
yewyin33 | Joined since 2016-01-02

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2018-08-04 12:14 | Report Abuse

Jaks is on cheap sale
Koon Yew Yin 4 Aug 2018
From the company announcement, you can see that my wife and I have bought more than 150 million Jaks with margin loan. Due to the depressed property market and the bad publicity of the legal battle with Star, many shareholders are dumping their shares. When the price plunged, we have to sell to meet margin call which is a vicious cycle. Forced selling will depress the price lower which will create more forced selling until more buyers come forward to support the price.
I was too bullish and bought too many Jaks. It is like I drank too much XO brandy until I vomit. It is not that XO or Jaks is not good, but I had too much of the good thing.
I am ashamed to admit my mistake. This is my worst mistake in share investing in my life. I must remember this mistake and learn from my mistake.
As you know, there is always some risk in buying any share. I was so bullish because I thought I could make money as I did in Latitude, Lii Hen and VS Industry, all of which had gone up a few hundred percent within 2.5 years.
My main reason for buying Jaks is its 1,200 MW power plant, generating electricity for the Vietnamese Government. I was so sure that the consortium of 3 Chinese national banks would have examined the power purchase agreement thoroughly before they would finance Rm 7.76 billion for the project. It is like the banks are guaranteeing profit for Jaks.

All smart investors should be able to see that the price has been plunging in the last 3 months and take advantage of this cheap sale to buy.
Cheap sale is quite rare and you are lucky. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.


2018-07-28 10:16 | Report Abuse

The word “Sialang” or “Sai Lang” comes from the Cantonese word “晒冷,” It refers to wagering one’s entire assets, resources, life-savings or wealth on a project, in a competition or an endeavour. In addition, the word Sialang is commonly used in investing, where we always hear people, especially Malaysian investors, say they Sialang in a company.

For astute investors, Sialang is the best way to grow wealth and maximise gain. I have never known any successful people who do not Sialang in the companies they dedicate their lifetime effort to. This practice is very common in world of business, where we see a lot of the successful businessmen or businesswomen focus on what matters most and have their money invested only in the companies they founded. For example, in Malaysia, the wealth of Public Bank’s Chairman Teh Hong Piow, IOI Group’s founder Lee Shin Cheng and Press Metal’s CEO Koon Poh Keong is all tied to their stakes in their own companies and the performance of their stocks.

Most investors and investment professionals overly concentrate on fundamental and technical analyses and fail to notice the importance of profit growth. They do not think like a businessman. But the best way to mint money in stock market is to Sialang in a company with high profit growth prospect like a businessman. To be really successful in investing, one must be willing to venture like an entrepreneur and focus on the profit growth prospect of a company. Out of the stocks in Bursa Malaysia, you must only pick the one that has the truly tremendous profit growth potential.

Why company with tremendous profit growth potential?

Among all the criteria, such as NTA, cash flow, dividend yield etc, the most powerful catalyst to move share price is profit growth prospect. To do so, you need to be able to see the earnings potential of the company and must use some business sense to estimate the earnings of the company a few years down the road. One of the techniques is finding the factor or catalyst that can move the earnings needle. The chance of picking a winning stock would be higher if you could leverage on your knowledge and experience to find a profitable company with near-term and long-term catalysts. For example, I have done business for more than fifty years and involved in many mega construction projects. I know how construction companies make money and can tell if the companies would make more money next year than this year.

I know readers do not like to read anything written by egotistic writers. For the sake of additional clarity of this article, I have to boast that I was one of the founders of Mudajaya, IGB, Gamuda and IJM Corporation Bhd.

Bank loan and Margin loan

Many conservative business men dare not use Bank loan to do business. To maximise your profit, you must use bank loan. I always borrow money from banks to do business. If I did not borrow money, I would not have expanded my businesses so quickly.

I always use margin loan to buy more shares. Of course, I can win more if my bet is right. But I will lose more if my bet is wrong. Margin loan is a double edge sword. It cuts both sides. It is only meant for experience investors.

“If you want to get rich……you have to concentrate and focus.” Jim Rogers

Good luck to my readers. Luck is when opportunity meets preparation
Koon Yew Yin


2018-07-28 06:46 | Report Abuse

Jaks joint venture with the controlling shareholder Andy Ang signed an agreement to buy Star's 6 acres in the PJ, KL in exchange for building a high rise office building, called Star Tower". Because the JV did not pay any cash, they had to provide a performance bond of Rm 50 million. Since the construction was delayed, Star sued to forfeit the Rm 50 million bond. The construction was delayed because the whole project is too large. The whole project consisted of 2 office tower blocks in front and 3 high rise condo at the back sitting on a multi-storey car park. When completed the total value must worth a lot of money.

This reminds me of my early experience when I started property development business with a small capital. I always looked out for a similar deal. I coined the phrase "use a silk string to tie a big fat bull". In the old days, I could sell properties easily. For example when we started Ipoh Gardens if we open offer to sell 200 houses there would be 1000 prospective buyers. We had to get the MB to draw lots to select the lucky buyers.

Currently, the situation is so different. If a developer wants to sell 200 houses, there will be less 10 buyers.

I must admit my mistake in buying too many Jaks with margin loans. It is like drinking too much XO brandy until I vomit. It is not that OX or Jaks is not good. When the price drops too rapidly due to the court judgment in favour of Star to forfeit the Rm 50 million performance guarantee, I have a margin call and I have to sell to raise money to pay back. Smart people always learned from their mistake.

Forced selling is a vicious cycle. When the price drops, there will be more margin call and more forced selling until it is so cheap that attracts more buyers than sellers. Investors must realise that Jaks was selling at Rm 1.83 about 6 months ago. They must take advantage of the current basement cheap sale.

I wish to take this opportunity to tell you that I was appointed a member of the Perak Economic Advisory Council yesterday. I also strongly recommend reading my last article: Is title so important?

Best wishes Koon Yew Yin


2018-06-21 04:52 | Report Abuse

Recently the famous food connoisseur, Anthony Bourdain and celebrity fashion designer Kate Spade committed suicide which prompted me to write this piece to share my experience with you. Everyone should know about mental depression problem.

I recommend you to read my article about mental health which is far more important than making money. You can read it on my blog: koon yew yin


2018-06-21 04:48 | Report Abuse

Recently the famous food connoisseur, Anthony Bourdain and celebrity fashion designer Kate Spade committed suicide which prompted me to write this piece to share my experience with you. Everyone should know about mental depression problem.

I recommend you to read my article about mental health which is far more important than making money. You can read it on my blog: koon yew yin


2018-06-21 04:47 | Report Abuse

Recently the famous food connoisseur, Anthony Bourdain and celebrity fashion designer Kate Spade committed suicide which prompted me to write this piece to share my experience with you. Everyone should know about mental depression problem.

I recommend you to read my article about mental health which is far more important than making money. You can read it on my blog: koon yew yin


2018-06-15 10:43 | Report Abuse

If you study my proposal of giving right issues with free convertible warrants, you can believe the company will implement my proposal to benefit all the shareholders.

You can see my proposal if you click this link or see the full article as I posted: Eversendai: KYY's proposal of Rights Issue with Free Convertible Warrants -

Koon Yew Yin


2018-06-13 22:13 | Report Abuse

JAKS: KYY’s proposal to raise funds

Koon Yew Yin 13 June 2018

As you know, the company made an announcement of the proposed selling of renounceable convertible warrants at 25 sen each to each person holding 2 shares. That means if you own 2 shares you are entitled to buy 1 convertible warrant at 25 sen. Investors reacted negatively. As a result, the share price dropped by 5 sen per share yesterday.

This morning I told my friends that I would be writing this proposal to the management of Jaks which should be better than the proposed proposal. In believing the company will implement my proposal, they started to buy to support the share price. If they did not, I believe the price would continue to fall to a lower level.

In my 50 years of experience in managing companies and looking at the stock market, I have not seen any company doing the same way to raise money for the company. By issuing warrants at a huge discount, it is sending a wrong message, telling the market the company share is overvalued.

I like to propose that the company to call a right issue of 1 share for every 10 shares held by shareholders at say Rm 1.40 per share with a free convertible warrant. Giving out free convertible warrants is like giving free cash "ang pow" because warrants can be sold immediately in the open market.

Warrants should normally be trading at a premium.

The total issued number of shares is about 500 million. If the company follow my way, the company will receive about 50 million X Rm 1.40 = Rm 70 million which is about the same amount as that from their original proposed method.

When the warrants are eventually converted into shares, there will be a further cash injection into the company of about RM 50 million.

If the company needs more money, it can call a right issue of 1 share for every 8 shares held by shareholders. In this case, the company will get more money.

I strongly believe when the company announces the withdraw of their original proposal and replace it with my proposal, the share price will go up, because investors, especially existing shareholders, will want to get 1 free convertible warrant by buying 10 shares.

I trust the board of directors will consider my proposal seriously.

Koon Yew Yin


2018-06-07 00:32 | Report Abuse

I see there are so many people who are worried about my problem with income tax and the withdrawal of my margin facilities and the previous Attorney General branded me as a persona non grata. I am very touched and I must thank you for your concern.

I am happy to tell you all that our new Finance Minister's assistant Dr Ong Kian Ming has resolved all my problem.

By the way, Jaks has just announced the offer of 1 warrant to every 2 shares held by shareholders. You can see the details in the company's announcement. I think many investors will rush to buy Jaks tomorrow and the price will go up. This is my opinion.

Koon Yew Yin


2018-06-03 06:20 | Report Abuse

My golden rule: Among all the criteria, such as NTA, Cash flow, dividend yield etc, the most powerful catalyst to move share price is profit growth prospect. My golden rule is the company must have reported 2 consecutive quarter increasing profit and the projected P/E must be below 10. I choose P/E 10 to avoid unforeseen risk. To be really successful, you need practice, confidence and patience to buy and hold for fruits to ripen.

Eversendai: I have been accumulating it and now I am the 2nd largest shareholder. It has been reporting increasing profit in the last few quarters- thus in compliance with my share selection golden rule.

The KLCI has been falling ever since Tun Dr Mahthir announced that he wanted to look at all the mega projects especially those contracts which were awarded without open competitive tender. IJM Goerge Kent and Gamuda dropped like coconuts.

In fact, Eversendai went up instead of coming down. I am very sure the price of Eversendai will go higher when the overall market sentiment improves.


2018-05-24 18:32 | Report Abuse

If you read my appeal carefully you should notice that since I retired as director of IJM more than 20 years ago, all my profit is from the stock market which is not taxable. In the history of Malaysia, no one has been taxed form profit from share investment. This policy is to encourage people to invest in listed companies so that they can use investors'money to do more business.

I hope someone can tell Beary and lala23 that they are wrong and crude.
Koon Yew Yin


2018-05-17 06:35 | Report Abuse

For a long time, I did not look at JAKS on this forum because I was busy in campaigning for Pakatan Harapan. I am proud to have done my part to kick out the corrupted BN government.

When Tun Dr Mahathir held the fundraising dinner in Ipoh about 3 months ago, I donated Rm 200,000. As a result, the Attorney General branded me as a persona non grata and instructed Maybank Investment Bank to freeze my current account and withdraw Rm 40 million margin facilities each for my wife and me. God works in a mysterious way to help me. I was forced to sell all my Hengyuan shares at much higher prices. As a result, I do not have a margin call in spite of the price for Jaks has been falling from Rm 1.82 to the current level due to the legal battle with the Star for late contract completion of its construction contract. Investors must remember that even if Jaks has to cough the Rm 50 million, they should not dump their holdings at this price level. The high court hearing has been postponed due to GE14. The case is about Star wanting to forfeit the Rm 50 million performance guarantee provided by Jaks. As I have a long experience in the contract industry, I think Jaks has a good case.

Jaks bought the Star's huge piece of land without cash payment but in exchange for 1 office block and 1 condo block. Since Jaks did not pay any cash, it required providing a performance bond of Rm 50 million issued by the Bank. During the construction, Star wanted Jaks to alter the condo block to an office block. Jaks had to stop construction work to get the architect to redesign and submit new drawings to the Authorities for approval. Do you know how long to get the approval of the new design? This delay cost a lot of money. Jaks has to pay for all the construction site and office administration expenses. I strongly believe Jaks can ask for reimbursement of the cost.

Among all the commentators I notice the comments made by DK66 and newbie8080 are sensible and intelligent. I like to meet them. They can contact me by email and my email address is yewyin33@
Koon Yew Yin


2018-04-10 19:14 | Report Abuse

Calvin, my favorite critic, must have sold all his Hengyuan shares to spite me. He is now crying and leaking his wounds.
Koon Yew Yin


2018-04-10 19:10 | Report Abuse

Calvin my favorite critic must have sold all his Eversendai and Hengyuan at lower prices to spite me and now he is crying and leaking his wounds. He is telling readers to sell. Readers are quite smart and they are telling not to be so stupid because Sendai and Hengyuan are going higher and higher.

If Calvin is really smart, he has to show us the number of Eversendai and Hengyuan shares he still has. Koon Yew Yin


2018-04-09 08:05 | Report Abuse

On 5 April I have posted my article to state openly that I started buying Hengyuan when the share price dropped to its rock bottom at Rm 6.15. It gained 72 sen at the close of the day.

On 6 April I posted another article to state openly that I would continue to buy. It gained Rm 1.45 at the close of the day.

Now I am telling you all that I will continue to buy Hengyuan to day. I am not asking you to help me push up the share price. I hope my favorite critic Calvintaneng will sell to spite me.
Koon Yew Yin


2018-04-08 06:17 | Report Abuse

In the stock market, almost all day traders lose money because of transaction and government stamp duty. Most of the short-term investors also lose money. Records show that almost all Fund Managers do not make much profit. The local top Fund Manager can make slightly more than 10% per annum. It is the clever long-term investors who make the most money. The reasons are they have good foresight and patience which are the keys to successful investing.

Koon Yew Yin


2018-04-07 18:56 | Report Abuse

I have just posted my article which you can see on my blog. or you can click this link:

Koon Yew Yin


2018-04-06 21:37 | Report Abuse

In my article which I posted yesterday, I said I would start to buy back Hengyuan, all my critics must have sold to spite me. But the price went up 72 sen. Today it went up another Rm 1.48 sen with 10.3 million shares change hands. That is why all my critics must have sold and nothing more to sell. Readers can see that they are now crying and leaking their wounds.

Based on the huge volume traded every day with the unusually big gain in price, I will not sell so quickly. If my critics have some more shares, they should sell to depress the price to hurt me.

Ha, ha, ha, I am laughing all the way to my bank.

Koon Yew Yin


2018-04-06 17:00 | Report Abuse

Hengyuan shot up 72 sen yesterday and today shot through the roof Rm 1.48. I must say I have never made so much money in 2 days before in my life. Ha! Ha! Ha! I am laughing all the way to my bank.
Koon Yew Yin


2018-04-02 23:56 | Report Abuse

Although Ken Holdings' the earnings for the last few quarters were quite impressive but it will not have good profit growth prospect because it is one of the Property Developers which are all facing great difficulties in selling their properties.

If you open your eyes, you can see there is an oversupply of properties in every town and city in Malaysia. Many smaller developers will go bankrupt.

I will not buy it.
Koon Yew Yin


2018-04-02 11:33 | Report Abuse


Did you sell Sendai at 70 sen and buy Hengyuan Rm ???


2018-04-02 11:20 | Report Abuse

I am not sure what you are saying, Did you sell Sendai at 70 sens and buy Hengyuan at Rm ??
Koon Yew Yin


2018-04-02 10:35 | Report Abuse

I refer to CharlesT's comment.
All readers including CharlesT should remember that share price changes quite rapidly depending on so many factors which will take too much time and space for me to explain.

When I recommended Hengyuan the situation was different. When it announced the huge profit increase for the 3rd quarter, its price shot above Rm 18 per share and I openly said that I could not control my greed and I did not sell. But fortunately, Bank Negara ordered Maybank to reduce the Rm 40 million margin facilities each for my wife and I by 75% and frozen my current account because of my open support for the opposition political parties, forced me to sell all our Hengyuan shares. As I said God works in the mysterious way to help us.

But when it announced its 4th quarter result, clever investors can see that Hengyuan will make less profit this year than in last year. As a result, the price began tumbling down.

Regarding Eversendai, I posted a few articles with good intention especially when it was selling at around 70 sen a few days ago. In spite of the few invited analysts to witness the launching of the lifting vessel posted the articles with their target price of 74 sen, the price has been shooting up rapidly with massive volume.

While I am writing within 1.5 hours of trading more than 6million shares have changed hands with an increase of a few sen to trade around Rm 1.00. If had followed my recommendation you would have made more 30 sen per share, about 42% within a few days.

That is why I cannot see those critics who said that when I recommend buy, readers must sell. They must have sold all their shares at 70 sen and they are bleeding, crying and leaking their wounds.
Koon Yew Yin


2018-04-01 23:45 | Report Abuse

Please click this link to learn a new lesson to make more money.
Koon Yew Yin


2018-03-31 17:42 | Report Abuse

You must read this link to learn how to make more money.

If you cannot open the file, you should click pc_FA's link above.
Koon Yew Yin


2018-03-30 15:53 | Report Abuse

I suspect those invited professional analysts to the site visit who wrote articles on Eversendai with a target price of 74 sen per share are buying aggressively. The daily traded volume has increased tremendously. Just for today, the current volume exceeds 10 million shares. Which individual has so much of money to buy so many shares?

The price has gone up from 70 sen to 97 sen. 99 sen was the highest done for today which is an increase of 29 sen. 29 divided by 70 = 70%. The up-trending chart is very encouraging. It indicates strong buying.

What happens to those who have encouraged people to sell at 70 sen?

Ha ha ha, I am laughing all the way to my bank
Koon Yew Yin


2018-03-29 11:06 | Report Abuse
29/03/2018 09:17

I appreciate Sslee, DickyMe and others who are well brought up with good manners. Please read my article by clicking the above link. If you cannot open the file, you can see it on my blog:
Good luck, Koon Yew Yin


2018-03-12 23:47 | Report Abuse

For your information, this email is self-explanatory. As I said, I am cash rich and I want to buy Jaks. You can call me 017-5577822 or RHB Ipoh

Limit available for today will be

1) Mr Koon = RM 9,700,000, MOF = 32.52%

2) Yap = RM 2,700,000, MOF = 27.28%

3) Ong = RM 800,000, MOF = 0%

Thank You & Have a Pleasant Day.

Be a Dynamic Branch; Build a Sustainable Business

Foo Yu Wen
Senior Executive
RHB Investment Bank Berhad - Ipoh Branch
Koon Yew Yin


2018-03-12 23:11 | Report Abuse

Hengyuanisred is still crying that I sold all my 8 million Hengyuan without telling him. I am cash rich and I am using my nominee to buy Jaks.

zoozooka, I see that you don't like Jaks. Please sell your Jaks to me. You can call me 017-5577822 if you have a big block for sale. I am willing to pay you 2 sen higher than the current price.

Good luck to Hengyuanisred with all your money on Hengyuan. He loves Hengyuan so much that he names himself Hengyuanisred. I will not be surprised to see that he names his son Hengyuanson.
Koon Yew Yin


2018-03-12 19:22 | Report Abuse

I see Hengyuanisred is making a lot of noise because he must be holding so much of Hengyuan that he also use Hengyuan as his pen name. As I reported the Authorities forced me to sell all my 8 million Hengyuan. As a result, he is crying in public. What can I do?

In the case of Jaks, as a substantial shareholder, I must report when I buy or sell and the company has to make the necessary announcement.

Koon Yew Yin


2018-02-28 19:51 | Report Abuse

I see all the commentators are crying and licking their wounds. If they have some business sense they would not have bought Masteel.

The company produces steel bars for concrete construction. Everyone can see there is an oversupply of properties in every town and city in Malaysia. How can Masteel sell its product?

I recommend you to read my latest article on my blog: Business sense is more important than FA and TA. Koon Yew Yin


2018-02-06 05:08 | Report Abuse

Jaks has gone up from Rm 1.00 to close at Rm 1.84 within one year. After the analyst of Affin Hwang's site visit of the power plant in Vietnam, he published an article which has a target price of Rm 2.28.

All the people who had followed my buy recommendation should be laughing to the bank. zoozooka obviously did not buy Jaks because he thinks that I mislead readers.

Koon Yew Yin


2018-02-02 08:35 | Report Abuse

Sebastian Sted, I posted my article is to prevent investors, like you from losing money. Yes, you are right to say that it is not my business because I have sold my shares and laughing to my bank.

Since you do not believe me, you must continue to keep your shares. Only time will tell who is right and who is wrong.

Koon Yew Yin


2018-02-01 15:47 | Report Abuse

I recommend you all especially optimus9199 see my article above "Nestles is shooting through the roof". You should sell before it starts to fall. Just wait to see who is right or wrong!

Koon Yew Yin


2018-02-01 15:37 | Report Abuse

Pc Tan and pang72 should see my article under the title " Nestles is shooting through the roof" on my blog or under Nestle. Time will tell who is write and who is wrong.

Now you can boast that you are very clever to have bought Nestle. Please keep them and I am waiting to see you crying like stupid idiots soon when the price plunged.

Koon Yew Yin


2018-01-31 17:36 | Report Abuse

Nestles's 3rd quarter EPS 51 sen and the total for 3 quarters was Rm 2.18. Assuming its 4th Q is the same as the 3rd Q , the full year EPS will be Rm 2.69. The current price for Nestles is Rm 113. It is selling at PE 113 divided by 2.69 = 42

I like to see Pc Tan and Pang 72 boasting their Nestles which is defying common sense logic to continue to sell at PE 42. Only time will tell who is right and who is wrong.

Please sell all your Jaks to me and buy Nestles. Koon Yew Yin


2018-01-31 17:23 | Report Abuse

I see Pc Tan and Pang 72 are happily holding on Nestles. Open your eyes you can see EPF has been selling every day in the last few weeks. It has gone up from Rm 75 in Jan 2017 to close at Rm 113, a rise of 50% in one year.

Jaks has gone up from Rm 1.00 in Jan 2017 to close at Rm 1.75, a rise of 75% in one year. As reported, my wife Tan Kit Pheng has bought 2.4 million shares and I am buying which I will have to report in due course.

I have written an article "Jaks-why I am still buying" which will be posted soon.

Jaks will start to report increasing profit from land sales before the end of February. Then it will continue to report its Rm 454 million given by the Chinese JV partners during the power plant construction.After the power plant is completed, Jaks will have 40% of the profit every year for 25 years from the sale of electricity to the Vietnamese Government.

We will only start to sell our shares when Jaks stops earning a profit.

Koon Yew Yin


2018-01-31 09:30 | Report Abuse

As reported recently, my wife Tan Kit Pheng has bought 2,400,000 shares and I will soon report my purchases. We have a total of more than 150 million shares and we intend to keep them for many years. After more than 50 years experience in doing business, I have not seen any company that can own 30-40% of the power plant worth Rm 7.76 billion without having to borrow money. Instead, Jaks is being paid Rm 454 million during the construction of the power plant by the Chinese JV partners.

Koon Yew Yin


2018-01-31 08:27 | Report Abuse

All investors should go to my blog to read my latest article " Useful knowledge for investors"

Perhaps you click this link below to read

Koon Yew Yin


2018-01-31 07:47 | Report Abuse

I must thank xyxy8 for mentioning that he made money by following my recommendations to buy VS industry and Jaks. I also recommended Lii Hen and Latitude, all of which have gained a few hundred % within a couple of years. I have been the 2nd shareholder of each company at one time.

I don't need to promote any share so that readers can buy to support the share price. My intention is honorable. I am a multi-millionaire and I just want to help you to make money.

To understand me better, all investors should read my latest article " Useful knowledge for investors" on my blog.

Perhaps you can read it if you click this link below,

Koon Yew Yin


2018-01-29 22:23 | Report Abuse

For your information, my wife Tan Kit Pheng will have to report tomorrow that she bought about 20% of the total volume traded in the last 3 trading days. There are a lot of smart investors who bought 80 % of the total volume changed hands.

If I sold any share, I will have to report because I am a substantial shareholder. Koon Yew Yin


2018-01-29 11:00 | Report Abuse

I must thank happy888 and chanktet for their kind words. You are different from those people who cannot see the truth of what I say. I am already 85 years old. I am very rich and I do not need to make money by crocket means. I do not simply promote any share so that I can sell to make money. All the articles I wrote is with good intention.

For example Jaks. It has gone up from Rm 1.00 to close at Rm 1.75 within one year. On last trading day, 6.4 million shares changed hands and the price went up by 12 sen. Since I did not buy even one share, there must be a lot of buyers chasing to buy.

Koon Yew Yin


2018-01-29 10:34 | Report Abuse

I must admit my mistake in being so bullish on Hengyuan. I wrote a few articles with good intention to promote it. Just based on PE ratio it is a steal. I did not sell even when it shot above Rm 19.

I am sorry. Koon Yew Yin


2018-01-26 11:23 | Report Abuse

As a substantial holder of Jaks, I have to report if I buy or sell under the Securities Commission rule. Did you see any company announcement that I sold Jaks?

Koon Yew Yin


2018-01-22 15:28 | Report Abuse

Remember Masteel manufactures steel bars for building construction. Just open your eyes you can see there is an oversupply of properties in every town and city in Malaysia. As a result, the demand for steel bars and other building materials will be less in the coming months and years. It will take many years for the all the unsold properties to be taken up.

The current accounts of Masteel look healthy because of the late payment from developers and contractors. It is like the few property companies which are now showing the good profit is because of the sales concluded in previous years.

Koon Yew Yin


2018-01-18 06:16 | Report Abuse

As you can see that the share price of Hengyuan fluctuates so wildly and so widely that I am as puzzled as most investors. Its high and low of a day can be more than one Ringgit. As I said before the fantastic rise of Hengyuan from about Rm 2.50 to above Rm 19 within one year, an increase of about 800%, has created history in our local stock market that no one including I have not seen before.

As a result, many people asked for my advice and I told them that I also do not know how to react. Honestly, I have not started selling seriously. My family members and I have a total of more than 20 million shares. Hengyuan is our second largest investment. JAKS is our largest investment.

I consider unfair for the few commentators to say that I have promoted the share by writing so many articles to encourage them to buy and I dump my holdings.

I am not asking you to buy or sell Hengyuan. But if you decide to buy or sell, you are doing it at your own risk as I do not have any share of your profit or loss.

You must bear in mind that when I start to sell, I am not obliged to tell you.

Koon Yew Yin


2018-01-16 18:37 | Report Abuse

Apoloang keeps wanting me to confirm that I am really koon yew yin. He seems to know about my Volkswagen, Honda Civic, I also have a BMW 528i, a BMW 628i and a Rolls Royce. He can contact me 017-5577822 or my email address: or come to my house 65, lingkaran Meru Valley, Meru Golf Resort, Jelapang, 30020 Ipoh.

I hope he is satisfied and stops bothering me.

Koon Yew Yin


2018-01-15 21:04 | Report Abuse

I am really Koon Yew Yin and my Volkswagen AJM 8618

How can I help you? If you want to know why I bought so much of JAKS, you can see my latest article on my blog "Jaks'power plant progress report".

Koon Yew Yin


2018-01-14 22:57 | Report Abuse

apolloang, based on your last comment, you are really ?? you don't even know yewyin is kyy.
I am Koon Yew Yin and I have more than 100 million Jaks shares and my wife has more than 50 million Jaks shares. In the last 2 weeks Jaks went up from Rm 1.45 to close at Rm 1.72, up 27 sen. You can calculate why much money we have gained.

You must really examine your track record to see why you are still so poor. Remember sarcastic people will not be successful in life.

Koon Yew Yin