
skyz | Joined since 2014-04-07

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2015-09-28 15:38 | Report Abuse

UMA normally is standard template answers. the usual declaration of "we the BOD at the best of our knowledge are not aware of... bla bla bla" nonsense. give it a day or 2 to rest before syndicates pushing it up again


2015-09-28 12:27 | Report Abuse

well, since we are stuck here, treat it as putting money inside the FD lo. at least the returns is more than 3%. haha... till then wait Malaysian overall economic sentiment to brighter then consumer goods oni got chance to climb back up gradually, probably next year la ><


2015-09-28 10:40 | Report Abuse

gloves are overated as ANALyst oni keep bragging about strong USD favours export market and low commodities cost, hence profit margin forecasted to improve. probably wanna jack up the price so their fund managers can dispose their chunk of it. when they wanna buy back at lower price, they will issue SELL calls for watsoever reason. there, even this counter also has the first sell call ever.

News & Blogs

2015-09-26 12:02 | Report Abuse

shortage of skilled labour? do you really study the organization in depth before coming up with this SWOT analysis? please don't copy paste templates la


2015-09-22 08:53 | Report Abuse

wesley, seen my e-statement, bank-in date was yesterday


2015-09-21 11:52 | Report Abuse

you will be lucky if you can cut loss at RM2. RM3 is near impossible


2015-09-21 11:50 | Report Abuse

hula - fair value is RM3? then i sell my shares to you at RM2, interested? Come on la! at this current price also PE90 de, as long as earnings dun increase, dun dream of it recovering near the IPO price!


2015-09-21 11:48 | Report Abuse

eh Dr Warrant, no more 20 cents and 50 cents liao la?


2015-09-21 11:46 | Report Abuse

everydaysfri - your survey is from the your personal preference as consumer. can you backup ur statement with figures instead? if you would argue tat profit margin is dropping due to escalating operating expenses and high marketing and advertising expenditure, or GST reducing consumer spending sentiment, then I would still look into your argument.


2015-09-17 16:26 | Report Abuse

undervalued? on wat basis? atthis current price RM1.60 also it is already at PE 97. have you seen other plantation counters at such high PE? put aside the rumours of ValueCap pumping into this counter, if we remove the GLC connection, it is not wise option to invest into this company

News & Blogs

2015-09-15 13:40 | Report Abuse

very attractive title given to the article, but reading on, its just another attempt to promote a particular counter :p


2015-09-10 08:43 | Report Abuse

i bought 600k shares yest afternoon. (everybody can talk c*** here so I join in as well). anybody bought 700k? duh!


2015-09-08 17:19 | Report Abuse

jorgsacul, hw u knw fund managers are buying?


2015-09-07 16:40 | Report Abuse

all the spinners have lari-ed liao. syndicate 1, investors 0


2015-09-05 08:48 | Report Abuse

too bad i didnt have the guts to dive in and collect when it was below lingerin around 17 cents for so long... those who overcame their fear was duely rewarded in less than a month, congrats to those who conquered emotion and stay to the basics : accumulate when low/undervalued


2015-09-05 08:42 | Report Abuse

everydaysfri: u eat the packaging and throw away the content?

News & Blogs

2015-08-28 08:46 | Report Abuse

im all behind you Murali. as long as you are not contributing to part of his "noble intentions" then you will be labelled as "clueless". those who keep chasing after his "recommendation" will be labelled as "value investors" while somebody happily disposing them at high price and exit without a trace. in the end, few months later, just a simple APOLOGY note and truckload of bulls*** just like Jayatiasa and Mudajaya


2015-08-25 22:30 | Report Abuse

Franklin happily accumulating while you sell.

News & Blogs

2015-08-20 15:52 | Report Abuse

Agree with u murali on ur perception on KYY.


2015-08-20 08:53 | Report Abuse

sinkalan everywhere


2015-08-19 16:34 | Report Abuse

there you have it, the institutional investors has sapu-ed enough while they trigger the panic button during GST implementation period. now the ANALyst also changed the sailing direction, reiterate BUY call so their affiliates can dispose their part.

News & Blogs

2015-08-17 11:52 | Report Abuse

"I have prepared this article for them. I have given scholarships to about 300 poor students whose family income is less than Rm 3,000 per month to help them complete their tertiary education"

In the end of the day, its just an article to highlight the above


2015-08-14 13:41 | Report Abuse

Chinaboleh, its not about monopoly or not. once you get involved in 1MDB, you scare off institutional investors!

News & Blogs

2015-08-13 10:29 | Report Abuse

This article was not as nauseating unlike your other BUY calls posts. until I read the last sentence of advice no.7. Bragging and showing ego again! KYY will still be KYY

News & Blogs

2015-08-13 10:27 | Report Abuse

I agree with all your advice at the bottom, except for No.7. Please leave your ego at home

News & Blogs

2015-08-10 14:41 | Report Abuse

the answer to "When do I buy?" should be "quietly and slowly and definitely before I post a write up to promote the stock" and "When do I sell?" should be "after the stock is promoted and there are my followers chasing after it and definitely before I write an apology note for my 'mistake;"


2015-08-10 14:38 | Report Abuse

moral of the story: keep your hands and feet off 1MDB, Jibby and Rosmah. tats the last thing you want your organization to be associated with


2015-08-07 15:49 | Report Abuse

Frankiechow only 3 comments made so far. and started off with seconding Steven Chow's comment. come on la, wanna create duplicate account also put some effort think of other names la! Get a life!


2015-08-07 15:48 | Report Abuse

wonder if they are actually same person managing duplicate accounts to support each other comments :p


2015-08-04 16:43 | Report Abuse

keep on spinning~ 20cents yoyoyoyo~ i've heard it since earlier 2015 liao


2015-08-03 11:18 | Report Abuse

its clearly manipulated. thats why if can read the movement of the syndicates, u can tumpang and ride with the flow. :p


2015-08-01 10:35 | Report Abuse

Steven Chow, the upside for this counter is much more for that mere 1.5 sens dividends la. You don't be another talk nonsense and fortune teller just like Poker Face. give comments or TP also no solid fundamentals or figure to backup. I also can simply say Monday ringgit drop to RM5 la. Stupid. Say only ma, who dunno how to say?


2015-07-31 14:22 | Report Abuse

no wonder. real icon8888 i rmb didnt put profile pic. and i think the digit and letter stick together, thanks tkp1


2015-07-31 13:39 | Report Abuse

Icon8888, awaiting your article. this counter has solid fundamentals but now just need some publicity and volume to boost it up.


2015-07-31 13:38 | Report Abuse

that should be the final dividend upon closing of financial year. pending approval during AGM.
mamatede, you mean Q4 izit?


2015-07-31 12:30 | Report Abuse

ven felix. today is ex-date for dividends, already adjusted 1.5cents from yesterday closing price.


2015-07-31 12:28 | Report Abuse

ykloh, this uncle koon is a big time ethical spinner. follow him blindly and be a prey to his "noble intentions".


2015-07-31 09:38 | Report Abuse

everytime drop by here, Dr Warrant never fails to amuse me. keep on spinning and empty chanting ya ~ yoyoyoyoyoyo~


2015-07-30 11:25 | Report Abuse

ur TP 0.5 mana dapat? korek from the longkang wan izit? back up with calculations la, fortune-teller wanabe


2015-07-30 10:33 | Report Abuse

anyway, low volume this morning, macam losing steam liao. macam ini how to challenge 70 cents o? =/


2015-07-30 09:51 | Report Abuse

i might not prefer pensonic brand personally as a consumer but i prefer pensonic counter as an investor. :p


2015-07-29 08:31 | Report Abuse

undervalued is based on earnings per share la. come on, this is a share market forum, not consumer forum. wan buy good quality electrical products, go discuss in low yat forum. argue constructively based on facts and figures, not subjective opinions. no wonder your nick also is sohai3. suits you


2015-07-28 12:21 | Report Abuse

makan kenyang2 baru push again ok. haha


2015-07-28 12:20 | Report Abuse

traders hungry liao. go for lunch de, c u all at 2:30 later. lol


2015-07-28 11:31 | Report Abuse

hissyu2, if i were you also i will take profit. nvm the 1.5 cents dividends. solid cash in pocket is more important. congrats. me still stuck at the warrant. lol


2015-07-27 21:24 | Report Abuse

price will dip back a bit after ex-date. u smart also ppl not stupid la :p


2015-07-27 17:26 | Report Abuse

Franklin "admitted" their disposal in the announcement. they are famous for small volume gaines. 1.60 accumulate. 1.70 dispose strategy


2015-07-27 15:33 | Report Abuse

yup, we can never outplay the sharks. be patience with ur queue, dun chase after it.


2015-07-27 15:27 | Report Abuse

buy Q mysteriously dissappear and sudd a huge selling occured