
ks55 | Joined since 2014-06-09

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2015-04-20 11:33 | Report Abuse

Again, credibility and trustworthiness of Directors is utmost important.
If you still have idea how Cold Storage Malaysia (CSM) and Fountain Directors swindled shareholders fund, then most probably you may want to keep away from Kbunai.


2015-04-20 11:27 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng -- I am absolutely agree with you. Return from good share (like Public Bank) is may be less compared with not so good (like CIMB). Different beta.

Property stocks are more cyclic in nature, therefore can go more volatile in either way. UEMS can come less than 50 sen to 3.50, then 3.50 to 1.23 in the current cycle. Catch at the right time will give best return.

Property prices in Singapore already peaked. Probably good to have spill over to Iskandar. To me, prices in Iskandar should play a catch up game when leaders from both countries decided enough is enough to create a win-win situation. All depends on the political will, not tit-for-tat kind of mentality.


2015-04-20 10:03 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng -- I like most of your comment esp on Iskandar.
Frankly speaking, Kbunai is not really a good bet.
I simply don't trust Dr Chen Lip Keong. Having bad experience in FACBInd.
To me, Dr and WC of Lion Group is of the same kind.

News & Blogs

2015-04-18 23:39 | Report Abuse

Yes! If you are high flyer, you may get 25% to 40% increment every year, plus bonus up to 6 months.
The problem is, when you apply for bank loan, bank only base on your current earning.

If you are confident of achieving high income in 3 years down the road (Doctor, lawyer, accountant), why not just wait for another 3 years before decide to get one suit your status? You will not be contended with the unit you purchase with your current small pay.

Please don't buy one with your projected earning, it will definitely make your life miserable.

News & Blogs

2015-04-18 17:22 | Report Abuse

Why make thing so hard. Buy within your reach.

Use 50 months gross salary as golden rule. If your salary is 5k, buy an apartment value at 250k. Sure you can afford.
If your salary is 20k, buy a terrace house up to 1m.

Problem is earning 5k want to buy 500k condo, earning 20k want to buy 2m bungalow.

Be contended, think of HK who can only afford 100sf per person.
Think of Singaporean, even with the help of government (CPF), they are happy to live in HDB flat.

News & Blogs

2015-04-18 17:09 | Report Abuse

I am totally agree with content of this article. From A to Z.

New Automobile Policy (NAP) is the main reason to force Toyata chose Thailand instead of Malaysia as manufacturing base for south east asia market (could be for Asia Pacific region).

NAP and NEP share common interest, but drag Malaysia to become a loser in this competitive world of business.......


2015-04-17 14:28 | Report Abuse

TQ calvintaneng


2015-04-17 11:39 | Report Abuse

Any building already up?


2015-04-17 11:30 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng -- When you are in Iskandar, don't mind just drive through NCIP and SiLC to have first hand valuation. TQ

News & Blogs

2015-04-08 15:09 | Report Abuse

Pay peanut get monkey. If you are not willing to pay, you will get calibre of those who serve under WC. One by one go to holland.

News & Blogs

2015-04-08 09:22 | Report Abuse

Just describe job spec, package awarded. Always remember, pay peanut get monkey.

Your requirement is simply not demanding. What about getting people having oversea exposure in currency trading, energy and commodity trading, stock and options, business consultant with any of the MBB, CIMA, CFA. Young professionals these day are getting super deal for their services.

News & Blogs

2015-04-08 08:42 | Report Abuse

What is the package deal? If 500k and above, my son may like to try. He is earning 400k ++ right now.


2015-04-04 22:04 | Report Abuse

yuanlong57 -- TQ for response. Nice to find a friend in this forum. My earlier post removed for certain private information only to share with you. Hope we will continue in other tread as we come along. Good luck !!


2015-04-04 14:04 | Report Abuse

My main thrust is in REITs. 免后顾之忧.
Other investments (in stock market) is for thrill. Investment grade and punting grade half-half. I consider Nylex an investment grade stock. Khee San is a punting stock.
買股是為了增加生活情趣, 小賭怡情, 大賭傷身


2015-04-03 23:49 | Report Abuse

yuanlong57 -- Bought any Nylex? I have 200k and bought it cheap (less than 50 sen).
Will start to sell tomorrow. Hope to sell all at average 75 sen to give 50% profit for 1.5 years hard work.

Posted by ks55 > Dec 23, 2014 11:12 AM | Report Abuse X

In agreement with calvintaneng's view.
Dividend 3sen, buy at 55sen gives DY 5.5%.
If buy at 50 sen, DY is 6%.
Never fail to pay dividend for past few years.
Value buy and it is a defensive stock.


2015-04-03 17:47 | Report Abuse

Expecting to make from Khee San very soon (converted from sale in Lion Bis). Average price for Khee San is 51 sen. Present holding is 300k.


2015-04-03 17:44 | Report Abuse

Habis juah Poh Kong hari ini. Lowest 46.5 sen. Highest 53 sen. Average cost 38 sen. Average selling price 51 sen.
Untung 34.2% dalam masa 3.5 bulan. Not bad.......

News & Blogs

2015-04-02 22:37 | Report Abuse

Financial planner? Unit Trust agents? Insurance agents? Mostly were MCE/SPM during the old days. Ask them what insurance most suited for individual, they won't know. They only know the more you buy the merrier they are. That is the reason many pay insurance premium up to 15% of their income yet with meagre coverage.

Most insurance cheats. I was one of the victim under flexi-plan promoted by GreatX Life in 1993. Don't believe try to find out from those in the insurance circle.


2015-03-28 00:17 | Report Abuse

I sudah jual at 46.5 sen. Apa guna mahu tahu TP tapi tak tahu beli semasa harga murah?

News & Blogs

2015-03-26 17:07 | Report Abuse

The Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Centre (MaGIC) has announced the launch of its government-funded, early-stage startup accelerator programme to be based in Cyberjaya.



2015-03-18 11:18 | Report Abuse

Storage already full. Keep on producing will hard to find buyers. Most oil coming from Latin America now. Why? Venezuela need more money to sustain imports and to pay civil servant including the Police. When stomach is empty, Karl Marx will be in control.

So, still expect oil price to rebound in near future?
If not, do you think SKPetro can go up?
Go away for a while. Preserve your ammo pending market reaction to the implementation of GST.

This advice is done in good faith.


2015-03-14 16:25 | Report Abuse

Oil heading to $20: Expert Michael Newberg | @MikeNewberg
Wednesday, 11 Mar 2015 | 4:12 PM ET

A strengthening dollar and economic weakness in Europe and China could drive crude prices as low as $20 per barrel, according to Raoul Pal of The Global Macro Investor newsletter.

The dollar has been climbing recently against the euro and the yen, pushing oil prices lower and sending fear across the markets. He said crude could still fall another 60 percent before the downturn is done.

Pal said the strengthening dollar is a big part of why oil could continue to drop.
Crude stores in America are filling "at an incredible rate" and could be full by summer, he said, which could lead to even more dire consequences.

"Any oil that is then brought out of the ground will either have to be sold into the normal market, which will be at much cheaper prices, or they're going to have to shut down production," he said. "I think that shutdown of production is something that people haven't really thought through yet."


2015-03-08 16:58 | Report Abuse

That was my unpleasant experience with the clown. So, dia ada, gua lari cepat-cepat.
Otherwise no end to such abuse from the engineer from Giat Mara?


2015-03-08 16:36 | Report Abuse

more and more....and more..............

Kian Leong Lim I promise my master yesterday that I must not criticize people and should criticize myself. I saw you in many counters that are very speculative. So, I know you are a speculator. Those good counters people don't usually have much comment or complaints because they are good counters. Are you always picking bad counters and leaving a lot of your stupid comments. The worst thing you did was you brag about yourself, telling people that you are hero yesterday, because you are always in counters that prices have sunk a lot. How can you be a hero when you are always in counters that have sunk a lot and you are telling people in these counters how smart you are. Are you a Buddha, are you here because you are trying to help other people or are you trying to help yourself, or because you are sinking in this shithole too!
Iam here because Iwant to wait until someone pull a bomb and the price drop to RM0.10 so that I can buy in some more to average out my past losses, you undr.
19/11/2014 11:20

Kian Leong Lim 他就是以為他不會死才是問題所在. 別人都以為他不會死, 這樣是害他讓他更加以為自己不會死,他不了解連菩薩都會死更何況他只是一個人,釋迦摩尼本師再怎末利害都沒有辦法救他自己的族人,我們都是一樣的都只有一個老闆,這個老闆就是天理.我祝那些肯努力的人好運.放下那些金錢越多越好的夢, 好好地去把事情辦好, 天理只會針對事情是否有做對, 不會特別照顧任何人.
20/11/2014 09:50

Kian Leong Lim 你對你自己現實,你才能靠你自己.你就不用去跟別人講道理,你就會不需要別人救你.你去請別人來救你,你是在做一項不可能成功的事.Mission Impossible 不可能任務只有Tom Cruise 在戲裡會做而已? 這個社會(外面)是現實的不是教你做人要對(外面)或別人現實.你也不用去想什末是道理,因為道理只能夠用講的不能夠用想的----現在的道理是古早的現實.你不用想,你只要直接的對你自己(裡面)現實就可以了,你就能夠馬上把這間公司救起來.人一次只能夠做一件事情,這不是偏人的事,不用想所以反而是一件好事---做事情用看的就可以了.拜託你----你就趕快看看你自己---你是要如何的對你自己(裡面)現實---這樣你才會很快的站起來----所有的一切你才可以從新開始----不要把事情留給別人做----你才是大老闆又不是別人----你說對不對!
22/11/2014 13:10

Kian Leong Lim 有一個做生意的事實叫空性-----我靠我的公司去賺別人的錢然後我再來賺我自己公司的錢----經濟不好的時候-------你就會發現-------為什末一間公司會欠別人很多錢但是有好像永遠都不用還回去的樣子------同樣的-------為什末一間公司別人會欠他很多錢但是有好像別人永遠都不用還回給他的樣子.這種方法只是做人高明而已,這種方法不會做事情高明------遇到經濟不景氣---------當然會行不通.
22/11/2014 13:41


2015-03-08 16:32 | Report Abuse

And more .......

Kian Leong Lim Lion industry is a good buy at this price (risk taker can buy in small amount every 3 or 4 months) because they still have revenue from Parkson and some other profitable businesses. I am not criticizing but I need to point out that (in my opinion) the management of the company was implementing a wait-and-see attitude for too long until now only they begin to start cleaning (sapu) their house (getting rid of slag or the EI) which is a good thing. They are finally going on the right direction. We knew the steel market condition was really poor but that did not mean that you shouldn't be doing anything at all on your own part. I had not seen them providing any remedies only until now. In my opinion, Mr. Cheng should have taken some right initiatives long time ago on Lion industry. The old time have change, the kind of you-help-me-I- help- you style no longer work anymore. The company should cut ties with any company in the group that were not doing well initially and also people who are good for nothing but can only blame the poor market for everything bad that happens.
08/10/2014 12:38

Kian Leong Lim Despite all the setbacks, this is a good company that still churn out most of the steel sold in Malaysia but we have not seen the Government doing anything to give them the credit for making Malaysia more industrialized. The thing is this: Good People Also Have To Die. Being good is not good enough you still have to try to survive and proper. Let us see more initiatives from the company's part.
08/10/2014 12:51

Kian Leong Lim ks55: They reported their losses on investment on Mega Steel, that is how they account for the losses from holding of shares and uncollected debts from trade creditors. The EI. I suspect you will know very soon whether they are planning for a divorce or not. The marriage is just too expensive for them to live together any more.
09/10/2014 14:53


2015-03-08 16:25 | Report Abuse

Let us see the 'quality' of clown's posting.

Kian Leong Lim Ks55 the anti-steel guy, for your information, we are also invested in ann joo and ssteel, you are not going to influence our mind, the shake-up will be good for the industry. Tong...tong...Chiang....Actually, it is good for the Lion Group as a whole, getting rid of the trouble so they have no chance to repeat their mistakes. Always work for nothing, what for, right! By the way, in my opinion, this is better for Lion Ind, Lion Div, and Lion Resources. The boss probably need to change but you can not change steel factories, somebody else will take over because Malaysia will still need to use steel in the building or real estate industry. I think UMMO also owns some shares in Megasteel, this will not be the end of the world for Megasteel but it is for Lion Corp. The boss should have let the company go long time ago and not drag down the other subsidiaries and himself. See you at other steel counters!
25/02/2015 14:00

Kian Leong Lim 沒想到,真的沒想到,不要有分別心,當你(自己)被人知道你(自己)有多少斤兩(黃金)時, 遊戲已經結束了(原來你指的黃金是你寫的這莫多狗屎)。 作天我有點無聊,有買的股票下跌沒買的股票反而上漲,所以就隨便寫寫! 不過我現在不想浪費我的時間,因為有些公司:(1)腦袋是Tong..tong... Chiang.....Tong..tong... Chiang.....不是4 more days to go.....而是天天Tong..tong... Chiang.....Tong..tong... Chiang......................天天這樣!
我為什末會說,Mr. KCCHONGNZ的文章很好, 因為
the fundamentals of a company (果=happy or trouble?)=(is under the influence of )因("人在做天在看")+緣("天下沒有白吃的晚餐")。做人的道理跟做股票的道理是一樣的,做人看事情,做事情看人,所以事情PN17不理想,人為因數很重要(關鍵)。







小心報應{Tong..tong... Chiang.....Tong..tong... Chiang.....
4 more days to go
Tong..tong... Chiang.....Tong..tong... Chiang...................... }
26/02/2015 16:57

Kian Leong Lim KS55, 如果你生氣了,我可以向你道歉! 我知道,看得出,你做股票很厲害,我昨天後來在看FGV而且已經買進一些。我今年上半年只想做FGV,不想做Khee san!現在等等FGV看看能不能夠跌多一點,像去年的MAS一樣的作法! 不知道你的看法是不是又跟我不一樣. 不要生氣,激你一下,你連口水都吐出來了,人有錢也要照顧好自己心臟的健康嗎!
26/02/2015 17:25

Kian Leong Lim 小心! 你自己已經沒有就了, Lion Corp 還有救? 你以後就會知道了, 當你被人知道你有多少斤兩時, 遊戲已經結束了。 這句話是你自己講的,這叫着自作自受。
26/02/2015 18:04

Kian Leong Lim 壞人才可以救壞人:這是天理,你還自己自告奮勇要當第二個壞人,我代表所有投資人像你感謝你的慈悲! 你真的是好有智慧,感謝你對社會的犧牲與奉獻!你好偉大! 你不用小心報應了{Tong..tong... Chiang.....Tong..tong... Chiang.....
4 more days to go
Tong..tong... Chiang.....Tong..tong... Chiang...................... } 因為你是自願的! Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!
26/02/2015 18:12

Kian Leong Lim Lion Corp 的投資人和Lion Corp從來都沒有犯你? 你自己要先了解你自己的所作所為?有因必有果........
26/02/2015 18:16

Kian Leong Lim 這是要送你的:
(1) 因為好壞只有兩個方法:這個社會只有兩種人---壞人(對自己好的人)跟聰明的人(對別人不好的人)。但是,如果你做 “壞人”你就不能夠做“真正聰明”的人,如果你做“聰明的人”你就不會是“真正的好人”(你只是壞人),所以,不管你是做“壞人或者是做聰明的人”,通通最後都會有煩惱(看到地域)。

26/02/2015 18:27


2015-03-07 12:13 | Report Abuse

English no good, chinese so so. Young ciku try to act like expert. Basic accounting tiada, basic economics tak tahu, try to talk about present money, future money, discount rate, CPI, dan macam-macam financial terms. Baru masuk market, sudah mahu jadi sifu. Hatam sini, hantam sana. Gua tengok pun sakit mata. Cakap belajar kejuruteraan, gred sampai sijil kah? Atau setakat Giat Mara? Cakap banyak dgn dia, gua keluar darah. Kalau dia ada, gua takut, lari cepet-cepat.

KCC orang baik, sampai orang adu penipu pun masih cuba bagi penjelasan yang bagus. Sifu KCC, gua caya sama lu. Gua hormat sama lu. Lu buat duit, gua suka dan sama-sama buat duit.
07/03/2015 12:11


2015-03-06 17:36 | Report Abuse

Just to compare how discussion in a friendly manner with our 'expert' up there:-

### Blog: Valuation of Insas Preference Share and Warrant kcchongnz
Mar 3, 2015 05:39 PM | Report Abuse

This article is for learning, sharing and discussion purpose. It does not constitute a buy or a sell call.

Mr KCCChong, my opinion below should not construe as an attempt to negate effect of your article. Purely want to learn something from you.

1. This PA is nonconvertible, meaning at the end of 5 years, you get back your one ringgit. This is similar to sukuk bond issued by government carries interest 6% per annum.

2. Company loan/bonds are not guarantee by any body, not even the company itself. So call 'payable when able'.

3. High interest rate associated with the risk involved. MGS-Conventional 5 year is at 3.654%. We should expect company loan/PA to pay much higher interest, otherwise there will not giving sweetener up to 2 free warrant for each PA subscribed.

4. I have seen many examples of then seem solid company's bond not able to pay interest or/and redeem in full. Notably the first failed case was Faber Merlin, then UEM bonds (under Halim Saad with coupon rate 8% interest). Most recent one is LionCorp LCB Bonds/Debt/RCSLS. I am not sure how good is our 1MDB bonds now.

5. Five years down the road, a ringgit now is equivalent to 1.27 ringgit with 5% inflation. What happen in between we have hyper inflation of 10 to 20% inflation? What you earn from PA will not preserve you buying power.

6. Consider REITs. Yes, when economy no good, less business can survive. Things happened in US in 2008/09 where all retail malls REITs suffered. In our case, 1997/98 saw non of the existing retail mall shut down because of no tenant. Those fail malls were the highly geared company like Lion Group, or company that jumped into wagon putting up half completed mall like Kemayan.

7. When market crash, what type of counter fare worst? REITs or Insas? One Hektar(1.50) can buy 1.8 Insas (0.835). If Hektar fall to 1.00, how much do you think Insas then will worth? How bad business of Insas will be affect? How bad Insas cash flow will become? Can it service interest of PA? Can redeem PA in full?

8. In a very very bad case scenario like Zimbabwe, inflation in million % per year. It will be the hard asset that can hedged against all these madness. If Zimbabwe is extreme, think of Russia and Venezuela now. If Ringgit going to fall to 4 or 5 to a USD, what will be the thing you want to hold on? Land? REITs? Property Developer? Contractor? For me, of course, REITs is one of the best option. Probably you know I have other option as well.

9. In conclusion, I am of the opinion 8.5% interest from Insas-PA is good, but I will still prefer REITs like Hektar. I also opine REITs hedge against inflation, Insas-PA does not. And REITs is having much lesser risk.

10. Thank you, and will appreciate if you can give some comment to the above. ###


2015-03-06 17:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by kcchongnz > Mar 6, 2015 04:00 PM | Report Abuse

### I have said many times you need to learn some basic in finance. Otherwise you will be going round and round and thinking everyone is wrong, except you. Or worse, you think I cheat to entice you to buy PA.

4% is the interest rate based on the issued price of RM1.00. You can payment of interest RM40 every year with 1000 shares of Insas PA. But the market price is 80+ sen now, not RM1.00.

Hence you need to know how to estimate required return, and use the cash flows to compute what is your yield-to-maturity. That is the return I am talking about, not the rate of return on the face value of PA. ###

Mr kcchongn, I was having similar type of problem when talking to somebody at different frequency. Don't waste your time. OTB is much 'rude' and 'crude' compare with you. People without basic knowledge of finance and economy at times want to shout like an expert. I know pretty well he will respond again with 'fantastic' and illogical argument. Will delete this post when he responds.

News & Blogs

2015-03-03 10:49 | Report Abuse

Hey.. cut loss lah, where got profit to take?
TP 1.50. This Q lose money, next Q worse. Why? Big flood in East Coast yet to reflect on the account.

News & Blogs

2015-03-01 18:46 | Report Abuse

Growth stock vs cyclic stock.
Investment grade stock vs trading stock.
FA vs TA.
Value investor vs speculator.
Please weigh pro and con.

If serious about investment, convert all non parametric indicators into parametric indicators. All analysis should end with SWOT, and the probability to achieve desired outcome.

News & Blogs

2015-03-01 12:43 | Report Abuse

Yes!! Malaysia's Turn Will Come!!! But.......not now.
FF selling still non stop. RM yet to stabilize, 1 MDB cannot service its loan, GST around the corner ......

News & Blogs

2015-03-01 11:36 | Report Abuse

Good article. I like it.

News & Blogs

2015-03-01 11:30 | Report Abuse

Quality posting. I like it.

Only different is don't get sentimental over the stock you bought. When price is right, sell some to reduce your holding cost. It is always very easy to sell when the price is been chased up.

Good share will not bring you profit if you can't at low price. Only when market crash, you will get value for your money.

News & Blogs

2015-03-01 11:18 | Report Abuse

Very good article. Strongly recommended for newbies.

If you make 10% return every year, for every 100k you put in, in 20 years, you will end up with 672k.

If you make 20% return every year, for every 100k you put in, in 20 years, you will end up with 3.8 million.

If you make 26% return every year, for every 100k you put in, in 20 years, you will end up with 10.1 million.

Congratulations!! You will become a millionaire if you are not greedy.

News & Blogs

2015-02-26 20:54 | Report Abuse

If not disposing this property, how to maintain DPU pay out? Want to depends on PS? What you earn from PS is not enough to pay for interest charges, commission charges (QCM), earning dilution due to extra unit issued to MSP (MRCB).

KAF Investment Bank Berhad
Independent Advice Circular
25 February 2015

## The Proposed Acquisition is expected to dilute the average gross rate of return and average net rate of return of QCT as the gross rate of return on the Property of 6.64% and net rate of return of 5.46%, based on its recurring revenue and recurring net property income as at 31 December 2013, are lower than the average gross rate of return of QCT of 8.35% and average net rate of return of QCT of 6.44%, based on QCT’s revenue and net property income as at 31 December 2013, respectively.
The aggregate cost of debt funding and required rate of return on equity for the Proposed Acquisition is higher than the return in which the Property generates, which could imply a negative return to the non-interested Unitholders in respect of the
Proposed Acquisition. ##

Who say PS acquisition is earning accretive. Bullshit. Transaction is not done at arms length. QCT become an ATM for interested parties.

News & Blogs

2015-02-26 20:49 | Report Abuse

If not disposing this property, how to maintain DPU pay out? Want to depends on PS? What you earn from PS is not enough to pay for interest charges, commission charges (QCM), earning dilution due to extra unit issued to MSP (MRCB).

KAF Investment Bank Berhad
Independent Advice Circular
25 February 2015

## The Proposed Acquisition is expected to dilute the average gross rate of return and average net rate of return of QCT as the gross rate of return on the Property of 6.64% and net rate of return of 5.46%, based on its recurring revenue and recurring net property income as at 31 December 2013, are lower than the average gross rate of return of QCT of 8.35% and average net rate of return of QCT of 6.44%, based on QCT’s revenue and net property income as at 31 December 2013, respectively.
The aggregate cost of debt funding and required rate of return on equity for the Proposed Acquisition is higher than the return in which the Property generates, which could imply a negative return to the non-interested Unitholders in respect of the
Proposed Acquisition. ##

Who say PS acquisition is earning accretive. Bullshit. Transaction is not done at arms length. QCT become an ATM for interested parties.

News & Blogs

2015-02-25 17:44 | Report Abuse

Is it true CPI for Jan 2015 is 1% ?
What I know is Roasted duck cost 46 ringgit compare with 38 last CNY, roasted pork 55 ringgit compare with 42 last CNY, year end dinner 1000 ringgit compare with 850 last CNY..........

I will be very happy if my personal inflation (as a pensioner) is below 5%. I suffer a 6% personal inflation rate yoy Jan 2014 to Jan 2015.

Official CPI statistic is meant to feel good only. Low CPI mean BNM should not raise interest rate in near term. How about when FED raise interest rate resulting further and faster ringgit depreciation? I believe when you see ringgit at 4, you will see bank base rate at 6.5, and your housing loan will then be at 8.5%.

News & Blogs

2015-02-25 17:23 | Report Abuse

Under no circumstance one should use OPM to buy share. Invest with your excess/idling money. If you can achieve 26% consistently for 10 years, your portfolio will go up 10 folds; for 20 years, you will achieve 100 folds. Don't be greedy, try out with 100k, in 20 years time you will have 10m.


This is the power of compounding rate. Remember Warren Buffet's first rule : Don't lose. Make less is ok.

News & Blogs

2015-02-23 17:47 | Report Abuse

What you make is not enough to pay for interest. Interest alone is 2.4b. What about 'commission' paid to get loan from oversea financiers (in USD?). Forex losses?
I dare not imagine !!!!

News & Blogs

2015-02-23 00:21 | Report Abuse

1. Buy high sell higher -- what is the probability?
2. Buy high sell low -- what is the probability?
3. What is the probability that you will make 10% with current entry price?
4. What is the probability that you will lose 10% with current entry price?
5. If 50-50, you might want to go up Genting to try your luck with 大小 !!

News & Blogs

2015-02-23 00:20 | Report Abuse

1. Buy high sell higher -- what is the probability?
2. Buy high sell low -- what is the probability?
3. What is the probability that you will make 10% with current entry price?
4. What is the probability that you will lose 10% with current entry price?
5. If 50-50, you might want to go up Genting to try your luck with 大小 !!

News & Blogs

2015-02-22 17:32 | Report Abuse

Ooi Teik Bee -- What is that to blame you. Did I mention any where you should be blamed? I am just commenting on Hotrod's post " Hmm ... coincidentally KYY and OTB are promoting the same stocks."
Any reader should buy based on his understanding of the counter and not asking for free lunch!!

News & Blogs

2015-02-22 13:11 | Report Abuse

Please take note OTB is the "fund manager" for KYY.

News & Blogs

2015-02-22 13:10 | Report Abuse

No harm to promote good share at good price. To promote at present price is to invite people to commit suicide. Things not done in good faith !!

News & Blogs

2015-02-22 12:29 | Report Abuse

I love Lee Foundation, I love Kuok Foundation. Come to "Koon Foundation", I can only recall one incident, the Kampar UTAR Student Hostel fiasco.

News & Blogs

2015-02-22 12:24 | Report Abuse

Buy good share cheap. Why want to chase?
Yes, Latitude can go to 10 ringgit, so what? What is the probability?
Before it goes up to 10, it must reach 5. How many already bought at 2.00 or below?
Likewise, it can come down to 2 ringgit. Is it possible? Answer in affirmative!
Instead of chasing stock already gone up in price, why not scout around for a better buy?

News & Blogs

2015-02-22 12:20 | Report Abuse

Buy good share cheap. Why want to chase?
Yes, VS can go to 10 ringgit, so what? What is the probability?
Likewise, VS can come down to 2 ringgit. Is it possible? Answer in affirmative!
Instead of chasing stock already gone up in price, why not scout around for a better buy?

News & Blogs

2015-02-22 11:34 | Report Abuse

Under no circumstance one should use OPM to buy share. Invest with your excess/idling money. If you can achieve 26% consistently for 10 years, your portfolio will go up 10 folds; for 20 years, you will achieve 100 folds. Don't be greedy, try out with 100k, in 20 years time you will have 10m.

This is the power of compounding rate. Remember Warren Buffet's first rule : Don't lose. Make less is ok.