
raymondroy | Joined since 2012-02-13

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1 month ago | Report Abuse

rise of the titan..... only property company i know that only makes money from selling land.... what an easy task :-) LOL


1 month ago | Report Abuse

yup yup..... mosquito infested where headhunters..... dont get u jobs but tribes literally head hunting, and in the heart of the oldest living rain forest in the world..... good luck to you on this nusantara quest :-) LOL


1 month ago | Report Abuse

i hope im not selfish saying this..... i want ytl and ytlp to stay depressed, as my funds for top-ups coming soon, and dont want price to go up before that :-) LOL .... rest assured all potentials are still intact... including sing kl high-speed rail ....


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@Eagle77 .... looks like u missed out on this counter, good time for you to enter.... no need to panic, only 10c correction, not end of the world :-) LOL


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Wonder ahy GenM needs to issue MTN for RM500m when it already has RM3.6b in cash !!! and pay interest at almost 5%



1 month ago | Report Abuse

share buyback only "capitalises" the benefit for future shareholders or those who are still holding on in future..... how about using that money to pay dividend to current shareholders.... NOW? Hmmmm...... worth a thot


1 month ago | Report Abuse

ok lah calvin..... i dont ask 3, 6 or 9 mths.... how about 1 year? Surely shd be able to see capital returns after 1 year mah? after hitting its high of 1.80 in May 2022, since june 2022 its been ranging from 0.80 to 1.10.... up to now woooo..... 2 years oledi how??? dont tell me need to wait 10 years :-) LOL...


1 month ago | Report Abuse

also ytlp has dodid in singapore :-) albeit 12.5mW ony


1 month ago | Report Abuse

it it truw that there will be capital reduction exercise being planned? Wouldnt this result in reduction of share price accordingly.... just before a rights issue to pay more? Just asking..... :-) happy hunting


1 month ago | Report Abuse

my former boss was the former CEO of the company before the Chinese investor took over. Unfortunately, the oil fields and investments are situated in one of the most corrupted (but developing) region of the world.... if you dont pay pay pay your way business will stop.... or if you pay wrong ppl even worse. Today their partner in this land locked nation is the government, and same time they are also suing the same government for claim of unpaid taxes..... haish until when this continuous bleeding will go on..... :-) peace & happy hunting


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@caltaneng ..... pls listen to sound advice of @prudentinvestor .... your repetitive claims of TSH si just SPAM, please do some research proper oen and tell us your outcome, and why dont u forecast TSH about 3, 6, 9 months from now.... if your prediction comes good, then we will all trust in you..... but if your predictions come wrong, will you accept that you are wrong about TSH and will stop this blind "TSH has landbank and therefore will be valued 10x more" rhetoric?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

the surprising run-up of ranhill price could be due to one of these reasons.....
1) entry of a vibrant new major shareholder
2) water tariff hike which will be fully reflected in next qtr
3) being the sole supplier of H2O in a state that is flush with DC projects
OR OR..... all of the above :-) happy hunting


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@Mabel ..... serba DK forum all looking for you.... where is cat lady? LOL :-)


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Tiktok has arrived in malaysia, adn they setting up DC at Sedenak Tech Park (STEP)..... i dont suppose YTLP has any role in this?


News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

I guess thats the whole risk of warrants, especially even higher risk when the mother shares are either thinly traded, or low circulation. There is no need to fight anyone..... its market forces at play. Naturally, you cannot compare against the big buys..... like Tenaga, or Mah Sing, or Sunway..... because there are many and active traders out there. If you decide to play with a small counter.... its because you are expecting higher return.... but higher return will surely mean higher risk, and therefore this is a high risk game..... if you are willing to to play this high risk game then wish you all the best..... otherwise suggest access your risk level and invest accordingly.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Noticed one alarming data in the Qtr reporting, there is a RM201m increase in trade receivable (no details provided), while the revenue for the qtr was RM328m, meaning 61% of the sales is not collected !!! Furthermore during the quarter although the profit was RM101m there was negative operating cashflow of RM127m.... these are very alarming numbers, the trade receivable totals RM465m.... hopefully management is not "cooking" the books :-) LOL .... cud this explain the extremely low PER for a property development company? Anyone here has the answer?? ...... cheers and happy hunting


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Good collation work @Michaelchan2024 :-) others can now rebut and contribute...


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Question 1
In FY 2021, the Group still suffered a Loss attributable to Equity holders of the Company
of RM1,369.7 million which is higher than the loss of RM1,024.2 million in FY 2020.
Under such poor financial performance, for FY 2021, all three executive directors as stated below still received substantial remuneration though there was a significant decrease for the Chairman/Chief Executive’s remuneration compared to FY 2020:
A summary of their total remuneration is as follows:
RM Million : FY2021 FY2020
(i) Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay (Chairman and Chief Executive) 100.2 151.3
(ii) Mr Lim Keong Hui (Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director) 18.3 17.9
(iii) Mr Tan Kong Han (President and Chief Operating Officer and ED) 7.2 5.8
Kindly justify the two executive directors’ remuneration in the context of the Group’s
continued poor financial performance.
Reply to Question 1
The remuneration packages of Executive Directors relate to the Group. At Company level, there is no increment nor bonuses awarded to the Executive Directors.
The increase in the remuneration package for Mr Tan Kong Han is attributable by
increments and bonuses awarded and salary position against market and industry, in
particular for the Plantations sector. The remuneration package for Mr Lim Keong Hui includes performance-linked incentive payment which relates to remuneration earned for previous years’ performances before FY2020.


1 month ago |

Post removed.Why?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

hahaha thanks for the confidence @Michaelchan202 .... but I can see you show good leadership, what you can do is list the questions here, and we can collectively vote for those to be in like a top 5 list, some tips 1) Do not ask day to day issues @how will mngt attract customers, how will mngt increase traffic etc etc.... these Board do not control, its day to say management staff, 2) try not to be smarter than them.... shd lease out gent plant lands etc, etc..... dont show as if you know better than them, 3) dont ask irrelevant Qs.... like why share price low? why NTA low? 4) ask humb genuine questions that as a Board member they will fee appreciated.....
My questions :-
1) What is Taurx status and update?
2) What is the long term plan for Empire?
3) Is there a plan to list RLV and if yes when?
4) How many casino biddings have Gen participated in?
5) How many casino bid wins are expected in the coming 1 year?
6) Any plans to increase non-core business @ oil and gas?
..... Just my 2cents with ah :-) to help thats all.... everyone can contribute ...peace


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@Edison Cheah ..... haha thats too optimistic, Q4 will never make the 1.1b NP after MI, will be lucky if can even match the 700m made in Q3, for your info USEP price($/Mvh)/demand(MW) are as follows - March 235/6,431 and April 288/6,638 (May not yet issued)..... so good news is that April is higher than March which is a good indicator, lets hope May and June similar as April if not higher..... cheers :-)


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Try to focus your questions.... from the list i see its too long and many answers u already know and this will just play to genting management advantage, i feel the No. 1 issue is Empire..... other issue on day to day management pls dont bring up in this Board level forum, just waste of time..... there shd be a minority shareholders leadership if you really want to get matters resolved :-) peace


1 month ago | Report Abuse

This land price increase that Calbvin is talking about refers to Nusantara project, but this is in the heart of Borneo, which has the oldest living forest the world has ever seen.... to think they will just go cut all the trees to build a putrajaya is far fetched..... TSH is also a palm oil company not a property developer..... many are mis-led unfortunately


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Calvin ..... pls show proof of this land thingy, pls make reference to external articles but just your own self confessed articles, otherwise its just shiok sendiri buddy, all other counters are moving up but but tsh and there must be a reason...


1 month ago | Report Abuse

senfong seems to have a good business model, they are selling into a niche market, and there is growth potential..... but looks like they have hit their plant capacity - very little growth for increased sales unless they expend, and surprisingly they ate very low in cash holding - these 2 factors are of a big concern.... happy hunting


1 month ago | Report Abuse

calvin u are here now promoting ur tsh..... LOL what happened? how bout your DC promos? Why not focus on these? You forgot to mention TSH land bank :-)


1 month ago | Report Abuse

thanks for the information Rajan :-)


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@Rajankumar .... why awantec profit very low just 2m from 55m revenue? why they not making money? why google choose them of all the companies out there?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

will always be known for.......Awantec gained prominence in 2017 when it was awarded a RM3.5 billion contract to upgrade and integrate the border control systems for the Immigration Department. In 2019, the Pakatan Harapan government cancelled the contract.... this is to a company that market cap is 350m :-) it has big ambitions nevertheles...


1 month ago | Report Abuse

u shd consider changing color @Pinky ..... otherwise ppl think we have ladyboy in da house :-) LOL


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Last qtr profit was only RM14m so if free water impact is RM11m.... covering 6 mths so thats RM1.8m a mth..... so profit will reduce to 14-1.8=12.2m .... assuming rate change will be absorbed into this free water scheme covering initial mths :-(


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Interesting to note that all major shareholders @5% and above are all within YTL group and family members.... nearest foreign is Credit Suisse HK at 3.12% and closest local is EPF at 2.53%.... remaining which is floating at 28.5% (other yeoh clan members also own here) ... selective ones UBS at 0.44% and Vanguard at 0.82% ..... peace


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@AngTayKor ... duly noted, u are looking at after MI.... but MI portion can change from Q to Q also depending if subsidiary companies issue div, the profit B4 MI gives comparable performance review.... but if your focus is on whats gets retained in earnings then yes.... :-) peace


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@Pinky ....yes I see Vanguard there, but these foreign investors mainly buy for long term so its not liquid, whereas the local institutional investors trade frequently and therefore the counter is "liquid" means more activities and this drives short term prices....


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Thanks @Pinky ....wow no wonder none of the big boys are in the main shareholders list... No EPF, No PNB, No Khazanah, No KWAP...... and funny singapore govt is here owns 0.4% LOL..... no wonder GenB price stagnant, there is almost negligible institutional investors..... adoih, not sure if this helps explain the lacklustre price movement ? :-) peace


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@Pinky .... i dont just mean religious organisation, how about EPF, PNB, Khazanah, KWAP etc.... im sure they have rules against investing in non-shariah related counters.... just imagine PNB with its bumi holding cannot possibly invest in Gen... and also @AngTayKor .... i mean profit of RM1billion is referring to Net Profit before minority interest.... only after minority interest then the net profit becomes RM588m, otherwise as a Group GenB made net profit of RM998m, and YoY was RM295m, and QoQ was RM529m.... hope you get it :-) cheers


1 month ago | Report Abuse

could the non-shariah complaints be a factor? in fact its even non-compliant to other religious organisations as well.... which could play a role in the share price? Look at the way forward....
1. GenB issued close to RM1billion profit
2. Visa relaxation - china tourists visit to be fully reflected in next qtr earnings
3. Potential growth of Las Vegas and Taurx
4. Upgrades to GenS facilities - ocenarium etc
Nevertheless, Empire investment continues to be a thorn among the roses..... peace


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@Riaz54 .... i do understand of the fiduciary duties of the independent directors, but what do you expect them to do? they are hired by the co called executive directors, who are owners of the company..... the company is cash rich and making profits how can they question the salary and on what grounds? lets say they quesion.... well then next agm they are voted out.... next new director comes in. As for the decision of empire city.... well i guess they could have stopped it but the matter was voted.... i think its too easy to blame others for the low share price, and not blame the market for perceiving the low perception..... dont u think?
genting just announced close to RM1billion profit in a qtr !!!! isnt that good enough? :-)


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@Antifanaticracism ...... this is spam-micm ... LOL


1 month ago | Report Abuse

final appeal was rejected by bursa..... how not to be rejected SD even tried to sue bursa, sue auditors - first KPMG and then EY, I think they tries to sue SC also LOL..... how lah wei, nity night SD


1 month ago | Report Abuse

time is 325pm.... there is a breach of 5.00 .... is there a message?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

its not corruption.... thats for small timers, this here its called Being on the Payroll.... everyone is on LKT's payroll except for members of Genting i3investor forum :-) heeeee peace


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@fx115w ..... thanks for your update :-) but wish they can sign up some tenants .... even if dont announce LOL


1 month ago | Report Abuse

just wondering, with the first phase of the 500MW YTL Green Data Center Park possibly ready soon (or has there been a delay) ..... and with Sea Ltd as the anchor tenant, why isnt ytlp signing up other tenants? What is keeping them quiet?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@DreamGuardian.... extracted this from their qtr results "The Group recorded lower gross profit margin of 31% as compared to the immediate preceding quarter of 40%
mainly due to lower land sale revenue in the current quarter. This decline in gross profit margins corresponded with a decrease in operating profit margin, which fell from 23% to 14% compared to the immediate preceding quarter." This UEMS makes almost peanuts from their property development activities and rely mainly on land sale revenue.... meaning if that qtr have land sale yaaaay :-) happy and if no land sale :-( sad loh..... they are not good in these development activities .... which then brings the point of LOGOS.... in my opinion this MOU will not go far UNLESS LOGOS is willing to roll up sleeve, hand hold UEMS take the reins of the slow bull..... and make the DC happen.... but even if this happens..... will take years and years im guessing. UEMS prospects therefore will rely back on land sale for Johor Sing SEZ.... of which I dont see any MOUs .... :-) peace


1 month ago | Report Abuse

will this forum remain ah..... even SD after delisting ? is there 2nd appeal ?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@calvintaneng ...... i need your promotional skills please..... since u always talk about land land land.... even though in palm oil sector, can you repeat these lines at the sime darby property (SDPR) forum ah :-) ..... SDPR is a proper property and land development company..... they have largest landholding in malaysia, there their share price directly related to how much land they can develop and sell..... all accounted at book value bought many many moons ago one..... :-) peace buddy...... pls help ah.... counting on u (p/s : recently they signed up with google to developed DC at their elmina park lots of $$$ coming - just a tip)


1 month ago | Report Abuse

velesto : EPS 0.57 and share price 0.265; while bumi armada : EPS4.06 and share price 0.57...... annualised PER of 11.6x VS 3.5x ....... which is better ??? Wasco also same boat with bumi.... PER 3.6x


1 month ago | Report Abuse

amazing qtr financials, eps of 4.06, T4Q PER of just 3.5x, and cash generated from operations at 271m, total borrowings reduced from 5b to 4.3b over a year...... so why the low valuation? Similar is ween at WASCO and even worse at Yinson..... so whats with O&G counters nowadays? Brent teetering at 80, in my work we have forecast it to range between 80 and 86 for the year. So what will it take for market to better accept bumi? earth to bumi..... do u read :-)


1 month ago | Report Abuse

A little review of the qtr financial results; revenue of 18.2m (90% increase YoY) and net profit of 6.5m against a loss of 1.1m YoY. But there is "other income" of 5.1m (0.2m YoY) recorded in the qtr, which is not explained and probably being one off.
In the 9mths period there is an increase of 57m in financing receivables, which measn almost all their revenue is translated to receivables.... not cash.
Lastly, in the period there is a negative 27m operating cash flow against negative 41m a year ago..... peace