People just don’t get it! Genting share price has been underperforming since 2011 well before CV19! Why the underperformance? As i have highlighted, before there are many reasons. Poor governance generally, no change in CEO for last 20+ years despite poor performance. Highest remunerated CEO in Malaysia and other countries as well. Share dumping, in open market by key stakeholders, after dubious announcements, interested party related transactions where by poor performing investments held privately are sold to listed Genting entity, at inflated value, use of impairment charges to manipulate results as these charges often there is lot subjectivity, no promotion of company to generate interest via analysts meetings and holding capital markets day etc. Declaring high dividend when company cant afford it as owners needs cash to purchase other investments or to cover losses, eg like Genting Cruise. Only way price is going to rise any where near 8 RM is if TauRX becomes a reality! Otherwise Genting will continue to under perform even if sales and profits recover!
Genting Group wont be allowed to list in US market as it won’t meet the regulators reporting requirements, and if it did it is more likely to get fined. If it really wants to make Genting attractive then it should look to list in US!
Posted by neohts > | Report Abuse Just monitor TauRX progress. AngTayKor, please provide us once you received any update on TauRX. Very important. Do or die. -------------
@Neohts, no doubt Taurx is the only hope for this stock to cross above rm10. HMTM confirm can work very well safely but there is "active placebo issue" under double-blinded trial environment. Taurx's success depends on other factors like the corrupted FDA's approval, etc. We may be proven right eventually abt Taurx's true potential in future but an investor can still lose money buying this stock along the way (price dropping back to 4.50, 4.30, 4.00 etc during bad selldowns). Currently, there are many investors that dont believe in the real potential of Taurx and view Taurx as a very small catalyst only. The stock market is a weighing machine in short term with stock price moving up and down. The market is always right so dont try to fight against the market. -------------------------
Posted by lamkin > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse Let just forget about the Taurx nonsense. The share price will reflect it if it is so true.
@neohts, what I said earlier corect boh? Most people think Taurx is rubbish. There is a reason why ATK kena "seller's remorse" then bought back those shares that I sold earlier. Im waiting for Q4 UAE CA followed by deals at sideline to be activated. Even then, I believe GenB's share price will hardly reflect it unless LKT decide to lock in the USD billions in profit and sell out his 21% Taurx stake. The SWF can easily absorb LKT's entire 21% stake and they will be very happy to do so.
@ATK Why would LKT sell if it's likely going to be the Golden Goose. Milk it for years to come la :p ------------
GenB currently sitting on over USD1B of unrealised profit on Taurx. After UAE CA when SWF deal's condition is met and activated, LKT can choose to sell his entire 21% stake for abt USD2B cash. Thats abt rm2.50/share of cash. But selling out early means lose future potential big upside. I think LKT probably wont sell any Taurx shares and will choose to hold his winning hand all the way to the end. For retail investor like me, I bet showhand until no money left. Hence, safer to sell a fraction first to take back all my vested capital after UAE CA.
Its normal for most investors here to think that Taurx is rubbish or scam when Maybank IB value Taurx at usd1b only, meaning GenB is sitting on losses for their Taurx investment.
Is our own mistake, even if next month the share price go up to 5, we also won't sell thinking of TauRX. Then later down again. Nobody know when TauRX could approved. It is sad to see the price up and down from 5 to 4.46 so many time.
@neohts, i believe in the potential of Taurx. But i have bought n sold GenB for so many rounds already. In fact last month i promptly reminded a few times here that the taurx news is just 24 mth result n not approval yet so dont get too carried away.
Bought at 4.50 as expected after a long wait. Next waiting price is 4.00. Sure can get cos spent another 1B trying to get another casino licence. Once got 4.00, ready for the coming AGM
Posted by AngTayKor > 14 minutes ago | Report Abuse
@neohts, i believe in the potential of Taurx. But i have bought n sold GenB for so many rounds already. In fact last month i promptly reminded a few times here that the taurx news is just 24 mth result n not approval yet so dont get too carried away. ------------------ Even it is not approved, can the company sells this drug to make profit ? The US is not a gentleman country, she will delay the final approval unless it is an US drug company. Please advise. Thank you.
If no approval, of course much harder to sell the drug. However, HMTM is now available at HK under paid compassionate program. Taurx now applying to expand this program to other China territories like Macau guangdong region.
Unless LKT willing to sell out his 21% stake to SWF n crystalise the usd2b investment (probable value then) into cash after UAE CA, else its just a paper profit not even reflected in accounting books (probably still recorded at cost price).
Abt USA FDA, I believe its easier for FDA to approve weak problematic drugs developed by American pharmas like Biogen / Eli, than to reject a good drug with no side effects (especially after Tofersen's approval has opened a precedence for HMTM to follow using the AA pathway).
AngTayKor, HMTM is now available at HK under paid compassionate program. Taurx now applying to expand this program to other China territories like Macau guangdong region.
Can TauRX selling in China and south east Asia even without approval from FDA ?
Just look at mci patient group. At 18 mths we are still able to reversal back upwards n performing above the initial start point scores. Lecanemab can only slowdown by 27% n still declining at 73% + brain bleeding + brain shrinkage. HMTM can stop the decline + reverse back upwards.
@neohts, if no FDA approval but secure EMA CA, I believe can eventually sell to most territories except USA. Countries can also choose to follow EMA's decision.
genting really hit the 4.44 to close the gap. might rebounding next week. and after the good news announce and good QR coming it should be able to rebound soon.
Genting operator cunning, purposesly press down to let shareholder throw and they collect back your cheap ticket. and give u dividend as sweet of memories.
4.38 soon ,u will see it , safe Buy in 4.28 - 4.38 , this level will consolidate , curent trend is downtrend , du beli ,du simpan , du contra , du rugi , wait trend consolidate n see reverse point
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Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-04-17 16:00 | Report Abuse
When Taurx hosay, LKT will eventually move into top 3 position.