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8 comment(s). Last comment by hoyt 2013-05-21 06:51
Posted by benhctan > 2013-05-20 23:13 | Report Abuse
all the funds seemed to have such presentation in their annual reporting prospectus.
but when it comes to unit price per fund investment,it's horrible even when the KLCI is now toppish.
Unit price daily is quoted by Managers Price...rubbish..should be demand and supply price,not the fund company quote any how they like.
Posted by Shane My > 2013-05-21 00:33 | Report Abuse
Once again...Unit Trust has been misunderstood and being compared with stocks investing.
Posted by Shane My > 2013-05-21 00:40 | Report Abuse
kcchongz, I do not monitor all the funds performance, only selected funds. All public mutual funds are not in my list as they are overated.
In total there are 600 over unit trust funds available investing in variety of area from Malaysia to Asia Pac to China and World.
The top 10 equity Malaysia funds average (annualized) about 10-16% over a five year period. When I refer to annualized it means that it could be 20% for 1 year and -10% the following year. It follows the overall market sentiment (bearish or bullish). The difference is how good the fund manager manages the investment in terms of stocks picking and exiting at the right time.
The top 10 funds in Equity Malaysia category over-performs the KLCI index for 1, 3, 5 or 10 years in terms of capital gain. That I am very sure.
Therefore when investing in Unit Trust, it is wise to do some homework or obtain recommendation from reliable Unit Trust Consultant. Not the 3 suku type whom are into it just for the sales and commission.
benhctan, I think you need to read more about how the unit price is derived daily before accusing that it is quoted by the Manager. If unit trust perform poorer then the index, why is KLCI ETF so unpopular? EVeryone would be rushing to invest over there.
Posted by Nelson Yen > 2013-05-21 02:22 | Report Abuse
LOL, come to our session.... we will educate u...
Posted by kcchongnz > 2013-05-21 05:24 | Report Abuse
Shane My,
I don't expect you to monitor all the unit trusts in the order of 600+ as mentioned by you. However, if a unit trust agent or a financial adviser comes to see me to ask me to invest in his unit trusts, I would want to know all the answers to my questions above. I won't be happy with an answer saying the average compounded annual return for a 5-year period is 10-16% because when compounding, a CAR of 10% and 16% is a difference of the sky and the earth. I can't gauge. I am talking about long term as unit trust also always talk about long term as short term investor will not make the required return because of the transaction costs and fees. So short term market sentiment has no effect on the long term return. I am not that impressed only by the performance of the top funds as I am not sure the fund you recommend would be the top performing fund in the future, and if so for a year, whether it will continue to be the top fund for the next few years.
No, I am not expecting that the fund must outperform the market, but a true opinion from a professional whom I would want to entrust my money to.
Posted by kcchongnz > 2013-05-21 06:45 | Report Abuse
unit trust is based on NAV of its shareholding and cash. Price is quoted according NAV which one can sell and but basing on this NAV. If you want to be quoted by market demand, go for icap or the KLSE closed end index funds.
Posted by hoyt > 2013-05-21 06:51 | Report Abuse
try this for fund quick rank
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Posted by kcchongnz > 2013-05-20 20:12 | Report Abuse
Shane my, could you kindly provide information below:
1) Total how many funds are there in Malaysia?
2) What is the 5-year average or mean annualized return of the funds above?
3) What is the 5-year annualized return of the Malaysian market?
4) How many funds over-performed the market?
5) How many funds underperformed the market.
Hope you can use the NAV as the basis of the return of the funds. Thank you very much.