cchong86 just wonder why you dislike medicine salesman. Because they sold you a fake Viagra pills aaah. Hehehehe Anyway I didn't make the video la.. just post its to tease small gas little pinky communists
Modern medicine discovered that genuine Snake Oil actually cures many things.
The term Snake Oil salesman came from people who sold normal oil as Snake Oil. Back then in those early days of the Wild Wild West snake oil was very hard to obtain.
so Snake Oil salemen used normal oil and sold a fake product, just like the Sith Lord and his Apprentice hawking palm oil shares.
In a milestone moment, the economy of China surpassed the whole of the European Union (EU), for the first time.
Figures released this week by the European Statistical Office (Eurostat) said that the gross domestic product (GDP) of the EU grew by 5.2 percent for 2021, following a record-breaking recession in 2020.
The EU wide GDP stood at just over $17 trillion, regaining its pre-Covid-19 size.
The GDP is a measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time period.
On the other hand, China's GDP for 2021 expanded by 8.1 percent, according to figures released last month by the county's National Bureau of Statistics. The full-year GDP resulted in China's economy increasing in value by $3 trillion from 2020 to 17.7 trillion in 2021, leaping ahead of the EU.
In a report last month, the British consultancy the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) forecasted that China is expected to overtake the US as the world's largest economy by 2030.
In 2021 the US GDP stood at just under $23 trillion, a $2.10 trillion increase over the 2020 figures.
The CEBR report forecasted that the US economy will continue to grow without any of the necessary spurts in growth to maintain its lead. It also added that China's massive pool of engineers would be a significant driver of growth in contrast to the US, which cannot churn out the same level of highly skilled labour.
Is China fudging its GDP figures? Evidence from trading partner data
Introduction How can we reliably estimate fluctuations in economic activity when official statistics are of questionable quality? Some authors have used light emissions as a check on the statistics (Henderson et al., 2012, Pinkovskiy and Sala-i-Martin, 2016). Measured light emissions have considerable high-frequency noise, so this approach serves as a low-frequency check on statistical quality. But it is often of interest to understand cyclical fluctuations as well. China is a clear example where cyclical fluctuations are of first-order interest.
The reliability of China’s national accounts data is a perennial topic of discussion among observers of China’s economy. The Economist Intelligence Unit nevertheless holds the view that, while far from perfect, the data offer a reasonable view of the size of China’s economy, as well as the direction of its momentum. While there is powerful evidence that percentage changes in real GDP are “smoothed” (typically upwards during economic downturns and downwards during upturns), they generally align with other economic cycle indicators. We do not believe either nominal or real GDP data to be widely fabricated. Understanding the challenges and limitations of China’s GDP data is important for using them as a basis for corporate decision-making. In this article, we note several issues that are making data interpretation difficult, although we refrain from suggesting that the root cause of these problems is manipulation for political reasons. More mundane reasons, such as the evolution of China’s statistical methodology and inadequacies in data collection and analysis, seem more likely explanations, but these still have implications for business. Ongoing, large-scale historic revisions to key economic indicators tied to GDP are a source of current concern. We have written in-depth on the changes to the fixed-asset investment (FAI) series, which is published partially by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on a monthly basis and is a key input into the national accounts (under the GDP by expenditure approach) through the gross capital formation (GCF) component. The main difference between FAI and GCF is that the former includes purchases of land and already owned assets, while the latter—as a measure of strictly new asset creation—excludes them.
We estimate that downward historic revisions to China’s nominal urban FAI series ranged between 2.6% and 8.6% annually in 2000‑19 (although officials did not revise the initially published numbers for 2018). These changes have been tied to the results of the fourth economic census (published in November 2019) and updates to NBS methodology. The adjustments to FAI are in many senses welcome and overdue: several data scandals in recent years have suggested that this was one of the economic indicators most vulnerable to manipulation.
,,,,, continues by click on the below link for further reading
Well these staunch supporters of USA who are Asian, will only know the discrimination when they visit USA. The racist Americans will give them a memorable time the moment they arrive at the airport. So, wake up from your slumber and know who the enemy is.
Is China the most RACIST country in the world? Foreigners are no longer allowed to enter China, foreigners are being barred from supermarkets, restaurants, bars, karaoke you name it, what's the deal?
Uncensored! China has tons of internal problems just like the rest of the world! If China is democrazy nation, do you really thing it will fix it's internal problem! I mean, look at US! Things are getting bad to worst by the day! Nothing is done! Can't even build HSR! The latest proposal to build HSR from Houston to Dallas already met with Democrats rejection! I mean, how can US ever do anything!
Mao Tse Tung caused untold deaths of Chinese people ..... The Cultural Revolution was characterized by violence and chaos. Death toll estimates vary widely, with roughly 250,000 to 20 million people perishing during the Revolution, a number comparable to various disasters in China by death toll.
Posted by uncensored > Feb 5, 2022 7:38 PM | Report Abuse
Tobby at least you knew & realised not like qqq3333 your ex girl friend doesn't even knew what evil that committed by CPC. She worshipped CPC her gods....
So having millions of private cars like US is a good thing! I mean, HSR using electric is so much efficient and good for the environment compare to every single individuals drive their own car from Houston to Dallas! But no! you sound like those smartass Democrats! Drive! Mass transporation is communist thingy!
Posted by LALA > Feb 5, 2022 7:47 PM | Report Abuse
Mao Tse Tung caused untold deaths of Chinese people .
Answer : It was Chairman Mao greatest blunder! Engineered the worst environment disaster causing millions to go hunger and 40 millions died of hunger! And that is why the mass migrations towards Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia happened! If Chairman Mao was not in charge, we would not have local chinese population in this countries!
Posted by uncensored > Feb 5, 2022 7:52 PM | Report Abuse
Your country don't need so high speed like HSR...
Answer : Yeah, Mahathir cancelled it because his darling Rafizah who owned Airasia does not want world most profitable route, KL-Singapore fall to HSR!
HSR could have contribute significantly to our GDP! But no! Harapan leaders are like Democrats! Always screaming and shouting but nothing is done! When you have lunnies as PM or President, then nothing can be done! That is why Uncensored, you need to reflect! Don't simply brainwash by shallow ideology!
If absolute power and insane profits are the objectives of CCP or US government , then both CCP and US government will cause disasters for China and US. I don’t support CCP or US government lah. I only support government who fear God.
>>>>>>>>> Posted by LALA > Feb 5, 2022 8:05 PM | Report Abuse
If absolute power and insane profits are the objectives of CCP or US government , then both CCP and US government will cause disasters for China and US. I don’t support CCP or US government lah. I only support government who fear God.
Look at China the mounting losses from the interest & operation cost from HSR is going to crash on the China economy
>>>>>>> Posted by Tobby > Feb 5, 2022 8:03 PM | Report Abuse
HSR could have contribute significantly to our GDP! But no! Harapan leaders are like Democrats! Always screaming and shouting but nothing is done! When you have lunnies as PM or President, then nothing can be done! That is why Uncensored, you need to reflect! Don't simply brainwash by shallow ideology!
$44 Million Loss per Day | High-Speed Rail, the Gray Rhino Impacting China’s Economy | Ghost Rail
China Observer 169K subscribers As of the end of 2020, China's high-speed rail operating mileage reached 37,900 kilometers, accounting for two-thirds of the world's total mileage, far ahead of other countries. If you only look at the operating mileage and the speed, you’ll think China's made great achievements for the high-speed rail. But if you look on the other side, China's high-speed rail is also No.1 in terms of debt and operating losses, and has a detrimental impact on China's cargo transportation structure. On August 31, China Railway released its financial results for the first half of 2021. Data show that in the first half of the year, the company achieved a revenue of 512.8 billion RMB, the net profit is a loss of 50.7 billion RMB, which is equivalent to a daily loss of 280 million RMB, or 44 Million USD. In the first half of last year, due to the impact of the pandemic, the company’s net loss was as high as 95.5 billion RMB. As of June 30, China Railway’s total liabilities reached 5.8 trillion RMB, its total assets are 8.76 trillion, and the gearing ratio exceeds 66%. The construction of China's high-speed rail relies mainly on bond issuance and bank loans. As reported by China Newsweek in April this year, the pressure of debt repayment for China Railway has arrived. Most of these bonds have a 5-year maturity term. Since 2021, the peak period of principal and interest repayment has come. At present, the cash flow of railway transportation revenue is not enough to cover operating costs, and China Railway’s daily operations still rely on financial subsidies, no need to even mention repaying debts and interest. Many local governments have shouldered huge debts because of the high-speed rail construction. The construction of high-speed rail projects in underdeveloped areas leads to high levels of the local government debt, while the low utilization rate and low operating income of high-speed rail will expose local governments to higher financial risks than China Railway Corporation. The local government debt caused by the construction of high-speed rail is a black box, mixed with various types of local government liabilities, which have been estimated to be as high as 18.29 trillion RMB. In a previous video, we have talked about how serious local governments’ debts are, and it’s presumed that the construction of high-speed rail is also contributing a lot to the debt. In addition, along with the construction of high-speed railways, there are the high-speed rail concept cities. These numerous unfinished projects have caused a great waste of farmland and social resources. The design speed of China's high-speed railway is more than 200 kilometers per hour, and the maximum speed is 350 kilometers per hour. Public information shows that the weighted average unit cost of China's high-speed rail is: 129 million RMB/km for railways with a speed of 350 kilometers per hour; and 87 million RMB/km for speeds of 250 kilometers per hour. In 2015, the transportation density of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail was about 48 million passenger- kilometers, which was the highest in China's high-speed rails, while the Lanzhou - Xinjiang high-speed rail had the lowest transportation density, only about 2.3 million passenger-kilometers. In addition, large-scale high-speed rail construction has severely distorted China's transportation structure. Although the more high-speed railways are built, the more losses there are, Chinese officials have been increasing their efforts to build high-speed railways. From top to lower levels, Chinese officials all attach importance to the so-called face-saving project. In addition, the development of China's high-speed rail is also closely related to the Belt and Road initiative. Now, China’s high-speed rail project not only seems to have failed to help realize its ambitions of global hegemony, it may also become a gray rhino that destroys China’s economy and eventually trigger a huge financial disaster.
I apologise for my other id uncensored for giving Ajaran Sesat on Christianity coz my other id uncensored is "an enemy of Christianity"
Every Christian knows that....
=> Acts 5:29 "Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men"
The US has a very biblical law it is written............ The US Declaration of Independence says .."Any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute New Government."
I don't care who ypu are. It is not my concern. Whether you are going to die or not also not my concern.
Definitely I don't care whether you are childless or gay, lesbian or what ever.
Haha Haha
So you don't need to apologize la....
>>>>>>>>>>>> Posted by i3lurker > Feb 5, 2022 8:35 PM | Report Abuse
I apologise for my other id uncensored for giving Ajaran Sesat on Christianity coz my other id uncensored is "an enemy of Christianity"
Every Christian knows that....
=> Acts 5:29 "Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men"
The US has a very biblical law it is written............ The US Declaration of Independence says .."Any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute New Government."
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Posted by uncensored > 2022-02-04 20:55 | Report Abuse
Revealing Chinese Communist Party's $10 trillion Ark of Doom Project | CCP | US Sanctions