I think the underlying motive is partly money. One research said that they should ban butter because the cows that produce the milk which is churned into butter, collectively has a fart that causes massive increases in greenhouse gases.
Would they take such a drastic step to stop consumption and put a lot of farmers into the poor house? No way!!!
I attended the AGM and came out feeling good about the co. According to the chairman, the Europe ban on palm oil in 2021 is only for the diesel content. They would require all members to vote (uncertain as to whether a unanimous or majority consent required).
Any way there's a lot of vested interest at individual country level including Malaysia buying their goods and countries involved in the production of palm diesel. The following report explains the dynamics and reveal some relevant data. Read em..
why isn't anyone interested in this stock? price is at its lowest this year. it has been consistently paying dividends too, in fact sometimes more than KLK.
Looks like shareholders of B Kawan are the strong & silent type. I seem to be the only one raising issues here. I feel like I'm talking to a wall. haha
canceling treasury share may not push up the share price since liquidity becomes lower. Cancelling treasury share won't create cash to co and shareholders. But distribute it to shareholders will create cash flow to small holders like me. If BKawan distribute 1 treasure for 10 shares, it will be a fat dividends to me. :)
Distribution of treasury shares = bonus shares - it just cuts the cake into smaller pieces. Hence there'll be a drop in share price. Even dividends per share will be much smaller because there'll be too many shares to pay feed dividends.
Share price trades at a relatively fixed multiple to it's earnings. EPS will be diluted and share price will also fall on that basis.
B. Kawan shares after all the painstaking accumulation over the years will be wasted if redistributed.
Actually the effect is like a bonus issue because what was once taken out of circulation is re-issued back to shareholders. The resultant earnings diluted because it is divided by a wider share base.
According to EMH, liquidity will increase the market efficiency. As we can see recently delisted few companies which has low P/E and share price below NAV. Increase of EPS by cancelling treasury share may not transform to share price close to its actual value. However, distribute it as dividen (if 1 to 10 ratio) will increase its DIY and liquidity. It will create cash flow to shareholders as well.
Choivo Capital if you value KLK at market value, than yes, it is undervalued. but i think KLK is way too expensive to begin with. I'll only buy it if it was 50% cheaper. in which case, not that cheap anymore.
If you're interested in KLK, then buy Batu Kawan - better value for the earnings
There was a RM696m drop in AFS investment. It was clarified to me that the drop was due to decline in price of shares of a company listed on London Stock Exchange, invested by KLK.
I fear that this Co has all the ingredients to be taken private namely:
1) 10% of shares taken off the market making it cheaper 2) hardly any trading liquidity 3) under appreciated by the investors (i.e. cheap) - resulting that the major shareholder could acquire the Co for a song
We, the non-controlling interest would then have to give up this prized possession with little compensation
Batu Kawan Bhd’s net profit for the financial year ended September 30, 2019 fell to RM363.49 million from RM365.68 million a year ago.
Revenue declined 15.3 per cent to RM16.05 billion from RM18.95 billion previously, due to weaker performance from the plantation, manufacturing and industrial chemical division, it said in a filing with Bursa Malaysia today.
The group said the plantation segment posted a 19.3 per cent lower revenue of RM6.39 million impacted by weaker crude palm oil (CPO) and palm kernel (PK) prices, while manufacturing reported a 13.2 per cent lower revenue of RM9.19 million.
My open letter, emailed to the senior management....
Dear Management,
Share Buyback As a shareholder, I am very very happy with the Batu Kawan (BK) Management for removing 10% of issued shares. A lot of money, time & effort have been put in this endeavor. As you may be aware, the PE ratio is a relative constant for given company which in the case of BK is 13++.
Going forward, if the total earnings can be maintained, BK share price can be expected to rise which is good news for shareholders. It also means better ROE and dividends per share.
DRP - New Capital for what purpose? The share buyback implies that BK has returned excess capital. Now with DRP the entire process will be reversed. There'll be a surplus capital coming out of the pockets of shareholders. Does BK need this extra money? What will this new capital be for? BK after all has over the years of existence been conservatively reinvesting a big chunk of yearly profits back into the business.
Perhaps there an intention to privatise BK?
Let's enjoy life I certainly need the cash from dividends and I'm sure most of the shareholders also want this twice a year cash for enjoyment & settlement of bills. I'm aware I've a choice but I do not want it at the expense of diluting my stake. Dear major shareholders, please let's enjoy life and not plough-back every excess penny that you get.
Getting Richer Without DRP At this current state of affairs without DRP, I can reasonably infer that going forward, the share price will appreciate for this well-run company by simply maintaining the earnings. Shareholders will get to spend the entire dividend money (or diversify and invest it another company) and without the concern of dilution.
Please do take note. If you have valid reasons for this, I'd like to hear it.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
1,431 posts
Posted by sheldon > 2018-02-04 22:59 | Report Abuse
I think the underlying motive is partly money. One research said that they should ban butter because the cows that produce the milk which is churned into butter, collectively has a fart that causes massive increases in greenhouse gases.
Would they take such a drastic step to stop consumption and put a lot of farmers into the poor house? No way!!!