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188 comment(s). Last comment by Peter Lee 2014-11-07 15:02


1,219 posts

Posted by jenabchen123 > 2014-04-24 00:42 | Report Abuse

Koon got good point posting this. What the super rich Chinese have done? They must pledge half if not 3 quarter of their fortune to develop this poor group of people.

Posted by Koon Yew Yin > 2014-04-24 00:52 | Report Abuse

Top_investor, Economics and politics are interconnected. That is why in the famous London School of Economics, Political Science is one of the important subjects. You must remember, politicians make all the rules that affect economics, investment, your life and your future generations.

If this article is not suitable, I am sure the controller of this blog will not post it. Just within one day, there are already 53 commentaries.

My intention of writing this is to tell people that the current Government is not good and voters should vote for a change.

In 1970 when the NEP was introduced, the GDP per capita for Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea is about the same as Malaysia. Currently Singapore, Taiwan and S Korea are 3.5 times, 3 times and 2.5 time Malaysia respectively, despite that they all did not have the natural resources, like fossil fuel, palm oil, tin and rubber.

Top_investor, who are you to call me stupid. Open your eyes!!


12 posts

Posted by tawakkal > 2014-04-24 07:36 | Report Abuse

Hi gentlemen.. Dont get angry. Talk rationally not emotionally. To all, can you say with more appropriate words? I have chinese friends n i dont want lose my friendship becoz of this. If we continue with this hatred, it will never end. We should somehow find a way to be good friends, n to understand each other. if the chinese becomes PM, would u treat the malays equally? With this kind of hatred n revenge inside our heart? Or u would say padan muka. Anyway, this argument will not end until we have the feel of love n friendship towards each other. Would you accept my hand n move forward together for a better malaysia?

Posted by Adamlambert > 2014-04-24 07:46 | Report Abuse

Mr Koon, you are the man.


127 posts

Posted by Linabee > 2014-04-24 08:13 | Report Abuse

Its not our choice to be born whatever race we were fated. So, we need to look beyond the skin color...into the heart....much like investment. The wise one would always go for fundamentally strong shares and not just the face value...but the intrinsic value...


205 posts

Posted by lohman > 2014-04-24 09:09 | Report Abuse

The political dichotomy between the Chinese 'have' and 'have-not' has always been there but never more clearly evident than in recent years when even the 'have-some' middle class revolted against MCA/Gerakan. These two Chinese based political parties are blamed for not standing up against Umno tyranny and chicanery; their leaders are seen as weak and self serving. As for the Chinese poor and disadvantaged, their voices are not heard and their pleas for fair play not heeded. What else can they do but vent their frustration in the ballot box?


29 posts

Posted by qj1512 > 2014-04-24 10:01 | Report Abuse

Is there anything wrong with Mr Koon pointing out that the government does not take care of the poor? I am sure in Mr Koon's heart, he means all the poor like Melayu, Cina origin and Indian origin, they are all Malaysians.


29 posts

Posted by qj1512 > 2014-04-24 10:17 | Report Abuse

the orang asli as well


160 posts

Posted by mengcourt > 2014-04-24 10:20 | Report Abuse

Strongly agrees with your views, Mr Koon and lohman too. Like the Chinese proverb, "forcing the tiger to jump over the wall", what can the deprived poor do......the ballot box is the only way to express their feelings, short of migrating.


45 posts

Posted by henry123 > 2014-04-24 10:40 | Report Abuse

Each community need to take care of the own. Chineses have biggest pool of wealthy people? What have these super rich done to poor chineses? Its just to easy to blame government. The wealthy chineses can take care of chineses comuninty, please note the multiracial harmony we enjoyed is partly due to tolerance of each other. Blame other races can ignite disharmony.


4,632 posts

Posted by iafx > 2014-04-24 10:49 | Report Abuse

m'sia Chinese community has the most charity org around to help ppl, and they often DO NOT help only Chinese, any race go to them can get some help. this is unique compare to other.

apparently, the biggest community is the most greed, selfish and short sighted. too bad.


45 posts

Posted by henry123 > 2014-04-24 10:55 | Report Abuse

Iafx, please dont start blaming other races. Already the racial harmony not like it use to. Polarization gotten worse lately, we dont understand each other culture and belief. Taking harmony for granted will see next generation of highly polarize society.


4,632 posts

Posted by iafx > 2014-04-24 10:58 | Report Abuse

eh? which line blame what? :D

Posted by matjenin > 2014-04-24 11:33 | Report Abuse

Hate is not overcome by hate, by love alone this quell. This is the truth of ancient date to date. Famous icons like Nabi, Jesus, Buddha, Ghandi abhors these hate cultures and behaviours. Nabi talks about loving your enemies. It solves not problem but create hell...

I am also from a poor family before rising from Bukit Gantang, Perak. You know why kampung folks is always happy even though they are poor? All the races Chinese, Indians, Malays, aborigines knows everyone by name and helps each other, "telur sebiji riuh sekampung". When there is fruit seasons, you get baskets of free fruits (lower grades though) to share. Tiruk ikan, share with kampung mates. Gotong royong is common. Life is fun even though we are poor. These are all fast fading away.....as Malaysia modernise. Lets promote these spirit of togetherness and avoid hate speeches.....

The Malays poor mainly come from Malay Religious / 2nd 3rd tiers SK schools backgrounds. They are ignorant about NEP opportunities available. Many are drop outs and work as unskilled or semi-skilled labour in poorly paid agricultural or SME factories urban jobs with little potential for upward mobility.

The Malay poor also come from self employed backgrounds with businesses such as warung hawking, food stalls, etc. unable to succeed or grow because of competition and other factors.

These Malay are most vulnerable when they are unable to work due to ill health or old age as they do not have access to EPF savings or government pension safety net.

Because these Malays are poor, they are unable to provide the proper environment for their children to do well in their studies. This often leads to the reproduction of poverty in the family rather than socio-economic advancement for the younger generation.

One of the biggest handicaps of the Malay poor and their children is their inability to communicate effectively in other languages than their own dialect. This can be seen in the broken English or Bahasa Malaysia.

These Malay poor are almost completely ignorant about all government schemes providing skills training, income generation or educational and housing support and mis-out in these opportunities...

So don't blame Malays oke...It's Malaysia irregardless of races is having the same issues.


4,632 posts

Posted by iafx > 2014-04-24 11:48 | Report Abuse

for that maybe u wanna open yr eyes big-big what's the gov is make up of. that helps in solving the *mystery of poor.


1,566 posts

Posted by kkng0819kk > 2014-04-24 13:16 | Report Abuse

All poor people regardless of race needs help,if the gov and the super rich are not willing to help,then the least thing they can do,is not to deny them any apportunity and rights to the decent living!


671 posts

Posted by Taugeh > 2014-04-24 15:10 | Report Abuse

Wah, KK,you are here also hah..

we should hold our peace; work diligently like our ancestors or forefathers, invest wisely with good piece of advices kept in mind and trade carefully throughout our lifetimes.

Financial problems should be betterment in a generation or two at the most.

Agree? No? Well, if our grandparents saved a lot, parents saved a lot, we should capitalise on the previous savings from generations to educate ourselves with lifelong learning opportunities. If neither Grand parents nor parents worked for us, then it is our duties to work for ourselves and educate our kids to cultivate the habits of saving; every dollar counts toward the million. It is difficult but can be achieved nonetheless. It is never too late, 20-30-40 years. O, don't forget to exercise every day ah, we need a healthy body to live that long and achieve that goal.

I am trying by all means..just to share..


My boss told me that he is just as broke as I am eventhough he is making a lot more. My helper saved more than I do percentage wise...saving is the key..


277 posts

Posted by pinpin1314 > 2014-04-24 16:43 | Report Abuse

The Chinese poor mainly come from Chinese school backgrounds???? racist or wat


3,685 posts

Posted by alphajack > 2014-04-24 17:01 | Report Abuse

Duitbesar is such a retard. China owns Asia now, bi***. China can swallow Malaysia any day if it desires so but the resources here are not attractive hence China is slowly colonizing Africa instead. You people are such a tiny and weak race yet you act like you're worthy. Hilarious


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-04-24 17:57 | Report Abuse

10 like for this

Duitbesar is such a retard. China owns Asia now, bi***. China can swallow Malaysia any day if it desires so but the resources here are not attractive hence China is slowly colonizing Africa instead. You people are such a tiny and weak race yet you act like you're worthy. Hilarious


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-04-24 17:59 | Report Abuse

“China is a sleeping giant. Let her sleep, for when she wakes she will move the world.”

― Napoleon

duitbesar. go study history la. then u know how intelligent and powerful and versatile chinese is.


1,167 posts

Posted by kheng > 2014-04-24 19:10 | Report Abuse

Plis dun make up stories n tell the untruths while hiding behind a weird name. I also like to share sth with u all, the non-malay i talked to dare not speak up on racial issues as they r kiasi n suspicious of others, besides frightening of the 5 acts that r beckoning them. They will rather touch on businesses, work, entertainment, traveling n family matters etc even if they r unhappy over certain discriminating policies. All of them r extremely patriotic to Malaysia n r willing to die for the country whenever being called upon.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-04-24 19:21 | Report Abuse

Look at optimus comment. Talking about china. I dont say all chinese and indian have no national patriotic. Just some of them.


24 posts

Posted by simwyatt > 2014-04-24 19:28 | Report Abuse

I agree with Optimus1. We chineses are superior race in Malaysia. We can call China anytime to support us here.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-04-24 19:49 | Report Abuse

you see... the chinese proudly to call China for support. But never mind. This is just talking in blog.

300 years ago, Spanish, Portugis, and British went around the world for Christianity and looking for new land. Some of them leaving in the new land like Australia, New Zealand, Amerika, Canada, Brazil, South Afrika. But I never heard orang putih South African proudly call British gov for help.

For me, i have some difficulty to live in Malaysia. With low income status, and corruption in gov, I have to find a good place to work like Australia. Now i slowly saving money for return back to Malaysia. i dont wanna think what country can do for me, i just wanna think what i can do for country.


1,599 posts

Posted by cytew > 2014-04-24 20:01 | Report Abuse

要知道,一个人要成功致富,需要众多的无知和无能者間接的“辅佐”方能達成,同意吗 ?


51 posts

Posted by Huang > 2014-04-24 20:06 | Report Abuse

"i dont wanna think what country can do for me, i just wanna think what i can do for country."

This is Not Applicable in Boleh Land.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-04-24 20:17 | Report Abuse

Hehe... i have a lot opportunity to live in developed country and change citizenship. But im still very confident can do a lot in Malaysia and play money in business.

Yup... Country is country. bad or not i will try the best. African people very proud about their african country. Same like others.

Posted by Adamlambert > 2014-04-24 20:19 | Report Abuse

Mr Koon did u go for karpals funeral?


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-04-24 20:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by simwyatt > Apr 24, 2014 07:28 PM | Report Abuse

I agree with Optimus1. We chineses are superior race in Malaysia. We can call China anytime to support us here.

1000 like

hallo, china can built rocket and fly to outerspace. malaysia can or not? even rebadging a car like Potong and Perodua also fail after 40 yrs of learning, still cannot produce a proper car. tell me who own proton? which race?


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-04-24 20:22 | Report Abuse

aiyo, china also built fighter jet. we buy figther jet from ppls 2nd hand, then engine hilang. tell me, which race work there? tell me la.


24 posts

Posted by simwyatt > 2014-04-24 20:22 | Report Abuse

Africans and malays share similar trait, both very booddoohh and lazy. Chineses came to African and bring properity. If chineses migrate out of Bolehland and Africa both will bankrupt.


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-04-24 20:26 | Report Abuse

1000 like

Posted by simwyatt > Apr 24, 2014 08:22 PM | Report Abuse

Africans and malays share similar trait, both very booddoohh and lazy. Chineses came to African and bring properity. If chineses migrate out of Bolehland and Africa both will bankrupt.


24 posts

Posted by simwyatt > 2014-04-24 20:27 | Report Abuse

Don't worry brother Optimus1, if Pakatan win this time, malays will work as servants for us, hahahahaha. Waiting for the days malays nothing more that low class citizen in Bolehland


93 posts

Posted by malaysian > 2014-04-24 20:38 | Report Abuse

hello Mr Koon Yew Yin,
pls talk politics in a politic forum.this is a stock market investment website ..u are creating racism here among the Malaysian by talking so much about Chinese ,Malay ,Indian politics..
we can see you like to talk politics ,pls go n join DAP,PKR or UMMO if you liked..or if you are really really so unhappy being in Malaysian ,pls leave Malaysia n go to another country .nobody is stopping you.pls have some consideration for other members on this website..this is 3 investor-a free and independent portal.. got it? u r getting carried away with your political posting...pls in the future talk about stocks only , no politics here.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-04-24 20:42 | Report Abuse

Chinese is old civilization. They built the china wall hundred years ago. I cant deny about that thing. They are very good education.

But my canadian friend questioned me.

Chinese civilization is older than british and German. Chinese population is hugely bigger than german and british.

But the name of China just coming to second rank in in the world in 2000-present. sophisticate technology is come from western.

Why chinese take very long time to achieve the second place? why china colonized by japan in world war 2. why china di is just learn about submarine technology and Satelite technology. American is 300m population, but they control the world long time ago.


362 posts

Posted by tc2012 > 2014-04-24 20:44 | Report Abuse

@malaysian , If you dont like mr koon thread then skip it.
simple as that


1,094 posts

Posted by nicermannson > 2014-04-24 20:45 | Report Abuse

This page is race and politics and those who use their brain know that from the headline. Those who do not want to read, stop coming to this page. Another bigot asking pendatang to leave this bolihland.kikiki


1,964 posts

Posted by kk123 > 2014-04-24 20:46 | Report Abuse

The NEP is usually use by the BN cronies as excuse for monopoly, and corruption
Mahathir is the father of cronisym .. During his time he hand pick few Malays lead the rest
This policy severely fail as aftermath of the Asian financial crisis , cronies like halim , tajuddin, etc all got into trouble and need bailout


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-04-24 20:47 | Report Abuse


to answer u requires 5000 years.

in a nutshell. chinese r so intelligent. they prefer to shock the world after year 2000. this is all planned by our ancestor. they pick the best timing for us.

u mention those old superpower what happened to them now? all kaput and lining up to beg the chinese public sector or private sector.

incase u donno, our 2nd penang bridge build by China lor. why? bcos we still donno how to build a bridge ma. wakakaka.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-04-24 20:56 | Report Abuse

Dont compare malay and chinese. Malay consider young civilization. You have to compare with western people. dont talk about ancestor. other people will not believe you. you have to talk about fact.

You only talk about penang bridge. Have a look in oil gas contractor. Many malaysian company do business in China. SapuraKencana is 3rd biggist in the world for oil gas contractor.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-04-24 20:57 | Report Abuse

Too proud is a weakness.


362 posts

Posted by tc2012 > 2014-04-24 21:08 | Report Abuse

too many distractors.It seems that so far nobody really touching on the LESS VISIBLE miserable chinese poors.


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-04-24 21:18 | Report Abuse

Do u know the moment china stop buying us tresury bill, the whole world collapse overnite.
enuf said abt the chinese power.

Posted by Adamlambert > 2014-04-24 21:20 | Report Abuse



867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-04-24 21:26 | Report Abuse

Hehe... optimus1... dont too proud about your Chinese... you know why the Egyptian and Greek civilization collapse. because they are very proud about them self. They said no one can defeat them. Now they are nothing.


760 posts

Posted by ferdtwh > 2014-04-24 21:29 | Report Abuse

Im a chinese, we r born to be hardworking,competitive due to the number of people in China,it's too large / too many till we need to strive in order to survive for a living, and one of our main passion in life is money, this maybe the ugly side of chinese, this tends to shape chinese to be selfish sometimes, i could only realized this after born as a chinese for decades from reading all sorts of articles or books related to chinese, thus, i would say those were our strength if we enhance the values and not misuse it.


1,964 posts

Posted by kk123 > 2014-04-24 21:47 | Report Abuse

Once the policy change only then we can compete with countries like south Korea , Japan and HK
Now because of cronisym , we can only compete with mynmar , Bangladesh , Sri Lanka , Cambodia , we lose to even indo and Thailand
Cronisym and corruption and racial polarization are wrong policies
NEP SHLD be ENDED so that the mahathirs , the razaks , the badawi , hisham dynasty can end


3,685 posts

Posted by alphajack > 2014-04-24 22:16 | Report Abuse

lol this pilindo is a retard. It is not your culture who is causing the destruction of your race but your religion, my friend.

Country with the highest amount of atheists today make up the percentage of highest GDP per capital and HDI. On the other hand, religious countries (mostly Islam with some minor Christian zealot ones) make up the bottom in the list.

The Europeans realized this a long time ago and hence the Westphalian Treaty but the Europeans have suffered colossal economic loss after 2 World Wars leading the USA to be a world power and it shall lead on for probably another 40-50 years.

However, China, after many years of experimentation has finally utilized its potential and is already the regional power in Asia. Last year China has a GDP of $800 bil, 600bil higher than the US. With this kind of speed, China's economy will overtake the US in lesser than 10 years. However, I do not expect this of course cause I reckon the US will bounce back a bit soon and china's shadow banking will slow it down a bit. In spit of that, note how powerful China is and it is not about helping Chinese Malaysian etc or getting involved with tiny ants like Malaysia. China's emerging regional power in Asia itself will force it to eventually be a leader in Asia and co engage with the other countries and obviously small ants like Malaysia will be heavily influenced by China's coming rise and we will have to bow down to their economic and military supremacy. Note that Malaysia (not saying Malays) is a tiny shit country compared to China. Malaysia is not even close to being on par with Singapore, so don't you ever dare embarrass yourself to compare this shit country to a great rising civilization like China, one that could rival the USA in the future and make this world a bipolar power.


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-04-24 22:18 | Report Abuse


Posted by alphajack > Apr 24, 2014 10:16 PM | Report Abuse

lol this pilindo is a retard. It is not your culture who is causing the destruction of your race but your religion, my friend.

Country with the highest amount of atheists today make up the percentage of highest GDP per capital and HDI. On the other hand, religious countries (mostly Islam with some minor Christian zealot ones) make up the bottom in the list.

The Europeans realized this a long time ago and hence the Westphalian Treaty but the Europeans have suffered colossal economic loss after 2 World Wars leading the USA to be a world power and it shall lead on for probably another 40-50 years.

However, China, after many years of experimentation has finally utilized its potential and is already the regional power in Asia. Last year China has a GDP of $800 bil, 600bil higher than the US. With this kind of speed, China's economy will overtake the US in lesser than 10 years. However, I do not expect this of course cause I reckon the US will bounce back a bit soon and china's shadow banking will slow it down a bit. In spit of that, note how powerful China is and it is not about helping Chinese Malaysian etc or getting involved with tiny ants like Malaysia. China's emerging regional power in Asia itself will force it to eventually be a leader in Asia and co engage with the other countries and obviously small ants like Malaysia will be heavily influenced by China's coming rise and we will have to bow down to their economic and military supremacy. Note that Malaysia (not saying Malays) is a tiny shit country compared to China. Malaysia is not even close to being on par with Singapore, so don't you ever dare embarrass yourself to compare this shit country to a great rising civilization like China, one that could rival the USA in the future and make this world a bipolar power.

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