atom, and it believed that selling ARM chips would signal a lack of commitment to the Atom platform.

But Atom chips didn't gain much traction. Intel has made a lot of progress improving the power efficiency of its Atom chips. But ARM-based chipmakers are experts at building low-power chips, having focused on that task for more than a decade. So they had the early advantage. And at this point, ARM has a huge share of the market. That gives them all of the advantages — more engineers, better software — that come with being a dominant platform.



2016-04-22 16:23 | Report Abuse

Nokia CEO ended his speech saying this “we didn’t do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost”.
During the press conference to announce NOKIA being acquired by Microsoft, Nokia CEO ended his speech saying this “we didn’t do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost”. Upon saying that, all his management team, himself included, teared sadly.
Nokia has been a respectable company. They didn’t do anything wrong in their business, however, the world changed too fast. Their opponents were too powerful.

They missed out on learning, they missed out on changing, and thus they lost the opportunity at hand to make it big. Not only did they miss the opportunity to earn big money, they lost their chance of survival.

The message of this story is, if you don’t change, you shall be removed from the competition.

It’s not wrong if you don’t want to learn new things. However, if your thoughts and mindset cannot catch up with time, you will be eliminated.

1. The advantage you have yesterday, will be replaced by the trends of tomorrow. You don’t have to do anything wrong, as long as your competitors catch the wave and do it RIGHT, you can lose out and fail.

To change and improve yourself is giving yourself a second chance. To be forced by others to change, is like being discarded.
Those who refuse to learn & improve, will definitely one day become redundant & not relevant to the industry. They will learn the lesson in a hard & expensive way.



2016-03-04 00:47 | Report Abuse

Parkson didn’t do anything wrong, but somehow, it lost.

Sales on Singles day (11.11) by Alibaba (USD 14.3 billion or RM 60 billion) is equivalent to 5.04 times PHB Gross Sales Proceeds (RM 11.9 billion) for the whole financial year of 2015.

WC need not do anything wrong, by not doing anything right, he is bringing Parkson to holland just like Nokia.

PRA is now at S$0.156. It simply reflects how Singaporean think of the future for traditional departmental stores like Parkson.

I wish to reiterate, Parkson share valuation is only worth 75 sen, taking into consideration of PRA and PRGL current share price.
With 30% discount for holding company, plus yesteryear business model, plus risk of forced selling by Affin Hwang (Penang) on WC pledged securities, safe bet on Parkson is 50 sen.

It is now up to you to rebut my opinion as stated above. I am more willing to accept reasonable argument rather than statement like WC can buy back more share cheap-cheap at 50 sen. I am still skeptical about the wisdom of share buy back at 4.50pm each day. To me, it amounts to manipulation of closing price to avoid further margin calls. Any form of manipulation of share price is a criminal offence regardless its motive. Repco Lau went to jail for 5 years on similar offence............


2016-03-03 23:17 | Report Abuse

Nokia CEO ended his speech saying this “we didn’t do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost”.
During the press conference to announce NOKIA being acquired by Microsoft, Nokia CEO ended his speech saying this “we didn’t do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost”. Upon saying that, all his management team, himself included, teared sadly.
Nokia has been a respectable company. They didn’t do anything wrong in their business, however, the world changed too fast. Their opponents were too powerful.

They missed out on learning, they missed out on changing, and thus they lost the opportunity at hand to make it big. Not only did they miss the opportunity to earn big money, they lost their chance of survival.

The message of this story is, if you don’t change, you shall be removed from the competition.

It’s not wrong if you don’t want to learn new things. However, if your thoughts and mindset cannot catch up with time, you will be eliminated.

1. The advantage you have yesterday, will be replaced by the trends of tomorrow. You don’t have to do anything wrong, as long as your competitors catch the wave and do it RIGHT, you can lose out and fail.

To change and improve yourself is giving yourself a second chance. To be forced by others to change, is like being discarded.
Those who refuse to learn & improve, will definitely one day become redundant & not relevant to the industry. They will learn the lesson in a hard & expensive way.


News & Blogs

2016-01-14 11:50 | Report Abuse

Not only CPI got inflation, what is more alarming for our education system now is we have hyperinflation in Grade.

How many all A's students during the 70's?
How many all A1 student in 2000? If I can remember correctly, all A1 students in 2000 total 207, all given JPA scholarship regardless race and family background. That was the first batch (entering universities in UK, US and Australia in 2002/3) of our elite students that opened the eyes of every host countries' university. Most of them graduated with first class honors, or passed with merits/distinctions for the medical courses. Just go and find out how many did enter Oxbrigde?

Now come 2010 on wards, how many all 1A's student coming out from SPM? How many are getting CGPA 4.0 from matriculation classes? In tens of thousands!

I was made to understand there are two Normal Distribution Graphs applied to our SPM and STPM exam. Putting all the top students (JPA sponsored students were housed in same premises and sitting for same exam) under one roof, and you will have no difficulty to differentiate the real all 1A's students from the lesser standard all 1A's coming from second Normal Distribution Graph......

News & Blogs

2016-01-12 14:52 | Report Abuse

Given you the choice to send you child to UK, do you want him to do accounting or medicine?

Be realistic, if sponsored by JPA, he should go for medicine.
If self-funded, he should choose to study accountancy, unless money is sub-sub water for you.

News & Blogs

2016-01-12 00:48 | Report Abuse

Unless you want to practice as GP, everyday treating patients with cough, sore throat, or flu. That will be very monotonous and financially not rewarding.

To practice in private Specialist Hospital, you need to be at least a specialist (not even a Consultant yet). Hard to obtain fellowship in Malaysia to qualify as a Consultant, unless you willing to sacrifice some money and time to be oversea.

News & Blogs

2016-01-12 00:29 | Report Abuse

MO's pay in Malaysia really peanut, it is worst than a graduate school teacher.

At least graduate teacher after 25 years service, he will be promoted to grade 54 with certainty and fixed time frame: 8 years to grade 44, another 8 years to grade 48, 6 more years to grade 52, and 3 more years to grade 54. If he is a bit better, he will achieve grade 54 in less than 25 years. Other than that, 'elite teachers' are given special consideration such as Pendeta Guru (Special Grade-Jawatan Utama), Guru Wibawa(Grade 54), Guru Kanan (Grade 52 and Grade 48).

Other than critical allowance and little bit of other benefits, it is not worth to work for life in government service for doctors.
Just compare and contrast scheme of service for Doctor and Graduate School teachers below to find out why.

Under Portal Rasmi Jabatan Perkhimatan Awam Bil 36
Penambahbaikan Jadual Gaji Minimum - Maksimum Gred 1 Hingga Gred 54 Di Bawah Sistem Saraan Malaysia


News & Blogs

2016-01-12 00:02 | Report Abuse

If cannot earn a living in Malaysia, why can't you consider other countries?

For you to go for Masters programme in Malaysia, you have to work as MO for at least 4 years to enable you to apply. Pass your Masters then apply to be placed under category as a Specialist. I believe you have very slim chance to be a Consultant. More opportunity to get ST in Australia, or UK, if your degree is recognized there.

Attended any seminar or short courses in UK, and sat for the exam?
Many Malaysia junior doctors never participated in oversea medical seminar on their own expenses, because simply too expensive taking into consideration air fare, food and accommodation, seminar fees, exchange rate and their income.

News & Blogs

2016-01-11 23:27 | Report Abuse

If your degree is acceptable in Singapore or Australia, you will make big money.
Registrar in Australia earns A$360k a year.

News & Blogs

2016-01-11 23:21 | Report Abuse

No wonder so many patients die unnecessarily......... sad to say.....

News & Blogs

2016-01-11 19:15 | Report Abuse

Top student with proper guidance normally won't go for engineering or medical courses now. And they can go really far.

Just check with your friends, how many still prefer their children to be engineer and doctor?

News & Blogs

2016-01-11 19:10 | Report Abuse

Accounting and finance, Accounting and economics, Accounting and law, Accounting and business admin, all these combination will bring you far up in corporate ladder.

Very versatile combination.
Can go for IB, commercial banks, business consulting, company accountant, company legal officer, company secretary, corporate finance, auditor, CPA, CFP, and if you choose to do MBA or CFA, you will be exempted from certain papers. With these qualification, plus personality and good set of net-working, sky is your limit.

News & Blogs

2016-01-10 17:48 | Report Abuse

Even those associates in big three business consulting firms earn very much more than a doctor.

Big three has admitted a new member.
For MBB(+A), the 'A' has grown in size. Very soon will become MBBA in the true sense.

Accenture to Acquire Schlumberger Business Consulting (SBC), the Management Consulting Arm of Schlumberger, to Expand Accenture Strategy Capabilities in Upstream Oil and Gas


News & Blogs

2016-01-10 17:47 | Report Abuse

Highest salaried job is not a doctor or an engineer.
Just compare with IB you will know where do you stand.

### This is what a day in the life of a JP Morgan intern is like

She’s one of hundreds of interns working at the investment bank during the university holidays, who are essentially following the same programme, whether they’re in London, Hong Kong or New York.

If previous years are anything to go by, a majority of the summer intake will be offered positions at JP Morgan for when they finish studying — becoming high-flying and highly-paid investment bankers.

JP Morgan won’t disclose how much the interns are paid, but they’re effectively being trialled for first year analyst jobs reportedly paying around $85,000 (£54,200) before bonuses.

Read more at http://www.businessinsider.my/day-in-the-life-of-a-jp-morgan-intern-2015-8/#HfOduZAwgSPMaGdi.99
Read more at http://www.businessinsider.my/day-in-the-life-of-a-jp-morgan-intern-2015-8/#HfOduZAwgSPMaGdi.99 ###

News & Blogs

2016-01-10 12:32 | Report Abuse

Humpreyliew -- For your information, junior doctors in UK are grossly underpaid.

Junior doctor (F1 - F2) earning GBP 30k - 36K a year (all in)
Registrar (ST4 - ST9) earning GBP 50k - 80k a year (all in)
Consultant (after fellowship) earning in excess of GBP 90k a year.
Managers in NHS earning in excess of GBP 224k a year.

That is the reason UK junior doctors voted to go on strike next week.

####A strike by junior doctors is to go ahead next week after last-ditch talks over the health secretary’s plans to impose a new contract on them failed to break the deadlock, the negotiating service Acas has said.

While it called Friday’s negotiations constructive and said they would continue next week, a spokesman for Acas said they were not enough to avert the industrial action, which is due to start on Tuesday.

About 45,000 junior doctors in England voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action and will provide only emergency cover......###

News & Blogs

2016-01-10 12:16 | Report Abuse

........The Conservative Party Manifesto 2015 included a section on “Protecting and improving our National Health Service”. Given the high entry requirements to study medicine, the length of the degree course and the associated high levels of student debt you would have to be an idiot to think that the proposed Junior Doctor contract submitted by NHS Employers will facilitate your pledge to protect the NHS. What are you going to do about this?

Also you mention that you plan to link pay progression for consultants to “responsibility, achievement and what they do for patients, not time served on the job”. Are you unaware that the 2014 DDRB pointed out in paragraph 2.38 that “Incremental pay progression with a strong link to performance needs to be grounded in a robust performance-based appraisal process.” and that “the 2012 NHS Staff Survey in England recorded that although the percentage of staff saying that they had received an appraisal in the last 12 months had increased for all staff groups, the percentage having a well-structured appraisal for all groups was below 50 per cent.” The DDRB concluded that this “suggests that there needs to be a major shift in the culture of the NHS to bring about an appraisal process that is fit for purpose.” Can you outline what steps the Department of Health has taken since this report to ensure a robust appraisal process is being introduced? I assume you have been working hard on this given this particular element seems to be central to your proposed contract reform.

Furthermore the proposed junior doctor contract proposes to link pay progression to taking up a post at the next level of responsibility, why are junior doctors not being offered a pay progression model that includes achievement and what they do for patients?

You have also ignored my statement regarding the introduction of mandatory safe staffing levels. Why would you ignore this, something that is fundamental to patient safety? What are your plans with respect to mandatory safe staffing levels?

Rather than yourself, I believe it is either Jeremy Hunt or David Cameron, who are best placed to outline exactly what comprehensive seven-day services are envisaged e.g. will this be outpatient services or elective operations? How do you plan to resource these additional services both in terms of finance and labour? You cannot and should not redistribute an already stretched work force to provide additional non-emergency services at the weekend, this will be detrimental to patient safety. Doctors cannot and do not work alone. We are part of the NHS team.

I whole-heartedly support a National Health Service that puts patient’s first and, as you acknowledge, I am already part of a team that provides a seven-day service, you even described it as outstanding. I do not support a continuing attack on my profession where you repeatedly make headline grabbing claims with facts that are taken out of context or, more worryingly, you are unable to back up. Please afford me the same courtesy as I have afforded you and respond to the issues I have raised rather than respond with the same rhetoric that I am questioning.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you will be able to respond in a more timely fashion on this occasion,

Janis Burns

News & Blogs

2016-01-10 12:16 | Report Abuse

........In your response to me, you state that I raised the issue of junior doctors’s pay. Yes I did. I also raised the issue of pay for all those who work in the NHS, not just doctors. i.e. nurses, allied health professionals, radiographers, porters and healthcare assistants. All those people, and many more besides, are essential to the NHS. You have chosen to focus solely on doctors’ pay in your response. Is there a reason you chose to ignore levels of pay for all those other people who I work with as part of the multi-disciplinary NHS team? This also needs to be addressed, can you provide a timescale for when this important matter will be tackled? I note the Institute of Fiscal Studies is concerned that by 2018 the level of public sector pay will have fallen to such levels that a repeat of the scenario in the early 2000s will occur. At this time parts of the public sector struggled to recruit and retain staff. Failure to tackle this in a pre-emptive fashion would surely be detrimental to your plans for the NHS, or is awarding a pay rises 2 years before a general election to the UK’s largest workforce part of the longer term Conservative plan to win a second term as a majority government? I would be surprised if this had not already crossed the mind of the astute Mr Osborne, it would certainly strengthen his move to be leader of your party.

Thank you for bringing up the 2014 DDRB. Have you actually read it? I’m not sure you have. In your response to my letter you state:

“In its 2014 report, the independent pay review body found that earning levels for junior doctors compare reasonably well with comparator groups at every stage of training.”

The 2014 DDRB report “Chapter 2: Economic and general considerations” is a particularly interesting and relevant read on this topic. I would like to refer you directly to paragraphs 2.20, 2.21, 2.22, 2.23, 2.24, 2.25 and 2.28.

The 2014 DDRB actually said that doctors’ and dentists’ earn less in real terms in 2013 than they did in 2002. Doctors’ and dentists’ previously tracked the 97th percentile, they are now approaching the 95th percentile. Pay for Doctors’ and dentists’ continues to fall behind comparator professions such as legal and actuarial. Basic pay for doctors and dentists in training is lower than for their comparator groups at the same stages. Although total earnings, which includes banding supplements, compare reasonably well with the comparator groups this results only because doctors work unsociable hours i.e. nights and weekends.

Also, the 2014 the DDRB stated that “the argument for an across-the-board uplift of 1 per cent in pay is compelling irrespective of the other features of the labour market for doctors and dentists.” (paragraph 10.14). This was not implemented in England. As a direct consequence doctors in Scotland now get paid more than those working in England. This was the recommendation of an Independent Review Body, yet the Department of Health chose to ignore it. As a Member of Parliament you have recently been awarded a massive pay rise, a little under £7000 per year. How can our Prime Minister go on record saying that "the right thing to do is to be paid the rate for the job" when his Government chooses to ignore the recommendations of one Independent Review Body but implement the recommendations of another? Do you seriously think your pay rise is justified when a modest 1 per cent pay rise for NHS staff has been blocked?

Hopefully you now realise that your simple statement fails to acknowledge the complexity of the situation and is misleading when taken out of context. I remind you of the comparison I made in my original letter, which you have completely ignored in your response. Doctors with their 5 year medical degree (and associated student debt), have a basic salary on the ST9 pay point (which equates to 11 years out of medical school with continuous service) have a basic salary of £47,175. To earn more than this that doctor has to work on average between 40 – 48 hours a week with one third of those hours at night and weekends. A TFL Tube Driver has a starting salary of £49,673 after 12 – 16 weeks of training. Currently they receive this for working 36 hours per week, although they do also work weekends, they have a greater than inflation annual pay rise and have an annual leave entitlement of 43 days, as a doctor my annual leave entitlement is 28 days. Would you care to make any comments upon how fair you think this is? Furthermore a newly qualified nurse (Band 5, Point 16) earns £21,692, is this fair? It is not.

To be continued........

News & Blogs

2016-01-10 12:15 | Report Abuse

......I would like to draw your attention to a recent Freedom of Information request I made to the Department of Health regarding the number of consultants who currently opt out of weekend working (DE00000948196). The Department of Health was unable to tell me how many consultants opt out of weekend working. In his speech on 16 July 2015 “Making healthcare more human-centred and not system centred” Jeremy Hunt suggested that 6000 deaths a year are due to a lack of a consultant presence in hospital at weekends. You also suggest that in your response to me. Given that neither you, nor Jeremy Hunt nor the Department of Health can tell the UK public how many consultants actually opt out of weekend working, how on earth can you justify making such an inflammatory statement? This is completely unacceptable. You cannot back this statement up with fact. Please either have the courtesy to provide factual information to back up this claim or cease to make this claim.

Can you arrange for those responsible for this headline grabbing conclusion “6,000 people lose their lives every year because we do not have a proper 7-day service in hospitals” to explain clearly how they arrived at this conclusion? Many people are openly questioning this figure, see numerous post on various social media sites if you wish. You have a duty, as does Mr. Cameron and Mr. Hunt, to ensure that this emotive statement has been arrived at through robust interpretation of the data. Can you personally arrange for this information to be conveyed to not only myself, but the medical profession and the UK public please?

I think your statement regarding consultants who opt out of weekend working earning up to £200 an hour for working at the weekend is misleading. First of all, this work is being done in addition to their agreed job plan i.e. overtime. Of course consultants should be paid for providing non-emergency treatment in their own leisure time, particularly if this is to meet waiting list targets that cannot be achieved because the current system is under resourced. I assume you are referring to the National Audit Office report “Managing NHS Consultants”, if so then the figures you quote are based upon 97 Trusts that responded to the survey. Of the Trusts that responded with numerical figures (91) the average amount of additional work paid at standard rate was 19.2% and premium rate was paid for 10.2% of the additional work. Locally agreed rates were used to pay, on average, for 70.6% of the additional work performed by consultants. The average locally agreed hourly rate was reported by 46 of the 97 responding Trusts. The range was actually between £48 and £200 per hour, neither the mean, median nor mode rates of pay were reported. I agree that £200 an hour is more than excessive. You have done yourself a disservice by failing to adequately explain that these rates are essentially overtime payments and that you ought to have quoted the range rather than simply the headline grabbing figure of £200 per hour. Don’t you agree this would be a better and fairer approach to take?

Returning to Mr. Hunt’s speech, I would like to draw your attention to "This is not about increasing the total number of hours worked every week by any individual doctor. Doctors already work extremely hard, and their hours should always be within safe limits." I am over the proverbial moon that Mr. Hunt has gone on record with this. The contract submitted by NHS Employers to the DDRB did not include mandatory limits to doctors working hours, particularly the junior doctor contract. Are you and Mr. Hunt willing to offer assurances that you will mandate NHS Employers to include mandatory restrictions to working hours? The DDRB has supported this, the BMA wants this. Will you ensure this is enforced in any new contract? This must be a key priority for you and the Department of Health given your drive to ensure that patients remains safe in the NHS. I am sure you are very familiar with the contents of the most recent DDRB, please see page 37 of the report should you require further clarification on the DDRB’s recommendations.

To be continued........

News & Blogs

2016-01-10 12:15 | Report Abuse

Humpreyliew -- Are you sure your niece make 'so much' money as a junior doctor in UK?
Medical doctors even up to Consultant level still facing adequate compensation/ financial rewards. House officers (F1 and F2) after going through addition long period of specialist training (ST1 to ST9 number of years depends on Specialist field) to become a Medical Consultants may not earn more than a Financial Analyst.

Below is a grievance letter from a UK Consultant. So, please do not be upset if your STPM result is good and cannot admit to a medical course. Think big, and make the world your home.......

$$$$$$$$ Janis Burns
August 17 · London, United Kingdom ·

Dear Mr Gummer,

Thank you for taking time to respond to my letter. I addressed the letter to Mr. Cameron rather than yourself. While I appreciate your efforts I am more than disappointed that Mr. Cameron did not deem my letter regarding the NHS important enough to warrant a personal response, he certainly thought the NHS was important up until the ballot boxes closed on the 7th May 2015.

First of all, let me outline why I addressed the letter to Mr. Cameron rather than yourself. I did this because I have no confidence in Jeremy Hunt. I am not alone. I am sure you are aware of the petition "To debate a vote of no confidence in Health Secretary the Right Hon Jeremy Hunt". At the time of writing this petition has gathered 217,226 signatures. Therefore I would appreciate a response from our Prime Minister, I do hope you understand. However, as you have taken on this poisoned chalice I would like you to address several issues. I will also be writing, again, to Mr. Cameron and Mr. Hunt.

To be continued...........

News & Blogs

2015-10-13 16:10 | Report Abuse

Quality of Public IB Anal-list as proven below:-

28/05/2015 Buy 2.01 TP 2.35
18/08/2015 Buy 1.27 TP 2.35
27/08/2015 Buy 1.06 TP 1.48
13/10/2015 Buy 1.08 TP 1.48

When Q1 result is out, Public IB Anal-list will give :-

23/11/2015 Buy 0.80 TP 1.00

To believe this anal-list is selling your backside cheap-cheap..........

News & Blogs

2015-10-07 20:13 | Report Abuse

If you have the financial muscle and willing to gamble, you can be a good driver when market is on your side.
Unfortunately, many drivers drove their buses down the ravine in bad market, just like John Soh.

News & Blogs

2015-09-30 14:46 | Report Abuse

Really a joke to say Malaysian govt bond redemption by foreign investors not a concern.

Where do you think the money will go after redemption?
Is FF going to tender for new issue of Malaysian Government Bonds in order to retire the 10B maturing today?

If they are not participating, meaning less buyers (potentially) and MGS is totally dependent on local funds like EPF etc.

Less buyers translate into low bond price and high interest. That is not BNM's concern?


2015-09-29 09:23 | Report Abuse

DRP is some what like rights issue with a small discount.
Again DRP give rise to odd lots, and exert pressure on the existing share price just like rights issue.

Also have to take note how do those big share holders react when they participate in DRP.
You may not want to sell, but others may think differently.

News & Blogs

2015-09-27 09:56 | Report Abuse

In full agreement and the above article is a mirror image deep in my heart.

News & Blogs

2015-09-26 22:44 | Report Abuse

Good to have a sound trading strategy.
Better still if you can find a strategy that work for you.
Good trading strategy remain merely a theory on paper if you are not discipline to carry out your trading plan.


2015-09-21 09:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by ks55 > Sep 21, 2015 09:21 AM | Report Abuse X

Yes. KLCI could reach 2000 points. How probable?
KLCI can breach 1300 points. Do you believe?

Just weigh the probability if Dato Dr Analyst can give KLCI TP 1700, and similar margin downwards at 1636, which is easier to achieve?

Talk is easy, no need to be responsible for the consequences.
If he walk the talk, is he going to long KLCI?