Sorry LALA, just to high light words of God here to clarify my statement>
Romans 13:1-2 NIV Submission to Governing Authorities 13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Posted by uncensored > Feb 5, 2022 8:48 PM | Report Abuse X
I thoughht christian should based their belief on holy bible. Sorry to say that to you.
u must be silly. CPC don't do evil things....only Americans do evil things like Iraq, Libya , afganistan...and now falsely accuse China of genocide is evil.
CPC is made up of what ???? Robot ?? Of course it is HUMAN laaaa. If the most of human who are leaders & is evil then what are the outcome of CPC action ... what the result ???
>>>>>>>>>>> Posted by qqq3333 > Feb 5, 2022 9:03 PM | Report Abuse
y uncensored > Feb 5, 2022 8:56 PM | Report Abuse
hahahahaha my goodness... LIAR =========
we are talking national issues, whether CPC is evil or not.
criminals any where also got bad people, got criminals, but China/ CPC is not evil, have never been evil ........ on the contrary, twisting and turning a good relation between the 56 tribes of China and turning into a genocide story is pure evil........bombing Iraq, Libya, and Afgan is evil.
China Never Started a War? Vietnam, India Beg to Differ
On February 17, 1979, hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops crossed the border into Vietnam.
In 1974, China’s military seized control of Vietnam’s portion of the Paracel Island chain in the South China Sea. China accused Vietnam of occupying the Spratly Islands, another South China Sea archipelago disputed by Brunei, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam, and used that as a pretext to invade Vietnam in 1979.
In 1988, China captured six other Spratly Island reefs from Vietnam.
China has sunk Vietnamese fishing boats near the Paracel Islands and used the threat of force to halt Vietnamese oil drilling projects off Vietnam’s southeastern coast.
On October 18, 1962, the Chinese Communist Party’s Politburo decided to launch “a self-defensive counterattack war” on October 20. After achieving its military objectives, China declared a unilateral ceasefire the following month and withdrew its troops 20 kilometers from the Line of Actual Control that separates Chinese from Indian territory.
China consolidated control over Aksai Chin — the eastern part of the Kashmir region, which India disputes to this day.
I do apologize coz I am sure Nobody is a DumbFcuk but my other id uncensored did not get enough milk when young after he but off his moms tits and ate it. so I do apologize again and hope for your understanding that my other id uncensored is indeed a deranged animal who eats tits.
I do apologize for my other id uncensored coz my other id uncensored did not get enough milk when young after he but off his moms tits and ate it, so his brain did not grow and he became a Permanent Traitor for Eternity.
I do apologize for my other id uncensored repeat copy and paste postings without content.
my other id uncensored postings are copy and paste exact same content over and over again coz its a sign of unrated intelligence unable to cope with variability. my other id uncensored brain cannot cope and cannot process any content, so what you get is zero content.
I forgive your other ID uncensored for copy and paste many internet articles and videos from youtube without knowing whether the source are realible or dodgy.
So most likely you are right the lack of mother milk cause him beside uncensored but also uncaring and unable to different what is right and what is wrong.
I was forcing him to to post more Khong Toh Choh Toh
the pattern of postings of my other id uncensored comes from the same biscuit chop as landscape, silly mike cheat you crazy and its clones. Same id or same training at identical terrorist camp or same terrorist Master Torture Whipper.
I was forcing him to to post more Khong Toh Choh Toh
The modus operandi and distinguishing characteristic of these terrorist camp escapees, landscape, silly mike cheat you crazy and my other id uncensored is that all of these escapees are totally unable to produce "Original Content"
The more these escapees post, the more we know that landscape, silly mike cheat you crazy and my other id uncensored cannot think at all.
These terrorist camp escapees, landscape, silly mike cheat you crazy and my other id uncensored ONLY paid job is to copy and paste deviant cult leader's alt crooked sideways walking articles.
I have no idea where my other id uncensored tried to learn bomb making and at which terrorist camp. Obviously my other id uncensored bomb making attempts definitely poisoned his brain.
I do apologize for my other id uncensored for having a bomb chemical poisoned brain.
Uyghur torchbearer disappears right after match China Reports - The BL
Dinigeer Yilamujiang, a cross country skier, born in Xinjiang, and Zhao Jiawen, a 21-year-old biathlete, placed the lit torch onto a big snowflake at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics opening ceremony on Friday, February 4th. Yilamujiang then ranked 43rd in her Olympic debut in the cross-country skiathlon on Saturday, February 5th, and has since disappeared from the spotlight.
As The Wall Street Journal reported on February 6th, Ms. Yilamujiang is an Uyghur, a Turkic minority group native to China's northwestern region of Xinjiang, which has become the subject of allegations of Chinese human rights violations in the United States and the West.
Beijing Winter Olympics: Polish female athlete dragged away at night China Reports - The BL
A Polish short-track speed skater said that her experience at the Beijing Olympics was terrifying. She was pulled away by an ambulance at 3 a.m, without knowing what happened.
New IPO: Pantech Global Berhad, a manufacturer of butt weld pipe fittings and welded pipes, aims to list on the Main Market!
MQ Trader 184 views | 19 h ago
New IPO: ES Sunlogy Berhad, a provider of mechanical and electrical (M&E) engineering services and renewable energy solutions, aims to list on the ACE Market!
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
2,694 posts
Posted by uncensored > 2022-02-05 20:56 | Report Abuse
hahahahaha my goodness... LIAR
denial defense mechanism
Several senior CPC leaders have been jailed for corruption & crime in China by CPC.
Corruption & Killing NOT evil things ?