Blue Laser

lohman | Joined since 2014-01-01 11:59:49

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An investor who learnt that self proclaimed noble, altruistic people wanting to share their wealth and knowledge do not exist in the stock market. It is, after all, a zero sum game. Protect yourself from such con men. Learn fundamental value investing instead.





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2018-08-31 11:55 | Report Abuse

@Icon8888, I have lost count but definitely more than two times. To my great regret, years back I did ask him not to stop writing about stocks but then I discovered he was a clever stock manipulator; not at all noble or altruistic. But you are probably right in that he will be back, like some old opium addict who cannot give up his singular narcotic pleasure. What else does he have left in life at 85 if his enormous ego is not continuously stroked?


2018-08-28 11:13 | Report Abuse

It appears lots of people have recently been Kooned! About time all get wise to the fact that a good confidence trickster can successfully ply his trade for years in full public view as long as he appears believable. He can lie to his eyeballs, spice it with a few facts and figures and get away with it. Once he loses that aura however, he is finished. Few will trust him anymore.

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2018-08-23 10:26 | Report Abuse

If Kyy is a good businessman, he would not need to be a share goreng man for decades. He would still be a principal shareholders in one of the engineering outfits Gamuda, IJM, Mudajaya et al which he claimed he founded plus very rich and respected in society. He would be a wealth builder for investors, a model boss to employees, an esteemed taxpayer to the government but instead, what is he at age 85? A cari wang con artiste.

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2018-06-14 10:41 | Report Abuse

Get rich investing in Bursa Malaysia? Only very few made it and even fewer kept it. You need bull market conditions to make it big taking huge bets and then have the discipline to pull up stakes when well ahead. Those I know who got real rich started a business, grew it through decades, listed it and then can play the game more on their own terms.

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2018-06-14 09:14 | Report Abuse

JAKS controlling long term shareholders led by ALP are not that concerned about propping up the share price. They are more concerned about thwarting short term parasitic investors who create no value for the business but leave the company devastated after they sell out, taking their profits and leaving much pain behind. They know KYY and his tricks. That's why he is not wanted on the board of directors. This time, he is locked in for a long long time as a mere investor in JAKS.

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2018-06-08 16:18 | Report Abuse

I can only give this piece of advice, having made and lost much money in the stock market through the years. The most important thing in life is your health, not wealth, which is important but not critical to living a happy life. Without health, you will not enjoy your life, no matter your station in life. Live a balanced life; not one consumed by the mere pursuit of wealth.


2018-04-09 16:06 | Report Abuse

Only sure winners today will be the parties levying clearing fees and stamp duties!


2018-04-09 15:43 | Report Abuse

One more time! Roll the dice. It's not the beginning but the end that counts. Roll, brother Heng, roll them all over. There's one born every minute.

News & Blogs

2018-04-08 18:30 | Report Abuse

This time Calvin has got the ancient one by his short and curlies. Koon is caught red handed lying and twisting his words on Heng Yuan within a few short weeks. Maybe he thinks investors are inherently greedy, have very short memories or stupid for he has got away with clever deception for years. Anyone buying into Heng Yuan now must have eyes wide open to play casino games.


2018-03-15 16:31 | Report Abuse

A charitable trust can get tax exemption. You have to vest funds/assets to the trust which will be controlled by trustees of which you can one but basically, the assets are no longer legally yours. Koon claims he will donate all his wealth to charity when he dies but why wait when you can do much good now through a charitable trust? You go figure.


2018-03-15 09:45 | Report Abuse

All that is needed now is for banks to cut his margin financing drastically and Koon will be in deep shit. What shares will he sell to avoid margin calls? A so called super investor will then become a casualty of his own enormous ego and indulgence in anti government sentiment. In the stock market, fortunes can turn to ashes if you have high leverage and the market turns against you.


2018-03-15 09:32 | Report Abuse

Jaks BOD has proposed PP of 50 Million shares to 3rd parties. That is one classic defence tactic to dilute existing hostile shareholders stake. See how some minorities are now selling their shares with this development! The old goat has kooned himself by greedily acquiring 31% of Jaks without getting himself appointed on the board. Now he is stuck with his stake, can't unload and dare not mount an unwanted takeover. He has a big headache.

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2018-03-09 10:23 | Report Abuse

Best to avoid playing their game altogether. Must accept we not so smart, not so crooked. They may change their m.o. after a while as well. Just follow value investment rules and won't get burnt badly.

News & Blogs

2018-03-09 09:11 | Report Abuse

Best article to date in I3investor for 2018. As an OTB subscriber, was asked to buy Heng Yuan around RM6, buy call repeated several times around RM7, 8, 10 but did not follow partly because a self confessed egoisti old man then started promoting it. Ended as I feared it would, with the cynical old one laughing at all others after he sold his position. Learn value investing and you won't fall into the super conman trap in future.

News & Blogs

2018-03-06 16:17 | Report Abuse

The stock for Koon to buy already features large in his portfolio - JAKS. He should put his spare funds in his mouth and mount a takeover for control as he believes JAKS will be extremely profitable with the Hanoi power plant. The present BOD are hostile to him being appointed as a director despite he and wife being the single largest shareholders. What a bum situation for him! Terrible insult plus injury to his reputation as superinvestor. Got jacked alright!


2018-03-06 11:33 | Report Abuse

If the BN government really wanna do him in, the GLC related banks Affin, CIMB, RHB other than Maybank can be influenced to cut his oversized margin facility on one pretext or another. That will teach Koon an expensive lesson.


2018-03-06 11:16 | Report Abuse

Koon knows his dumping impacts the share price badly; that's why he keeps quiet until his furious selling spree is over. Pity the sochais who thought they were picking up cheap Heng Yuan. As for Jaks, the game is still on. Will Koon switch to buying even more Jaks now that he has funds from selling Heng Yuan and mount a hostile takeover for Jaks? Does he have the balls or just the cheap talk?


2018-03-06 09:26 | Report Abuse

Many small investors 'kooned' by the old goat again in Heng Yuan. He always has an excuse to dump his holdings stocks quickly, after which the stock price tanks badly and does not recover, as in RSawit, JTiasa, Mudajaya etc. So it goes on and on. Next one, Jaks?


2018-03-02 10:35 | Report Abuse

Gamuda and IJM are two leading infrastructure, construction and property development companies in Malaysia with market cap RM12 and 10 billion respectively. Why would a self trumpeted founder of such companies with savvy business sense divest his stakes in such eminent companies...unless his business sense is not what it is trumpeted to be? If he had held just 10% throughout either company's history, his stake would be worth RM1 billion! He would'nt need to speculate in shares at all.


2018-03-02 09:35 | Report Abuse

Koon should stick to promoting his major investment in Jaks and not criticize others' stock picks. Masteel is not in his holdings and is none of his business. Let me remind him of RSawit, JTiasa, Mudajaya and other bum picks which he happily sold while promoting the same stocks in I3INVESTOR. Was he concerned about other shareholders losses then despite his self avowed altruism and noble intentions? Hell, no, he gleefully unloaded on you and me. This old goat should now launch a hostile takeover for Jaks to keep himself busy and not meddle in other people's business.

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2018-02-18 11:16 | Report Abuse

If you have good business sense, you should be founding and running businesses full time; not speculating in Bursa stocks. The seriously rich in Malaysia are dominant leaders in one business or another which they built over time; they create jobs, pay taxes, are socially responsible and are accountable for their actions. They don't brag about their wealth to the whole world, or constantly remind others how clever they are, for they know the other type of BS when they see it.

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2018-02-14 11:52 | Report Abuse

It would seem only 'the old one' possesses business sense, all other investors being deficient in one way or another. That is why he blows his leaky trumpet incessantly; constantly reminding others of his past record founding certain companies ; his stock pick prowess ( only winners featured, losers need not apply ); his philanthropy, his noble intentions and altruism, his desire to leave all wealth to charity when he dies and so on, and so on, ad nauseum. Sounds so fake and con man. He should go read Robert Kuok's memoirs and learn what business sense really is, instead of being fixated on just making more money.


2017-11-24 10:18 | Report Abuse

The company is helmed by a bunch of lazy but quarrelsome directors. Spent the last 10 plus years in litigation on the sale of their palm oil estate but nothing about seeking new business opportunities despite being cash rich. Talk about sitting on one's bum. Even elevated one of their own to be ED though he is 79 years old! Too many EDs drinking company soup. Pity the minority shareholders.

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2017-11-20 10:50 | Report Abuse

Go where economic development is going to boom in the next decade or so. Go with the smart money. That needs some foresight to decipher. Is it going to be Iskandar Johore, Butterworth Penang or Orchard Road Singapore?

News & Blogs

2017-05-28 11:43 | Report Abuse

Been kooned before on JTiasa and Mudajaya in 2014 by the cunning old fox and will never forget that expensive lesson. Koon is neither noble or altruistic but covers himself cleverly with a false veneer; then beats his chest with small deeds of charity. Just what clever con men do. Let others be forewarned.

News & Blogs

2017-05-28 10:40 | Report Abuse

Koon does not pretend to be noble or altruistic anymore. He has been 'jaxed', then 'sen-died', and is looking for 'taiseikwai' to help him out in these two counters. Not a ponzi but probably another lame scheme to get others to buy so he can get out. His tried and true m.o. for years.

News & Blogs

2017-05-22 10:37 | Report Abuse

Jaks is more like a love starved frog that needs a young beautiful princess to kiss it and turn it back into a prince! An old man hugging and kissing it just won't work.


2017-05-03 16:51 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately Alliance DBS is alone in its above 6.00 target. One swallow does not make a summer, one strong call does not create excitement or catalyst for investors to chase the stock. The herd mentality needs to be stimulated for a buying stampede.


2017-05-03 10:05 | Report Abuse

Research house target for Gamuda is only around 5.50 or so. Given current price 5.30, there is limited room for upward price movement, hence very low premium for warrant. Stock needs a boost for re-rating of target price to above 6.00, which may come in future months from certain investment disposals and large new contracts, then warrant will fly. Warrant holders need to be patient.

News & Blogs

2016-11-30 11:59 | Report Abuse

More than 1 year and all is silent on the so called KYY Residential Complex at USM. Already donated the RM50 mil? So where is the money? Physical work has not commenced at USM. Can someone less gullible give intelligent comment on the project?

News & Blogs

2016-11-29 15:29 | Report Abuse

If RHB has any smarts, they'll realize this oh so clever conman is merely using the bank's name to refurbish his own tarnished reputation and decline to be associated with him. Announcing this scheme first makes him the frontrunner to get favorable publicity whether the bank participates or not. By the way, what happened to the multimillion pledge to build hostel accommodation for students in Penang?

News & Blogs

2016-10-24 12:32 | Report Abuse

Joel Greenblatt words of warning about stock tips and advice from people who purportedly want to make you rich is only too true. Beware the con man who professes to be noble and altruistic, and makes much ado of his philanthropy for that is but a thin cloak but then frequently promotes stocks where he has a large position. Many of us wish we were aware of JG's prescient words much earlier. Never too late to learn though.

News & Blogs

2016-10-09 11:31 | Report Abuse

Readers, want to help Koon choose a suitable name for his charitable trust?

News & Blogs

2016-10-09 11:29 | Report Abuse

That bit about leaving all his money to charity when he dies (other than a million each to close relatives) is just so much poppycock. Why not do good now when you are alive and kicking? It's a lot more fun, I assure you.

News & Blogs

2016-10-09 11:25 | Report Abuse

One thing about an excellent confidence trickster is the image he creates about being kind, charitable, noble, altruistic and the like; and he may indeed do some good deeds but this is just a cynical illusion for publicity. Koon is exactly that. The RM amount he actually spends can be relatively minor but reputable figures may unwittingly be enticed to endorse his (undocumented) generosity and enhance his credentials. Figures bandied about on Koon's charitable works are all unverified as to RM quantum spent. If Koon were to donate RM50 million cash to a dedicated charitable trust ( of which he can be one of the trustees), to do specific good deeds such as real scholarships for deserving young students, or homes for the aged and infirm, I would be much more impressed. His self promotion as a philanthropist is way overdone.

News & Blogs

2016-10-08 10:23 | Report Abuse

Koon has retired from I3investor a few times but came back time and again to tout his stock picking prowess and brag about his opaque philanthropy. Will he fade away this time for good? I certainly hope so for the sake of the many newbie investors. I believe self described noble, altruistic Koon to be a consummate confidence trickster, hiding behind a veneer of seemingly good deeds to enrich himself through clever deception. Is he now going to devote himself to helping the poor? Maybe just little, to maintain that philanthropic image. All part of the cost of the "conman" business. Is he going to leave all his money to charity when he dies as he has so often written? Well, then, do you believe in the tooth fairy?

News & Blogs

2016-09-23 10:01 | Report Abuse

Who can forget Xinquan Int'l Sports? Not even the self labelled super investor who recommended it for the simple fact that he and family members were still captive substantial shareholders with over 10% of its share capital according to its annual report 2015! This time, even Koon could'nt unload a dud China stock on unsuspecting newbies who are more savvy than to trust a China company. Talk about karma being a bitch.

News & Blogs

2016-09-10 11:37 | Report Abuse

Koon Yew YIn, please comment. You are the largest Malaysian shareholder in Xingquan holding some 49 million shares or 14% in several familiar names occupying 10 of 30 spots in the largest shareholder list. This is a super dud investment.

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News & Blogs

2016-09-01 10:19 | Report Abuse

Ha, ha, murali; he was fined RM 5 million plus 5 years jail for his price fixing Repco shares after successfully delaying his case for nearly 20 years but I'm not sure if he is now behind bars.

News & Blogs

2016-09-01 10:06 | Report Abuse

As a minority investor you don't make money until you sell the stock at a high price and cash out. Remember the Repco man and his near cornered share which price ran up well past RM100 in the 1990's bull run? Did he make a lot of money? No. He could'nt possibly unload at such ridiculous prices. Guess what happened to him eventually?

News & Blogs

2016-09-01 09:54 | Report Abuse

Calvin is fragilely human, makes a lot of investment calls quite a few of which have been wrong, leads with his chin in I3Iinvestor commentaries and therefore gets socked from time to time but yet, I would trust him more than the self described altruistic, noble, charitable super investor Koon Yew Yin. Ask Koon why he only promotes stocks where he has already collected a large stake at low prices. Why not when he first identifies a great stock and it is still at bargain price?

News & Blogs

2016-08-15 12:44 | Report Abuse

You do the maths.
Look at the available resources, human, financial or otherwise in Malaysia devoted to sports compared to sporting giants USA, China, Great Britain, Germany, Japan etc. Once in a blue moon, an outstanding individual from a small country can beat the odds and become an individual world champion in some relatively minor sport such as badminton or squash but with the talent pool being so small, with a indigenous nurturing structure so undeveloped, chances are indeed slim Malaysia can produce world beaters regularly. Even less likely in large team events such as football, hockey, basketball or the like where multiple talents are a must. Chances are further reduced when women are not encouraged to take up certain sports.


2016-07-29 10:41 | Report Abuse

Mudajaya has not seen daylight for two years; ever since July 2014 conman Koon Yew Yin sold down his 10 plus million shares after swearing by the Indian power project's profitabilty and his insider news. The share was around RM2.50 then but very quickly tanked to below RM2, then RM1.50, even RM1.00 with many small investors losing hope and money along the way. There were also management changes. There are just too many stale bulls in the stock. Only Fairfax group seem to have faith, building a substantial stake. Mudajaya has its work cut out to rebuild investor confidence.

News & Blogs

2016-07-21 09:16 | Report Abuse

Greed and dishonesty are Koon's bed partners. Egotism is his constant companion. This old man just knows no shame. Just stop blogging for your own sake and salvage whatever little credibility you have.

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2016-05-15 16:06 | Report Abuse

Human nature: A confidence trickster and serial liar will continue his cheating ways unless he is exposed and publicly shamed.

News & Blogs

2016-05-14 17:40 | Report Abuse

Helping some first year UTAR students till they get government loans is small change compared to the favorable publicity and prestige he has milked from them. Some are resentful he keeps harping on the few thousand RM he spent on them. Who knows the actual numbers or costs? There is no independent verification of KYY's boasts. Everything he claims to have done, you only have his word. He also says when he dies, most of his money will be donated to charity. Who believes and who is going to verify that by the way? Why not do good now, set up a charitable trust with specific aims and provide it with visible funds of say, RM50 million, not pledges or promises, and the trust can do some visible and verifiable good immediately.

News & Blogs

2016-05-11 12:20 | Report Abuse

Ha ha, thanks murali. Actually it was quite an experience to meet a master confidence trickster one to one. He has a mesmerizing personality and can be so humble and believable when he needs to be. However, he who protests too much is not what he claims to be; whether philanthropist, super investor, or simply noble and altruistic. We live and learn.

News & Blogs

2016-05-11 11:58 | Report Abuse

He was selling his JTiasa and Mudajaya on the quiet then but very speedily. Still hold those two duds. Very expensive lesson.

News & Blogs

2016-05-11 11:55 | Report Abuse

No beef but had lunch at Italian restaurant housed in colonial bungalow premises he owns. Very expensive lunch though I did not pay for it.