15 people like this.

78 comment(s). Last comment by Lincoln Lincoln 2016-12-25 19:41


18,658 posts

Posted by Icon8888 > 2016-12-23 21:13 | Report Abuse

I bought pop corn already

Posted by Pierre-Simon Laplace > 2016-12-23 21:18 | Report Abuse

So deep.. Can anyone produce one plain English version for me?

Thanks pls

Posted by Pierre-Simon Laplace > 2016-12-23 21:18 | Report Abuse

Laplace is German so cannot understand....


14,784 posts

Posted by VenFx > 2016-12-23 21:28 | Report Abuse

Use some imagination lor...kiki
Stockmanmy 傻傻的 搞不清楚 :)


2,823 posts

Posted by cheoky > 2016-12-23 22:06 | Report Abuse

Popcorn for clashes of Titans? SMany will be unleashed..

Mini Bull

797 posts

Posted by Mini Bull > 2016-12-23 22:46 | Report Abuse

no porn, hahahaha


21,624 posts

Posted by paperplane2016 > 2016-12-23 23:20 | Report Abuse

Obviously.the examples of jtiasa and xingquan is wrote to refer to someone....hidden message with bone.....


21,624 posts

Posted by paperplane2016 > 2016-12-23 23:21 | Report Abuse

Having said that. It is good time to buy some jtiasa now since down 50%

John Lu

5,187 posts

Posted by John Lu > 2016-12-23 23:49 | Report Abuse

Ckchongz wanna start war again with kyy?


2,305 posts

Posted by abangadik > 2016-12-23 23:49 | Report Abuse



203 posts

Posted by mike90 > 2016-12-23 23:51 | Report Abuse

Anyone knows whose portfolio is this?

About 80% of my total investment is on the plantation sector. I have Kulim, FGV, SOP, TH Plantation and Jaya Tiasa and their closing prices are Rm 3.40, 4.46, 6.40, 2.00 and 2.75 respectively


2,305 posts

Posted by abangadik > 2016-12-24 00:03 | Report Abuse

Yesterday I was told a lot of wisdom inside their view :D I definitely take what is good from them, I am my own man. Even though my thinking is much closer to what Mr. Chong share. It is good to hear from
both side :D

Posted by MartinGarrison > 2016-12-24 00:09 | Report Abuse

No need talk so much. There is no listed company worst than Hiap Huat Holdings Bhd (HHHCorp, 0160). Even the CEO give up, and allow everybody to spam him at shchan@hiaphuat.com

Posted by omegacankill > 2016-12-24 00:14 | Report Abuse

how many rounds already?.. did somemore know the current score?... and who gonna deliver the KO blow!


583 posts

Posted by malaysiaku > 2016-12-24 03:03 | Report Abuse

cikgu kcchong berdebat dengan stockmammy...cikgu menang 1st,2nd,3th, 4th round...cikgu lawan kyy...sama seri...banyak round sampai tak ingat lagi round yang mana satu...haha...tapi cikgu dapat sambutan hangat dari peminat cikgu...memang bagus ada perdebatan selalu antara sifu sifu untuk faedah kita bersama...pengalaman cikgu chong dapat menyuntik semangat dalam dunia pelaburan yang masih tidak menentukan ekoran ekonomi semasa yang agak lembap....KO blow belum tentu dapat dipastikan sebab sifu sifu ini ada track rekod tersendiri...yang penting kita dapat menimba pengetahuan dan menilai mana satu kaedah yang sesuai untuk diguna pakai....KO blow??? belum ada lagi, bro.....


416 posts

Posted by einvest88 > 2016-12-24 05:23 | Report Abuse

That exactly make d 2 person creating 2 different set of wealth. It is ok to be overconfidence on stock investing. Without this inner power u wont dare to hoot big and make big. As long as u adopt cut loss strategy u r still ok. U just need to be right few times and have confidence to hold and make big then u can successful in stock investing.


110 posts

Posted by lion188 > 2016-12-24 05:26 | Report Abuse

How rich is kcchong compare to KYY who he hentam?


110 posts

Posted by lion188 > 2016-12-24 05:27 | Report Abuse

Who know KYY is good at trading compare to KC Chong? He might own the shares 1 time but maybe already disposed who know?


363 posts

Posted by rainbowyen > 2016-12-24 07:55 | Report Abuse

kyy of course rich...so he can brag a lot more mah...he is the founder of ijm and gamuda...so rich, that's why he blog so special....he is promoting his stock online and sell his stock without informing sc and bursa malaysia...always late informing bursa malaysia....money can buy anything mah....fine also no problem for him...coffee money mah...


583 posts

Posted by malaysiaku > 2016-12-24 08:11 | Report Abuse

@lion188, kyy suka tunjuk kekayaan loh....suruh orang beli, tapi pada masa yang sama jual saham pula... tengok macam gadang...mula-mula cakap gadang bagus... mesti beli... lepas itu cakap tak bagus...suruh orang jual...lepas itu, beli balik... cakap orang bodoh kalau tak beli pada kadar rendah...memang hebat kyy...


5,470 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2016-12-24 09:10 | Report Abuse

Dear all,
I had to admit I had not even read a single investment guru book often quote by I3 investor Sifu (My apology I do not mean to offend anyone) because I am not inspire to become Super investor or super rich. (My purpose of investing in share market is to have continues stream of income when I retired). Whenever I had the time, I like to read memoir, politic, motivation and spiritual book as I am inspire to be a better men as I growth old with age. Since I start writing my comment in Xingquan I had received encouragement and wise advices from the i3 community, I would like to thank all from the bottom of my heart, it mean a lot to me. I had also received insult, name calling, ridicule and mockery. I accepted all with humanity even though it hurt deep inside. I start a painful journey in Xingquan and only an EGM will tell the true. My apology I still working NOW on it ,as I need to take it step by step to gather supports make appointment to see a lot more people (Some are on yearend holiday) I shall persist to find a true closure to this sad chapter so that everyone can move on.
To all who ready their popcorn and expect to watch the clashes of Titans in this blog. My advice is why not take your love one and children to a cinema and really enjoy your popcorn and movie together. After all you deserve your hard earn long holiday thus spend it wisely with family.
It’s another 8 days to year 2017 why not we seek forgiveness to all we love and care or even to whom we dislike for any crude word and bad deed that we might incidentally done without knowing that they do feel hurt.
Thank you
Salam Maaf Zahir dan Batin dari saya.


5,470 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2016-12-24 09:20 | Report Abuse

Dear I3 community I had the habit of writing my yearly sharing of thought of what have happen in the past one year and share it with colleague and family. I now view all i3 community as my extended colleagues and family thus I would like to share this with you
Dear colleagues,
New Year Sharing: 2017 (Doing the Right Thing Now)
Goodbye to 2016 and welcome 2017
Goodbye to year of Monkey and welcome the year of Rooster.
Time fly as another year pass-by and it time for me to write my sharing of thought of what happening in the past one year.

The year started with Ms. Tsai Ing Wen from Democratic Progressive Party winning the Taiwan President election in January and end with Mr. Donald Trump from Republican Party winning the US president election in November. Both candidates had used the tactics of pitting one group against the other and play up the fear and insecurities of one group against another.
In Taiwan case: Local against those newcomers/decedents from KMT mainland China.
In America: White American first against those color people in US and blaming China, Mexico and unfair trade treaties for Americans job loss.

President Tsai had now suffered the consequence of her action with economic slowdown, massive tourists’ reduction from Mainland China causing airline bankruptcy and many other tourist related industry players struggling to survive. Labor workers strike had become a norm and bull dozer of law through DPP controlled legislator had cause massive street protest. The hateful and revengeful partisan politics of DPP and KMT had seen lawmakers throwing punches, kicking and hair pulling at each other in the full view of camera inside the sacred Legislator Hall.

For president elect Mr. Donald Trump, he will take over President Obama on 20 Jan 2017 as the 45th president of the United State of America the world most powerful country. I can only pray that his policy will not cause chaos in this already chaotic word. My most worry is his recent statement that he might reconsider One China Policy and with independent mind President Tsai of Taiwan any miscalculation by her part will provoke main land China to lunch confrontation/war of forceful reunification (Surely the forefather would not like to see bloodshed between brothers in any forceful confrontation)

Back to Malaysia if you had followed the UMNO AGM, you will notice it had turned from bad to worst, sickening, disgusting, shameless and disturbing. Manipulating people’s emotion and fear with racially and religion charge baseless and imaginary allegations. With edited video visuals throw in in-between to instigate racial and religious hatred. Fear-mongering and falsified lie-hood that if BN lose the GE14, the DAP will take over the country and do away the Bumiputra rights, privileges, institutions, institution of the Malay Rulers and ridicule the teaching and practices of Islam. We all have sinned if UMNO falls. Let me remind UMNO leaders that Pakatan Harapan consists of PKR, Amanah, DAP and newly mint Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia as such DAP can never form a government by itself. Just do the mathematics it is so clear to all that DAP do not have the number unless of cause your mathematics is so poor that you cannot even do addition and subtraction? If UMNO falls it is their own doings, they are the sinners and the greatest sinner is the MO1. I pledge with all the voters, please vote the corrupted sinner UMNO out in GE14. You will be the savior of our beloved country and will be appreciated by all Malaysians and be rewarded in this life with better government and the afterlife since you have done the RIGHT THING and redeem your past sins.

The other day some colleague in our WhatsApp group sends a picture of Tun Dr. Mahathir and his wife sitting by the road side holding vigil for the freedom of Bersih 2.0 chairperson Marie Chin Abdullah detained under the security offences act Sosma. Some comment karma really work, he reaped what he sowed. My heart crying and comment Tun can easily choice to relax at his house and live an easy retirement life but instead he take up this fight in the believe his action today will bring a better tomorrow for all so please respect his choice. (Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir, I am sorry I am not there with you because I am currently working fulltime in Indonesia fulfilling my responsibility to my employer and family. But I promise you this when I had done with my responsibility. I will take up your fight to bring about social wellbeing and justices to all Malaysian. Tun Dr. Mahathir please does take care of your health and Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah you are always such a loving and caring wife that most of the men can only dream about please do take good care of yourself and your husband health.)

I had read some of the memoir written by past leaders. We can keep arguing whether it is Dr. Mahathir that orders the “Operation Lalang” or the IGP did that. Whether former DPM Musa Hitam resigned in upholding his principles or out of polit


5,470 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2016-12-24 09:22 | Report Abuse

I had read some of the memoir written by past leaders. We can keep arguing whether it is Dr. Mahathir that orders the “Operation Lalang” or the IGP did that. Whether former DPM Musa Hitam resigned in upholding his principles or out of political bitterly of Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah been appointed to Minister of Trade and Industry. All those arguing will not change anything or improved our condition NOW.
So to all the honourable past leaders, distinguished retired civil servants and excellent captains of industry:
You have written your memoir. So do I, but I am still continuously writing my.
You had your past success and failure. So do I.
You had your moment of joy and sadness. So do I.
You have made mistake and learn from your mistake. So do I.
You have your regrets and things that you wish that you can turn back the clock and start all over again. So do I. But I had learned no matter how much I wish it will never happen. I had learned IF ONLY belongs to the past and when I meet with failure I would say NEXT TIME what, where and how can I do better and the next time is NOW.
You have well retired to your desire lifestyle. But I am still working hard to fulfil my responsibility to my employer and family. I am worrying sick of what kind of future is awaiting my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren?
You can choose to live in your past glory or past sorrow. But I choose to live my in “NOW”.

So to all Malaysians, I do not forget the past. I remember it vividly but I had learned to forgive all whose had wronged me and especially I had forgive my own sins, mistakes and regrets because by forgiving, I can free myself of past baggage and start to do the RIGHT THING NOW. I believe whatever action and inaction we do today will have a consequent in the future. We cannot change history but together we can help to shape the future that your, my and our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will live in. So what kind of future you wanted to leave behind for your children will depend on what action you do NOW? Please do not let a 91 years old Tun Dr. Mahathir fight the fight alone for the good of our future. Please stand up, hand in hand with him and take up yours responsibility.

Dear Pak Lah and the three Tan Sri, ex-MACC chief Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed, ex-Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, ex-Bank Negra Governor Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz and even the fourth Tan Sri IGP Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar. No hatred in the heart, forgive other and yourself and free yourself from the past baggage and do the RIGHT THING NOW.
I only want a Malaysia that truly recognize and celebrate its diversity where all race/ethnicity, religions and cultures can live in harmonies with mutual respect and acceptant.
A religion practices in moderation that promote acquired all type of worthy knowledge.
An open and color blind society where issues can be debate constructively on its merit and demerit without fear and favor.
A government that is Clean, Honest, Responsible, Competent, Just and above all Respecting Human Right.
Is that too much to ask for?
If you want me to kneel down and begging you to do what is the RIGHT THING for the nation NOW. Just name the place and time and I will be there. Kneeling down before you begging you for the betterment of our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren future please do the RIGHT THING NOW, before it is too late.
I need to stop here as tear start streaming down my eye. I am sorry.
Thank you
Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Yours truly,


56 posts

Posted by cola > 2016-12-24 09:23 | Report Abuse

KYY is a poor man... All he has is money and his value are all about money:-)


112 posts

Posted by Jason33 > 2016-12-24 09:25 | Report Abuse

Sslee, if u have the right investing philosophy earlier, it might save you from this painful journey. The right mindset towards investment is not so easy to acquire. sometimes we need to fall only to know how pain it is. gud luck to all.

Posted by resilient911 > 2016-12-24 09:45 | Report Abuse

looks like i3malaysia is most active blogs compare to other i3uk,sg,us,austrl etc.


20,923 posts

Posted by rchi > 2016-12-24 10:20 | Report Abuse

No need talk so much.I suggest a stock competition between KC n KYY to determine who is the better man.Action n results speak louder than words.
Come on you two.Show us what you got. Wakakaka.

Posted by Tang Khangseng > 2016-12-24 10:58 | Report Abuse

Thank you KC for the sharing, Merry Christmas and hope to see your next article.


20,923 posts

Posted by rchi > 2016-12-24 11:09 | Report Abuse

However,upon seeing how lansi the old man is,i proclaim KC to be the winner in EQ category.
Old man,you are rich ,so what?Go compete with Jack Ma n see where you stand.


2,305 posts

Posted by abangadik > 2016-12-24 11:13 | Report Abuse

why jack? Can't even be top 10 in Malaysia, hengtai. :D hehehehehe.

Posted by younginvestor92 > 2016-12-24 11:14 | Report Abuse

Dear KC, since you are so good at investing, why you're unable to just be a substantial shareholder of a company, not even one?


14,605 posts

Posted by CharlesT > 2016-12-24 11:21 | Report Abuse

How much is koon initial capital invested in stock mkt? Bear in mind he is oredi dam rich when he invested in stock mkt 30 years ago..


14,605 posts

Posted by CharlesT > 2016-12-24 11:24 | Report Abuse

Lets say he started with rm50 million 30 years ago n now he owns rm500 million...if kc started with rm50k 30 years ago n now he owns rm1 million....who is more successful in stock mkt?


14,605 posts

Posted by CharlesT > 2016-12-24 11:26 | Report Abuse

If u measure in absolute money terms certainly koon is no 1 in i3..


468 posts

Posted by sctan > 2016-12-24 11:27 | Report Abuse

will kyy disclose all his transactions in stock market? I don't think so. he may only show his winning transactions, but not the rest. so what is the point for him to challenge ppl.


20,923 posts

Posted by rchi > 2016-12-24 11:27 | Report Abuse

To me the old man is only sub standard.Period.


14,605 posts

Posted by CharlesT > 2016-12-24 11:27 | Report Abuse

Anyway i doubt if other investors at his level will b so free to come to i3 to show off their wealth everyday


14,605 posts

Posted by CharlesT > 2016-12-24 11:28 | Report Abuse

Just like a 18 years old adult goes to kindergarden to show off how tall he is....lol


20,923 posts

Posted by rchi > 2016-12-24 11:29 | Report Abuse

Just learn a few basic kungfu techniques n come i3 to show off.You still hv a long way to go .


14,605 posts

Posted by CharlesT > 2016-12-24 11:32 | Report Abuse

If oldman got balls lets hv a stock pick competition with kc for 2017, without the buying tips from otb. Everybody here knows u follow otb tips 100 percent since 2014...


20,923 posts

Posted by rchi > 2016-12-24 11:34 | Report Abuse

That is what i just suggested.Let him show us how good he is.But i can guarantee you old man will play dirty..wakaka.


20,923 posts

Posted by rchi > 2016-12-24 11:35 | Report Abuse

Come chrissyconn n challenge me first.


20,923 posts

Posted by rchi > 2016-12-24 11:37 | Report Abuse

Dun worry,i will let him hv handicap.Lol.


6,977 posts

Posted by stockmanmy > 2016-12-24 11:41 | Report Abuse

too much yang, time for yin to emerge
too much yin, time for yang to emerge

From the ivory towers comes the 20 formulas 20 ratios
But we all know that CFAs have not done better than gifted individuals with their business sense.

FA like rice
You need rice to survive
Too much rice makes one fat and lazy

TA like vitamin
You need vitamin to perform at your best
Too much vitamin is poison in the body

Engineers approach this thing like an engineering problem with his formulas
Accountants approach this thing with his 20 accounting ratios
But this is a behavior problem , a personality problem

So, I approach this thing by looking at the Man and the men making the decisions.


super good re-adaptation and improvements


War is the best educator
Bring on the wars, bless the fallen
War is the best inventor and starts the fastest rate of human progress.


14,605 posts

Posted by CharlesT > 2016-12-24 11:41 | Report Abuse

Rchi yr actual return is even better than kc...dont humilate oldman lah


20,923 posts

Posted by rchi > 2016-12-24 11:43 | Report Abuse

I only lose to CharlesT...kikiki


6,977 posts

Posted by stockmanmy > 2016-12-24 11:47 | Report Abuse

If one is so prevention focused, you may want to consider FDs and unit trusts.
The CFAs, the CPAs and the maintenance Engineers are principally prevention focused

Yet, if one wants the stock market to make a significant difference, then I suggest readers take seriously the wisdom from one of the best in the KLSE, over decades, not months. Make a difference. Approach this thing like an entrepreneur would.


2,305 posts

Posted by abangadik > 2016-12-24 12:16 | Report Abuse

rchikor and Charles, give the old people a break la :D hehehehe... rich people mostly humble one, in fact afraid ppl know they are rich.


2,305 posts

Posted by abangadik > 2016-12-24 12:18 | Report Abuse

From my observation, I think we know who makes the best return hehehehee.. Rchikor last year for a period of few months already 500% kikikikiki.. Richie rich


20,923 posts

Posted by rchi > 2016-12-24 12:46 | Report Abuse

hengtai,not to boast but it is 500% in one month plus.
you remember in august 2015 china decided to float the renminbi,consequently klci drop frm 1700 to 1500,then rebounded frm 1500 to 1700 in a month.
i sapu fbmklci-hk when klci drop 200 pts,n sapu 3 different fbmklci c's on the 200 pts rebound.
forgot wat c d,but 2 r frm cimb n 1 frm kibb.

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